Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 22 Thunder and Thunderbolt to determine the universe

Chen Kai and Qin Yi fooled around in Guyong City and successfully escaped from the main road. They thought they had shocked the people of the right path, but in the next few days, they did not see the right path pursuers.

The two of them are puzzled, and now they are even faster to speed up their pace, hide their way, and sleep in the wind. They just want to get to the meeting place agreed with the people of Qishan as soon as possible.

Another day, the two of them turned off the road and rushed to the end of the nearby valley, in a forest next to the stream. This was the place where the devil entrusted the two and the people in charge of them. However, when Chen Kai and Qin Yi came, they were shocked to find the forest leaves and the birds were shocked. The whole valley was enveloped in an inexplicable atmosphere. In the enclosure.

No one responded, and there was blood everywhere. Qin Yi's heart was shocked and made a silent gesture to Chen Kai. The two quickly flew by and looked forward to check.

"Ah!" Chen Kai couldn't help screaming. As soon as the two entered the forest, they found that the thick and dense fallen leaves on the ground were splashed with blood. Dozens of demon brothers who came to receive them were cut into several pieces. The bodies were scattered in the whole forest. Chen Kai opened a piece of corpse. He sent a voice to Qin Yi: "He was hit by a sword with his chest and his arm. When he came down, the sword wound was very smooth, and there was no blood flowing down. He was a master!"

"It's not a sword, it's sword spirit!" Qin Yi said that he suddenly raised his head alertly and looked ahead. Chen Kaishun looked at his eyes and saw an open space in the depths of the forest. A woman in a red dress was standing with a sword. A mattress skirt was like stepping on clouds, which was bright red and burning clouds. The woman's hair was scattered and her hair was draped over her shoulders. She looked up at the sky. The sun shone and reflected her bright face. It was the peerless face, reflecting three thousand rays, like a golden light.

Chen Kaiqi shouted, "Aren't you Qi Miao? Why are you pretending to be a ghost here?"

The woman tilted her ears slightly towards this side, and the two noticed that her eyes were closed, and two red blood lines flowed from both cheeks. "She is actually blind." The two thought coincidentally.

"Of course, this woman is not Qi Miao. According to the plan, Qi Miao is on another road. Who is she? Why is it exactly the same as the seven wonders of turning into women's clothing? Qin Yi was suspicious.

"Little woman Zhang Tingwan, are the two Thunderbolt player Chen Kai and Qiankun hand Qin Yi?"

"Lingxia Island knows the fairy under the constellation of Caes?" Qin Yi took a deep breath.


The woman's voice is like a warbler singing, gentle without a trace of murder. She locks Chen and Shen with her hearing, and her temperament, and there is no panic after blindness.

"The tenacity of the demon clan really makes the little girl admire..." When she met a big enemy, she was blind. This Ting did not care about herself and praised the enemy first.

Before Qin Yi spoke, Chen Kai scrambled to ask, "I think your eyes are probably blinded by the poisonous old Jin Yue, right?"

"The original name of that man is Jin Yue." Zhang Tingwan said without any resentment, but still said carelessly.

"When the old man abw several innocent children and was rescued by me, several children suddenly burst into a black fog, and the little woman was careless.

was poisoned." Zhang Tingwan's tone was flat, as if the one she said was not the first evil that blinded her eyes, but a passer-by.

"It's really a poisonous old style." Qin Yixin said, "He is the leader of the demon religion who came to receive it. He is the highest person who uses poison for Qishan. He is also meticulous and vicious. He must have prepared the strategy of poisoning several children to calculate the right people who may be chased, right? But such a cruel method only blinded her eyes..."

His heart was terrify, and his muscles were tight, as if facing a great enemy.

"The little woman came here for this purpose, and you two should know, so I will say frankly, is the treasure of Anlehou on you two?"

She asked softly.

"What if there is, what if there is no?" Chen Kai shouted anxiously.

"I didn't want to do this cruel method, but people in the magic religion regarded human life so lightly..." The fairy in red sighed softly.

Qin Yi's heart was also anxious. Although the other party looked so careless, the murderous atmosphere around him made him breathless.

"The two sides are not in the same series, and the longer they delay, I'm afraid the more unfavorable they will be." The depths of his heart seem to be instinctively shouting, constantly reminding him

"I know that we are all outlaws. If you want to know if there is a baby, come and look for us!" He settled down and shouted at the war.

"That's offended." Zhang Tingwan didn't say much when she heard the words. She held her sword forward. For a moment, she was full of gold, and her sword spirit rushed to the sky. Chen Kai was caught off guard and couldn't resist and was about to kneel down. At this time, a hand beside her suddenly held his arm. It was Qin Yi, the hand of Qiankun.

He was slightly bent, his eyes were still firm, his eyes were high, and his eyes did not turn, and he stared straight at the long sword pointed at the two of them.

The long sword is about three feet, and the hilt and the sword body are integrated, which are thinly wrapped by hundreds of gold threads. The sword is hollowed out, and there is more gold silk woven into golden flowers and phoenixes on the sword body.

The fairy was obliquely sideways, with her long sword pointing to the front, surrounded by several protective swords. She leaned her left ear forward and slowly bullied her.

"A head-on conflict should not be able to defeat it." Qin Yi whispered to Chen Kai.

"I see!" Years of tacit understanding has already made Chen happy to understand. Usually, he has already sweated all over his body. Unusually, he can't say a few words of scolding.

Qin Yi suddenly moved as fast as the wind and ran around the fairy. What he thought in his heart was to use the means of wind and thunder when Zhang Tingwan couldn't see it. Unexpectedly, Zhang Tingwan's footsteps moved, the long sword protected her body, and the tip of the sword could always point to Qin Yi. Qin Yi ran quickly, but she seemed to turn fast. It's not slow, the footsteps are slow, the long sword fights around, and the shadows are drawn one after another.

At this time, Chen Kai shouted violently and rushed to the spirit fairy. This impulse provoked several sword spirits around Zhang Tingwan's body to attack. Chen Kai's muscles soared, and his whole body was full of white. He stubbornly carried a few swords and rushed into a piece of golden light. Zhang Tingwan waved her sword and took Chen Kai straight away, which was at this critical bone. In his eyes, Chen Kai jumped up straight, and jumped behind Zhang Tingwan in mid-air. He couldn't miss the opportunity. He waved his right fist and smashed at Zhang Tingwan, who stood still, separated the sword behind him, and the sword body was hitting the attacking fist.

With a roar, the sky and the earth were cold, and the golden light suddenly dissipated. Chen Kai's right skeletal joints, which was shocked by his own huge force, and his spleen was also broken, and his blood gushed out. His giant-like body was about to fall far away. He hurriedly suppressed his injury and stared at it with his long lost his mind. The back of the living fairy saw that she not only did not hurt her, but also could not move her sword.

At this time, Zhang Tingwan was like the nine-day fairy. She turned her sword behind her back, and her red skirt flew in a posture of independence. Chen Kai was desperate and shouted in his heart, "It's over..."

The strange thing is that Zhang Tingwan has not fought back against Chen Kai for a long time. At this time, Qin Yi's deep and deep voice sounded: "I got it!"

With a soft sound, the body of the spiritual fairy fell into the dead wood branches and leaves accumulated through the ages, stirring up a piece of dust to drift away, ancient

The wood is towering, and the sunlight falls into several golden lines. In the faint light, the smoke and dust are vague, delicate and flexible, like the immortal soul of the spiritual fairy drifting away and dancing lightly in the air. Some of this is unwillingness, and some of which is nostalgic?

In front of the place where the spirit fairy stood, Qin Yi's thin and strong figure stood. He still looked expressionless. The bloody left hand held in front of his chest was holding a red heart, still beating.

It turned out that at the moment when Qin Yi suddenly launched an attack on Chen Kai, he set up his body, took his mind a little, and his body and mind were assimilated into heaven and earth, as if he had melted into the eternal sky. At this moment, he disappeared. Whether it was Chen Kai or Zhang Tingwan, or even this group of new demon ghosts who died here, no one could find it. His figure.

The next moment, at the moment when Chen Kai fought with Zhang Tingwan, Qin Yi seemed to be a ghost and god. At the moment of lightning, even the sword spirit around the fairy was not enough to react. Qin Yi broke his chest, crushed the meridians of his heart, and pulled out this red and hot heart.

Chen Kai looked at Qin Yi, who was unharmed, "He didn't even break his clothes. What kind of world is this!"

Before he fainted at the last second, he thought so.