Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 8 The heart only sobs

"That was bought with Tian Fu, who has been forced to accept the whole city for three years, and most of them still don't like it." A slightly older man sighed and said, "Now those officers and soldiers transporting lychees are in the mansion of the county magistrate, eating good wine and meat. In order to beg this group of people to take Yu Ruyi to the capital, the county magistrate is very thoughtful."

When these local men thought of the county magistrate, they were full of resentment. Everyone complained about the story of harming the people and the greed for money. They were listened to by Qi Miao and other people and turned into sighs in their hearts.

Suddenly, with an ordinary voice, a thin man about the age of Zhang Chi knelt on the ground and begged loudly, "The county magistrates here are really abominable. They only know that they are greedy for money and don't care about the lives of us ordinary people at all. The little man's brother was killed by the yamen a few days ago. Others There are also people who are forced to destroy their families and die because they have no money to pay heavy taxes. The villains have the courage to ask the fairies and fairies to eliminate the harm for the people!"

Qimiao and others were stunned when they heard the words. Those men also looked at each other. As soon as Li Miaohua thought about it, he made up his mind and said, "There are two evils in this city. One is the county magistrates who harm the people, and the other is the evil monks of the Faleng Temple. We should now teach the county magistrate the county magistrate and divide the treasures of bribery to the magistrates to the people, and then To eradicate those evil monks, so that we can return peace to the people here.

"Oh..." Zhou Hanzhi advised, "The world is so unbearable. Even if you drive away one, there will be another one. There is no guarantee that one will be worse than the other, but it will harm the people, but what is the pain?"

"How can you talk like that?" Li Miaohua looked up and down at Zhou Hanzhi and said strangely, "Now corrupt officials are harming the people. If you don't teach him a lesson and let him know that it will be restrained, the situation will only get worse and worse. Then won't you help them!"

After being so educated by this little Taoist priest, Zhou Han stopped smiling bitterly. He said in his heart that if the medicine did not go to the root, he could not stop people from throwing into the fame and fortune network like moths, but he did not like to argue, so he just smiled bitterly. When he looked at his sister, he saw her eyebrows lowering and seemed to be thinking.

After a while, Qi Miao slowly raised her head and turned to Zhou Hanzhi. She squeezed her lips, but looked earnestly, but did not say anything.

How Zhou Hanzhi didn't understand it? He shouted in his heart and said reluctantly, "Then let's go to this county government to see how the officials here corrupt the law and humiliate the people and humiliate the country..."

Qi Miao nodded and gently claimed to thank him, "Thank you for your success."

Previously, she really had some thoughts in her heart. Although she was also clever because of her ingenuity, she had repeatedly traveled to the southern border for the sect, which was also regarded as a history of rivers and lakes. However, when she really dabbled in the customs of this land of China, she really saw the suffering of the people and learned about political decadents. She didn't expect the world. That's it.

She asked herself, she didn't enter the vast Shenzhou, but she didn't know that the world was so miserable. She recalled the previous knight who stepped on the horse, the child who was almost trampled to death, and the ignorant monk who was desperate...

She looked at the simple people around several people and only felt that they all had some eager expectations, some inexplicable worries and some usual fear on their faces.

Li Weihua, the heart of the bright moon, was also staring at them quietly. He frowned, and there was a trace of sadness between his eyebrows and eyes. At this time, it was getting to dusk, and the golden sun was scattered all over the city, as if he had broken his mind.

In this situation, the seven wonders are the ice and snow-like temperament, which is about to melt.

She no longer explained too much and thought to herself that since she had encountered such things, she would be rhetorically hard and must get justice for these people. She just quietly looked at Zhou Hanzhi and said in her heart that whether the person agreed or disagreed, she was in charge of this matter.

It should be noted that the changes in ancient and present are often just like the alternation of the sun and the moon. When the people suffer and prosper, the people also suffer. The adults in the court are happy, but are not tens of millions of small people who are tired and exhausted, the people are unbearable, or the people are unbearable, but the death of the people is not the death of the country?

Zhou Hanzhi reluctantly agreed, and the four decided to break into the county government office to get justice for the people. However, even if those men made suggestions, or even tell each other bluntly, it was okay. No one dared to ask them to accompany them to see the county magistrate in person. After all, the government has accumulated power for a long time, and the people are afraid, but these four people also understand that , just ask for the direction and go there by yourself.

This city is not big. Along the direction pointed out by Zhang Chi and others, people found a county government office. The government office here is wide. In front of them are two powerful stone lions holding the gate, standing high, looking back and forth. After that, two red pillars stand on the pillars, against the eaves and arches, and the eaves are thick. Under the eaves, there are two doors with a height of one or two feet and a width of more than one foot, painted with vermilion lacquer wood. The gate is tattooed with tiger-shaped animal head reliefs, which looks majestic.

However, at this moment, the county government gate was indeed empty, and the red gate was also empty, revealing a trace of unusual. Zhou Han stopped his doubts and pressed his seven wonderful body and stepped behind. There was a bright moon heart to gently open the door with a scabbard, but when the bright moon saw the situation in the door, his body was shocked. , I was stunned

Qi Miao was surprised that he bypassed Zhou Hanzhi, grabbed a few steps forward with the fool, and also looked into the door. He opened the door and experienced what he saw in the heart of the bright moon, and couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

It turned out that in the courtyard of the county government, there were 20 or 30 corpses lying horizontally, including government officials and maids and servants, all of whom were cut down, erected obliquely and fell to the ground, and the square and wide stone slabs were full of blood stains.

The four people were uncertain. Zhou Hanzhi gently held the folding fan in his hand and was alert. Under Huang Ting's eagerness, he found that there was still a faint breath in the backyard hall.

"Come with me..." He called softly, holding the paper fan in both hands, blocking the seven wonders, and leading the crowd around the back hall. Everyone saw that there were several people falling down here, and among them were the riders who had been riding horses on the road in the city. When Zhou Hanzhi looked carefully, he saw that the riders in front of him were deformed. A pair of hands hung on both sides, with blood lines in his ears, nose and eyes, and his eyes widened, revealing an inexplicable panic.

When I took the meridians again, I found that the meridians and bones in these people seemed to have been pumped away, and the remaining flesh and flesh were quite soft like a ball of cotton.

"There is one person still alive!" However, when he saw the fool pointing his hand, everyone followed his hand and hoped to go. He saw a county official fall to the ground, still breathing for breath.