Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 2 In the Peerless Office of the Fairyland

"Fairy saves my life, fairy saves my whole family!" The comer is a fat man, dressed in rich and noble clothes, but probably because he came here over the mountains, his body has already been in a mess, his clothes are rags in several places, and his legs and feet are covered with mud. Looking at his unkempt face, the hat has also hung crookedly behind his head.

The man looked full of panic. After seeing the magical woman, he didn't even have time to wipe the sweat on his forehead, so he knelt down, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and kept shouting, "Help, please help me, fairy!"

Seeing this person's behavior, Shen Danyang was relieved. Although the ancestor of Xiaoyao said that he had avoided the world, he could not hide his trace. He spread a wide range of kindness, and ordinary people also knew that there were several immortals living in the secluded mountains and forests. Everyone spared no effort to find him, there were people who worshipped teachers, sought medical treatment, and even It's really funny that the ignorant woman came here just to ask for the blessing of the true immortals to give birth to a boy. And it was clear that the senior brother had played some tricks, which led this person to ask for help. As soon as he thought about it, Shen Danyang didn't say much. He stood aside calm and let's see how his brother dealt with it.

At this time, Qi Miao is dressed in women's clothing, raising hands and smiling, all of which are vivid. Thinking about this, Shen Danyang felt a little strange again.

However, the senior brother opened his mouth with a female voice, and his voice was gentle and smooth. There was a burst of laughter in Shen Danyang, but he heard Qi Miao say to the man, "The Marquis Shen looks so hurriedly and is so anxious to find me, but it has something to do with the thing left by your ancestors?"

It turned out that this man was also surnamed Shen, and he was still a marquis. He said with a regretful face and said, "Yes, yes, the fairy was like a god. That day, the fairy reminded me that this thing could not be kept again. Shen hesitated for a certain time, which caused a disaster."

Qimiao sighed and said, "At that time, I made it clear to the marquis that if I didn't want to give up this thing, there would definitely be a bloody disaster in the house, but the marquis couldn't believe me and didn't want me to use it to use force, which is what happened today."

Shen Danyang said strangely, "What on earth is it? It's so strange and evil, and it sounds like some kind of demagogue ** evil thing." It turned out that before Xiaoyao's ancestor was born, there was a witch doctor in southern Xinjiang who avenged the slaughter of the whole village by the Han government. He mixed five witches such as centipelas, poisonous snakes, scorpions, geckos and toads, and turned their flesh into mud, and painted them on the walls of Han people' homes in the city one by one. As a result, an epidemic broke out in the city that year. Ten households were nine empty, and several were empty cities. There was a disaster of poison and there was Fortunately, the ancestor of Xiaoyao finally killed the people and led the disciples of the Xiaoyao sect to set up altars in the city for several days before the disaster was contained.

The Marquis Shen said with a bitter face: "The fairy has strong magic power. On that day, she cast spells and drove away those fake Taoists three or two times. How could Shen not believe in the fairy? It is really a treasure left by this thing for the ancestors. My Shen family can prosper in southern Xinjiang for hundreds of years, which is the protection of the ancestor. In the past hundreds of years, this treasure has helped the Shen family with many demons and monsters and removed many disasters. If it is destroyed like this, Shen really feels sorry for his ancestors.

"Huh? It's not a demagogic thing, but it looks like a great treasure. Shen Danyang said in his heart.

The Marquis Shen continued to say, "On the nights after the fairy left, there were cloudy winds in the house at night, and there seemed to be children crying, but when the family went to look for it, they could not see anyone. Since then, there have been more and more strange things. First, when my seventh concubine entered the hut, she suddenly saw a lively little ghost and she was scared to faint. Go; then a room in the side hall collapsed for no reason, and the willow leaf bottle placed in the hall a few days ago was smashed to the ground for no reason. At that time, I was the only one in the hall. I only heard a bang. When I turned around, the valuable bottle had fallen to the ground and broke.

"But the marquis still didn't want to destroy this treasure at that time?" Qi Miao asked

"This..." Lord Shen said with a little submissively, "The Mao Taoist priest in my family thinks that this treasure is surly and can be turned away with only a small disaster, so I..."

"Nonsense!" Qi Miao said angrily, "Your Taoist priest can't even deal with a few abducted Jianghu warlocks! How can the anger accumulated by that thing for hundreds of years be a kid, and it can be easily cracked by throwing a bottle? Such procrastination is bound to make the situation worse. Let's talk about it, what happened next?

"Yes, since the family was not peaceful, Shen has paid a lot of money to hire guards to protect the family. Unexpectedly, when they had a banquet at home a few days ago, suddenly a strange wind blew, making the guards turn around, and then wrapped up my little concubines and my only son." Speaking of this, the Marquis Shen couldn't help crying: "I miss Shen, who is old and has a son. I usually love him a lot and has never made him suffer a hard day. When the strong wind suddenly swept the people on the table into the air, Shen jumped and grabbed my child's leg and said that he would save my son's safety even if he had to fight for this old man's life..."

"But... the strange wind took us gradually rise and gradually to the eaves." It seemed to think of the pain of parting that day. The rich man said sadly, "My child shouted pain in the air, and finally he shouted to me, 'Dad, don't drag it anymore, and it's going to break if you drag your legs again!" Shen had no choice but to let go of 10,000 reluctantness.

At this time, the rich man was already in tears. He still remembered that he had to let go of his son's feet that day, fell on the eaves, and watched the only child gradually be taken away by this strange wind, and disappeared into the boundless night sky with more and more and more inaudible calls for help.

Shen Danyang and Qimiao are both orphans. In the past, they were saved by their ancestors. Although they are called masters and apprentices, they really have the feelings of father and son. Although the two are immortals, they are not shocked by the waves that are difficult to ask themselves, and there is no water and fire. Now when they look at the rich businessmen in such a state, they have a compassionate heart.

Shen Danyang couldn't bear to say, "Please don't panic. As long as you bring the treasure in time, think of my teacher... After the senior sister makes a determination, she has a way to save your son."

"In time..." The rich businessman was stunned, and then lowered his head and whispered, "The dog was arrested three days ago..."

"What!" Shen Danyang and Qi Miao were stunned at the same time, and the former grabbed the rich man's arm. "Is it three days ago? How can you delay human life so much!"

"Danyang!" Qimiao pulled away Shen Danyang and comforted the rich man, "Shenhou, don't panic. What must have happened in these three days?"

The rich businessman must have been almost destroyed by the family. At this time, he had no prestige of the marquis. He only saw him kowtowing to Shen Danyang again and said, "This immortal, since the incident with the dog, I was very anxious. I wanted to come to find the fairy immediately to save him, but he was still the Mao Taoist priest in my family. He... Give me an idea."