Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 37 The curtain shakes the candle shadow

There was no more words along the way, and everyone gradually drifted away. On that day, the stone stack was deeply towering into the clouds. Qi Miao and his party passed through several halls and courtyards, and finally reached the middle gate. Xia Wenqing hesitated for a moment and asked Xing Ye, the general manager of Ju Yunxuan, "Chief Xing, do you want to arrange the guests to live in other courtyard first? I will tell my father first. Arrange for the heroes to meet him tomorrow.

He was still worried about letting this multi-party forces enter Naju Yunxuan. He told his father Yunyun, which was just a polite word. Therefore, he had said before that he could not see the owner of Ju Yunxuan on weekdays, but unexpectedly, Xing Ye waved his hand and said lightly, "Master Xuan has already had a deal with me, and the second son doesn't need to be much. Make arrangements..."

Xia Wenqing looked more and more unhappy when he heard the words, but he didn't say anything after all, just retreated.

How can a bright person not see it? This Xia brothers have not been determined for a long time in Ju Yunxuan, and they actually listened to Xing Ye's affairs.

It's just that everyone is a guest. This Ju Yunxuan's family has nothing to do with himself. The scene in front of him is just as if they haven't seen it.

But seeing Xing Ye clapping his hands gently, the middle door of Ju Yunxuan opened and slowly opened.

Although this is already the middle gate of Juyunxuan, which is not as tall and dignified as the mountain gate, but the door is still large, and there is a stone lion roaring and standing beside the door. Qi Miao quietly observed. The two stone lions are like iron clothes, with majestic eyes, and blue light all over their bodies, which are washed by years and erosion by wind and rain. Traces, but I don't know how long it has been standing here.

When you step into this middle door, a shadow wall suddenly appears in front of you. Green bricks are laid, covered with tiles, with white paint as the ground, and a painting is engraved. It is exactly: sunrise in the East China Sea, the moon enters the darkness, and flowers are blooming all over the mountains.

Li Miaohua's view suddenly became strange and asked Qimiao, "This painting is so strange. It has the sun and the moon. In the early morning, it is already a scene of mountain flowers blooming all over. Moreover, the four seasons of flowers are listed together in this painting. It's unreasonable. Look, the peach blossoms and spring are clearly spring, orchids, peony and It opens in midsummer, hibiscus and begonias bloom in autumn, and the plum blossoms in winter are listed together, which is so confusing..."

When Li Miaohua heard the words, Li Miaohua was young and her heart was like a bright moon. She was meticulous in observation, and her heart was straightforward and straightforward. She did not understand the way of Danqing. She thought for a moment and replied:

"This painting is not full of freehand, but it doesn't seem to be a real scene. The sun rises and the moon sets. I guess it leads to the dawn, a vibrant meaning..."

Li Miaohua's eyes flashed and listened to Qimiao's explanation. When he looked at the painting again, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. Xing Ye, the chief manager in front of him, couldn't help looking back and nodded gently to show his approval. He only heard Qi Miao distracted for a moment and then said:

"This world has four distinct seasons, peach blossoms, elegant flowers, autumn water hibiscus, cold plums and snow. It is originally the flowers of each season. However, at this time, hundreds of flowers are singing and blooming, which represents the prosperous atmosphere of Ju Yunxuan. Or it can be said that this Yunxuan is a blessed place on the sea god mountain. You can enjoy the worship of flowers. Know..."

"What the fairy said is wonderful, and she can tell the true meaning of this painting!" Xia Wenqing gave a high-five and looked at Qi Miao more eagerly. "Is it possible that the fairy is also proficient in this way of Danqing? Otherwise, how can you understand the truth contained in this painting?

The people next to the unrelated forces, such as Mo Cheng also felt the ingenious explanation and inadvertently looked at her attentively.

This question made Qi Miao feel difficult. How did she know whether Zhang Tingwan had learned painting? She couldn't help but be annoyed that she should not have explained it in front of Li Miaohua before. At this moment, she was careless and wanted to reveal her flaws.

"Haha, my sister has practiced fairy Taoism and swordsmanship since she was a child, but she did not deliberately learn the way of gold and jade..." However, Zhou Hanzhi shook the folding fan and rushed to answer, "But the junior sister is smart. Since the emotions expressed in this wonderful pen can't be separated from the way of heaven, they can be understood and accepted by our generation. The question of whether Wen Qing is persistent in practice or not has fallen behind?"

Qi Miao was shocked and couldn't help saying happily. She didn't expect that she would be entangled in whether she would reveal flaws. When Zhou Hanzhi saw through the problem of her real body, she personally relieved herself, which was also interesting.

Li Weihua was already unhappy when he saw Xia Wenqing's face salivating and getting close again. He wanted to say a few words to her, but Zhou Hanzhi took the lead. A few words to her mouth were swallowed into her stomach. She couldn't help thinking: "No matter how mean and stingy the senior brother is, there are also sisters who want to be protected. Zhou Hanzhi is not good to outsiders. My sister is really good..."

Then he thought that Qin Xuehan's life and death were uncertain, and his nose was sore and his expression was gloomy.

It turned out that Zhou Hanzhi became more and more unaccustomed to Xia Wenqing's repeated closeness to his sister, so he had to grab him a few words and was unhappy.

Xia Wenqing was previously controlled by Xing Ye. He was not happy. He was squeezed by Zhou Hanzhi, and his face turned red again. After saying a few things, he stamped his feet and finally walked over the crowd angrily and ran to the front and disappeared.

"Wenqing!" When Xia Wuming saw that his brother walked away quickly, he was worried. After punching everyone and saluted him, he also took a few big steps and chased him.

"Haha, the two princes in Xuanzhong are young and don't understand etiquette. Please forgive me." Xing Ye bowed slightly and said with a smile, "Xing has pleaded guilty..."

"Hey... Brother Xing, don't take the blame if it's not your crime." He Xumi waved his hand and didn't care. Unexpectedly, he actually represented everyone's advice, "In this Yunxuan, your manager Xing is much more reasonable than those two playboys. If He likes it, he wants to make you as a friend!"

It turned out that He Xumi had been living in Yunxuan and had many conflicts with the second son of the Xia family and the owner of the Iron Sword Gate. After that, he met Xingye's generous release and unimpeded all the way, which was appreciated by everyone.

I only heard him laugh and say, "I fell in love with your brother Xing. Seeing that it's getting late, He's stomach is almost hungry. Let's find a place to eat big pieces of meat, drink a big bowl of wine, and let me give you three cups!"

When others saw him talking carelessly and straight, they only felt funny. Li Weihua thought that it was also interesting for the monk to beg for wine and meat, but he saw Xing Ye smile and said lightly:

"Thank you, Master for your wrong love. The Xuanzhu in the front hall is waiting for the heroes and has arranged a dinner. Let's go forward for half a cup of tea..."

"Oh? Xia Hongyuan is waiting in front?" He Xumi's shiny forehead suddenly rejoiced, "Then go quickly, go early to drink and eat meat, and talk about the main topic by the way!"

Others seemed to be deeply convinced, and they accelerated their pace when they heard the words. Although Qimiao and his party also followed, they couldn't help but have a trace of doubt in their hearts. They only listened to Qi Miao's voice and Zhou Hanzhi said, "Brother, these people obviously accelerated their feet when they heard the news that Ju Yunxuanxuan Lord was in front of him. Bu, but I don't know if it has something to do with the 'topic' in He Xumi's mouth?

"Anyway, it can't be to drink and eat meat..." Zhou Han stopped holding a fan on his chest and frowned deeply, showing that he was also thinking carefully in his heart.

"When Ju Yunxuan heard the news that Ju Yunxuan mainly saw his news, he could temporarily put down his hatred, clamored to get here as soon as possible, and stand up for the second son of Ju Yunxuan. The senior brother thought that this 'topic' would be a benefit?"

"Generally, it's just a benefit, but I don't know if it contains any danger..." Zhou Han stopped thinking left and right, and couldn't decide how to avoid danger. In the end, he only sighed in his heart and said, "The good or bad luck ahead is unpredictable. The senior sister must be careful and watch the change..."

Everyone walked up the mountain road again and walked half a cup of tea. Suddenly, an attic appeared in front of them, which was so large, thirteen or four feet high, with a wide-horned spire, emerald tiles, ridge beasts swallowing, looking at all directions, carved beams and windows on both sides, scaffold corridors, high eaves, white jade paving, and various arrangements, which shows the magnificent atmosphere. Pie.

When everyone looked at it, they only felt that this building was very different from the previous red mud small building. Among other things, it was facing the side in front of them. Sixteen stone pillars dragged the momentum of the sky, and the stone pillars were painted with dragons and phoenixes on the red background. They walked on its side, as if they were in the palace, directly setting off the glorious atmosphere of this place.

Qimiao looked up, but on the lint of this glorious palace, three pink gold characters were written: Miaoxian Pavilion.

At this time, Xing Ye made a gesture of invitation. The seven wonderful people and the demon religion and the soldiers of their own side stepped into the hall with their own doubts

When everyone walked in turn, they saw that the hall was even more spacious. There were several rows of wooden seats on both sides of the hall, each row was about a few feet long, and could accommodate more than 100 people sitting at the same time.

After these rows of seats, and in front of the hall, there are dozens of candlesticks. The candlesticks in this hall are unique in the shape of a plate with a jade hand, and more than a dozen candles are placed on each disk, together with two rows of orange lanterns specially hung on the top of the hall to brighten the lights in the hall.

At this time, the sky was dark, but the candlelight in the hall shone high and dimmed the night, which was actually a different feeling.

The Zimu seats on both sides are facing a copper-cast gold incense burner, which is about one person high. The furnace is shaped like a tripod, supported by three feet on the ground, covered with a round hollowed-out cover, covered with a kiss. Its body is a dragon head fish, the tail is high, and its tail is not wide enough to hold in one hand.

At this time, spices mixed with sandalwood, Baishu and other things are burning in the incense burnt. The hollow stove cover is faint smoke, and the aroma is overflowing. The big fairy pavilion is like auspicious, auspicious clouds rise, and a vague atmosphere of fairyland.

Through the bursts of green smoke, Qi Miao saw another row of stone ladders in the middle of the hall. In front of a large gold-inlaid dragon chair, there was a crystal hanging curtain, which was stringed with a crystal bead chain with gold thread, which looked crystal clear.

At this time, there was a person sitting on the seat, looking at everyone through the crystal clear bead curtain and heavy blue smoke, with a dangerous face.