Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 66 In the Painting of the Sword

The ink-faced guest's voice fell. Suddenly, his figure was really blurred. He took action very quickly and fell into Zhou Hanzhi and Qi Miao's eyes. He only felt that the old man's body flashed into a half-air shadow, like a strong wind, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed to his eyes.

"As long as I block this person's move, I will praise his martial arts so that he can't come to Taiwan." Zhou Han stopped thinking, "I think this person is also a righteous senior, and he will not go back on his way."

He had a certain idea. He immediately threw out four or five magic charms, injected Huangting Zhenqi in his hand, and raised the Tianzi fan to fan these yellow paper runes.

When those runes were stimulated by their true spirit, they instantly transformed into several snow-white pigeons. These white pigeons fluttered their wings and bumped into the ink-faced guest. Taking this opportunity, Zhou Hanzhi pulled Qi Miao, retreated backwards, and struggled to distance himself from the ink-faced guest.

He thought about it. As long as the old man in black waved a sword and cut off a few white pigeons, it would be regarded as a move. At that time, it was up to his tongue. In full view of the public, the old man had no reason and could no longer attack.

Unexpectedly, the ink-faced guest's body was unpredictable. When it was slow, it was like the flowing clouds, and when it was like the thunder and lightning. His body moved lightly, he actually avoided a few white pigeons that rushed in front of him. Several moved and threw them behind him.

Mo-faced guest was proud, and he said that Zhou Hanzhi was cleverly thinking about such a trick, but he underestimated the three elders of Kunlun. At this time, he only saw Zhou Hanzhi's eyebrows stretched out, looking at him with a bamboo in his chest. He smiled and spit out a word in his mouth.

"At this juke, what else do you have to say?" Mo-faced guest's heart was surprised, and Zhou Hanzhi's voice was quite small and unrecognizable. He was touching in his heart, but he saw a few winds behind him. The old man in black suddenly turned his head and looked at it, but saw that the white pigeons were just around his head and rushed to his side and surrounded him closely.

However, I saw these pigeons rushing very fast, surrounded and getting closer and closer. If the old man did not move again, it would be difficult to get out.

It turned out that Zhou Hanzhi pretended to be calm and pretended to lose the ink-faced guest and said a word, that is, when the latter was slightly relaxed and attracted by him, he used these white pigeons to attack the ink-faced guest. He thought that this time, if he won, he would be able to traumatate the old man. If he failed, it could also attract him to attack. White pigeons are lowering their posture at that time, or they may get out of danger.

"What a sinister doll!" Mo-faced guest shouted, and his whole body was really angry. He saw the fierce sword spirit tied to his body like hundreds of thick dark chains. Under the wave of sword spirit, the pigeons were defeated and burst into a white light.

After the white light, several returned to the shape of the rune paper, but they saw that the rune paper were broken and fell alone.

"The old man is so angry with you!" The ink-faced guest screamed strangely, and the black cloak suddenly opened, like a dark and thick wing. He saw that his body, which had been bent, stretched out a little, and the iron chain made of true energy wrapped around his body and kept swimming.

I saw a flash of cold light on the body of the three-foot short sword in the hand of the ink-faced guest, reflecting the old man in black with a chestnut face. Zhou Hanzhi and Qi Miao looked over and felt that the sword was ancient and quiet and subtle. The source of murderousness contained in it was emitted, which made people unconsciously hold their breath and be fascinated by it.

The ink-faced guest waved a sharp sword in his hand, and the cloak behind him opened huge black wings like a bat. His body first rushed to the mid-air and turned into a black dot across the sun. Suddenly, his body rushed down again, setting off a sharp wind.

In the day, the ink-faced guest's short sword was held in the palm of his hand and bent down to rush. The sound of the sword roared, and the sword spirit was like splashing ink, dragging out a thick shadow. In the eyes of the old man in black, Qi Miao and Zhou Hanzhi were his prey.

A strong murderous spirit came to his face, and when he saw that the ink-faced guest wanted to take the two people's lives with a sword. At this time, Zhou Han stopped taking a step forward and took a hold of Qi Miao behind him. His hand burst into his body, and his whole body was bulging, and the wind shook. From his hand, he saw that he was injecting the true energy of Huang Ting in his body into the treasure fan in his hand.

At this moment, Zhou Han stopped the true qi in the Dantian and tilted out. Huang Ting wanted to practice continuous skills, and the true qi in the meridians wandered crazily. At this moment of death, he no longer needed to leave any more strength.

That day, the fan was stimulated by Huangting's true qi, and a white light overflowed over it, which became brighter and more and brighter. Zhou Han stopped to stimulate the veins. At the same time, the true spirit flourished, and the white light mass quickly became huge, covering Zhou Hanzhi and Qi Miao's body. On that day, the word "Tianzi" floated and flashed on the fan. This treasure fan trembled slightly, no From bursts of Qingyue chirping, it is like a nine-flying dragon.

Zhou Hanzhi shouted and pushed out with both hands. Unexpectedly, he pushed out the white light mass condensed all the yellow garden around him and greeted the ink-faced guest.

He calculated again: "If this old man does his best, he is too different from him, and he must be his opponent at all. However, now he promises to use only five successes. His blow is a lifelong strength, but he is also confident to draw with him. At that time, he will see what else he has to say. "

"Stupid tricks!" Mo-faced guest saw the great power of the light mass condensed by the true air, but his expression was not afraid. Sure enough, he did not burst into true anger, and his body suddenly speed up. Only in that moment, his body turned into electric shock, and suddenly passed through Zhou Hanzhi's huge true air mass.

This time seemed to show off the ink-faced guest's superb understanding of Taoism and martial arts. He did not resist hard, and did not make a detour. Instead, he used the speed to turn into a mass of electric light. In an instant, he was understated to pass through the white light. At this moment, the old man smiled proudly and raised his left hand with his dagger high. It was exactly to Zhou Hanzhi and Qi Miao rushed.

"How could this happen?" Zhou Hanzhi was shocked, the ink-faced guest was surprised, and the sword in his hand reached him in an instant. At this critical moment, Qi Miao pushed him away and stood in front of him.

"What this person thinks about is his sister. Don't let him die for me so vaguely..." At the moment of turning around, Qi Miao thought of it.

With a plop, the dagger in the hand of the ink-faced guest burst into Qimiao's chest. At this time, his whole body suddenly trembled. He only felt that his arms were numb, and his body was like an electric shock, and he was actually chilling.

But it turned out to be the vast cold true qi in the Qi Miao's body. She was unable to control it because her cultivation was not enough, but this true qi was dormant in her body, but when she was in danger, it was naturally stimulated and blocked the dagger that disappeared into the body.

"Hee hee, it's interesting, but it's still hard to beat me!" The ink-faced guest shouted coldly. Although this change surprised him a little, he didn't pay attention to it at all. Between his breaths, the true air condensed again.