Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 31 The world is noisy and difficult to hook up

China is magnificent, and the water of the Yellow River is rushing forward. The river is vast, hanging from the cliff, hitting the water for 3,000 miles, like a white practice in the sky, hanging above the nine heavens.

According to the waterfall and flowing water, there is a clump of mountains and forests, and in the depths of the forest, there are two hunters walking with baskets on their backs to drive the mountain.

These people are not so much hunters. When they enter the mountain once, they also fight some hares, but hunting is not their main business. The two of them came into the mountain mainly to find something.

It is said that this place should be Guannei Road, Shaanxi Province, which belongs to the ancient land of the Three Qin Dynasty. The scenery of this place is very good, and it has become quite popular because it is close to the capital. The two hunters who entered the mountain are under the jurisdiction of Wuqi County in Guannei. The county magistrate here don't know how many tens of thousands of silver he donated to get this official. As soon as he takes office, he can't wait to dig the land. Three feet to make up for the loss of money bags.

At the beginning of the decadent of the country, this official was thinking about how to make money to make up for the emptiness of buying/officials the day before, and how to make up for the "entanglement" of the people who skillfully established their name and earn the "entanglement" of climbing the road in the future, so they have no intention to run the government office and take care of the livelihood of the people.

In this world, the upright people were buried and didn't hear about it. The villains of the flies and dogs came to the house. The poor family could not bear to be searched by the government, and the ten rooms were empty. That's why Liu Zongyuan said, "The government is more fierce than the tiger."

Now these two hunters also have no money left in their families to deal with the three-day donation and five-day donation of all kinds of harsh taxes and fees.

Although there are no poisonous snakes for them to catch, there is one thing in this mountain, which is also collected for tax deduction in the government. This thing is a centipede that can be used for medicine.

Speaking of centipede, this object has many claws and an un pleasing face. It is good at walking in the wet place and is quite poisonous. In Miaojiang, it is called the five poisons together with snakes, scorpions, spiders and toads, and it ranks first.

However, such a terrible poisonous insect has many endless benefits. Doctors say that it is spicy and warm, and generally cures the disease of wind and twinkle.

Therefore, like the farmers in "Snake Catcher's Talk", many poor people who could not pay taxes took risks and ran to the deep mountains to catch the reptile and sell them, offset the government's tax.

However, it is not so easy to catch this centipede. This insect is not big and very cunning. Although it is full of it, it walks like flying. Once it meets the natural enemy, it will drill into the deep mountain and stone crevices, which is quite difficult to catch. Moreover, although this centipede is not as fierce as a poisonous snake, it is fierce. When it encounters a desperate moment, it must be attacked people. Take a bite on your body.

If you are bitten by a smaller centipede, it's okay. At worst, it will hurt for a day or two, and it will be a big bag, but it will be okay to do things. If you covet the long-lived and big centipede can sell it at a good price and provoke it to hide in the depths of the mountain path, the amazing thing will be poisoned by it, and the light one will also be **If you lie down for ten days and a half months, the heavy person will be stagnant, foaming at the mouth, and will die immediately if the diagnosis and treatment is not good.

The rewards are not proportional, and the gains are often unmatched by the expenses. Gradually, the minds of the poor become diffuse, and there are fewer people entering the mountain.

Wang Bao and Zhang Jia are both in their 20s. They have been together for a long time. They have been together for a long time. They have also done a lot about the way of insect hunting. At present, they have rushed to the end of the mountain forest and came to a towering ancient tree.

This is a 200-year-old ancient cypress. The branches and leaves are like crowns, towering in the sky and covering the sun. Humanity is that the old tree is deeper in spring. In addition to the dense branches and trees, the leaves on this tree are dense and thick, like a cover.

Wang Bao and Zhang Jiayin just came out of their home and rushed on their way in the dark. Before the trip, they only had a breakfast. Now they have climbed the mountain road for a long time and have been hungry for a long time.

Although the two hit a rabbit with a slingshot along the way, they did not roast it and eat it. When they rushed to this ancient cypress, they saw Wang Bao and Zhang Jia looking at each other with joy on their faces. They thought together: "That's it..."

I saw the two take out a short-handled hoe and find a soft place under Gu Bai, which is to work together to dig up the soil

In less than half an hour, the two of them worked hard to dig out three or four feet of soil, revealing how many years of operation of ancient cypress, countless rhizos, the big feet have small arms, tentacles, and staggered roots, and when the two waved their hoe, they had to shovel the roots and broken stems. They saw the ancient cypress leaves swinging, which seemed to be spiritual. Sex seems to be wailing.

Wang Bao sweated on his forehead and said to the Jia, "The soil below is already damp and soft. I think it's almost done. Take out the rabbit!"

Zhang Jia looked at the deep pit three or four feet long and one foot wide, touched the wet soil in the pit, nodded and replied, "Okay!"

Zhang Jia took out the previously killed gray-haired hare from his back basket, smashed the rabbit's head with a hoe, and burst out a lot of blood. Zhang Jia held the rabbit's body upside down, sprinkled blood all around the deep pit, and threw the rabbit's body into the deep pit.

Even if the two of them packed their tools, they hid behind a tree not far away.

The two were thoughtful and did not forget to cover themselves with a layer of black gauze to cover up their human tracks.

So Zhang Bao and Wang Jia calmed down and quietly hid behind the tree. Less than half a cup of tea, they saw a blemble sound from the end of the forest.

In a short time, a gust of wind and sand moved, but I saw hundreds of feet crawling on the ground, but it was not a group of 20 or 30 black, red and yellow centipedees. They wandered like the wind and ran to the deep pit.

Wang Jia hid in the black veil and tried his best to hold his breath. He saw this centipede bent and crawling over. They all raised their round and red heads, with a pair of forefoot jaw claws. The tentacles on their heads swayed and their mouths kept moving.

In this group of centipedes, there are less than one or two inches long and slightly smaller, but there are also nearly two feet of big centipedes with red, round heads and ancient brains. The huge centipedes are small in front of their upper body and move forward with a hundred feet. The pairs of claws are thick and sharp, with fine sharp hairs, so they step on the little centipede and rot. The whole body of the little centipede.

There are also those who are more violent. Their bodies are full of clear yellow, almost transparent. Only the round head is red as blood, dancing huge jaw teeth, directly pushing the little centipede forward, and even a little impatient, pounding the front of the jaw teeth, piercing the little centipede's head, making it cry in an instant.

When the centipede next to it passed by, it quickly climbed over and moved its mouth, scrambling to absorb the flesh and blood of the little centipede, waiting to eat it clean, and then move forward again.

In this way, in a short journey, this group of centipedes crawled and competed with each other to eat each other. By the time of the deep pit, there were only five or six 12 feet long centipedes left in the original group of 20 or 30 centipedes.