Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 47 The dragon light rises like a sword

Sure enough, Guan Yu's body paused, his footsteps moved, dragging a figure, and his body retreated back a few steps in an instant. After he fixed his body, exerted a little force, and only felt that his breath was stagnant and his work was not smooth. At present, he frowned tightly.

Zhou Hanzhi shook the paper fan with an indifferent and confident smile and looked over it. He took advantage of his previous move, but he was not in a hurry to pursue it. He just watched and let the crown jade adjust his breath.

It turned out that after the Huangting Zhenqi entered the body, it wandered in the meridians, scattered like silk. It was impossible to drive it out of the body one by one by ordinary methods. On the contrary, the faster the operation, the faster it is to catalyze this true qi and harm itself.

Zhou Han looked at Guan Yu with great interest for a while and shook his head and said, "It's useless. After half an hour, Brother Guan Yu will definitely break his veins and die..."

"Half an hour?" Guan Yu introspected himself and found that the true qi that invaded his Yang acupoint was really difficult to deal with. He couldn't help blocking Zhiyang acupoint, hindering the operation of his true qi, and dispersing into the eight strange meridians, and faintly restraining the flow of true qi. After another deep investigation, the vitality in his body was in the slow dissipation.

"Is it possible that I will die here today?" This idea suddenly appeared in Guan Yu's mind. After a moment, he was lingering. He suddenly opened his laughter. The laughter dragged a long sound and resounded outside the cliff. A group of birds and bats in the cracks of the cliff cave were frightened by this trembling and all flew out one after another to meet the oblique sun.

Suddenly, Guan Yu stepped out of his left foot, and Zhou Hanzhi breathed for no reason. His eyes and prospects changed rapidly, the universe moved, things changed, and the surrounding scenery turned into a picture, flowing rapidly. Only Zhou Hanzhi and Xia Zhijiang in his arms also had the handsome swordsman floating in front of him.

This battlefield remains unchanged.

Zhou Hanzhi was full of Zhenyuan, and Huangting's true qi flowed around him. He saw the scene under his feet behind him. In a short time, everyone had moved into the stars of the universe. The surrounding stars were extinguished like fire. The Guan Yu shouted and gave up the erosion of the Huangting Zhenqi and turned to Zhou Han stopped killing.

He put his seven-foot sword in front of him. When his chest stabbed and his body changed, his true air surged. From his back to the Yang acupoint, it suddenly dissipated in mid-air, like a cloudy white fog evaporated out. His life opportunity flew away, and he was still fearless. On the contrary, he danced the sword more fiercely.

Zhou Hanzhi looked stunned and said that this person was not going to work hard. Previously, he didn't hit his Shinto acupoint and couldn't kill this person quickly. It was really a big failure. At present, looking at the madness of this crown and jade attack, Zhou Hanzhi's footsteps and walked more quickly.

He has already explored it with Huang Ting's true spirit. This Guan Yuyuan merit belongs to gold. In counting, as long as you don't go to the Western land for gold, you can avoid its sharpest edge. As long as you enter the southern fire position, you can weaken its offensive and then counterattack into defense.

Seeing that he followed the five elements, he followed the gossip, avoiding the land of gold in the west, and even bypassing the land of the southwest and the passive. Because of the native gold, it can also help the crown jade. Zhou Han stopped his figure and dodge, and the number was amazing. Step by step, it was to attract Guanyu into the position of fire in the south.

At this time, the stars were shining around them, and the two seemed to be in the depths of the universe, surrounded by many bright stars. The stars were shining like bright fire, the stars were dark, and there was a hidden force of destruction.

The two people have a clear attack and defense. One is urgent, the other is avoiding danger, and the two are moderate. Zhou Hanzhi seems to be forced to retreat step by the crown jade, but in fact, he keeps introducing them to the south. At the moment when he is about to step into the fire position, he was happy and secretly said in his heart, "The five elements are restrained, this man is defeated!"

At this moment, Guanyu's sword suddenly changed, and his figure suddenly stopped and sneered disdainfully, "Brother Zhou, in front of you is the position of the fire in the south. Aren't you thinking that this son has fallen into my hand? The next step is the time for him to die?"

Zhou Han was surprised to hear the words and couldn't help but blurt out, "So you know these three idle walking arrays?"

"I don't know, I don't know, but I finally understand!" Guan Yu laughed and said, "You want my life, but you don't know that I'm not afraid of death at all."

"But..." As soon as he spoke, his face turned, with a little sadness and fierceness, he said quickly, "I want you to die first."

In the next Shunjian, Guan Yu pointed the long sword in her hand to the starry sky, and suddenly invaded an inexplicable force. In this bright starry sky, it suddenly changed again. The space seemed to have been cut off and divided into dozens of pieces. With the power of the stars, it began to change rapidly.

Zhou Hanzhi was dazzled and suddenly felt as if he was in a painting again. He couldn't help but change his position as the picture suddenly changed. At this time, the crown jade body suddenly dispersed into a light and was instantly sucked into a nearby star.

He actually hid and let Zhou Han stop suffering in this transformation of the starry sky. The latter was frightened and knew that he had encountered the greatest danger in his life. The change of the starry sky seemed to have bred the power of the law of time and space. If he was accidentally cut by the two changing edges of space, he would die even if he was doomed.

Zhou Han couldn't stop. He could only hold Xia Zhijiang firmly and dodged in this changing starry sky. He jumped carefully, constantly jumped from the collapsed space to the new space next to him, and escaped from the upside-down moving space one by one, so that he would not be involved in the turbulence in the cracks of time and space, so that he would be crushed.

At this time, he could no longer care about using any leisurely walk. At this time, the five elements were in chaos. The only moment when he kept moving, he kept moving under his feet. Suddenly, a star around him flashed brightly for a moment, and he saw a swordsman in ochre jumping out of the depths of the starlight with a seven-foot thin sword. His sword The starlight flowed on the body, and the sword body pointed to it, just like stabbing itself.

At this moment, he collapsed rapidly, reborn, intertwined, and confused, and the space where the stars seemed to move seemed to be stagnate. Zhou Hanzhi looked at the sword in front of him pointing to his heart. His mind buzzed, and the cry was not good. Then he was shocked to realize that he was jumping and dodging, and was entering the western land of gold exchange, which was the other party's work. The strongest part.

This moment seemed to be short, but in Zhou Hanzhi's mind, he was actually dragged ten minutes long. He calculated in his mind that he must not be able to escape. For today's plan, he had to fight hard and strive to die when Guan Yu stabbed his heart with a sword, so that he would die together.

However, Zhou Hanzhi did not allow himself to die here anyway. In this worrying joint, his mind flashed and he suddenly had a plan. He gritted his teeth and thought of gambling, and almost wanted to live.

He actually gave up any defensive resistance, but threw Xia Zhijiang in his hand into the turbulence of a space next to him. Seeing this, a trace of strange color flashed in his expression. Unexpectedly, at the moment when the seven-foot sword was about to stab Zhou Hanzhi, he could turn around and chase Xia Zhijiang's body.

At this time, there was a heavy sound on his back, but Zhou Hanzhi finally fanned the emperor in the Shinto acupuncture point on his back. Huang Ting's true breath came in, and Guan Yu's body shook and was about to collapse. He was shocked to find that the meridians in his body had been broken, and his vitality disappeared rapidly.

"Hahahaha..." Zhou Hanzhi laughed loudly, and his heavenly fan was all unfolded, full of Huangting's true spirit. With a fierce blow in this obscene star space, he actually tore out a huge incision in time and space.

His figure quickly crossed, turned into a line, passed through the incision, and ran away from the edge of the sky, leaving only one sentence from afar: "Brother Guanyu, you only have less than half a cup of tea. May you two fairy couples get along well for a moment, hahaha..."

Guan Yu didn't seem to hear Zhou Hanzhi's words. When he flew forward, he did not suppress the injury. He just grabbed Xia Zhijiang's waist and held him tightly in his arms. At that moment, he rushed out of this star space that was about to collapse.

At this time, the whole space alien world opened by Guan Yu can no longer stand the true attack of the two people, like a lake thrown into a stone, with huge ripples, scattered, like a broken mirror, turned into thousands of fragments.

Suddenly, the space was completely shattered, and only heard a sound. Guan Yu fell out of it with Xia Zhijiang in his arms and was appearing in the high sky facing the sea. As soon as the two sank, they fell into the sea.

At this time, Guanyu's meridians were broken, and he could no longer gather his power. When he flew in the sky, he made a fierce voice, hugged Xia Zhijiang tightly with his right hand, and his left hand exerted his strength to fiercely/insert the thin sword in his hand into the cliff.

With a sound, the seven-foot thin sword entered without a stone wall. It turned out that this sword was also a magic soldier, splitting gold and silver, which was extraordinary. Guan Yu held the hilt of the seven-foot sword tightly in his left hand, and held Xia Zhijiang in his arms with his right hand, accompanied by the power of falling, and kept rowing down the cliff.

Ju Yunxuan has disappeared into the clouds, and his height is like a thousand feet. They don't know how long it will take for them to fall. Finally, the force was removed and they had to fall into the middle of the mountain. However, Guanyu had no strength at this time, and the hand holding the sword was almost unable to hold it.

He looked not far from the left side of his body and protruded with a stone, which seemed to be a platform and could barely accommodate the two of them. Now he had made up his mind. Guan Yu looked at the magic sword that fell into the stone wall and sighed, "Goodbye, old friend..."

A clear light flows on the body of the seven-foot long sword, and a drop of water drips down the sword body. If the clear light is the reflection of the sun on the sword body, and the drop of water flows out of the damp place of the cliff, it can also be solved that the sword is spiritual and does not want to shed tears.

At this time, Guan Yu took a long body, held Xia Zhijiang in her hands, and landed firmly on the raised stone under her.

He reluctantly sat down, put Xia Zhijiang in his arms and stretched out his hand to explore his veins. As he thought, the Xia Zhijiang veins seemed to be chaotic and his vitality was gradually extinct. Thinking that Zhou Hanzhi was willing to let today's affairs leak out, it was inevitable to kill him.