Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 17 Jade refers to the country to express the sorrow

"This?" Hu Long hesitated for a while. When she looked at the Sanniang, she nodded and said to Qi Miao, "Well, there are many people here. We are not afraid of you playing tricks. I will remove your ban first."

She was cheerful and was about to do her best, but suddenly heard a long roar on the walls of the Faleng Temple. In the roar, Hu Long's face changed and said, "What kind of master has shocked tonight? There are so many people with exquisite internal strength!"

Duan Sanniang immediately ordered: "All the brothers will come to the yard and form a circle."

She then leaned over and apologized to Qi Miao and said, "At this time, you can't let go of the fairy. Just put up with it for a while."

At this time, the four walls shook, like lightning breaking through the air, jumping on several figures each.

I saw a man on the east wall who was more than eight feet long and thin, and a sword on his back was even longer than him. The man stood with a smile on his face and holding hands.

There are three people jumping up in the west, two tall men and a small figure, all with a fierce face

The man on the south wall stood with his hands behind his back.

To the north is a woman with a five-foot sword. She is tall and wrapped in a red jacket, and even her fluffy and thick hair is as red as fire. Even the sword body has half a palm wide, which can be said to be wide. The sword is embedded with nine huge rubies, forming the shape of a dragon claw. The ruby is bright, and the dazzling light flashes, revealing great power.

"Nine dragons with extreme eyes!" Last week, Di Han was shocked and shouted, "Is it the fiery star of the Military Alliance?"

"You are so good that you know the magic soldier in my hand." Although the man is a woman, his words have a smell of a rich man, and his accent is not like a person from the Central Plains. He only hears her continue to say, "I am the fiery star of the military alliance. Mu Yanxi, you can go at ease when you know my name."

"What a big tone!" Hu Long said angrily, "Go and fight with your grandfather for 300 rounds. How do you know who will die?"

"The defeated generals a few days ago also dared to speak wildly!" The thin and tall man on the east wall smiled disdainfully, "Your second-class martial arts also dare to shout with the Star Sword of the Military League. You are so confident. Do you think we are going to compare with you? By the way, where's your good brother Yanhu?"

"The day before yesterday, he was hit by the treachery of the four demon monks of the Faleng Temple and was killed by them." Hu Long asked him to ask Yan Hu, and he couldn't help but look gloomy and resentful.

"It turns out that the rich man who was killed by Yizhi and others in the city's talk is Yanhu..." Qi Miao thought, "This Longhu Mountain must have gone to the county government first to seize treasures and come here to revenge."

"Well, this saves us a little trouble." The thin and tall man smelled that Yan Hu died, but sighed. He advised Hu Long, "Don't be sad. Anyway, you can meet soon."

"Xu Donglai, don't bully people too much..." Hu Long said angrily. It turned out that this thin and tall man was Xu Donglai, but he was the one who appeared in the quiet residence a few days ago.

"All four of me are righteous people and have nothing to do with the demon religion. Since they are good men of the military alliance, please save us out!" Zhou Han stopped looking at the right time and suddenly called for help.

"Ah? Several of you have been killed by the demons. Now we have killed these people to avenge you. The thin one among the three people on the west wall was naked, with a turban on his head, and said with a shrill smile.

Qi Miao turned her back on this person and couldn't look back. There was a slight breath of water on her hand, and the water condensed into ice. It was bright and reflected the faces of the three people in the west. She was shocked, but it turned out that she recognized this person.

It turned out that the speaker was the demon star Jiansha who attacked Li Xiu Guizhong and other three people in Yizhuang that day, but maybe he fled in a hurry that day and didn't care to see Qi Miao, but he didn't recognize her.

Looking at the two people next to the three, isn't the tall man the light of the previous battle with Li Qianren in the Jiwang Restaurant? Why didn't he recognize Qi Miao and Zhou Hanzhi that he had seen before? He was holding a five-foot sword in his hand, and beside him was a man as short as a seven or eight-year-old child. The man held a black dagger about one or two feet long, and the sword appeared to be extremely hardened poison.

The two people's faces were covered with a layer of black gas, which looked as if they had been photographed by some mental method.

The sand was used to be cold and vicious. At this time, there was no living fierceness in his words. The people in Longhu Mountain in the yard listened, and the crowd was boiling for a moment. Those men in black couldn't stand it and said to Hu Long, "Mr. Hu, let's rush out together. We have a lot of people, can we still be afraid of them?"

In anger, these people pulled out their swords one after another, and there was a continuous sound of sonorousness. In the lonely night, a white light flashed, and the strong murderous intention overflowed endlessly.

"No one!" Duan Sanniang was angry with the people in black. It turned out that Longhu Mountain had fought against the people of the military alliance for some reasons a few days. At that time, Yanhu and Hu Long joined hands and failed miserably. She knew that there seemed to be few people, but it was as easy as cutting cabbage to kill her group.

"Dare to ask a few people, if my husband and wife hand over that guidance to the military alliance, can they let us go back safely?" She knew that the enemy was powerful, and her side was definitely not an opponent.

"This painting is more useful to Li Qianran." The swordsman in the south shook his head and said, "The task assigned to us by the alliance leader is to destroy it, but it is useless to seize the treasure. For the military alliance, my twelve-star sword is enough."

There was a sense of complacent between his eyebrows. When San Niang still wanted to open her mouth and ask again, she heard the woman in red in the north frowning impatiently and said, "Why do you have to kill all the nonsense!"

She didn't wait for her to say more. She waved the nine dragons in her hand, shouted an anx, and swept away with a sword.

I saw the nine rubies embedded in the sword emit nine red lights. The red light broke through the night sky and turned into nine roaring and ferocious red dragons. The dragon opened its teeth and danced its claws and ran across the heads of the people in the courtyard. Only a roar was heard, and the nine dragons breathed and sprayed the pouring rain.

At this moment, the sky and the earth stopped, and only saw the vigorous fire with supreme power rolling across and covering the sky and the sun.

The flame roars and roars, reflecting the cold eyes of the fiery stars. Only by abandoning the determination of heaven and earth can you control this powerful fire dragon.

Endless killing attack, at a loss, everyone is already in the abyss of fire, and they can't get rid of it. At this time, Qi Miao said to the Sanniang urgently, "Master Duan Zhai, if you want to live, please let me go as soon as possible."

"Rid you go?" That Sanniang's face had not seen the previous gorgeous and complaous look, but a little panicked. However, when she heard Qi Miao's words, she hesitated.