Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 37 A sword can be regarded as an enemy

At this time, Li Qianren was trapped in the middle of the two silver whips, and Hu Long attacked in the air, which was a critical death. However, he saw that his face was not at all nervous, but full of relaxed look.

I saw him shouting loudly, and his body suddenly sonorous. With his body as the center, hundreds of sharp swords appeared out of thin air.

These sharp swords are condensed from their true spirit, which is as if they were substantial. At this time, they appeared, and Li Qianran shouted, "It's raining!"

I saw that hundreds of sharp swords, with fierce swordsmanship, like peony blossoms, suddenly scattered and poured down, breaking through the strong protection of Hu Long and Yan Hu and Yan Hu, and hitting the two people fiercely.

Hu Long and Yan Hu were caught off guard and felt that the rain of swords was coming to him, as if they were in a huge whirlpool composed of tens of millions of sharp swords.

In the whirlpool, the sword rain was like a wave and roared fiercely. The two hurriedly carried up their true energy in front of them and resisted desperately. However, his hundreds of sharp swords were like flowers and rain, endlessly suppressed layer by layer, as if there was no end.

Yan Hu and Hu Long were sluggish for a while, and a trace of despair appeared in their hearts. Duan Sanniang behind Yan Hu had the intention to save them, but she also took Li Qianren's "rainy" spirit, and there was no way to start.

At the critical moment when Yan Hu and Hu Long were killed, he suddenly heard the long roar of Li Qianren, and hundreds of sharp swords suddenly buzzed accordingly, and the sword body faded and slowly disappeared.

In addition to their surprise, Li Qianren stood in front of them with his hands and his back to the sun. He was dressed in a sky-blue coat and floated in the wind, with a faint smile on his face.

At this moment, Yan Hu was in a trance and had the illusion that Li Qianrong was like an immortal god of war, standing against the sky, covering the glory of the sun. He only heard Li Qianyi calmly ask, "What other tricks can you use? Qianran is here to accompany you."

Yanhu and Hu Long looked at each other, and it was no longer possible to suppress their excitement. Although they were angry, they also fell down, looked at him with admiration, and swore to the ground in unison:

"Some two people are willing to take Li Qianren as the lord of the demon religion. In this life, the pommel horses will follow each other!"

The sound echoed above the mountains, fooling far away, blowing through the lush woods. In the mountains and forests, the trees swaying, the branches and leaves of the mountains are swaying, like a clear blue wave on the green mountains, and also like the souls of several generations of ghosts in the mountains, waving to the heroes.

Li Qianren laughed and leaned over to help the two of them. Everyone looked at each other and smiled. So Li Qianren took their hands and took Qin Yi, Mu Dan and Duan Sanniang to the mountain together.

"Cough..." Half an hour later, Chen Kai slowly woke up and felt that he was still confused. He spit out two mouthfuls of mud and suddenly was shocked. He thought, "The young master and the two brothers are fighting with the enemy. I don't know what's going on. Are you out of danger?"

He struggled to stand up and moved his muscles and bones. He was actually moving freely. At this moment, he looked up and saw two or three clouds floating in the sky, looking empty, but there was no movement.

Chen Kai couldn't help opening his mouth, looking like the second monk was confused, and he thought suspiciously, "Is this another dream I had?"

At the entrance of the mountain gate, thousands of demons dressed in black are listed around the mountain road. Above the mountain, the swords are forest, and a banner is spreading far away.

There was a serious and solemn look on the faces of the demons, that is, Qi Qi looked at the foot of the mountain. At this time, they saw a young man in a sky-blue shirt slowly coming and stepping on the stone steps of the mountain.

This person was Li Qianren. He went up step by step. Behind him was Qin Yi and other people. Looking at their expressions, they were meticulous. When they saw this group of people in the religion all over the mountain, they actually cheered:

"Welcome the young master back to the mountain!"

"Welcome the young master back to the mountain!"

Suddenly, Qin Yi and others knelt down together and said respectfully in unison, "Please succeed the lord of the demon religion and bring us back to the prestige of the demon religion!"

This sound stirred up thousands of waves, and there was a movement. All the demon religious people knelt down and cheered and advised:

"Please succeed the demon lord! Revitalize the prestige of the demon religion!"

Its voice is vast, resounding thousands of miles away.

Li Qianran looked up, and the expectant expressions of the full mountain congregation fell into his eyes. The stone steps under his feet were long. He only felt that the road ahead was long, and the mountains were high through the clouds. The end of his sight was faint and the fog was faint. He couldn't help thinking:

"Although the road ahead is far away from the cause I want to start from now on, it must be far away and full of thorns. However, the cheers of the people in front of me and the expression of vague expectation are no longer allowed to retreat."

A voice couldn't help but appear in his heart, which became louder and louder, like a thunder roar, resounding in his heart: "Although tens of millions of people will go!"

On that day, Li Qianren took over as the leader of the demon religion in the respectful persuasion of thousands of sects in Pishan. After entering the council hall of Pishan, he ordered Qin Yi and others to say, "My brother has not fought. Now that I have become the demon lord, this matter must be reported to all the demon sects in the world. Several brothers went to a distribution today to distribute the magic religion gold posts and tell these distributions. Door, I will officially ascend the throne under the witness of the ghost tree in Bishan in two days. Please come and watch the ceremony.

The magic religion gold post means that one or two pieces of golden leaves will appear after encountering people with blood in the hundreds of years of ghost trees in the mountains. The people of the Demon Sect regard this as a token of the demon lord's order, and when they see this, they are like seeing the demon lord.

"But the demon lord..." Qin Yi had already changed his mind and did not call the young master. He asked with a little worry, "Those sects next to him have never listened to the instructions of Qishan. Now with such a big momentum, I'm afraid they will take advantage of the topic and come here to make trouble."

"It doesn't matter. If the name is not right, it won't go well..." Li Qianrung waved his hand. "It may be a good opportunity to teach the whole school."

"We also need to guard against the righteous people coming to besiege when my teaching is weak." Mu Dan followed the suggestion.

"Um..." Li Qianren nodded, meditated for a moment, and then ordered, "The two brothers Qin Yi and Chen Kai went to divide the rudder and send gold posts. Mu Dan and Longhushan's brothers assisted in defending around Pi Mountain in preparation for the attack by the Orthodox Church."

"Follow the Lord's order!" Everyone was happy to say yes and immediately dispersed.

For a moment, the huge Kushan Council Hall was empty, leaving only Li Qianran. He stood alone in the middle of the hall, holding a golden nan wooden chair placed there, and couldn't help thinking:

"My father has made this chair, and so has my brother. These people all died in order to defend the glory of the magic religion. Now, it's my turn to sit on it..."