Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 45 Buddha's Voice Zen Machine

In the early morning of the second day, the sky was bright. Qimiao and others observed carefully and found that there were people in the military alliance activities far and near. Qi Miaoxin said, "These people are also anxious. They started early in the morning. I don't know what they are looking for?"

Her heart suddenly moved and she thought, "Is it possible that these people came here for the same purpose as themselves, for Lei Ruotong in the three immortals? Isn't these people dare to provoke the first master of the magic religion?"

Immediately, she thought, "Ju Yunxuan is connected to the only entrance and exit of Sanxiantian. Xia Hongyuan must have recognized Elder Lei. I don't know what the relationship between these two is?"

He waited patiently and saw that the activities outside were all second-rate swordsmen. Mo Cheng and others were probably nourishing their spirits in the room, waiting for Xia Hongyuan to be summoned. The mountain gate was large, and these people outside probably had no clue what to look for. At about noon, they were finally depressed one by one. He rushed back to the residence of the military alliance.

When Qimiao looked up, she saw the clouds in the mountains. Although the sun was high, it hid behind the clouds and faintly penetrated half of her head, so it did not look hot here. She was waiting for this time. At Li Miaohua, Zhou Han stopped and nodded to signal. Li Miaohua said:

"The noisy and noisy people outside have finally left. It's time for us to take action. Brother Hanzhi, I'm going to bother you this time!"

Zhou Hanzhi blushed, and Li Minghua's words were joking. How could he not hear it? He met a woman. In front of his sister, it was not easy to boast about it. Therefore, he could not respond to the word that would not be humiliating at this time. He just nodded and said worriedly:

"You two must also be careful when you go out to explore. I talked about Huang Ting Zhenqi. In the distance, on the other side of the middle gate, the area where Xia Xuan lived was forbidden layer by layer. My true spirit failed to enter. Previously, the swordsmen of the military alliance were just slightly searched at the front door..."

"Oh, Brother Zhou doesn't need to talk. Weihua can deal with it!" Li Miaohua was impatient and thought he was noisy. As soon as he arched his hand and said that I would go, he rushed out of the doorway.

"Brother, Miaohua's child's heart is dangerous again. She is a little nervous. Don't care about her." Qi Miaoxin said, Miaohua is not nervous, but excited. Zhou Hanzhi nodded helplessly.

At that moment, Qi Miao ordered the fool to stay in the room and be careful about everything. The latter said Amitabha and solemnly responded, so Zhou Hanzhi and she also went separately.

The deeds of Qimiao are not shown for the time being. Let alone Zhou Han stopped his scalp, hide his whereabouts, and quietly jumped up the stone ladder and looked at the small red mud building. Looking from afar, he saw this two-story building supported by a red pillar, with eaves like flying swallows, Daiwa on the top, and four glazed windows on all sides. There is a broad platform on the side of the sea, surrounded by a white jade fence. The pole was decorated with all kinds of fragrant flowers. Thinking of seeing Xia Zhijiang at the beginning of that day, this woman lazily fell asleep next to the half of the railing, relying on the false wind, like a fairy of Lingbo.

As he thought, he gradually slowed down. At this time, Huang Tingzhen poked out angrily and sent back a warning. Zhou Hanzhi frowned and flashed into the shadow cast by the small red mud building.

But when he saw the door of the small building, it opened quietly. A man who looked like a noble man in gorgeous clothes poked out his head and looked at it for a while. Seeing that there was no one around, he immediately walked out of the door carefully. Zhou Hanzhi stood nearby and looked real. If this person was not Xia Wenqing, who was he?

He made a knot in his heart, but his face was silent. The true spirit was released, as if it were natural, and his figure was even deeper.

Xia Wenqing carefully closed the door, turned over and slightly sorted out his scattered clothes, and walked along the stone ladder to the inner middle door of Xuan with a proud look.

At half a cup of tea, Xia Wenqing's figure had gradually disappeared into the clouds in the distance, but somehow Zhou Hanzhi was unwilling to appear. He waited patiently for a moment and jumped out of the red pillar under the small red mud.

I saw that this was a man holding his knees and shrinking into a ball. This man didn't know what spell he used to hide his body in the shadow of the red pillar. The man opened his hands and feet and stood up, moved his hands like the wind, constantly rubbing himself alone, twisting his neck, head, and pinching his arms, legs and feet, but he followed He kept rubbing/twisting his hands, and his body grew longer and wider, and slowly recovered into a big man in coarse clothes.

This man was Chen Kai. He saw a surprised expression, thinking that he had just heard and seen something incredible. At this time, he bowed, carefully covered his big mouth full of surprise, looked around, as if he was afraid that others would see him, and quietly walked to the stone ladder. Go away.

When he went far away, Zhou Hanzhi finally walked out of the shadow of the small building of red mud. He frowned and looked up at the balcony that the small building stretched out. He didn't know what he was thinking.

I remember that yesterday morning, there was a lazy woman here taking a nap here. Zhou Hanzhi turned over several pictures in front of him. Finally, he sighed and said loudly:

"Go down to Lingxia Island Zhou Hanzhi, and come here for a small red mud construction meeting. I don't know if I can let Hanzhi see the beautiful woman again..."

When he spoke, he made a ban, shook out a yellow paper spell, and built the red mud in a layer of light. The effect of this charm was that it could prevent the sound of this place from being wide for a while, and that outsiders would come again.

After he called, he waited quietly under the window. After a while, he saw the two illusions and transparent, and the hazy glazed windows were gently pushed open, and Xia Zhijiang gently poked out his head.

"Mr. Zhou?" Xia Zhijiang's face did not look unexpected. On the contrary, his face was cold, joking, and vague joy flowed through his eyes.

"Why did Mr. Zhou come to me today?" Xia Zhijiang asked softly.

"Hanzhi is a little curious..." Zhou Hanzhi shook the fan of the emperor with a confident look on his face and replied, "Why didn't Zhijiang, as the three daughters of Xuanzhu, live in the middle gate, but chose this red mud to live in?"

"Hehe...." Xia Zhijiang did not answer Zhou Hanzhi's question, but changed his words and said anx, "Mr. Zhou, you are too hypocritical..."

"Ah..." Zhou Hanzhi blushed and thought that Xia Zhijiang had seen that he was here to test the information of the Xia family. He asked himself that he was introverted and pretended to be calm. How could he be seen through by this woman?

"If you come for Zhijiang, just say it directly." Xia Zhijiang's eyes flowed and flashed brilliantly. Suddenly, his whole body became beautiful, as if he had taken off a cold coat.

"Hmm..." Zhou Hanzhi breathed a sigh of relief, but he immediately became entangled again. Xia Zhijiang asked, should he do it or not?

"Ha, I can see that Brother Zhou is cautious and may be called selfish and hypocritical..." Xia Zhijiang did not urge him to answer this time, but said to himself, "However, Zhijiang can also feel that Brother Zhou bought his thoughts and emotions deeply in his heart just to protect himself..."

"Oh?" Zhou Han was stunned and blurted out, "How does the girl know..."

"Because we are the same person..." After saying this softly but powerfully, Xia Zhijiang stared at Zhou Hanzhi. The depths of her shining eyes reflected her stunned expression.

Zhou Hanzhi fought with this woman several times, but he was defeated and was led by her nose. Thinking that he had always been self-evident and intelligent, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed and couldn't speak for a moment.

Xia Zhijiang smiled and answered his last question: "If you ask me why I live here alone, it is because this is the outermost place away from Yunxuan. A person hides here and looks at the outside world. He doesn't have to deliberately disguise himself. Instead, he gets a moment of freedom. You say, this is Isn't it a relief?"

At this time, the waves patted on the alpine cliff and broke into several waves, and the sun was hanging high, and the water bubbles gushed out colorful colors, against the bright colors of red mud and small glazed **.

I saw Xia Zhijiang wearing a thin light gauze, gentle and beautiful, with a shallow smile. His pulse looked at Zhou Hanzhi standing under his body. The latter was stunned for a moment, and there was no reason to feel pity in his heart.

I heard Xia Zhijiang ask again, "Brother Hanzhi, do you have any research on Buddhism?"

"I know a little about one or two..." Zhou Hanzhi replied.

One on the top, one on the bottom, one on the bottom, one on the other, and one on the other. Between one question and one answer, the sunlight slowly fades.

Xia Zhijiang asked Zhou Hanzhi, "Can Mr. Zhou tell Zhijiang the story of the sixth ancestor Hui Neng of Zen Buddhism?"

"Oh?" Zhou Hanzhi shrugged his shoulders and straightened his clothes. After thinking a little, he shook the fan of the emperor and said slowly, "At that time, the five ancestors of Zen Buddhism, Hongren, had to choose one of the disciples to pass on his mantle. His disciple named Shenxiu made a une, saying: He is a bodhi tree, and his heart is like a mirror platform. He wipes diligently from time to time. Don't provoke dust, but another Another verbi made by famous disciples in response to this said: Bodhi is not a tree, and the mirror is not a platform. There is nothing to cause dust.

"Huineng's poem is a stone and two birds. One of the Buddha who sees nature is profound Buddha nature. The two refuted what Shenxiu did, which prevailed in the machine discernment. After reading it, the five groups of Hongren were deeply convinced, so they ordered Huineng to inherit his mantle and become the six ancestors of Zen Buddhism..."

"Ha..." Xia Zhijiang listened silently, but smiled again. He only heard her smile and say, "Actually, what Shenxiu said is most suitable for the practice of Buddhas. Although what Huineng can see is **, it seems a little unrealistic to be out of this world."

Zhou Hanzhi listened to what she said and felt that this woman was not vulgar and could find a unique way. This is indeed not only beautiful, but also intelligent and talented.

At this time, I only heard Xia Zhijiang Fu say again, "But this is not what I want to listen to. Don't prevaricate."