Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 42 A Dream

With a sound, the cold water sword fell to the ground. Mr. Jingliu rubbed Qi Miao's body and bit her neck, sucking blood with a big mouth.

Qimaiao's whole body was full of excitement. She only felt that her whole body's vitality passed quickly with the tingling blood, and the cold true qi in her body was quickly sucked away by Mr. Jingliu. At this moment, it was like falling into an ice cellar, and her body was extremely cold, and her body was weak. With a crackling sound, she couldn't help kneeling on the ground. .

There was a strange blood color on his pale face. He had a ferocious smile. As he sucked the blood on Qimiao's body, a cold true qi was quickly absorbed into Jingliu's body. He carried up his Yuangong, constantly merged it with the cold qi in his body, and introduced it into Dantian little by little.

Under this rise, the wood gas, which was originally extremely vigorous but dominated in the body, slowly became smooth.

"Water can grow wood, but it can also raise wood." Jingliu suddenly thought of this sentence. He was overjoyed and worked harder to suck his blood.

Her mind was at a loss. She reached out to grab the cold water sword that fell to the ground, but her hands did not obey. Her eyelids were slightly raised. The hazy yellow moon in the sky became more blurred. At this time, the blue on the cold water sword on the ground kept shining, and the sword sounded a warning. After a while, she even felt the piercing cold It's not here...

Mr. Jingliu sucked blood. At present, the strong wood and weak water in his body had been broken, and his life was in no risk. In this way, he could have let go of the seven wonders, but the true qi from her body was extremely pure. To the cold, Jingliu suddenly found that his inner strength was growing rapidly, and he was reluctant to stop.

"It's just two birds with one stone." Jingliu smiled in his heart.

However, for a short time, Jingliu only felt that his whole body was slowly getting cold, and the true qi in Qimiao's body was so huge. If he had just absorbed it, Jingliu's body seemed to take a hundred rivers and seas. He could smoothly guide his internal strength to his own true qi to his position. Then slowly, his body seemed to set off a stormy waves, and even became The noisy and chaotic ancient battlefield.

This true qi, which was originally obedient, is now unparalleled. It is like a turbulent wave in his body, running around, sweeping the meridians all over his body. In addition to rushing, the true qi is about to force himself to go crazy. Mr. Jingliu was frighted. At this time, he wanted to let go of the seven wonderful things, but found that he was affected by a force at this time. Holding, it was actually stuck to her body, and a stream of domineering coldness hit his body. It was continuous and endless, and he couldn't get rid of it. Jingliu suddenly shouted in his heart, "It's bitter!"

Qi Miao's body became heavier and heavier, and her consciousness became more and more cloudy. In the hazy, she saw the green jade bracelet that had appeared in her mind in the past. At this time, she suddenly heard Mr. Jingliu roaring, and her body loosened, thinking that the man behind her fell down.

Then, suddenly a large stream of true qi suddenly poured into her body, and shouted fiercely. At this moment, her mind was clear. If Mr. Fang Chang and Jingliu took it out, the true qi leaked out like a river breaking the dike. At this moment, a larger amount of true qi surged back to her body, as if it were seawater. Inverted, the meridians of the whole body soared a little, and there was a sharp pain on Zhou's body.

Fortunately, when she absorbed the heavy treasure of Lord Shen earlier, she had absorbed a huge true qi, and because she moved a compassionate heart for Ling Zongyun to help him heal his wounds. The true qi in her body had been imported and exported. With a lot of experience, he was in danger. He immediately calmed his heart and sat and adjusted his mind. Yin Rouyuangong guides the slow flow of true qi pouring into the body, stabilizing them in the seven meridians and eight veins.

What's strange is that this time, in addition to the previous gloomy and cold air, there is a vibrant wood atmosphere in the body, and it can make the call at will and run freely. This is a blessing in disguise, which can't help but surprise.

She squinted, and Mr. Jingliu fell to the ground. Half of his body was wrapped in white frost, and he was motionless, but for some reason.

"He had previously taken the feminine and true qi in your body and tried to raise wood with water. Unexpectedly, the true qi in your body was so domineering that Mr. Jingliu's practice was uncontrollable. Unexpectedly, he was countered by this true qi and rolled back most of the wood qi in his body. In this way, the true qi disorder in his body was doomed to be the end of the destruction of the gods."

Qi Miao stared at it, but Ling Zongyun slowly came out of the gate of the elegant garden. He looked at this side and couldn't help sighing.

"Mr. Jingliu is also a bitter man in his life..." Qimiao looked at Mr. Jingliu lying on the ground and saw his hair spread on the pebbles, and the pink glazed stone on his forehead was faintly flashing. Half of his face was pink and beautiful, and his eyebrows were picturesque. His eyes were tightly closed, as if he were sleeping, so elegant and dusty. However, the other half of his body was wrapped in a thin ice wall, and the other eye His stare was round, and his face was full of incredible writing.

Qi Miao looked at him and felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

Ling Zongyun also shook his head, but said, "Actually, he is not static..."

"What?" Qi Miao was shocked when he heard the words, "If it's not Jingliu, who is he?"

"Come with me..." Ling Zongyun led Qi Miao and entered the elegant garden again. He waved a charm. In the thick night, a fire light rushed up and shone in the room for a moment.

Ling Zongyun pointed to the chair where he had been sitting before, and Qi Miao looked forward to see a thin and white old man lying under the chair. His cheeks were deep, his mouth was open, and his concave eyes were also wide open, shrinking in a big robe.

"Is this person..." Qi Miaoqi said.

"Yes, this person is Mr. Jingliu. I inadvertently found him. When I checked, he had been dead for a long time." Ling Zongyun inadvertently remembered some past events of drinking and talking with Mr. Jingliu for many years. There was a trace of sadness in his heart, but he didn't reveal much. He just whispered, "Let's go out..."

The two walked out of the elegant garden, and Qi Miao looked at the "Mr. Jingliu" who fell to the ground. He couldn't help but say, "Then who is he, Taoist priest Ling, what's going on?"

"Alas.... He is the spirit tree." Ling Zongyun said with some regret, "Jingliu originally thought that he was probably going to assimilate with this spirit tree, but with his Taoism, this was a difficult thing. It seems that he felt that the limit had come, so he risked his life to try, but he finally failed."