Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 15 Glass Treasure Lamps on the Wall

"Haha." At that moment, Sanniang burst out laughing. Her flowers trembled, charming, and made the men beside her drool. This Sanniang laughed and said to Qi Miao: "This little girl disguised as a man. The two big men can't recognize it, so it's okay. I don't expect you to be a daughter, but you haven't seen through it. I see that you are not young. But he is also a child who doesn't care about men and women. It seems that the oblique way you are really suitable for men and women.

When the words fell, she raised a hand towards Li Miaohua and only heard the sound of breaking the sky. A silver hairpin was thrown out by her. The silver hairpin was fierce and had the intention to save it, but she was unable to move. The silver hairpin hit Li Miaohua's high Taoist hat on the ground. .

Li Weihua's head shook, and her dark and thick hair fell down like a waterfall. Her temples were like clouds, reflecting a flush flying on her pale cheeks. She was shy and angry. Between her head, her eyes were full of stars. The charm was fresh and flexible, which was shining.

Qimiao's heart was shocked, and he only felt that there was no place for the fragrance of mountains and flowers. Today, he came to listen to the painting. The people in front of him had bright eyebrows and phoenix eyes, red lips and white teeth. The eyebrows were picturesque, and the phoenix eyes were sad, and there was a trace of shame and anger in his expression. His body lay on the ground, which was unbearable weakness, and like the willow curling. At this place, this person's appearance shows She is a peerless beauty.

At this time, I only heard the third woman frown and said, "This little girl is actually more beautiful than me. I don't like it, Hu Long, you kill those two little girls first, and then solve this Confucian and this monk."

"Good!" Hearing this, Hu Long happily jumped out of the yard and wanted to take action against Li Minghua, who fell in the front.

Qi Miao was shocked and was about to obstruct, but he heard the stupid monk suddenly shout, "The donor has a strong man's pride, but there is no need to bully the weak woman, but the little monk is not afraid of you. If he is a good man, come and punch me!"

"Haha!" Hu Long looked up to the sky and smiled and said, "Little monk, you are so bold, but you are much stronger than the four monks I just killed."

He strode to the fool and raised his hand and said, "I really admire your courage not to die in my heart, so I won't torture you. I will send you to see the Buddha in the west with one palm."

Hu Long was fierce. As he said, he raised his hand and patted him fiercely on the lid of the stupid monk's heavenly spirit. He only heard a crack. The stupid monk's body was shaken by him a few times, but he did not fall down. On the contrary, Hu Long's body, which was shocked by the force of this blow, fell three steps back. He stood firm and said in surprise: " Boy, are you cultivating the body of King Kong?

"The little monk has not practiced any skills..." The stupid monk replied with a straight face.

"Hmm?" Hu Long stepped in front of the fool, put on the meridians in his hand, frowned and groped for a while, but heard him say to himself, "The meridians are weak, and there is no real qi in his body..."

"Is it another forging King Kong?" Duan Sanniang over there was surprised.

"How can it be?" Hu Long turned his eyes and asked the fool, "Kid, what's your relationship with the monk Jue Ren of Jiulushan?"

"It's my teacher." Hearing his question, even if the fool couldn't put his hands together, he still sang a Buddha's name. He asked, "Listen to what the benefactor said, do you think you know my master?"

"but I can't say I recognize..." Hu Long smiled and said, "I had a fight with your master in Bishan a few days ago. Among other things, I admire your character very much."

"Brother, what is Forging King Kong?" Qi Miao asked Zhou Han behind him in a low voice.

"It is a kind of Buddhist secret method. If you want to find a person who has practiced the Dharma for three consecutive years, after his reincarnation, he will be accompanied by a Taoist monk to recite Buddhist scriptures day and night, and protect his body with supreme Buddha power. His body is not dirty and immortal. The spiritual platform magic method is clear, but I don't know which Bodhisattva is the one who protects this stupid monk..." Zhou Hanzhi explained softly.

At this time, I suddenly heard the fool ask, "Hu Long is predestined to be a family teacher. Can you let the four of us go?"

"Haha, this won't work..." Hu Long laughed and said, "If it's an ordinary house robbery, I can let the four of you leave safely, but what we have done today is a major event related to the prosperity of the demon religion. For this matter, my brother has died. Now I can't take any risk, so I can't leave any life. Mouth."

When Qi Miaowen heard that he said that it was related to the prosperity of the demon religion, I couldn't help thinking: It turned out that this Longhu Mountain is also a demon sect, but I don't know what the big thing in their mouth is.

Hu Long said no longer. He saw a black gas gathered in his palm. In addition to the black airflow, he quickly covered Hu Long's whole hand. At this time, a sizzling sound came, and the black gas turned upside down, but he saw that Hu Long's hand seemed to be bitten by something, and the skin on his hand was gradually swallowed up, revealing the white bones.

"Bone-eating hand!" Qi Miao shouted in his heart. He suddenly thought that this was the move Xiao Tianxu used against Ling Zongyun, but Hu Long's move was much smaller than Xiao Tianxu's same move that day. She suddenly realized that it was no wonder that several riders who had died before, as well as the Ming monk in the Falun Temple, were all inexplicably dead. , the bone meridians are mixed.

At a critical moment, he saw a man in black rushing into the door. He handed a painting to the Sanniang and said, "Master, I found something."

"That's great!" Duan Sanniang was happy, "In this way, Yan Lao Er will not die in vain."

She took over the painting handed over by the people and did not avoid the seven wonderful four people in the courtyard. When they were dead, she unfolded the scroll at a glance. However, Duan Sanniang's face showed a surprised look. She couldn't think much about it, so she shouted at Hu Long, "Retain people under her palm!"

"Ah!" Hu Long used his bone-etching hand and was hitting the fool. On the way, he heard Duan Sanniang shouting loudly. He couldn't stop his body, shouted, turned his palm away, and hit the stone slab next to him hard.

With a bang, the stone slab was torn apart, and the dust of this palm was only smashed. He barely fixed his body and complained to that Sanniang: "Sanniang, I want to kill it later, and don't kill it later. You woman's stormy nature is really going to exhaust me!"

"Bulls!" Duan Sanniang said angrily, "If you feel tired, get out of my mother**. Now come here quickly. It's important!"

Hu Long knew that it must be of great importance when he heard the words. He took a long breath, and the black gas in his hand rose again. However, unlike before, the black gas turned over, the white bone in his hand slowly gave birth to the flesh and blood of the meridians, and gradually recovered as before. At this time, Hu Long's face was slightly pale. He flashed a few big steps and came In front of the third mother.