Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 26 Flowing Light Breaks Several Heavens

Zhou Han, the first disciple of Lingxia Island, stopped admiring Tiandao, and did not care about ordinary people. If there is still a trace of softness in the bottom of his heart, it is also for the spiritual fairy who grew up hand in hand with him since childhood. At this time, everyone was deeply imprisoned in the center of the air array. Because he could not withstand the multi-person fighting method, he was really angry. Under the purification, it is already crumbling.

This array is full of entangled and chaotic true qi, and the turbulence is in it. If it breaks out rashly, it is difficult to complete. At this moment, the magic array will collapse. If so, then many entangled true qi accumulated in it burst out. Everyone is in the center of the whirlpool and can't escape through the air at present. In this case, it is necessary to be trapped here.

Knowing that the situation was critical, Zhou Hanzhi, who was originally cautious, had no more reservation. The vitality flowed in the Dantian field. If it was like the scorching sun shining on the sea, the blue waves and clouds surged, and the true spirit of the yellow court was endless and rising. It leaned along his left and right fingers, like writing, constantly injecting into the two previously arranged on the ground. In the flag.

As Huangting's true qi continued to inject, this red and blue flag slowly covered a blue light. At this time, the black robe of the ink-faced guest previously raised by the giant snake transformed by the true qi waved and fell to the ground with a roar. Then, the earth trembled slightly, and a huge pressure suddenly sank from the air. , everyone was caught off guard and felt that they had been hit by this huge blow, and there was a period of sluggishness in their chest and abdomen.

Zhao Dongting couldn't bear the pressure these days. He only heard a crack, and his body was hit to the ground, as if he had been crushed by Mount Tai. He couldn't move at all. This movement also awakened Li Minghua, who had been sleeping before. She could not tell anything. She only put her sword to the ground and lifted her true qi to cover her whole body. , barely resisted this pressure.

It turned out that the ink-faced guest's skills were fully opened, and his whole body turned into a big black snake, which could withstand the imperial air prohibition of sending it into the clouds. At this time, the old man recovered it back to the ground and pulled down the forbidden power of the previous confrontation with it, which affected the people.

The qualification of the stupid forging body King Kong over there, wearing this huge force, shook it a few times, but it was unimped, but Zhou Hanzhi's magic power was exhausted, and his body was weak, but he was better than that of ordinary people. At this time, he was in a critical moment.

He couldn't help smiling bitterly. Previously, everyone was in danger several times. Although he had a plan in his mind, he did not work hard and did his best to retain his magic power. In the end, he not only didn't use it, but also had to be looked down by others. This time, he finally did his best and had no power to protect himself in the face of an accident and crisis. It was so strange as if Is it fate?

At the moment when the great force hit, I knew that I would die, and I couldn't help thinking about the messy thoughts, such as fragments, intermittent and unbroken chapters.

Although Taoists admire their voices and yearn to become immortals, most people are either captured by the power to fame and fortune, or to be persistent in their emotions, and it is impermanent. It is difficult to explore the joys and sorrows of life and death, dust and worries. There are many practitioners in the world, and those who can ascend the road are few breaths. These thousands of creatures are struggling in the whirlpool of desire. In the vortex.

Knowing that he was about to die, a trace of sadness appeared on his face, but he was pretentious. At this moment, he did not appear panic. Instead, he neatly held his forehead and put on his hat. Although he cherished his life, he was not afraid of death. He wished that he could die like a Confucian gentleman. In his mind, he was obsessed with defending his sister along the way, and gradually The past that led himself into this dead situation is surging, which can't help but make people sad.

He sighed, shouted in a low voice, and solemnly raised his head. The huge power was like a huge dark cloud, falling on the top of his head.

At the moment when the huge force approached and there was only one gap, Zhou Hanzhi suddenly heard a shout from her sister. She gathered her true breath and rushed to him as a beam of lightning.

I saw Qi Miao rushing hard, and his hands did not fall at all. When he started, there was a cold blue flash, like a water mist sprinkled out, covering Zhou Hanzhi in it.

Zhou Han stared at the seven wonderful eyes and saw that the beautiful woman in white was full of courage. His heart thumped, as if a barrier had finally broken...

On top of the seven wonderful practices, Zhou Hanzhi suddenly put a clear water mist on the ground. The falling force shook the water mist and made a strange noise. Zhou Hanzhi only saw that the seven wonderful only care about casting spells to protect himself. In an instant, the power of the prohibition of the magic array was about to be added. He couldn't help shouting, "Be careful, sister!"

At that time, Qi Miao's body lay on the ground and rolled forward. Unexpectedly, he rushed to Zhou Hanzhi's side before the huge force fell. Under the water vapor, Zhou Hanzhi protected him and only heard a loud noise. The forbidden air array fell with the huge force, shaking uneasily for a while, and finally completely Stopped.

At this time, Zhou Hanzhi hugged Qi Miao and said eagerly, "Sister, are you all right?"

"Fortunately, I'm well. Thank you for your concern..." Qi Miao smiled and stood up with his help. She looked at the other party and felt that his face was slightly different from usual. There were a few more crimson faces and an indescribable excitement.

She saw that the other party's heart was beating violently and was about to ask, but she heard Li Minghua cry, "Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao can't do it..."

Several people were shocked. When they looked around, they saw that Zhao Dongting's original thick body was slapped by the huge force in the magic array, and half of his body was almost flattened. It goes without saying that the internal organs must have fallen into mud and mixed together.

When I looked at Zhao Dongting's face again, I saw him deflection his head and his eyes were squeezed out, only his mouth and nose with a faint faint breath.

It turned out that Li Miaohua was the first to hear his scream. After witnessing it, although the situation was inexplicably terrible, the situation was so urgent that Li Miaohua couldn't help but be afraid. She hurriedly stuffed a few Miyuan Dan into Zhao Dongting's mouth.

However, although this Miyuan Dan is hand-made by the head of Xikunlun and is a rare healing medicine in the world, the tangible injury may be healed, and the traceless injury is difficult to recover. She knows that even the Daluo immortal can't save Zhao Dongting's life at this moment.

Everyone surrounded Zhao Dongting and looked at each other and was speechless. At this time, he was so angry that he struggled to spit out some words: "I...so painful, who will... Kill me..."

Zhao Dongting did not regard her life as a nothing person. At this moment, she shouted for people to kill him. It could be seen that the pain was so great that Li Minghua was the closest. When she couldn't bear it, she could not bear it. However, when she heard Zhao Dongting asked someone to kill herself, she was hesitant and afraid, and she couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Qi Miao frowned and sighed, "I'll do it..."

She condensed her mana in her hand and took a step forward, but saw Zhou Hanzhi suddenly holding her hand behind her and said lightly, "These things should not be done by women, let me do it..."

Zhou Hanzhi, who never came out easily, did not have any compassion, but to protect his sister, but he had not yet done it, but he saw a man in black flashing into the circle of the crowd, and his short sword in his hand was like an electric light, hitting Zhao Dongting's neck.

He raised his hand and fell with his sword. At the moment of lightning, Zhao Dongting didn't even hum. His eyes turned over and he breathed.

Everyone looked at it in astonishment and saw that the man in black was Mo Junmo's face. He dragged his shrill voice and laughed a few times. He shook his head at Zhao Dongting's body and said, "This little brother, the old man, I'm going to die in a moment. If you have to blame yourself, you can stay on Huangquan Road for a moment, and the old man will go to find you immediately..." /P>

"Grandpa Mo..." Li Weihua pulled his sleeve excitedly and said, "Come with us..."

"Miwa..." Mo-faced guest stretched out his rough and dry hands and touched the head of Mingyue's heart and said, "Grandpa, what I don't like to see most is parting and death, so I knocked you unconscious before. Don't blame me..."

"No..." Li Weihua knelt on the ground, hugged the corner of the Mo-faced guest's clothes tightly, cried and shook his head and said, "Promise me to come with us..."

"No..." Mo-faced guest smiled and shook his head gently and said, "As long as I move, the true air that had been hit on the ground before will be uncontrollable, and this array will collapse in an instant..."

He paused and his thoughts flew. Scenes of the past are now in front of him. Finally, he still spoke softly to Li Yuhua and comforted him: "Mianhua, when you grow up, it's time to go your own way..."

At this time, the ink-faced guest took Li Miaohua's hand and sent it to Qi Miao's hand. The latter solemnly took it and gently hugged the bright moon's heart. When she looked at the old man in black, she saw that her original cold eyes seemed to become cloudy, but her old face could not look old.

"Thank you!" Qi Miao did not say anything, but the old man thanked himself first. In this thank you, there were some expectations for the future and some apology for the past, but no one could say it.

At this time, Zhou Hanzhi said solemnly, "This forbidden magic array has been suppressed by me and my predecessors. It will not run again for a moment, but it won't take long. Let's go quickly..."

"Grandpa..." Li Maohua was still reluctant to beg.

"Let's go!" The ink-faced guest turned his back, and any black robe fluttered in the wind. The lonely figure dragged diagonally, and Qi Miao was cruel. He held Li Miaohua in his arms and shouted in his mouth, turned into a blue and rushed through the sky.

"Senior, take care..." Zhou Han stopped holding his fist and giving a slight salute, took the stupid arm, and was about to fly away.

The ink-faced guest still turned his back on them, did not move, and responded silently. Maybe the previous seven wonderful rescues had changed Zhou Hanzhi's consistent state of mind. At this moment, his heart moved, and suddenly he said to the ink-faced guest:

"Senior, in fact, the family teacher has passed away as early as a few days ago. I hope the hatred between our two factions can also pass with the wind..."

At the end of the transmission, Zhou Hanzhi stopped talking more, pulled the fool, turned into a white light, and broke through the air.

"Hey... ...Hehe...hehe..." Shortly after everyone left, the ink-faced guest suddenly had a burst of ** and laughed a few times. The laughter became louder and louder, as if it were like a torn dawn in the sky, blooming out of the dawn of heaven and earth. In the end, the old man looked up to face the long sky, and tears flowed thousands of tears in his turbid eyes.

At this time, the earth shook and the turbid air surged up, and the calm forbidden air array could no longer be suppressed.