Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 28 Donglai Tianxin will have a sword

How's it going? I have mercy." Qi Miao's heart was smooth, and she smiled and said to the enemy who had chased and almost killed herself.

"Do tricks again and again!" Mu Yanxi was so angry that she spat blood in her mouth. She shouted, "Do you dare to fight with me openly!"

"Good!" Qi Miao was also full of fighting spirit at this time. She floated on the surface of the water and answered with pride, "I will allow you to stop playing tricks and give you a blow with all my strength."

The sound of her words fell, and the practice in her hand was boiling in the river. With the fiery stars as the center, three columns of water were suddenly born. The water columns were wrapped in cold and true air, and there was another yin and yang changes, each transforming into a "seven wonders" and standing in the water.

At this time, there are four "seven wonders" standing on the surface of the water, each leaning out their hands and saying words.

In a moment, I saw a blue light gathered in the hands of these four "seven wonders", which was Peng Pei's overflowing cold water and true qi. Attracted by this true qi, four water waves were continuously sucked up from the river and converged in front of Qi Miao, which was huge and deeply contained a cold murderous murderous.

Mu Yanxi was shocked and said that she must not be able to resist. In addition to her panic, she jumped up, reflecting the sound of waterfalls and turbulence in her ears and flying into the air.

However, for a moment, Mu Yanxi suddenly woke up and couldn't help scolding himself in his heart, "What a fool, actually flying up."

Mu Yanxi bent down and looked down at this time, and saw Qi Miao also looking up at herself. There was a smile on her face. Mu Yanxi was in mid-air and had avoided an unavoidable situation. She clearly felt that Qi Miao clearly showed a smile when she looked at the prey that proved to be the winner.

She shouted and was about to move when a column of water on the ground shot over, all of which hit the fiery star. Under this powerful blow, the fiery star's internal organs were seriously injured. She had no time to wonder why only one rather than four columns of water shot over, fighting for the last trace of true qi and suddenly jumped ashore. Go to Na Mocheng for help.

In the water, Qi Miao sighed, and the true qi he could mobilize had already bottomed out. It was good to hit a water column. At present, his body couldn't help shaking, and he felt that his whole body was paralyzed and weak.

At this time, the old man reached out and held her and smiled, "Let's go up and have a look."

The old man roared and jumped up with seven wonders.

This leap, like hitting the water in the sky, is vast for thousands of miles. In their ears, the waterfalls are noisy, and the water is noisy. The old man took Qi Miao to step on the waterfall and splashing waves, flying on the shore and is falling not far from Mo Cheng.

As soon as the old man saw Mo Cheng, a high-crowned swordsman in black, he couldn't help smiling and said, "Mo Cheng Xiao Er, after years, you still look unlucky."

Mo Cheng was shocked and couldn't help crying, "It's really unlucky to see this old man..."

He knew that he was holding a fool, but he couldn't help the old man. At present, the situation was critical, so he had no choice but to think about it any more. He only heard a cry from his mouth, and the second body spread out into a black gas and surrounded him.

So he didn't say anything. He quickly soared into the air and went away.

Mo Cheng ran away in the air for a moment, and it had reached a hundred miles away. At this moment, he held Mu Yanxi in his arms and cried helplessly. He had to hope that Chen Xing and Xu Donglai could hold on for a while, wait for him to return to the branch of the military alliance and then call someone to save him.