tian chou

Chapter 47 Soul Bell

Shi Shen quietly looked at the brocade box with a solemn touch on his face. Since this boundary was set by ancient high-ranking people, it can't be broken by his strength alone. If it is broken, it may not be able to keep the divine objects in the box.

"Haha... I didn't expect that I had been waiting here for tens of thousands of years. I finally met a predestined person today. Suddenly, there was a loud sound in the stone hall.

Shi Shen was stunned and then looked around. I didn't see anyone else. I looked back at Tianqi and saw Tianqi shaking her head. Obviously, she didn't say it.

Raising his head and looking around again, Shi Shen arched his hand and said, "I don't know which master is here. Since you're here, why don't you show up?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the space above the stone hall became distorted, and then a figure flashed in the air. The old man has white-headed crane hair and wears a blue-gray Taoist uniform. He stroked his white beard and looked at Shi Shen with relief: "I didn't expect that I waited for tens of thousands of years. Today, I finally saw a predestined person, and I didn't expect that the predestined person would be a pupil demon."

Shi Shen could feel the vast atmosphere emitted by the man. At present, he did not dare to neglect it and did not say, "Kid Shi Shen, I don't know that the master is here. If you offend him, please forgive me."

"There is no need to be polite to the predestined person. I'm just a broken soul. I have been dead for tens of thousands of years. So you don't have to be polite." The old man slowly descended from the sky. It gives people a feeling of immortality.

Shi Shen looked at the old man carefully for a moment, and it was indeed a soul. When his face changed, this soul alone had such strong strength. Tens of thousands of years ago, when this old man was alive, his strength was so terrible.

Shi Shen looked at him carefully and said, "Senior laughed. I'm just a junior. How can I be a predestined person of such ancient gods?"

"Don't worry too much about predestined people. I believe I won't misread people. Although the soul bell can save the soul, it also has the effect of dementing the soul. It is impossible for ordinary people to survive in the illusion of the soul bell. Since you can come out of the illusion, it also means that you are a predestined person. The old man smiled.

Shi Shen smiled. Since he said so, he was no longer pretentious. No one could resist the ancient gods. The old man said that if he refused again, the old man would not give it if he was unhappy. Isn't this a big loss? Shi Shen said humbly, "Thank you for your success."

"Your boy is not slow to respond." The old man pointed to him with a smile and said, "But don't be happy too early. It's not so easy to get the soul bell in the brocade box. It depends on how you break this boundary.

Shi Shen's face changed, and he didn't expect to break this boundary by himself. Isn't this old guy talking so much all nonsense? If I could break this boundary, I would hesitate here for so long.

The old man stroked his beard and smiled, "I think you just hesitated to break the soul bell in the brocade box?"

Shi Shen nodded. If the ancient gods were broken by himself like this, he would become a sinner for thousands of years. Ancient gods only appear once in hundreds of years. If these divine objects are destroyed by themselves, that is to say, they will disappear forever. It will never appear again.

"You don't have to worry about this. Since it is an ancient object, it will definitely not be destroyed like this. Just try it boldly. Whether it can be broken or not depends on your creation. The old man smiled faintly. A trace of strange flashed in his eyes.

Shi Shen frowned. He had just tried, and with his strength, he could not open the boundary at all. Looking up at the old man, the old man smiled but did not answer, as if he wanted to watch the fun. Shi Shen arched his hand and said, "Since the senior said so, the boy will have a try."

After a few steps back, Shi Shen condensed a strange fingerprint with his hands and hit the boundary with one palm.

With a bang, the boundary ability wave stopped moving after only a few ripples, and there was no damage at all.

Shi Shen nodded slightly. Just now, he just tried to test the boundary. Indeed, as I tried just now, the boundary was extremely strong, with a slight frown on his eyebrows, and Shi Shen's hands condensed again. This time, the breath was obviously much stronger than the palm just now.

Inspired the true qi of his whole body, Shi Shen shouted loudly, and then punched the boundary fiercely.


Shi Shen was directly rebounded and retreated several steps, stood up and looked at the boundary, and just moved to resolve all his strength.

"Kid, the boundary set by ancient people can't be forcibly broken by your strength." The old man also frowned, and he didn't expect the boundary to be so strong.

"Isn't the predecessor the one who set the boundary?" This time it's time to be confused.

"I'm not that good. To put it bluntly, I'm just the guardian of this soul bell. In fact, I am not human. It's just that I turned into a human body before I die, so my soul can appear in front of you as a human body. The old man laughed.

"Not a human?" Shi Shen was stunned. The vast Shenzhou is really strange.

"I'm just the guardian beast of the soul bell. So I can't help you with the boundary." The old man spread out his hands and looked innocent.

"You don't have to blame yourself. This is the matter of the boy." Speaking of this, it is impossible for Shi Shen to ask the old man to help him.

"Kid, come on, if the soul bell is so easy to get, I'm afraid it won't be your turn." The old man said and looked at the corpses around him and said quietly. He saw groups of people come here, but no one could go out alive. They all died in an illusion.

"Senior, in this case, the boy wants to have a try." Shi Shen smiled.

"Okay, you can find a way to open the boundary. I'm tired, too. I'm going to have a rest. When the old man turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and said, "I forgot to tell you that this stone hall is the center of the whole space. If you destroy this place, I'm afraid you will never think about leaving here. So you'd better be careful when breaking the boundary. After saying that, he stopped hesitating, and his body flashed and slowly disappeared into the air.

"What should we do?" Tianqi had come over, but she knew the power of the illusion and did not approach him. She just looked at him from a distance.

"I'll figure it out again." Shi Shenchong smiled comfortingly.

He looked down at the red devil beside him and his eyes lit up. He thought that the red devil was also an ancient artifact. I don't know if he could break this boundary.

Thinking of this, Shi Shen stretched out his hand and held the Red Devil in his hand and looked at the sword quietly. The sword body emits a bloody light. This is the first time that Shi Shen has stared at the Red Devil like this. A warm stream flows into the heart and lungs, which is not pleasant.

Holding the Red Devil heavily, Shi Shen's face showed a touch of firmness. Anyway, he had to try it. The soul bell is definitely not ordinary. If you get it, it will definitely help your cultivation.

"Miss Tianqi, step back a little further. I'll try again." Shi Shen turned his head and said.

"You must be careful." Tianqi looked at him and retreated. She knew that she could not help here, but would become a burden to him.

Shen looked at the boundary coldly. Slowly raised the Red Devil. When Shen wanted to split it down, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart: "You don't have to try. You can't break the boundary at all."

Seeing that the red demon was about to fall on the boundary, Shi Shen stopped and said in his heart.

"Don't doubt. It's true that I'm talking. Don't ask me who I am. Now is not the time to tell you. With your current strength, you can't pull out the red demon at all. It's impossible for the sheathed red demon to break this boundary."

" Shi Shen, what happened?" Tianqi in the distance saw that Shi Shen hadn't done it for a long time. She thought something had happened and asked worriedly.

"It's okay. Don't worry." Shi Shen turned around and smiled at her. He immediately came to his senses and asked attentively, "What should I do?"

"You can't open this boundary at all. I advise you to leave here." The voice said quietly.

"Isn't it a pity that I came here and left like this?" Shi Shen frowned and asked in his heart.

"What can I do with regret? There are many regrets in the world. It's just that you can't open this boundary at all. Since you can't open it, why waste useless strength? And the snow lion is right. This is the center of space. If something goes wrong here, neither of you will want to leave here.

"Who the hell are you?" Shi Shen asked coldly, but he didn't expect that this man could even see what kind of mythical beast the old man was, which was enough to show his strength and stronger than the old man.

"I've already said that it's not the time for you to know. The soul bell is of all kinds of good for you. It's just that with your current strength, you can't break the boundary at all. I advise you to give up this idea.

"Anyway, I will try it." Shi Shen sneered, and he would not give up for a few words of an unknown celebrity.

There was no voice in his heart. When Shen thought he was leaving, the voice sounded again: "In that case, I will help you, but if I help you, I'm afraid I will sleep for a long time. Last time I helped you, I had already consumed a lot of yuan gods.

"Last time?" Shi Shen was obviously stunned and didn't know what the man meant.

"Oc's it, everything is over. There's no need to mention it again. Don't move. I will occupy your body for the time being.

"Why should I believe you?" Shi Shen said coldly that if he occupied his body, if the man didn't come out, he would die.

"If you want the soul bell, you must listen to me. And don't worry, I won't rely on you." After saying that voice, Shi Shen felt that his mind became more and more blurred.

For a moment, a blood light flashed in the depths of Shi Shen's eyes, and his whole body changed, and his body emitted a chilling breath. He smiled faintly and turned his head to look at Tianqi. With a finger, a blood light shot into Tianqi's forehead. Tianqi's eyes darkened and he fainted.

After turning his head, he took a faint look at the boundary, and then looked at the Red Devil. A long-lost look flashed on his face.