Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 16 What is the next

When everyone heard what Zhou Hanzhi said, they all looked puzzled. Zhou Hanzhi saw that the time was tight and it was inconvenient to talk for a long time. He tried to be concise and explained it in a few words. It turned out that the formation in the world was like two sides of a copper plate, with two ways to enter the game and break the game.

And the intersection of entering the game and breaking the game is often only in one place. From where you enter the game, you can break the game from where you can break the game, and the two are only on the front line.

This is probably because the formation handed down by the scattered people in the five elements is arranged according to the yin and yang of heaven and earth. It should be known that everything is the harmony of yin and yang, and it has always been interdependent. For example, good and evil in the human world are two sides of mutual balance in human nature. This week, he is the first person who is born in the right way to know the immortals. In fact, he has the layout of array. With a lot of accomplishments, it can be seen from the two layouts of the hard cultivation of ghost species on the cliff and desert in the past.

Thinking that Qi Miao and Li Miaohua were also quite good monks, he broke them and immediately understood that if they wanted to break this maze, they had to be done by these two elm trees. However, with the lesson of Qin Xuehan's previous car, these two trees were not broken, but they lost themselves. The bright moon heart Li Miaohua's eyes turned a few times and suddenly realized something and only listened to her.

"If you can't hit the idea of two left and right elm trees, is the key to the broken array in the two people under the tree?"

"But when the stupid monk picked up my brother Cai, Brother Cai turned into a sand, and the fool also fell on the ground. Isn't this the same as attacking the elm tree and disappearing..." Zhao Dongting was puzzled.

"Hey... Brother Zhao, since we are trapped in the confusion, everything in front of us, you two brothers may just be the illusory bubble..." Zhou Hanzhi shook the fan and explained, "In my estimation, if we don't move under the tree and step directly into this field, then we may only walk blankly on this green field and keep returning to these two trees..."

"Oh? What the senior brother said was that it was the fool who touched the mechanism under the tree on the left that caused the swordsmen of the military alliance controlled by the Lingmu Zhenqi puppet technique to block the way? The Zhao brothers became more and more confused. They were intelligent, but in an instant they understood what Zhou Hanzhi was referring to.

She frowned and said helplessly, "It seems that the person under the tree on the right is also a mechanism and must move..."

"It's just that whoever touches him will disappear together..." Zhao Dongting was worried.

"Since Brother Zhou said that disappearing is just trapped somewhere, let Li Minghua go and have a try..." Mingyue's heart was plainly chivalrous and heroic. At this time, when she saw that her friends and senior brothers had fallen into the battle, she immediately stood up and said.

"Hey... Weihua, you are still young and don't have enough experience in the world. If something happens later, I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with it..." Qi Miao softly dissuaded her face and said to Zhou Han, "Brother, please take good care of Miaohua. I will try this organ on the right..."

"Sister..." Zhou Han was shocked when he heard the words. Although if he broke this array, he had to start from the man on the right, but if Qi Miao went to take risks, how could he not care? At present, he couldn't help but gently persuade him, "This good or bad luck is unpredictable. Let's start from the long-term plan..."

"Sister Fairy, how can I let you take this danger for me?" Li Meihua, the bright moon heart, is also anxious.

"Don't worry, I have to think about it. If you can break the array later, you have to be more careful..." Zhou Hanzhi has already made it so clearly that Qi Miao is not a fool. Naturally, he knows that if he doesn't try the right organ now, it will be difficult for everyone to make any progress. She smiled softly. With his clothes, Luoshang slowly swayed and said nothing much to the crowd, so he walked to the man who lay down under the elm tree on the right.

"Fairy Zhang!" Zhao Zhongyue suddenly summoned up his courage and roared. He hesitated for a while and said with a limping face, "You have strong magic power and can keep it to break the array and protect everyone. The task of exploring the way is still entrusted to me."

"Zhongyue..." Zhao Dongting couldn't help but say something when he saw his brother stand up and was worried.

"Big brother..." Zhao Zhongyue didn't take Nai's brother and rushed to say, "This magic array was invaded by a foreign body, which is a matter of our Iron Sword Gate. At present, two outside women are rushing to test the organs. We are really ashamed of the seven-foot men. If people in the world know it, we should not laugh at the courage of our Iron Sword Gate men."

"But it's dangerous..." Zhao Dongting is still worried.

"Didn't Brother Zhou say that he was trapped in a certain space at most, right, Brother Zhou?" Zhao Zhongyue waved her hand carelessly and looked at Zhou Hanzhi again.

Zhou Hanzhi nodded after a little hesitation in the face of the two eager eyes of the Zhao brothers.

"Well, go ahead and be careful. You can go now." Seeing that this has happened, Zhao Dongting also aroused a male blood and gritted his teeth.

"Good!" Zhao Zhongyue laughed, stepped away and walked towards the elm tree on the right.

But I saw that the elm tree stretched its arms, the crown fell to the sky, and the branches and leaves were densely covering the sun. Under it, the shadow of the trees was heavy, and it was covered with green. There was an earthy yellow dress, and a well-dressed man with a scarf on his head, lying under the towering elm tree, on the oily grass.

Zhao Zhongyue walked in a few steps and saw that although the man in front of him was lying behind his back and looking at his appearance and clothes, it was undoubtedly Brother Chen in the Iron Sword Gate. If all this was an illusion, it was too realistic and terrible. He carefully looked at it and did not dare to go any further.

The scene of the sudden disappearance of the stupidity in front of him was still playing back in front of him. Although Zhao Zhongyue was heroic, she really didn't dare to hold it up. First, she gently called a few times and said, "Brother Chen! Brother Chen, can you hear me?

He asked several times, but the man who fell to the ground did not move at all. Zhao Zhongyue looked back and saw that his brother and Qi Miao were looking at him attentively, and his eyes were full of concern.

He thought about it, but he took off the sword in his waist, stiffened his scalp, stabbed the man on the ground with the scabbard, and tried his life and death.

Unexpectedly, the scabbard had just touched the man on the ground, but saw a sudden change in his body. He only heard a beep. The man suddenly had nothing, and his whole body rolled up and down with flames, which scared Zhao Zhongyue screamed and suddenly retreated a few steps.

"Brother Zhao, be careful!" Li Miaohua was concerned.

Zhao Zhongyue only felt cold sweat on his back. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked at the brother Chen, who had been lying on the ground, surrounded by a blazing fire that seemed to devour people. The fire was turbulent, and in a blink of an eye, he burned him into ashes.

"How could this happen?" Zhao Zhongyue saw that Brother Chen didn't say anything, so he was burned by the fire. His face was shocked. He turned around and asked Zhou Hanzhi, "Brother Zhou, the situation seems to be different from that of the stupid monk at that time. What should I do now?"

Before the words fell, Zhao Zhongyue looked down at his chest with an unbelievable look.

Everyone followed his eyes, but saw a small ball of burning marks on Zhao Zhongyue's chest. Qi Miaoxin said that it was too late to cast a spell to save him.

Zhao Zhongyue roared and stretched out his hand to extinguish the flames in his chest. However, he didn't have time to take action. From his chest, a large mass of hot lava spewed out, like roaring waves, sweeping his seven feet of body. The lava burned and the flame rolled. In a blink of an eye, Zhao Zhongyue's clothes and skin burned out. Swallowing, he roared in pain only a few times, then turned into pieces of ashes and dissipated on this field.

"Zhongyue, my brother!" Zhao Dongting roared and was about to rush over. Zhou Hanzhi stopped him with a fan and advised him, "Brother Zhao can't, let go of the regeneration..."

"Zhou Hanzhi!" Zhao Dongting saw that his own brother was swallowed up by the flames, and his heart was painful and anxious. His eyes had been red for a long time. He raised Zhou Hanzhi's clothes and roared loudly and asked, "Didn't you say that this trip was not life-threatening! Why was my brother burned to death!"

"Brother Zhao, calm down first..." Zhou Hanzhi persuaded helplessly.

"Brother Zhao..." Li Miaohua and Qimiao wanted to persuade them again, but suddenly saw that the surrounding scenery had changed again. They saw the flames/yanyan, and the black gas rolled around them. Everyone's eyes were dark, and they only felt a moment of confusion in time and space, and they were involuntarily pulled forward by a strange force.

"Be careful, everyone, this battle has really changed!" Qimiao reminded that she only heard the wind in her ear, and only felt that a strange wind was quite strong, which made people breathless. When she struggled to look forward, she saw Zhou Hanzhi and Li Miaohua talking to her eagerly, but she couldn't hear it clearly.

She wanted to gather true qi, but this strange wind swept her body, which was very urgent. The figure of Zhou Hanzhi and others in front of her disappeared after a blur. The surrounding scenery was bright and dark for a while. When she opened her eyes again, Qi Miao was shocked that she was in the vast fog that had entered the forbidden air array before.

She didn't have time to recognize it. A sad sword roar came from her ear, and she saw a vague figure rushing forward in the distance. There were four swords around her, like the wind, and she was about to reach her.


Zhou Hanzhi and others only felt that the world was upside down, and the black gas surged. They did not pass the green grassland. The elm trees on both sides only flourished and declined for a moment. The towering canopy broad leaves instantly lost their light, and only two elm trees without leaves and branches appeared. Then the traces of branches on the tree body worsened, quickly aging and turned into two groups of powder. .

New things are born, old things are destroyed, heaven and earth are swallowed, everything is nourished, and the eyes are changed again and again. Zhou Hanzhi and other three people can't help it. As the surrounding scenery rotates, finally the clouds slowly rise, the black gas dissipate, and the scenery in front of them slowly becomes clears.

At this time, Zhou Hanzhi stood up a little and was in a boundless wilderness. When he looked around him again, he found that only Li Miaohua and Zhao Dongting had lost their sister. He didn't have time to ask more, but he saw the sound of crackling ice around him.

The three people looked around in shock, but saw that the swordsmen who had been trapped in the ice wall by Qi Miao broke through the ice one by one and surrounded the three people in the middle.