Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 15 Lightly open the red lips

On that day, the seven wonderful real people sent a wisp of divine thoughts and secretly explored the ancestral ancestral temple of Anlehou Mansion. Sure enough, she found traces of heavy treasure hidden in his family. She carefully surveyed and knew that although this thing was inconspicuous, it was the reason why it had been imprisoned by a powerful and inexplicable seal for hundreds of years. Then she cast a spell to test it out that this treasure It is a magic weapon driven by a monk hundreds of years ago, but it is nonsense to protect the rich and safe clouds of children and grandchildren.

This should be caused by misrepresentation for a long time. In addition, the Shen family was originally a Miao people. In the past, it was also the hegemon of southern Xinjiang. After several generations of management, the foundation was stable, that is, it still stood still in the stormy times. In the early years of this dynasty, the emperor added troops several times, or other clans resisted desperately, and finally the dead. This Shen However, the family acted wisely and protected themselves. After being demoted to the current court, the family was still able to add a high position. Their people have been living here for a hundred years, so they naturally attributed this prosperity to this treasure left by their ancestors, believing that they have always protected the safety, wealth and wealth of the whole Shen family and made great contributions.

For many years, the Shen family has been silent about holding heavy treasures. His family has always held heavy soldiers, and the little thief is not worth mentioning. Occasionally, monks came for this treasure. Although they broke through heavy defenses, they were also defeated by the treasure seal at the last moment. Over time, the movement of this treasure in the world , it has always been few, and even unknown.

After the reminder of Li Xiu's ghost species, coupled with the careful investigation of Qi Miaocha, she had a clear understanding of her mind, so she opened her lips gently and coaxed the Marquis Shen and said that this treasure has blessed the Shen family for hundreds of years. After hundreds of years, she secretly fought with demons like ghosts and fog last night. It is really the greatest achievement, but she is helpless. Taoist demon chief, this treasure is gradually stained by the evil spirit, which not only loses the role of protecting the Shen family, but also attracts demons and monsters, which has reached the point of having to be eliminated.

She especially stressed that the magic of this treasure has reached its peak. If you leave it alone, I'm afraid there will be a disaster in the Hou family in a few days.

Anlehou was shocked to hear these words, but he hesitated for a long time. The goddess's words should be heard. After all, her great magical powers are seen with her own eyes, but the family's treasures cannot be easily abandoned. Although in case the baby causes strangeness and harm the whole family, if the baby is safe, how can it be in vain? Remove it? Two "in case" one side sinks, Marquis Shen weighs left and right, and Gu Zuo or right, which is really uncertain.

At this moment, as early as the seven wonderful things were expected, she had long thought that it would be so easy to let the other party give this treasure with just a few words, but she was not in a hurry. The seeds of suspicion had been planted in the heart of the Marquis Shen, just waiting for the flowering and fruit. She did not urge her to take the idea immediately, but it was coming. At dusk, the reluctant Lord Shen flew away.

Before she left, she quietly told the Marquis Shen about the location of Shen's cave, saying that if something was wrong these days, Marquis Shen could bring treasures to find her. She would try to rescue her. After that, Qi Miao flew away with a burst of respect from the people of Guyong City who came to the Shen family and came to watch.

After leaving the Anlehou Mansion, Qi Miao found a locust forest outside Guyong City. As early as a hundred years ago, a scholar who went to Beijing to take the exam met bandits here and was robbed and killed by them. After the scholar's death, the ghosts did not go away. Over time, he turned into a fierce and irritable evil spirit, evil spirits It is normal to harass passers-by and brain-eating around Guyong City. In this area, people are slowly inaccessible.

The evil spirit came out day and night. At this time, near dusk, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and was about to go out to do evil. He suddenly looked up, but suddenly saw a woman in white rushing over. Who is that not Qi Miao? Without saying a word, he fought when he came up. The devil was furious and rose up to resist, but he didn't expect to be beaten to the ground by Qi Miao for three rounds. He couldn't resist. Qi Miao changed his usual solemnity and punched and kicked the evil ghost. The ghost couldn't stand the pain. While mourning, he begging for mercy and called Qi Miao to be a girl, sister and aunt. As long as he can raise his hand, be willing to give up his territory, and donate gold and silver, he will be allowed to become a vegetarian, drink the wind and drink dew.

Qi Miao ignored him and only beat the evil ghost with his own scabbard.

When the sun sank and the dusk, the seven wonderful ways stopped her hand. She leaned over her body and looked at the quiet ancient Yongcheng with a thoughtful look.

At this time, the devil seemed to see a life-saving straw. He hurriedly fell down and cried loudly, "Auntie, auntie, don't fight again. If you continue, I will have no chance to be reborn!"

Qi Miao stroked the sword around her and turned around, and it turned out to be a smile. She had bright eyes and teeth, graceful, standing here, and there was unrivaled beauty, but this smile fell into the eyes of the evil ghost, but it seemed to be as fierce and terrible as the demon and blue-faced tusks. Its heart was cold, and it suddenly kowtowed like pounding garlic:

"Auntie, auntie, just spare the little one! I really don't know where to offend my aunt. Even if you want to kill the little one, let the little one understand first!"

Qi Miao said harshly, "Since you don't want to die, you have three things to do!"

"One doesn't do evil! Two don't eat people! Eat fast and recite the Buddha!" As the devil waved his hand, he howled sadly, "Okay, it's all right, so it's all up to the fairies. Don't say one, there's no problem for a hundred pieces and a thousand pieces!"

After saying that, Qi Miao flew up and fell back. This kick made him look like a star in front of him. He struggled to get up from the ground, and he still looked like a two-foot monk couldn't figure out.

Qi Miao shouted in a low voice, "Without my instructions, there are not many mouths. If you want to live, write down what I said below."

Yes! Yes!" The devil nodded hurriedly.

"From today, three nights in a row, I want you to harass the peaceful Houfu in Guyong City every night!"

Ah? Not doing good deeds?" The devil was stunned and then found that Qi Miao's eyes swept over sharply. He hurriedly agreed, "No problem, no problem."

"Three things need to be remembered. First, I want you to harass me more than night. Second, I want you to remember and never hurt lives. Third, on the third night, I want you to try to abduction of the only son of the Anlehou family. Can you write it down?"

"I wrote it down, I wrote it down!" The devil hurriedly agreed, but saw that he was suspicious for a while. Finally, he couldn't help asking carefully, "If your aunt wants the villain to serve, just order it directly. Why should you beat the villain?"

"Alas..." Qi Miao sighed quietly

"There's been too much pressure recently..." She said solemnly