tian chou

Chapter 39 Shortcut

Seeing this scene, Kensei and Tianqi first looked at each other in astonishment, and then followed Shi Shen through the wall without any hesitation.

After seeing Jiansheng and Tianqi also enter through the wall, everyone was stunned and thought to themselves that the birth of Xiangrui was really extraordinary, but three people had entered through the wall, and they were also a little confident.

The Demon Ancestor and the God-killer looked at each other and no longer hesitated to hit the steep wall.

With a muffled sound, the body of the demon ancestor was directly rebounded back. Blood flowed from his forehead.

Wiping the blood stains on his forehead, the demon ancestor scolded fiercely: "This little bastard dares to err on the old man. When I find a chance, he will definitely make his life worse than death."

Everyone present wanted to laugh, but they had no choice but to kill the demon ancestor's strength and could only resist it.

"Zhu Mo, are you confused? Don't you see that they all went through the wall from one place?" The god killer looked at him with contempt.

"How did I know that only one place was a door? I thought the whole steep wall could be penetrated." The demon ancestor grinned with pain.

Everyone lined up and entered through the wall one by one. The ancestor of Zhumo and the god killer were very domineeringly interspersed in the front. In the face of the two people jumping in line, everyone dared not say anything. In terms of strength alone, there are indeed a few people who are stronger than the two of them, but if the demon ancestor and the god killer join hands, I'm afraid few people can stop it.

Shi Shen saw that everyone had come over, waved his hand and said, "Come with me."

The place where they are now is a passageway more than three feet and about two feet wide. Seeing this, everyone took out the night light beads. At that time, it made their surroundings extremely bright.

Everyone followed Shi Shen slowly forward, and no one dared to speak again. The old ancestor of the demon and the god killer often whispered to each other. It's just that no one pays attention to them.

Although he encountered many forked paths in the middle, Shi Shen did not hesitate at all and walked along a channel. The people behind also followed closely for fear of falling behind.

After walking for about an hour, I faintly saw a bright spot in front of me. Shi Shen looked up and said, "There is an exit in front of it. After coming out of the hole, it really reaches the mouth layer. I hope everyone will be careful."

Before he finished speaking, the demon ancestor and the god killer have quickly walked forward. After such a long time, it's just to get the ancient auspiciousness. Now it is more likely that whoever arrives first will get it.

Seeing the two walking forward, the others finally couldn't stand it and walked forward one after another.

Looking at these people, Shi Shen shook his head helplessly. It seemed that nothing was important in front of interests. He turned his head and looked at Kensei, and the latter also smiled bitterly. I'm afraid that his position as the leader of the alliance is dead in name now. No one will listen to him at all.

"Young master, let's go, too." Seeing most people walking forward, Tiangu couldn't stand it.

raised his head slightly and looked at Shi Shen. Finally, he said coldly, "Everything is at the end of the alliance."

Tiangu's face was slightly unwilling. By this time, I'm afraid that few people have regarded Kensei as the leader of the alliance. He really couldn't figure out what Tianqi was thinking. At the moment, he said, "Young master, I think we'd better go out and have a look. Otherwise, the ancient artifacts will really not be obtained.

"Do you want me to repeat it a second time?" Tianqi gave him a cold look, with a trace of anger on her beautiful face.

Tiangu hesitated for a moment, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Please forgive Tiangu's unreasonableness, but Tianxuanzong will definitely get this ancient god. Therefore, Tiangu took a step ahead. If the patriarch blames me, Tiangu alone. After saying that, he ignored the crowd and resolutely turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Tiangu, you, how dare you disobey my orders." Seeing Tiangu leave, Tianqi turned slightly white and scolded loudly. It's just that Tiangu walked towards the entrance of the cave as if he didn't hear it.

Tianqi wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Aunt Zi beside her. Youyou said, "Qier, forget it. It's not that Tiangu's nature doesn't know, so let him go. He also has the determination to get this ancient god.

Tianqi took a long breath and her face was gloomy. Finally, he turned around and forced a smile: "Let the two of you laugh."

"It doesn't matter." Shi Shen didn't care about saying a word, but there was a strange smile on the corners of his mouth. No one knew what he was thinking.

"Brother, I think we should go out as soon as possible." At this time, Jiansheng looked left and right. Except for him and Shi Shen, there were only three of them, Tianxuanzong. Everyone else has gone out of the hole.

"Brother, don't worry." Shi Shen sneered, and then turned around and said, "Let's go the other way. Although it can also lead to the innermost hall, it is dangerous. We'd better take a shortcut."

"Is there a shortcut?" Jiansheng was surprised and then asked, "Brother, have you visited all of them here?"

Shi Shen shook his head with a wry smile: "How can I visit this place so big? I don't know what's going on, just by feeling. I just didn't expect that all of them were hit by me by mistake.

Since Shi Shen stepped in, all the paths here immediately flashed in his mind. But as for why, he doesn't know.

"Pupil Demon?" Kensei quickly covered his mouth, and these two words almost blurted out.

According to ancient legend, the pupil demon is a pair of eyes of an unintentional old man. After his death, he hid the remaining soul in his two eyes. As the world experiences reincarnation. A thousand years of reincarnation.

Pupil Mo has incomparible power, but no one knows how much power he has. Because there has never been a saying about the pupil demon, and now it has just become a legend.

"Let's go." Shi Shen smiled strangely and then turned back.

"Young master, what about Tiangu?" Tianming, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his mouth. Although he is already vaguely disgusted with Tiangu, after all, he has lived so much together. Tiangu has indeed helped him a lot. If you leave like this and let Tiangu break alone, I'm afraid he will die.

"This is what he asked for." Tianqi frowned slightly. Despite that, if something really happened to Tiangu, it was really difficult for her to explain when she returned to Tianxuanzong. After all, Tiangu is also one of the most outstanding talents of Tianxuanzong.

"Well, young patriarch, you and Aunt Zi follow Shi Shen Shaoxia and Elder Jiansheng take the shortcut. I'll go out and meet Tiangu. Let's meet in the hall." Tianming said.

"This way... You have to be careful." Tianqi hesitated for a moment and finally nodded slightly. With Tianming, she was also a little relieved. Tianming is different from Tiangu. Although the former does not talk much, his mind is extremely meticulous.

Tianming nodded and turned to the mouth of the cave.

Shi Shen narrowed his eyes and looked at Tianming's back, and a complicated look flashed by. In the dark passage, no one noticed his strangeness.

When he came to a place where the five roads crossed, Shi Shen stopped. There was a trace of hesitation on his face.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Shi Shen's expression, Jiansheng asked.

Shi Shen did not say anything, but slowly closed his eyes and carefully searched for something. For a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a blood light flashed through the depths of his eyes. He pointed to a very ordinary path: "This is the shortcut. Let's go from here."

"Then let's go." Somehow, Tianqi is already unsuspected of Shi Shen. After the incident of Shawo, Tianqi had a different feeling in her heart, and she didn't know what this feeling was. That is, I can't take any precautions against Shi Shen.

"Hence." Shi Shen's face was a little gloomy and said slowly, "There is a very obscure but strong atmosphere on this road. Everyone must be careful. No matter what happens, don't leave the group.

Seeing his solemn expression, the other four nodded.

A touch of cold flashed in Shi Shen's eyes and took the lead.

"I'm at the front." Seeing Shi Shen walking in the front, Jiansheng stood in front of the former. Among the four, he has the highest cultivation. With the temperament of Jiansheng, it is certainly impossible to let Shi Shen take risks.

Shi Shen's heart moved and looked at Jiansheng gratefully. It is said that the swordsman saved him, and I'm afraid that he will not be able to do it in his life.

The sword saint solemnly sacrificed a silver-white sword. The faint silver light emanated in the dark channel. True spirit swims in the sword.

Seeing the magic weapon in the sword saint, Tianqi and Aunt Zi were shocked. Aunt Zi blurted out, "Silver Dragon White Sword."

Jiansheng turned around and looked at her suspiciously and smiled, "I didn't expect you to know this sword?"

I'm afraid few people don't know the sword master's silver dragon and white sword. I'm afraid that only you, the swordsman, are qualified to have such artifacts. I'm ashamed to say that although I have heard of the silver dragon and white sword of the sword saint, I have never seen it with my own eyes. Today, it really lives up to its reputation. With a sigh, Aunt Zi said sincerely.

"hehe... That's all because they praise me too much. Kensei said modestly, but his face was full of a kind of pride. The silver dragon and white sword was extracted from the dragon bone of the East China Sea in ancient times. The sword itself contains a dragon power, and a rigid atmosphere permeates the sword body. I'm afraid that except for the sword saint, he can have this sword.

Shi Shen sighed in his heart. Although he had long understood that the sword in the hand of Jiansheng must not be ordinary, he did not expect that it was also an ancient artifact.

"Let's go. If you don't leave quickly, I'm afraid you will really fall behind them. After sacrificing the silver dragon and white sword, the sword saint walked in the front. Then followed Shi Shen, followed by Tianqi, and at the end was Aunt Zi. The four walked slowly forward carefully.