Genius Master

Chapter 842 Mountain Ghost

In the records about mountain ghosts and Mu Xiao known to Ye Tian, this kind of spirits move as fast as ghosts, but Mu Xiao's huge body moves extremely slowly, which makes Ye Tian frown.

Mu Xiao stopped its cylindrical body, and a divine consciousness came into Ye Tian's mind: "I'm afraid you can't keep up!"

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that Mu Xiao was thinking of him. He couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "You can run forward, and I can keep up with him no matter how fast you are."

Over the island, limited by the formation, no creature can fly into the high sky, but flying at a low altitude is fine. Ye Tian was only afraid of disturbing some fierce birds and beasts on the island, so he chose to walk through the mountains and forests, otherwise it would not take more than ten days to get here.

"Well, then I'll go first!"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Mu Xiao pointed down in one direction and leaned against a branch that fell from a mulberry tree. The huge body strangely integrated into the branch with only arms and thin arms and disappeared in front of Ye Tian.

"Hurry up and keep up!"

Just as Ye Tian was a little stunned, four or five hundred meters away, Mu Xiao's figure appeared from a branch, and more than a dozen vines flew all over the sky, as if wavying to Ye Tian.

"Damn, is that okay?"

Seeing Mu Xiao's figure, Ye Tian immediately understood that as the spirit of vegetation, they can use these plants as a carrier. As long as there is vegetation, Mu Xiao can come and go freely, so in such a place, if Mu Xiao wants to escape. Ye Tian also had nothing to do with it.

An ancient mulberry tree is like an independent kingdom. Whether in the air or on the ground, it is full of its scattered branches and leaves. Ye Tian looked up. Instead of flying with real sang, it is better to run faster with both feet.

At present, Ye Tian's figure is on display. After stepping out, the body suddenly disappeared in place. When the figure reappeared, it was already 100 meters away. With such staggered feet, he surpassed Mu Xiao in an instant and left it far behind.

"You can't run away from me here!"

Mu Xiao is just like a child of five or six years old. Seeing Ye Tian running in front of it, he immediately shouted and rushed up. He staggered with Ye Tian and had a lot of fun. I guess he even forgot about fighting with the mountain ghost.

"***, this guy's words are really unreliable!"

Originally, he heard that Mu Xiao said that he could reach the place where the mountain ghost was in one day, but Ye Tian ran sleeplessly for two days. At this time, he found that the size of the ancient mulberry tree was far beyond his imagination. He has run hundreds of kilometers in the past two days, but still can't get out of the range of the ancient trees.

"Haha, I'm the first!" In the early morning of the third day, the wooden cod appeared at the edge of the range of the ancient trees, with more than a dozen vines waving around. It shows the excitement in its heart.

"Wood, the mountain ghost you mentioned is over there?" Ye Tian rushed to the edge of the forest and looked forward, and his whole body fell into shock.

Unlike the forest with rich wood attributes, it is a world of stones in front of Ye Tian.

The hills are winding for thousands of meters. Although there is soil on it, there are very few plants, but it does not give people a feeling of desolation. All kinds of stones of different colors form a magnificent picture.

walked forward for about 100 meters, stepped on the rocks and soil below, and the thickness of the earth quietly rose in Ye Tian's heart, making Ye Tian's heart tremble.

"Stone, come out, come out!"

Mu Xiao shouted loudly after Ye Tian, but after leaving the range of the Fusang giant tree, its speed of action was obviously much slower. Instead of walking with two trunk-like legs, it used more than a dozen vines stretched out of his body to hold its body forward.

The terrain here is very empty. After the sound of Mu Xiao shouted out, it echoed in the stone mountain from afar. When the sound of Mu Xiao shouted out, Ye Tian released his divine consciousness and carefully observed the situation within a kilometer of his body.

Just when Ye Tian was not aware of anything, Mu Xiao suddenly stared in one direction and said, "It's coming, it's in that place!"

"How can I avoid my divine exploration?" Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words and looked in the direction pointed by Mu Xiao. It was a dark hill with a height of more than ten meters, and there was no grass on it.

However, it turned out that Mu Xiao was right. The hill more than 200 meters away from Ye Tian and others suddenly moved strangely. First, a huge head appeared from the ground. With the rise of the head, the limbs and legs appeared in front of Ye Tian.

This stone man is bigger than Mu Xiao. He is more than 20 meters tall, and his limbs are complete. There is a lot of earth-like energy in his body, which Ye Tian has never seen. If he guessed correctly, it should be the earth attribute aura.

Feeling such a heavy aura, the real qi in the leaf celestial body also became active, and the aura that permeated the field of this piece of earth overflowed into his body. Because the number was too small, as soon as he entered the body, it was refined by the real qi of Ye Tian's four attributes.

"Yes, it's the aura of the earth, but it's too slow to absorb it like this!" Although Zhenji has not changed anything, Ye Tian is overjoyed. If he can integrate the aura of the earth attributes, he must have gone further.

"You idiot, why are you coming to me again?"

When Ye Tian absorbed the aura, the stone turned into a giant had already met Mu Xiao. The stone man, who was twice as big as Mu Xiao, looked more deterrent, especially the fists the size of a water tank, which was far more shocking than the vine arm of Mu Xiao.

"It's not enough for a fool to come with a little one?" Stone people also use the divine consciousness to transmit the sound, but its way is very special. The divine consciousness shakes the surrounding air and actually makes a rumbling sound.

"In the late innate period, is its cultivation in the late stage?"

Ye Tian's heart was stunned, and his body slowly retreated back more than ten meters away. At the same time, he quietly passed on a divine consciousness to Mu Xiao. In this world full of rocks and soil, he went to fight with a mountain ghost. Even if Ye Tian was promoted to the breakthrough now, I'm afraid he didn't have a great

"You are a fool, stone man. I have a name. My name is Wood!"

Mu Xiao waved his arms, and his tone was full of pride. They were all formed by the spirit of heaven and earth. They were fatherless and motherless. Naturally, there was no name, especially when Mu Xiao was not fully intelligent before, and he did not know how to name himself.

"Did that person give it to you?" The stone man's body took a few steps forward, and suddenly the earth trembled. "Little, this is my business with it. Don't interfere!"

"Huh? Do you know I'm a human? Where did you know that?"

Ye Tian's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that this mountain ghost actually knew the name of "human", and suddenly there was a hope in his heart. Maybe there were human beings on this "Penglai" fairy island.

The stone man waved his huge fist and shouted to Ye Tian, "I've seen a person before, don't you know, little one, you are not as strong as that person. If you dare to provoke me, I will kill you with one fist!"

"When did you meet that person? Is he wearing such a dress?

Ye Tian sighed and introduced Zhang Sanfeng's image into the mind of the stone man with divine consciousness. If he guessed correctly, what the stone man said should be Zhang Zhenren who had already sat down.

"It's him, know him?"

After seeing Zhang Sanfeng's picture, the stone man's face showed a trace of fear, and he retreated more than ten meters in a row. The huge head looked around. Obviously, if he found something wrong, he would slip away.

More than 200 years ago, the Stone Man had just developed his wisdom. At that time, its strength was similar to that of Mu Xiao. He was imprisoned by Zhang Sanfeng's spell, and his whole body lost contact with the earth, and he could not even escape.

Even if it has been more than 200 years, when the stone man thinks of this, he is still afraid. The power contained in the body of the same little man is simply the power of destroying the world.

"Of course I know. As long as I shout, he will come right away!"

Seeing the sneaky look of the stone man, Ye Tian suppressed his smile and pulled up the tiger's skin to make a flag. As a Taoist family, Zhang Zhenren must not mind Ye Tian using his name.

"I... I didn't provoke you. Why did you help him?" Living in this isolated place, whether it is these plants and trees or strange beast demons who have given birth to spiritual intelligence, their minds are almost very simple, and they will not doubt what the other party says at all.

Ye Tian did not answer the mountain ghost's words, but asked rhetorically, "You were born so long before it, and you are also the spirit of heaven and earth. Why do you bully it again?"

"The smell on it makes me hate it. I don't like that smell."

Ye Tian nodded at the words of the stone man. Sure enough, the wood and soil are restrained, and the wooden Xiao may not be disgusted with the mountain ghost, but the stone man who was born to be crushed by the wooden attribute will not have any good impression on the wooden Xiao.

"Isn't it okay if your well water doesn't violate the river water and don't disturb each other? Why do you need to fight?"

Ye Tian doesn't want to make peace. The key is that Zhang Sanfeng has already become an immortal. If he fights in this place, I'm afraid that he and Mu Xiao are not the opponents of this stone man. If he loses, Ye Tian will naturally not get the earth attribute spirit stone.

After hearing Ye Tian's words, the stone man looked a little hesitant. He really didn't have the courage to face that person, because in those years, only a trace of air was leaked from that person, and it was almost dissipated... The second update, gradually resuming the update, please support from the monthly ticket recommendation!

. RQ