Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 43 Looking at the night, ghosts and ghosts (Part 2)

Xia Wuming suddenly exhaled heavily. He shook his head and said, "First of all, you said that Xing Ye occupied my Ju Yunxuan. You and I must remove this person and take back the power of Ju Yunxuan. Although I can't fully agree with you in my heart, I have been accompanying you to do this, but I just didn't know that you can be so determined to achieve your goal."

"Otherwise, what?" Xia Wenqing said sadly and indignantly, "Since I can remember, my father has been hiding behind the curtain like a wooden man. Xing Ye took care of you and I will harm his interests, and only allowed us to study and not be allowed to learn Taoism. Fortunately, you met a famous teacher outside the mountain. With this cultivation, my seven-foot man was actually powerless..."< /P>

A trace of hatred flashed in his eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "That's why I was looked down upon. Zhou Hanzhi and Li Weihua, the previous champion of the military alliance, all looked down on me."

"Wait, the woman I like must get it!" He muttered.

"You..." Xia Wuming hesitated and advised, "You'd better not think about the woman on Lingxia Island..."

"You don't have to worry about this..." Xia Wenqing waved his hand and said fiercely, "I want them to know that there is nothing I like in this world!"

"Alas!" Xia Wuming lowered his head heavily and lowered his body. He seemed to have a heavy burden on his shoulders. He still asked puzzledly, "Even if you want to kill this Xingye for the sake of Ju Yunxuan's family business, why do you exchange ten years of life? Don't we have money? Can't we exchange it for something else?

"Wu Ming, you are confused. What do we have?" Xia Wenqing's voice was full of sadness. He spoke very quickly, like a statement, and more like a complaint:

"Do we have money? No!"

"Do we have the right? No!"

"Do we have a confidant who can make it? No!"

"Do we have the help of our father? Not even more!"

Xia Wenqing said more and more excitedly, and then he complained bitterly, "What do we have? We only have our own lives!" As soon as the words fell, suddenly he grabbed Xia Wuming's shoulder and shouted to him, "But now it's different. We killed Xing Ye and regained Ju Yunxuan's power, as long as you and my brother Hands, you can have everything! ..."

"Alas!" Xia Wenqing also wanted to say, but Xia Wuming suddenly didn't want to listen. He shook off his hands on his shoulders and shook, leaving only a heavy sigh in the cold night sky.

"Wu Ming..." Xia Wenqing muttered in a low voice, with thousands of thoughts in his heart, but there was nowhere to express it. Thousands of words, but he didn't know who to say it to.

His body sank and leaned heavily against the closed middle door of Ju Yunxuan. He only felt indescribable fatigue. At this time, there was a trace of shaking in the strong night beside him, which made him feel cold.

"Guck...Guck..." There seemed to be something out of the black gas, next to Xia Wenqing.

"Who is it?" Xia Wenqing was shocked and asked with an unstoppable trembling.

"Giggle, Mr. Xia..." The object approached, and Xia Wenqing did not dare to look back at him. He only felt that his body was even colder. A sound came to his ear, which was in a trance like human language, which made his heart tremble.

"Master Tianmu asked me to ask you, are you satisfied with his spell killing?"

"satisfied..." Xia Wenqing was shocked and couldn't say anything else. It turned out that the object wrapped in the night projected its shadow obliquely on the stone ladder in front of him. He only felt that the figure was short, with its teeth and claws, and it did not look like a human figure.

"Satisfied, gurg..." The thing smiled strangely. Xia Wenqing suppressed his mind for fear of being careless for a moment and shouted out his fear. He couldn't hold it for a moment, his legs were weak, and he fell to the ground.

"Guckle....... Mr. Xia, you didn't pee in your pants..." The object laughed, but the voice gradually faded away. Xia Wenqing looked ahead and felt that the figure thrown on the stone ladder was slowly dissipating.

"Master Tianmu said that next time if you have something to do, you can come to Xiaoyaozong to find him, cack..." This thing finally laughed a few times, but it was silent.

Xia Wenqing received half a sound, and finally held the edge of the middle door and stood up trembling. During this time, his body and mind were extremely cold, and his whole body was covered with sweat.

It turned out that in order to plot this Xing Ye's life, he went to the southern frontier alone a few months ago, away from Xing Ye's control, found an alien, and asked for a powerful spell. This spell requires one person, a knife, and a blood crystal, and the price is his ten-year life. Xia Wenqing thought about his two weak crowns and Wu Ming. Nian has never been able to bring down Xingye. He gritted his teeth to make it easier for the alien to owe a contract and bring back all the things used for the operation.

He knew that if everyone offered this blood crystal full of evil spirit to his father in the name of offering treasures, Xing Ye's original skill would be able to find out and would definitely obstruct it. When three spells were one after another, one was more powerful than the other. Even the qi of his three methods could restrain the evil spirits, but it was not a complete body to ward off evil spirits. , I'm sure I can find him.

Xia Wenqing originally planned to do this on his father's birthday. Unexpectedly, there were so many people of various forces today. Most of them were on guard against outsiders. He had an idea and turned against Xing Ye, pulled away, found a maid who served him, and forced him to drink it with the alien. After the rune made by her own powder, Yuaner's temperament changed, and the next thing was that the water came naturally.

Up to now, he has tried his best, but Xia Wuming, as a compatriot, did not understand himself and abandoned him. He even felt that no one in the world understood him, and he couldn't help but feel deep grief and indignation in his heart.

He hated to think that Xia Wuming was dissatisfied with his deliberateness and even lived for ten years, but if Xia Wuming was willing to ask his teacher to cooperate and assassinate Xing Ye at the earliest, why would he have done so far?

His heart is full of mixed flavors, looking at the moon sky, and the lack of horns is still bright, but how to wake up this obsessed world.

The long night is cold, people are worried, the struggle for power and profit through the ages, resentment, grief and resentment, resentment and love, so on?


Besides, Qi Miao and others went to the guest house to rest under the leadership of Mu Zi and Xin Han. Since she came together, Mu Zi was willing to arrange their rooms together. After that, the two maids retreated and slowly left.

Qimiao looked at the figure and gradually disappeared into the depths of the mountain road. Even under the high moon, the two people could not see their figures clearly. They were in a trance in front of their eyes, and their hearts inexplicably used a thought. They couldn't help thinking about why the beautiful twilight purple and the cold core cold face returned here. Probably they are also the ones with stories.

On a windless night, the clear moon, the sound of fine footsteps dissipated into the distance, and gradually the sound could not be heard clearly. There was also the outline of the mountain, enveloped in the clear light of the moon, and covered with a layer of veils. The group lived in this guest house close to the edge of the cliff. The guest house was simply decorated, with a fading prosperous silence, as if to see through. The old man, who has gone through the past time, saw through the Ju Yunxuan of a group of heroes, either came and left, or came, but did not look back.

On the other side of the mountain, a dark platform came out. It was a huge stone. Listening to the waves facing the sea and holding the night moon, it was the red mud small building where Xia Zhijiang, the three daughters of the Xia family, who lived in a glorious dress, beautiful appearance and jumped across the river and Han Dynasty. At this moment, a red candle was lit in the quiet room, scattered with beans. The yellow light overflowed in the boundless night moon, flowing the boundless **.

Zhou Hanzhi saw that Qimiao couldn't help looking at the small red mud building and followed her line of sight. She only saw that the sky was vast, the moon appeared and the stars were hidden, and the small building was like living in the sky. At this moment, the bean-yellow light was the clear light scattered in the palace that day, and the Xiazhi River seemed to have become a self-pity Chang'e fairy in the Yao pond.

Everyone thought, "This woman is from the Xia family, why doesn't she live in the middle gate, but on the contrary, she wants to live here alone?"

Zhou Han sighed and first drove out this question from his mind. He frowned and said, "In order to find the Three Immortals, we came here to live in Yunxuan, but we didn't expect that many people came here. You and I must be careful."

"At the previous banquet, Xia Xuanzhu in Ju Yunxuan has been hiding behind the curtain. I think there are many secrets in Ju Yunxuan." Zhou Hanzhi said, Qi Miao memory, and she turned to Ju Yunxuan.

Li Miohua suddenly interrupted and said, "Then Xia Wenqing is not a good thing. He is fascinated by lust, and it also cheats to kill General Manager Xing Ye. The spell he used, the evil spirit contained in it is wrapped in the breath of life, which must be an evil skill that killed many people!"

"Well... what Weihua said is reasonable." Qi Miao nodded and fell into a thought, "There are many strange things in Yunxuan, and there are many external forces involved. We are in a whirlpool. We should be careful."

"You and I don't care what benefits these people are plotting for, as long as you knock around and quickly find the location of the Three Immortals, which is the way to enter the Three Immortals..." Qi Miaoxin said that Lei Ruotong can't wait for him for a few days. Time is urgent, and he is absolutely careless at present. After that, we went into the three immortals and broke away from the struggle between these people to protect ourselves.

"I want to stay here to see what these people are up to..." Li Miaohua first ventured in the world and had a chivalrous atmosphere. He was a little curious about the changes in the situation in Ju Yunxuan.

"The gorgeous fairy..." Zhou Hanzhi advised, "The scholar should cherish his body, and then he can do it. Therefore, he knows that he has done something and has not done anything. It is really unwise to stay here and take risks..."

"Speaking of which, Brother Hanzhi looks like he wants to hide." Li Miaohua pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

"Miwa..." Qimiao was hindered by his own thoughts, and this time surprisingly stood on the side of Zhou Hanzhi. "It's really bad for you and me to take risks for no reason. Previously, no one in the hall showed martial arts except for the spell that Xia Wenqing got from nowhere, but everyone was greedy and showed that several people's cultivation was unpredictable..."