Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 44 Separation

The two rushed to the elegant garden and saw that there was still a deep silence here. The gate of the elegant garden, which had been broken by the sword of Qimiao, was somehow intact.

When looking at the elegant garden again, Qi Miao suddenly felt that it stood high in the night, and it was actually hidden. There was no light to reveal a star, as if it was trying to swallow something hidden.

Looking at the place where he fought with Yunmian before, the old locust tree that was scattered was still half of the roots of the tree in the soil, and there was a wreckage around it.

Qi Miao thought to herself: "Xiao Tianxu also smashed a window of Yayuan before, and now it is also hung there completely. It seems that this Yayuan has also imposed some kind of prohibition, as if to hide the truth of Mr. Jingliu's original death."

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Ling Zongyun frowned and said, "That spirit tree is not on the ground..."

Qi Miao hurriedly looked over. Sure enough, the fake quiet current that had been frozen and fell to the ground had disappeared. On the pebble he was lying on, there was a pool of water left empty.

"This spirit tree should also recover and use Yuangong to remove half of the frozen bondage." Ling Zongyun sighed, "It's all my fault that I was distracted by the death of my old friend, but I didn't check it carefully."

He stopped and continued to say, "I expect that he is on the verge of physical disintegration at this moment, and he knows that he is invincible to us. He should have escaped far away. What should he do?"

Ling Zongyun was originally a pure yang internal force, and was also a monk at the peak of cultivation. However, in this situation, he was really a little helpless and helpless, or because of the death of his old friend, his concern was chaotic, and he could not think of a way out for a moment.

But he was witty and immediately reminded, "Taoist priest, you forgot that there is still one person living quietly, and there may be a shadow on his body!"

"You mean..." Ling Zongyun suddenly realized that the real Mr. Jingliu, who had been dead for a long time, was deeply hidden in the elegant garden. Since he was not only a quiet master, he could smoothly enter and leave the place along his shadow.

He was about to say more, when suddenly there was a crack in the elegant garden. The window behind the hall suddenly shook, and a dark figure rushed out.

The figure was as fast as a cunning rabbit, rushing to the night sky. Ling Zongyun was shocked and was about to chase him, but the figure threw something down.

"Ling Zongyun, you will die here! Hahahaha!" The figure was Xiao Tianxu. It turned out that he also chased to Yayuan and wanted to kill the seriously injured Ling Zongyun. When he came, he saw that there was no one here. At this time, there was the sound of Qi Miao and Ling Zongyun behind his ears.

"Why did these two appear behind me when they obviously left before me? Ling Zongyun was poisoned before, and why did he feel that he was full of anger at this time?" Xiao Tianxu hesitated and immediately opened the door of the Yayuan and hid in. He held his breath and hid in the depths of the hall. Because the Yayuan had put a hidden breath ban, Ling Zongyun and Qi Miao were worried, so they did not Discover it immediately.

Xiao Tianxu was in the room and listened carefully to the two people talking. Suddenly, he reached out and touched the ground. His tentacles were extremely soft and looked carefully. It turned out to be Mr. Jingliu who he saw when he came to visit a few days ago, and this person had been dead for a long time. He couldn't help but be shocked. Fortunately, Xiao Tianxu was also a momentary person, even if it was a matter of before and after It was strange and confusing, but he forced himself to calm down and endure his irritation.

At this time, I suddenly listened to Ling Zongyun and said intermittently, "Yayuan... dead Mr. Jingliu... follow the shadow on his body... and you can go out smoothly."

He was overjoyed. He picked up Mr. Jingliu's body and jumped out of a window.

Besides, when Ling Zongyun was eager to chase Xiao Tianxu, he saw the latter throw out two things casually. He quickly raised Yuan Gong, and the pure Yang Zhenqi in his hand condensed for a moment.

However, there was an inexplicable gloomy wind blowing in the air, and two ghosts fluttering in the air. The young ghost was about ten years old, not tall, green clothes, dressed as a boy. His face was full of sadness and fear. He cried in a low voice: "Dad... I'm so cold... Dad... I'm so afraid..."

So the child cried like the ape, purging in Ling Zongyun's heart again and again, and he couldn't take a step for a moment.

The older ghost also circled around the night sky over and over again, and a more sad and sad voice came: "Ah... where are you... this day... this place... I hate..."

This ghost's brocade shirt is already tattered. His hair is scattered and his figure is flickering.

"Dad...Dad..." The ghost of the boy cried.

"Ah...Ah...Where are you..." The old ghost also cried out.

The two ghosts flew sadly in the night sky, circle after circle, and they screamed sadly, over and over again.

"Ah..." Ling Zongyun's heart tightened. These two fluttering ghosts were killed by Xiao Tianxu before, and his old friend Wang Xuegui and his young son.

When I looked at it again, the two ghosts of the old and the young were all deeply hollow in their eyes, and the inner eyeballs were gone...

"Xiao Tianxu!" He couldn't help but be furious. At this time, he couldn't wait to personally kill this person to avenge his best friend. However, even if he was angry with the sky, he forced himself to press it.

I saw him restraining his mind, with a solemn face, and a solemn face, and read a poem in a low voice:

The spirit of heaven and earth, from the ghost,

The lonely soul is not born, and it should be repeated.

It's a past, don't be sad,

Don't worry about this life,

Then go to this life and continue the previous relationship.

If a man is floating grass, it will wither in autumn,

Who is ruthless,

If you are affectionate, but don't miss it,

If you have hatred, don't be slow,

The road is ahead, and the road ahead is,

My generation is nameless and natural.

His voice was loud and thick, deeply full of compassion and affection. The long night flowed, sending a trace of sadness.

This poem is to pay tribute to several friends and relatives that Ling Zongyun has lost in the past few days: Wang Xuexi's father and son, and Mr. Jingliu.

After reading this poem, there was a faint fluctuation between heaven and earth. Suddenly, a heavy burden appeared on the faces of the two ghosts. He nodded to Ling Zongyun and Qi Miao, and slowly disappeared in the dim night.

With such a delay, Xiao Tianxu ran away, but Qi Miao did not say anything to disturb Ling Zongyun. She stood quietly beside him, shining bright and soft eyes, and her heart was sinking.

At this time, the two of them felt sad.

At the end, Ling Zongyun sighed and said, "Xiao Tianxu's light skills are amazing. It is expected that we can't catch up with him. The fairy will worry. Even if Zongyun disperses his Yuangong and fights his life today, he will definitely send you out."

"The Taoist priest feels guilty, and I have a way..." Qi Miao said softly.