Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 20 Wind and Thunder and Thunderbolt to determine the universe

Time is long, and it is pushed back to three days ago, in the majestic ancient Yong City. In the early morning of this day, there are still people coming and going on the streets, noisy. A few days ago, there was a story of fairies coming and going in the ancient Yong City, which is still becoming a talk on the streets and alley.

The diners of the wine and teahouse talked happily about how beautiful the fairy was, looked like the immortals on that day, as peaceful and gentle as the world-saving Guanyin Bodhisattva, and how heroic it is to fight evil spirits at night. For most people in ancient Yongcheng, there may be a few more topics, but today is still the same as usual, just an ordinary day

Yu Er, the fish vendor, was standing at a wooden table and killing fish on a cutting board made of half a stutter. He saw him scraping the fish scales finely on both sides with a thick and sharp kitchen knife. It is a Qingjiang fish that local people like to eat. This kind of fish is tender and delicious, and the fish bone only has vertebrae, which is common in the local area. The big one is one foot long, and the small one is not as long as the hand.

On the second day, he went out of the city to fish, and returned to the city to set up a stall in less than an hour every day. Therefore, the fish sold were not long after coming out of the water, like the tail that was being killed. Although it had scraped its scales and pulled out its abdomen, the tail was still swinging and struggling, showing its freshness.

People in southern Xinjiang generally like to pick the medium-sized Qingjiang fish and go home to stew. The slightly larger meat is slightly weak and tight, and the sales are relatively poor. The fish and grandchildren are not as long as long, but they are not unattended, because in these places, next to fish stalls like two, there is often another kind of business, one person A stall, several tables and stools around, a flag hanging on the stall, and a few bowls of steamers.

The stall owner bought a few Qingjiang fish that ordinary people don't want, which is a little too small, and steamed them with a wooden retort with well-fried eggs. After steaming, he cut some fragrant and slightly spicy green onions unique to the south into minced green onions and sprinkled them to add flavor. In this way, it is now steamed and tastes smooth and delicious. It is a kind of fish soup that people in southern Xinjiang like to eat.

At this time, Qin Yi and Chen Kai were next to the second fish stall, on the edge of the stall operated by the old man. They were squeezed on a bench, and there were two bowls of fish soup on the table in front of them

The two scooped a mouthful of fish soup each, and Chen opened his mouth and said, "Well, it's good!" He muttered and praised.

"Crew! Stupid!" Qin Yi shouted at him in a low voice, "The devil ordered us to make trouble here!" Attract the attention of the right path.

"How to make trouble?" Chen Kai was stunned.

"Find fault!" Qin Yi glanced at the fish soup stall owner, who was a rare old man. He stooped and steamed a bowl of fish soup. "You can tell the stall owner that the fish is too small. This is a black shop. Take the opportunity to lift up his stall."

"Good!" Chen Kai slapped the table fiercely, "Boss!"

"Ah?" The old man was getting old and slowly turned his head around when he heard the words.

"You fish soup, why is this fish so small that it's not enough for grandpa and me to sew my teeth!"

"Ouch." The old man laughed when he heard the words. His face was dark and rough, his face was full of folds piled together, and his eyes seemed to be invisible: "The guest officer doesn't know that if this Qingjiang fish is too big, it will inevitably be fishy..."

"I have been making this fish soup in this ancient city for nearly 50 years. The fish I picked is fresh and just the right size. It's used as a stew, which is delicious..."

"Yes, Uncle Zhang's fish soup is also the best in our ancient Yongcheng." The diners around him nodded and said yes, and echoed when he heard the words.

The old man came to the front of them, looked at the fish soup, looked at Chen Kai, and muttered to himself, "But your body is tall and strong, and I guess you won't have enough to eat..."

He took out half a dry cake from his apron pocket and handed it over: "No, this is what I ate in the morning. My teeth are not as good as before, and I can't hold that much food in my stomach. I'll give it to you."

The old man put the cake on the table of Chen and Qin, and slowly paddled back to serve the steamer.

"This..." Chen Kai had a black line on his face. He scolded or didn't eat. He couldn't help asking Qin Yi in a low voice, "What should I do?"


With a crack, Qin Yi slapped the table again and suddenly stood up. He was louder than Chen's pat just now, and he only heard him say loudly, "Why is this fish soup so tasteless! I think it's bullying us as raw guests, and I didn't put any salt!"

"Hahahaha" The diners around laughed when they heard the words, and the old man also laughed. He rubbed his hands with his apron and came over again. He said kindly, "The two guest officials are from the north. This fish soup is made of the newly made Qingjiang fish. Although it is a river fish, it is a little salty. Even if you want a little salt, you can't put it. Sprinkle some chopped green onions and eat the fresh flavor of this fish soup.

After thinking about it, he went to the car to touch it, took out a small bowl of hot sauce and handed it to Qin Yi, "I know that you are heavy in the north, and you are not used to eating it. Come on, this bowl of hot sauce is also given to you by yourself."

The old man put the hot sauce on the table, shook his head and walked away. He only heard a pity in his mouth. He seemed to be complaining about these unknown guests for spoiling his delicious Qingjiang fish and his exquisite craftsmanship.


Chen Kai and Qin Yi were stunned for a moment. They sat straight and looked at the fish soup on the table, the half of the cake, and the small bowl of spicy sauce. They turned their heads and looked at each other. The two covered their eyes and were dull for a while. At this time, their stomachs sounded.

Chen Kai was silent, broke the cake in half and handed one to Qin Yi. Qin Yi took it, and the two took the cake, silently picked up the fish soup and ate it carefully.

"Ah, I'm so full!" Chen Kai burped and patted his stomach with satisfaction. Suddenly, he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked Qin Yi, "Is this stall still set off?"

Qin Yi lowered his eyes and was silent for a long time. Finally, he looked sideways at the thin figure on the fish stall next to him, with an unlucky face. The latter was complaining while shouting and scolding, bargaining with the guests. Qin Yi wiped his mouth and whispered to Chen Kai, "Go, go and beat the fish seller..."

Yu Er was holding a kitchen knife and shouted and scolding: "A few days ago, I don't know where the fairy came down to our city. In order to show off, the Anlehou set up a big banquet. The Qingjiang fish in the big tail of our river were all for them. You asked me why this fish is so small. I'll tell you tomorrow. You can't even buy such a big fish!"

He ignored the onlookers and scolded himself. "This fish is not only small. Grandpa tells you that it will be sold for 30 cents a tail. If you think it's expensive, you can find the fairy to make up for you. If you don't feel that you can't afford to eat fish, you can complain about the fairy..."

Someone beside him dissuaded him, and he pushed his hand away.

"What blasphemy, beware of retribution..." He shouted at the top of his voice, "Grandpa, I'm not afraid of retribution..."

At this time, with a bang, Chen opened his vinegar-sized fist and slammed the second face...