Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 7 The Lonely Soul in the Iron Sword Gate

Qimiao heard him say bluntly that Zhao's brothers were not doing well, and she couldn't help laughing. She didn't know what they would feel if they heard these friends comment on themselves when they were awake. At this time, they heard Qin Xuehan frowned, the topic changed, and said:

"About some deeds related to the forbidden array and the people to be hunted by the Iron Sword Gate, Qin knows a little about the second..."

"Oh? Brother, tell us about it quickly!" Li Miaohua was curious and urged when he heard the words.

"Hmm..." Qin Xuehan nodded and whispered a series of stories that happened recently:

It turned out that the murder of this strange man did not occur in the Iron Sword Gate at first, but on the mage Qingyan, who had always been friends with his master.

Master Qingyan was originally a monk of Zhongji Temple in Qianshan. He thought that Qianshan belongs to the remnants of Taibai, which is all over the temple. It has always been the place where the incense is in full bloom. This Qingyan monk's practice is quite high. For some reason, he has a good relationship with the current owner of Tiejianmen, which also belongs to Liaodong. There are many movements and close contacts between the two.

One day, the owner of the Iron Sword Gate received a letter from Master Qingyan. It was a little Shami who sent the letter. When the doorkeeper saw his panicked and his face, his face was full of thoughts. He couldn't help but wonder. When he asked him with a little concern, the Shami hesitated, his words were vague, and could not say why.

The owner of the Iron Sword Gate was shocked, so he opened the letter from Master Qingyan, but saw that only a few lines were written in the letter, to the intention that he went down the mountain to the customs. On the way back, he met a strange man. Seeing that his Dharma practice was very special, it seemed that his consciousness was blurred and chaotic due to the head injury. Master Qingyan's heart was strange. Strangely, he took this person back to the Zhongqi Temple along the way.

In the next letter, Master Qingyan's words were mixed up, but he said that he guessed that this person's origin was probably extraordinary, and there were many strange things in the temple, all of which were related to him. Now the situation is urgent, and I hope that the master of the Iron Sword Gate can always support him.

After reading this letter, the owner of the Iron Sword Gate thought inexplicably and felt that the matter was quite strange. Master Qingyan's words flashed in the letter, which obviously concealed a lot of things. He suddenly felt that he should lead people to the Zhongqi Temple to have a look. However, coincidentally, when this letter was sent, he was practicing a special mind, which was not easy. Take action.

He thought for a while and called his right-hand man in the door, Peng Siqi, the second brother, and Chen Yuanhua, the third brother, and asked them to go to the Zhongyi Temple first to visit, and wait for him to finish his practice, even if he rushed to support.

Peng Siqi and Chen Yuanhua's Taoism is also one of the best in the Iron Sword Gate. He is very confident about this and does not worry about what will happen to them. Unexpectedly, this time, they misjudged the situation.

I thought that the general altar of the Iron Sword Gate was about 70 or 80 miles away from the Bell Temple, and the trip was only about a day. Unexpectedly, these two took the little Shami for two days, but there was no news back.

There is a trace of ominous omen in the heart of the Iron Sword Gate owner, and he can't help feeling a little anxious, not as confident as before.

On the third day, he saw that the little Sha Mi, who had sent the letter and led the way, ran in again in a panic. With a trace of panic on his face, he said vaguely that the two Peng and Chen actually had an accident in Zhongqi Temple. Master Qingyan called the owner of the Iron Sword Gate to have a quick look.

The owner of the Iron Sword Gate was shocked when he heard the words, and a trace of doubt flashed in his heart. When he inquired, the little Shami was as hesitant as before, dodging in his words and couldn't explain why.

He thought for a moment, and had a plan in his heart. He picked up a single dress and ordered the little Sami to lead the way. However, at the moment when Sami turned around and was about to move forward, the owner of the Iron Sword Gate took action and slapped behind his head. Sami did not hum, and two lines of blood flowed from his nose, even if his body was soft and paralyzed. In the hall.

The owner of the iron sword gate picked up the Shami, called Zhao Dongting and Zhao Zhongyue's two disciples, set up a big tripod in the door, and the fire burst into the fire. He picked up the Shami and threw it into the tripod.

In an instant, Shami's skin and skin turned over, and it was gradually cooked by boiling water. For a moment, there was a strong smell of meat above and below the Iron Sword Gate. At this point, the owner of the Iron Sword Gate was particularly not enough. He ordered everyone to add another fire and only made the big tripod red, while Xiao Shami's body and even the skin and skin on his face were caught by the fire. The boiled meat turned into pieces and melted in this boiling water.

At this time, the Sami's eyelids faded, and his two eyes were high/protruding, staring at the sky, but he saw the owner of the Iron Sword Gate shouting, gently stabbing his fingertips with a short dagger, and quickly wiped the blood flowing into the mouth of the tripod. He thought about the method in his mouth, and on the wall of the tripod, there was suddenly a strange red light.

Only then did the brothers Zhao Dongting and Zhao Zhongyue know that this tripod was also a treasure, and the master would still have such a strange spell. When they saw the master perform this method for the first time, they couldn't help staring and staring at it.

I saw the red light intertwined, caged on the mouth of the tripod, gradually covering up the boiling sound of boiling water. The two eyes that had been dead and could not be killed actually slipped up, and the boiled mouth stretched out a long, thick, extremely red and swollen tongue.

This scene is incredible. It can't be said whether it's because of the heat or because of the strange situation. The Zhao brothers have unconsciously been soaked with sweat and collapsed the clothes on their backs. However, at this time, the little Sha Mi's eyes seem to have a touching magic, reflecting the red light on the top, flickering, which is deeply attracted The two brothers' eyes made it impossible to move.

At this time, I only heard the iron sword doorkeeper's calm voice and asked in a low voice, "Who did Master Qingyan bring back? Tell me everything you know!"

"Guck..." The little Shami's throat knot, which had been burned, made a sound of flesh and blood friction. The little Shami, who had been dead for a long time, actually opened his mouth again, but at this moment, his voice was far-reaching and resentful, which seemed to sound like a human voice, accompanied by a grim feeling from the nine secluded abyss.

"That's... a young man wearing a dark red satin gown, embroidered with peonies, hanging hair, and a very eye-catching necklace on his forehead. He should have been born very beautiful, but that face..."

The young little Sami's voice seemed extremely old at this moment. The light voice fell into the ears of the Zhao brothers, but felt a heavy heart.

"What's wrong with that face?" The owner of the Iron Sword Gate asked softly.

"That face... that face is flowery..." The skin on Xiao Shami's face has melted inch by inch, and there is no more expression, but his voice suddenly took on 12 points of panic. The owner of the Iron Sword Gate repeatedly asked him what his face is flowery. He asked several times, but he didn't get a reply.