Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 29 Intoxicated Aunt Su Meng Qianzai

Wutong autumn rain, pattering, Wudi Gusu, not far from the city, is a little-known place in Lingyan Mountain. There is an elegant garden with three large brown characters engraved on the door: "quiet drifting" in official script. These three words are flat and simple, and the pen and ink are free and easy, which contains an ancient meaning.

At this moment, the quiet residence is bleak, but the door is open, and the strange flowers in the courtyard are dead due to lack of care. A path paved with egg stone in the garden is also covered with fallen leaves because no one sweeps. On this fallen leaves, a line of footprints are stepped out, and footprints point to a quiet residence in the middle. The hall.

On top of this hall, there is also a plaque with the words "Yayuan". At this moment, it has passed the time when the sun shines into the room and comes to the brightest hall. Therefore, although the outdoor sun is bright, the hall is dim. A few rays of light shining through the window lattices through the window lattice can be faintly distinguishable in this elegant garden hall. Above the hall stood an old man in gray.

The old man is about 50 years old. He wears clothes like a person outside the customs. The old man's face is full of traces of years. I don't know how much wind and frost he has experienced and how many vicissitudes he has added.

What the old man stared at coldly was another old man sitting in front of him on a rouge chair not far away. The old man curled up on the chair. He was thin and dry, with chicken skin and crane hair, and his eyes were empty.

The old man standing couldn't help sighing and sighing, "Mr. Jingliu, you're fine!"

"Ha ha" The old man's sharp laughter echoed in the dark and empty hall, like a ghost crying at night. He muttered, "Very good, very good, I look really good now."

The old man standing watched Mr. Jingliu's body look, and there was a trace of regret in his heart. Although he knew that Mr. Jingliu had passed his life, he did not know that his spirit was so poor in his life.

He has already seen that the remaining vitality of this old man is running out.

At this time, Mr. Jingliu was like a candle in the wind, swaying sadly, but he still asked patiently, "Where are the two old guys of Yunqing Yunshu, your two servants?"

"Yunqing, Yunshu...hehehe..." Mr. Jingliu seemed to remember something and smiled sharply. After that, he pointed to the dark behind him and said to the old man standing in front of him, "Look, they are all there..."

"Hmm?!" The old man standing looked forward and was shocked. After the chair on which Mr. Jingliu was sitting, there was a large table, and the table was densely decorated with dozens of cards...

"Are they all dead?" He couldn't help asking.

"Yes, they are all dead, all dead..." Mr. Jingliu repeated over and over again, as if complaining, and as if to say to himself, "It didn't take long for him to go out, the life lamp almost went out at the same time. I don't know who killed all my disciples and grandchildren..."

He raised his body and shouted sadly, "Why are they all dead?! Leave me alone!" However, when this sentence was shouted, Mr. Jingliu seemed to have vented all his strength. He fell back into the wide rouge lounge chair and muttered, "It's all my fault that I killed them for revenge... But it's not too late... I'm going to die soon... Then tell them to walk first, make some good work, and make everything better..."

Finally, he tilted his head to the standing old man and whispered, "Xiao Tianxu, kill me..."

The old man called Xiao Tianxu sighed and shook his head gently and said, "Mr. Jingliu, I came here to kill you... But now...

He paused, as if he had other thoughts in his chest, and then said, "I, Xiao, disdain to kill a dying person."

"You can wait to die here." He turned around and strode out of the elegant garden. When he went out, he thought of something. He turned around and whispered, "Mr. Jingliu, like me, are people who have been tortured by hatred all their lives."

After the rain, Taihu Lake cleans and cleans the green. Fishermen have flowed their boats out of the water, cast nets and fish, and pick lotus root picking diamonds. There are famous scholars who are boating on the lake. In addition to the curved water, Zhang Zhihe's "Fish Song", and to:

Green bamboo hat and green clothes,

The slanting wind and drizzle do not need to return.

On the edge of Taihu Lake, there is another small lake with a small fishing boat. A black man in his forties is grabbing the net. Next to him is a woman who is his wife, helping to catch the net into the boat.

In fact, Wudi's canal has many lakes and is the most abundant. It is not only authentic in the waters of Taihu Lake. It is not only the world-famous three white Taihu Lake: silverfish, white fish and white shrimp, but also stretches for 800 miles. The water crab fish and shrimp are endless. Its meat is delicious and tender. In addition, the cooking methods are clever and the world likes to eat. Li Qi said in a poem: " Holding a crab claw in his left hand and holding the elixir in his right hand... The lotus leaves are wrapped in river fish, and the white Ou storage of fragrant japonica..." It can be seen that it is loved by a gentleman.

But even if it is the lake on the edge, its water veins are dark, not a pool of dead water, and the products are quite abundant. However, today this dark man threw down a few nets, but got nothing. The woman couldn't help complaining, "It's all said that the sun is fine. Let's rush to the edge of Taihu Lake early and catch a few more fish, but you have to go far away. Come here, you see, there is no fish or shrimp under these nets.

The man also said strangely, "This lake is also living water. How can you not find any small fish and shrimp? This is really strange."

He embarrassedly persuaded him, "I lost more than ten yuan of Wang Jia's familiar money last night. It's better to pay him back by selling fish, otherwise it would be embarrassing to meet him..."

"How can you inadvertently see this big lake?" The woman said angrily, "In addition, others only talk about how to take care of the family, but you prefer this push card nine. You say you, you are a disappointing man!"

She pounded her chest and couldn't help crying, "I only said that you are honest and married to your family. Now you can't beat half-tailed fish. Not to mention selling money, cooking tonight will be difficult. When you go home at dusk, other people's houses are full of fish and shrimps. Only you are empty-handed, and other people's houses have smoke, and you still It's a cold stove..."

She not only punched the man and said, "You are useless..."

Before the words fell, there was only a loud sound, and a big hole in the water surface exploded. A woman in white turned around and jumped out. For a moment, the waves of water dispersed. The woman just ate a big mouthful of water, and the words that were going to be noisy were also choked back. Only the previous angry eyes opened.

The man was also stunned. The woman in white jumped into the air, washed her lead with water, and came out of the dust. The woman was very happy and couldn't help laughing up. The laughter was full of Ling Yun's pleasure.

At this time, an old man in gray suddenly passed by the lake, like a gull bird, passing by the woman with lightning speed. The old man took the woman under his ribs and suddenly left.

The woman was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a while. The man was also shocked. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and smiled, because looking at the big-tailed fish above his head, like fireworks, crackling at them.