Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 10 Looking for Ghosts in the Temple

"Please look at the donor..." Master Qingyan had a clean face and a knife in his hand. A few steps forward, he did not show mercy and cut a knife on the arm of the body lying in the coffin.

"Ah!" Chen Yuanhua couldn't help screaming. It turned out that under the knife, a blood stain suddenly appeared on the arm of the body. However, the blood stain slowly shrank, and the wound slowly healed.

"What's going on?" Chen Yuanhua's eyes widened. When he looked carefully again, he found that there were still weak ups and downs on the chest and abdomen of the man in the coffin. He took a deep breath and couldn't help asking, "So this man is not dead?"

"Yes, he just fell into a deep coma..." Master Qingyan nodded with a smile, withdrew the knife from his sleeve, but asked, "What did Lord Chen think of this man?"

"Hmm?" Chen Yuanhua looked at his god and only felt that Master Qingyan looked at himself with deep meaning. He thought for a while and couldn't help asking with surprise and joy, "If this person can be successfully refined and absorbed, can he heal himself after being injured like him?"

"More than that, this person is not old and immortal. He should have lived for a long time. He still has many benefits that we can't say. The old man invited your master to come. Originally, he wanted to visit together and exchange experiences..."

"If you don't die?" Chen Yuanhua's eyes lit up, and when he looked at Master Qingyan again, he couldn't help but feel that he was inexplicably a few years younger.

"Dare to ask the master what he has gained these days?" He was a little impatient and vaguely thought that if he could seize this opportunity, maybe he could shine in the Iron Sword Gate, no, maybe he could shine in the world and take a further step from now on.

Thinking that Chen Sihua was also a seven-foot man, he asked himself how he could always be willing to be complativated. At this time, he suddenly encountered a good opportunity, which involuted the ambition that had been buried for a long time and lit up a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Haha, Lord Chen, don't worry, let's go out and talk..." Just as Chen Yuanhua was full of expectations, Master Qingyan didn't want to say much. He took Chen Yuanhua's hand and said, "This is not a place to talk. Let's go out and talk about something."

"Um...Okay..." Chen Yuanhua looked deeply at the dark red man in the hall and saw that his arms were white and clean. It seemed that this person should also be quite young. He couldn't help muttering in his mind, "Don't die..." In this way, he was quite lost and a little unwilling to be taken out by Master Qingyan. The apse.

When he first came out of the hall, Chen Yuanhua was quite impatient and asked again, "Master Qingyan, I would like to ask you about this person's research experience. Can you hesitate to tell me?"

"Haha..." Master Qingyan seemed to laugh at him for being anxious, but just persuaded him, "Today, Lord Chen is in a hurry. There are still a few places in the old monk's heart that he hasn't figured out, so it's not easy to tell..."

As soon as he pointed to the sky, he saw the broken gold in the sky and the sun tilted. He said, "It's not as early in the mountains. It's not as good as Lord Chen Shi's a grievance tonight. It's also awaiting for the lost Lord Peng Shi. The next morning, the old monk will exchange his well-organized experience with the two. You think it's good."

"We still have to wait for Peng Siqi..." Chen Yuanhua was unhappy, but in the name of the three masters of the Iron Sword Gate, he really couldn't say much. At present, he couldn't refuse, so he had to nod his head and said, "The master is thoughtful. If this arrangement is very good, then the little one will be disturbed."

At this moment, Master Qingyan opened the door of a wing room and asked him to rest a little. Chen Yuanhua was depressed and said a few words confusedly, and then Master Qingyan left immediately.

It's just a small temple. There is no kiln gambling house. There is nothing to go shopping. Chen Yuanhua honestly put on the door, and his heart was lost.

Sure enough, it was very early in the mountain. Soon, the sun fell and the sky turned dark. The night in the mountain was clear. Chen Yuanhua found sesame oil for himself, lit a candle for himself, and rested on his back, but he couldn't sleep.

He was originally on the road for a day, but in fact, his body was also tired. However, the scene of rapid self-healing after the injury of the person in the coffin in the day was still in front of him at this time, and the words in his mind were also the mage's words "not to die" and "unspeakable benefits"...

Chen Yuanhua thought left and right, to turn around, and thought that if he could find some benefits in cultivating immortals, such as recovering from injuries, wouldn't he have the upper hand in fighting with others, as well as the characteristics of immortality? If he could find a way, he would get all the benefits, wouldn't he not ......

For a moment, he was fascinated and fantasize about it. However, he thought about it again. When Peng Siqi found the mountain, he thought that he was really rigid in doing things. He was afraid that as soon as he got the detailed understanding of Master Qingyan, he would quickly go down the mountain and rushed back to the Iron Sword Gate, and the original return to the owner of the Iron Sword Gate.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became. He only felt that this time was an extraordinary opportunity for Chen Yuanhua to come forward. If the sky was with it, how could he not take it? Slowly, hours after hour passed, and the night was getting darker and darker, and his mind gradually came to his mind.

He gently blew out the lights, crept up, listened to the movement outside the door for a long time, and opened the window to peep. Seeing that the backyard of the temple was silent, and Master Qingyan's residence had already extinguished the lights, he slowly opened the door, shook his body, and carefully leaned out.

The moonlight is very good tonight, and there is a piece of silver in the courtyard, but the four fields are quiet and silent. Chen Yuanhua used to work for the Iron Sword Gate, and he didn't know how much when he walked at night. He was even more confident in dealing with such a situation. He saved his body, stood close to the wall, and let his figure melt with the shadow of the wall. As one.

Next, he used light skills and walked quickly, like a gecko swimming on the wall, and quickly slid to the side of the door of the apse. Chen Yuanhua plotted and then moved, and lost his soul before. When it was really time to do big things, the calm and ability of walking in the world was reflected.

He looked at the courtyard again and saw that there was no movement in the Qingyan mage's room or the next room, so he gently sent a true air, like a breeze blowing through, piercing the paper window lattice and a small hole.

At this time, he took out a yellow paper rune in his arms and really entered it. In a slight way, he saw that his body instantly turned into a white light. Suddenly, he flashed along the previous pierced window hole the size of a cup and flew in.

After entering the hall, his body shook in the white light and jumped out of Chen Yuanhua's body again. This place was not as dark as in the previous courtyard, but only a few moonlight. Chen Yuanhua groped for a while and adapted to the light here, so he carefully searched behind the Buddha statue.