Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 54 Qiongyao Fairy Clean Water

Xu Donglai smiled and was a little embarrassed to say to several people:

"The stupid monk is not small. It's better to live with me. Brother Hanzhi looks like to be clean. It's good to rest alone."

Stupidness is indispensable, but Zhou Hanzhi refused for him: "Hanzhi has a rough sense of Buddhism. There is nothing to do tonight. I just sit down and talk with the stupid master. Brother Donglai should be in his own room."

"Okay..." Xu Donglai knew that Zhou Hanzhi would not let go of himself. He was a cheerful person and didn't say anything more. He entered the room with some resentment. Indeed, Zhou Hanzhi was afraid of stupidity and was the purpose of being tricked out of Ju Yunxuan by him. He didn't want them to live in the same room.

After Xu Dong came to enter the room, she had a soft and deep jade hand, and the cold air condensed on her index finger, and a drop of water came out. She condensed the water drop in the middle of the door of Xu Dong and said softly to the room:

"Brother Donglai, you have a good rest tonight. Someone wants to go out, otherwise if the little sister has a feeling, she can't protect whether the poison in your heart will break out or not."

"I know..." Xu Donglai's voice was dull, thinking that he had covered his head with a quilt.

Qimiao shook her head. She knew that Xu Donglai was depressed, so she didn't say much, but said in her heart, "Not long ago, she was still a desperate enemy. Although she found that she was not a bad person, after all, she had the heart to guard against others. Although the various actions are a little annoying, they are also helpless."

With a sentence of helplessness, all kinds of moods after stepping into the world are revealed.

At present, several people went back to their rooms, and the fatigue in the day turned into a relaxation and deep sleep. Accompanied by the deep night sky and the silent moonlight, Xu Donglai fell asleep with his head covered, and the stupid monk snored loudly. Zhou Han stopped his knees and nourished. The Qi Miao lay with Li Miaohua and clothes, and the bed was fragrant and pleasant for a while. The two said a while. Then they slept separately.

In the silent night, the breeze was gentle. After the full moon climbed to the sky, it slowly walked to the side. In this quiet night, Qi Miao fell asleep. At this time, the dream was ethereal. She walked in the hazy clouds, and the appearance of Xuan Niang floated in front of her. No matter how she captured it, she could not see it. A clear face, but when the two were far away from each other, there was a trace of sadness in her heart. In this melancholy, there was an inexplicable sadness.

She didn't know why. She only felt heartache and reached out to hold Xuan Niang's body, hoping to see her face. However, as far as she could reach, the appearance of the person in front of her suddenly changed into the face of her brother Shen Danyang. Qi Miao was shocked and only felt that Shen Danyang's face was full of great pain and indescribable sadness. He waited for seven At a glance, she actually wanted her to push it away.

Qi Miao was caught off guard and woke up. When she woke up, she only felt that she was lying on the couch with a trace of cold sweat on her forehead. However, when she turned her head and looked at Li Miaohua, she was really shocked.

I saw that the pillow on the other side of Li Minghua, who was sleeping, was empty.

Qi Miao suddenly sat up, his whole body was full of true energy, and his heart was alert. Looking around, the night in this room was rich. At this time, there was a wind blowing, which made people feel a trace of cold and strange.

She looked around the room and saw that there was a quiet silence on all sides. When she raised her eyes again, she saw that the window was unexpectedly open, and the cold wind was poured in by the window. At this time, a wisp of moonlight sprinkled into the room, accompanied by the window lattice swaying by the wind, creaking sound, and the moonlight shone on the table. , reflecting Li Weihua's sword.

The sword was placed alone on the table, and Qi Miao's intuition was not good. Without saying a word, she jumped up softly and flew out along the window.

I saw the bright moon hanging high in the sky, and the moonlight turned into spots by the gentle wind, scattered in the backyard of the inn. On the opposite wall, on the tree over there, and on one side of the inn, it left a shadowy and colorful projection. Although the projection was windy and swaying, it seemed to cast one question mark after another in the heart of Qi Miao.

This playful and lively Li Weihua was captured by the enemy?

Who can quietly approach the two people and completely avoid her eyes and ears?

Why did the enemy only take Li Yuhua away but did not touch himself?

What happened to her?

As the doubts expanded little by little, she only felt that her heart was torn little by little.

Suddenly, a flash of light appeared in her heart. Although her hand was moved, she stroked the willow tree in the courtyard, and saw a trace of green flowing along the seven wonderful palms into the willow tree. At the same time, the willow branches and leaves swayed and seemed to respond to it.

The raised willow branches swayed to the south. Qi Miao couldn't help saying thanks in her heart, resisting its true spirit, and immediately went south through the air.

Not far ahead, she only felt that there was a lake under her, on which the smoke was cloudy, and a steaming water vapor mixed with silver-white moonlight floated on the small lake.

Qimao looked hard and faintly felt that there was a woman familiar figure in the lake. She seemed to struggle and struggle in the water. She went out of the water several times, and the situation seemed to be very urgent.

"Minghua!" Qi Miao shouted loudly. Although his body was windy, he leaned over and rushed to the lake.

"Sister Fairy?" The woman in the lake seemed to be shocked and immediately said happily. In the soft voice, there was a trace of shyness, but at this time, Qi Miao was eager to save people, but how could she distinguish it clearly?

She pushed away the heavy water mist, ignored the wetness of the lake, and rushed to Li Yuhua's body. However, the next scene stunned her.

I saw Li Miaohua**'s body. Tingting stood in the water, with a graceful posture. The three thousand hairs with wet beads of water were covered in the front and back of her body, covering the looming graceful figure. She covered her chest with two hands, and her cheeks were full of pink.

"Minghua..... You... You are..." Standing in front of him was the fairy on that day. Qi Miao looked at it for a moment and couldn't help stammering and couldn't even speak clearly.

"It's hot, and I just want to come to this lake to take a shower..." Li Miaohua whispered, with a shy face and a little daughter.

The milky moonlight is as clear as water and like mercury poured on the beauty in the water. She is moon dew, which is unparalleled, and her face is even more light clouds covering the moon.

The moonlight shines, and the mist envelops her body, which is as light and delicate as the budding flower bud, and as white and bright as a lotus platform with water.

The fragrance of this scene is the smooth washing of the fat, and the soft jade preserves the warm fragrance.

"Sister Fairy, the lake is refreshing. Do you want to come and wash it?" Li Miaohua turned his head to look at Qi Miao and asked like a warbler.

At this time, there was a thrill in his heart. Without saying a word, he rushed to the sky. For a moment, the water splashed everywhere. Li Miaohua was shocked and couldn't help but wonder: "This wind and fire came, and he stood stupidly for half a sound. Why did he leave without saying a word?"