Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 39 Dance the Golden Lotus with the King

I am really satisfied with this chapter. After reading it, I feel comfortable and satisfied, haha.

"Oh? Who is Xuanzhu's advice to?" Sun Dezong said strangely.

"I think decades have passed..." The voice in the curtain paused and seemed to fall into a period of contemplation and memories. There was about half a cup of tea time. Everyone waited quietly and waited for him to speak leisurely, "I want to understand the ancient and modern, poor world, and proficient in rhythm. I have listened to the sound of the flute many times, and I can know that its technique is transcendent. Peng Pei is affectionate in the flute sound. Today, With other descendants in the table, it may make Xia listen to this heavenly sound again..."

"Hador, are you talking about yourself or Zhou Hanzhi?" Qimiao's heart tightened when she heard the words, but saw a burst of blue light rolling out in the crystal curtain. The crystal pearl curtain was still hanging as usual and did not shake at all. This blue light suddenly swept the flute in the hand of the maid named Xinhan and dragged the flute slowly to the Qimiao table.

She was surprised, but saw Zhou Hanzhi smile faintly and said, "Since Xuanzhu ordered it, Hanzhi dared not obey..." The words fell, and he reached out to take the flute and lay it across his mouth.

I only saw that the flute was dark green, crystal moist and extremely transparent. Zhou Hanzhi smiled and thought repeatedly in his heart. He only listened to this person's words. He did not admire the teacher, but was familiar with him. However, he had never heard the master talk about this Ju Yunxuan, let alone anyone who Xia Hongyuan was.

Sun Dezong, on the opposite side, saw Zhou Hanzhi crossing the flute and also smiled. Between his hand, a red light poked out of his sleeves. The table full of wine and delicious food was rolled over by the red light. Suddenly, he did not see it, leaving only the empty Eight Immortal Table. Next to him, Chen Kai suddenly stared his eyes straight and said to himself: Sun Zuoshi, Sun Zuoshi, you are drinking to quench your worm, Lao Chen My belly drums doesn't have any fishy smell. Why did I ask you to change all the wine and dishes on the table..."

Sun Dezong waved again, and a thing rushed out behind him, small and big. It was the Yaoqin made by the middle yin wood that he did not hesitate to grab with the purple-faced god Tanaka and knotted the beams in the past. This piano is three feet wide and six feet long, like an eagle's head on the left, and the shape of a tiger's head on the right, narrow on the left and wide, both light and heavy. The body of the piano has been painted with varnish and a light copper. The view is simple and secluded. Among them, the seven zithers are made according to the palace, Shang, horn, Zheng and feather, and the other two are one text and one martial arts, which is in the name of King Wen of Zhou and King Wu of Zhou. The seven zithers are as slender as hair and faintly flowing light. Sun Dezong plays with them casually. The sound of the piano is sonorous, clear and turbid and pleasant to the ear.

However, Sun Dezong took the first to tune and stroked the strings. The sound of the piano was soft and slow, like a breeze, and like water gurgling, flowing and echoing in the hall.

Zhou Hanzhi put the flute across his mouth at the right time, squeezed his lips gently, and blew it lightly. A gentle flute sound turned into a melodious melody leaping in the gurgling sound of the piano, like water milk/fusion.

Everyone listened to the piano and flute ensemble silently and marveled at the bottom of their hearts. Some people couldn't help thinking that they had seen each other before? There is such a tacit understanding in the sound of the song, but Sun Dezong said vaguely unhappy in his heart: "Zhou Hanzhi is a person who knows the art of immortals. He is naturally unruly and shows a sense of self-confidence. His flute sound shows superb skills, but for some reason, he is a little more ingenuity..."

You should know that whether it is calligraphy, painting, rhythm, articles, teacher or craftsman, it depends on whether you integrate feelings.

Through emotions, if it is just a person who pursues expression, he will fall into the vulgarity and is just a craftsman.

Therefore, regardless of the rhythm of calligraphy and painting, what it has in common is to pursue freehandness and understand the truth, rather than excessively pursuing truth.

He played the strings in his hand and looked up at the person who was sitting as a dragon. He saw that the curtain was heavy, blocking the man's face. He didn't know whether Xia Hongyuan, the owner of Yunxuan, listened to the music, sounded like himself.

Others could not hear it, but only felt that the sound of the piano was faint and beautiful. The sound of the flute was rich and cheerful and flexible. The two played together, like the sound of heaven. Previously, a trace of gloom in the hall was swept away by this moving music. The hall was silent and quiet, only the sound of nature was light and unrestrained, complaining of admiration.

Everyone listened to Penglai fairy music, and the song contained human joys and sorrows. Suddenly, the sound of the piano turned, and the clear sound of flowing water instantly turned into a high mountain torrent. Only Sun Dezong suddenly said:

"The river is clear and shallow, full of water,

The pulse tells the heart, and dares to be speechless,

When will there be joys and sorrows, and who will see the parting?

It's hard to leave people

But it's called a beautiful wave and parting, and the phoenix returns happily..."

The voice was leisurely and high, and the song was full of joy and sorrow, and the song was exhausted. A figure slowly walked into the door of the palace, and a pomegranate red skirt was wrinkled on the ground. The skirt was like a wave, and the skirt color was bright, and it was like a red wildfire. Everyone on the table looked back and was stunned for a moment.

It turned out that this person was Xia Zhijiang, who had wandered in the small red mud building not far from the mountain gate for a while and appeared slightly. Qi Miao looked close at this moment. She saw that this woman was tall, delicate and slender. Her phoenix eyes were dake, her eyebrows were wide, her eyelashes suddenly long, her nose was straight, her lips were bright red and eye-catching, her teeth were like weaving, small and white, and melon His face is bright, and his face is covered with red clouds like a colorful cloud.

In the depths of it, it was like a pair of jade arms carved in pink, slightly chain sawing and saying hello. Qimiao saw a pair of wide bracelets on both sides of it, transparent and emerald green, which was faintly surrounded by clear air, which was extraordinary.

However, seeing this Xia Zhijiang's abdominal condensation, he set his body slightly, and then his sleeves swing, his posture fluttering, swinging between his arms, and dancing like amazing.

I saw her body jump several times, and the emptiness jumped off. When her body swayed, it was light and ethereal, and the red skirt swinged, and it was thick and heavy.

Shiyun: Luo Xiu is full of fragrance, and the red husk is curling in the autumn smoke. The wind shakes on the Qingyunling Mountains, and the tender willow pool is brushing the water

Seeing her dancing happily, Sun Dezong's eyes made Zhou Han stop. The two played the piano and flute and danced with Xia Zhijiang. Or, Xia Zhijiang's flexible posture drank this cheerful rhythm, and the three of them actually cooperated.

I saw Xia Zhijiang jump up, and her red skirt floated out with her body, like a wave. She was graceful and fell on the square gold incense burner. For a moment, she shattered her steps, danced her graceful figure, waved her long sleeves like clouds, turned around like a fiery red skirt, and danced on the hollow stove cover happily.

Zhou Hanzhi played the flute sound and the sound of the piano. Seeing Xia Zhijiang's arms stretched, his sleeves waving, like clouds and flowing water, he only felt that the true feelings in the female dance posture flowed with a distinct and sincere feeling, which made his body and mind a little relieved. He was shocked. Dantian's Huangting's true spirit worked slightly and played the flute. Sound, unconsciously a little more restrained.

"Okay!" The hall was silent. Suddenly, two voices sounded abruptly. Everyone looked around and saw Chen Kai and He Xumi standing awkwardly. It turned out that the two were interested and exclaimed. Chen Kai saw that everyone looked at him and sat down in a hurry and embarrassedly, but He Xumi was quite thick-skinned. He laughed a few times, but said something careless again.