Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 9 A corner of the world is hazy to the bottom

The sun shines thousands of miles of cash, but once the locusts arrived, the mountains and fields that spread were all gray, and the overwhelming insects came, and the buzzing sound of their wings was like a vicious wind blowing from the mountains, with an inexplicable fear in the fishy.

Qi Miao thought about the safety of the people and stood up to fight against the insect swarm. Although his cultivation was strong, it was difficult for one person to shake the sky, let alone destroy this group of insects covering the heaven and earth. Although Yu Bing, the patriarch of Miaojiang Poisonous, did not want to do more trouble, he also helped him out of morality. He only saw him blow and called out three smaller than ordinary bees with long wings. Long unfolded, the thin and transparent golden bee rushed forward.

This little golden bee, not as big as a locust, fluttered in front of millions of insects in three numbers, even more like a dragonfly shaking trees. Seven or eight locusts may be instinct after seeing food, or be seduced by it, and rushed over in a stark, biting it clean, and even a trace of wings were useless.

So at the moment when Qi Miao quietly waited for its fruit and watched its changes, suddenly, millions of locusts fluttered their wings in the distance, and the buzzing sound was deafening, as if even the mountain was going to shake with it. I saw a group of black locusts rush past, rushing to the front of them to eat the golden bees, and rush up fiercely.

These locusts didn't have time to hide, but were swallowed up by a swarm of insects. Qi Miao frowned and looked at them. They saw the locusts scrambling to bite the previous locusts, making each of the seven or eight insects squeeze and hang dozens of locusts, and these dozens of them After that, countless insects rushed up.

In an instant, seven or eight locusts were eaten clean by the swarm. However, then, the locusts did not stop and attacked and bit each other.

After seeing this scene, Qimiao couldn't help asking: "Are those golden bees all hidden Tang monk meat? How could they attract locusts to eat him and be separated by insects, and grab the opportunity to bite these mouthfuls of locusts, and they are scrambled to be eaten by other locusts. The scale continues to expand, which actually makes millions of locusts. No more moving forward, what the hell is going on..."

At this time, there was a fierce biting scene in the locusts in front of him. If the insects that first ate the golden bee meat were lucky enough to be eaten by someone, it seemed to have received a great favor, but it brought them great misfortune, making it the target of more locusts. And if this group of locusts ate the meat of this insect, it would Being stared at by more locusts, this situation spread, and finally the whole locust swarm has been messed up.

A chaotic sound was staged in front of Qi Miao and Yu Bing. Originally, it was moving forward neatly, like a hurricane of locusts scattered countless large and small whirlpools. Behind each large or small whirlpool, there were hundreds or even thousands of locusts fighting, and the sound of their wings suddenly became abnormal. It is messy and more noisy. In this world, these large and small insects tear up and fight, and there is an illusion that people are mistaken in the ancient battlefield, seeing a series of military disasters and continuous fighting.

In this way, after half an hour, the locusts fought and formed several whirlpools, which were combined or scattered, and finally only became sporadic. Even in this vast world, there was only the last locust left. Yu Bing laughed and flew into the air. A white light scattered out and rolled up the loneliness. The only winner withdrew his sleeve.

I only heard him turn around and say to Qi Miao with an arrogant look, "This is what I said, the second way to eliminate the locust!"

"I admire the suzerain's means!" Qimiao's heart surged, arched his hand and made a deep bow to him. Only then did he know what it means to specialize in the art industry, and this admiration was even more sincere.

Qi Miao asked himself and said from the bottom of his heart. On that day, on the shoal, he saw the embarrassing monument Heming's lacked firm restraint. He inadvertently despised this ordinary-looking and taciturn man. At this time, he fought with locusts and taught him another lesson. It turned out that the laws of heaven and earth were not perfect. The amount determines the victory or defeat. As Taoism said, how can there be no reason for all things, the law is natural, and between heaven and earth, and the birth and the mutual restraint?

Yu Bing smiled and then said, "You watched the locusts compete to eat each other, and didn't even leave many remnants and broken bodies. This is also good, so as not to leave a number of insect corpses, attract flies and scorpses, which affects the feng shui here, and is easy to cause plague..."

Qi Miao nodded and said, "Yu Zou, I thank you for the people here!"

"Don't be so polite, just raise your hand..." Yu Bing waved his hand. At this time, he stood with his back to the valley and facing Qi Miao's face, but he saw seven or eight strong horses behind him roaring and coming. The horse knight did not know who it was, hiding in the smoke and dust, and could not see his appearance and dress clearly...

"Emp..." Yu Bing muttered and called Qi Miao, "Someone came behind him. Maybe the local people saw the abnormal situation here and came to have a look. It's not convenient for you and me to show up. Let's leave now."

Qi Miao nodded and agreed. He was still a little worried. He simply said that he was a good person to do it to the end. When casting the spell, his sleeves were rolled upside down and a cold light passed by the flat ground. The remaining locust remnants were swept away by this water blue cold light, and there was no star left.

After all this, Qi Miao and Yu Bing ignored it and finally turned into a shock. After a while, they broke through the air and went away...

"Oh..." A quarter of an hour later, seven or eight dark-looking men rode a strong horse and rushed to the front of the mountain bag. The face at the top was vicissitudes. It seemed that the leader of the people strangled the reins, and the mount under him made a sniff, shook his head, took a wrong step to the side, and could stop his body.

The horses sprayed white gas and stepped on their hooves. The seven or eight men on it looked confused, and the leader was even more strange. Previously, when he saw hurricane-like locusts sweeping over, he shouted that it was not good and immediately ordered the women and children in the clan to settle down the animals, which suppressed his heart. His head was nervous and frightened, and he rushed over to have a look. However, when a group of knights came over, they saw that this place was empty. How could there be a shadow of half a locust?

He rubbed his eyes and was puzzled. He wondered whether he had been evil. When he turned around and cut everyone, everyone looked at each other in consternation. However, no matter what, the nervous expression originally hung on everyone's faces gradually disappeared. After all, a disaster disappeared and the days continued. Isn't it ordinary? The most reassuring thing about the body?

Everyone looked relaxed and talked a lot, but no one knew the mountain bag in front of them. A few words had already been engraved: a couple of haze came to the world, but the locust plague appeared in the universe


This mortal thing passed by for the time being, only said that Qi Miao and Yu Bing flew south. After this battle, the two were either intentional or unintentionally, and gradually said something. Only then did Qi Miao find that although Yu Bing was dull, once he opened the chat box, he could also talk to people. At the same time, both of them were from southern Xinjiang and was free. Zong and Poison Sect can be described as neighbors, local customs and ordinary stories. The two often talk about going together. In this way, the journey along the way is also pleasant.

The two did not dare to delay forming. They rushed to the road day and night. One day, Yu Bing, who flew through the sky, shouted in a low voice, and suddenly stopped. Qi Miao was also strange. He stagnated and condensed in the air. When he looked back at him, he only saw that he was frowning and falling into a state of meditation.

"Strange..." Qimiao said, "Yu Bing has been on his way all night. Although it's hard, he won't suddenly fall asleep on the way, but what's on his mind?"

He looked at the man with a bucket hat. Although he closed his eyes, his face tightened. He seemed to be distracted by something. He was recalled. Qi Miao was curious and waited carefully. After a moment, Yu Bing raised his head and sighed, "Brother Qi Miao, I'm afraid Yu will be involved in you... ....”

"How do you say this?" Qi Miao's heart was even more strange. Seeing that the previous heroic and tough man turned into an expression full of fatigue and vicissitudes.

At this time, the two passed the towering and glorious Nanjing city and went to Gusu Shengjing. The previous scene had long become clouds and smoke. Like the prosperity of these dynasties, most of them passed away with the wind, turned into flowing water out of thin air, and integrated into the boundless world. Qi Miao was aroused by Yu Bing's expression and looked at him, which was puzzled.

"There is a story involved..." Yu Bing's face was full of depression, shook his head, sighed, and then whispered, "I don't know if Brother Qimiao would like to listen to Yu?"

"I would like to hear about it..." Qi Miao was curious.

"Okay..." Yu Bing suddenly changed her expression and changed back to the previous dull and serious. "At this time, it's a long story. Let's hurry and say..."

"Good!" Qi Miaoyun said, but as soon as the two of them got back on the road, they rushed out of hundreds of miles until they passed the south of the Yangtze River of the Gusu River. When they saw the Taihu Lake from a little golden light to the starlight, Yu Bing never said anything.

At the moment when the starlight was about to disperse and the oriental monologue, Yu Bing finally breathed, as if she wanted to express the depression in her chest of the night, and finally said to Qimiao, "Qi Miao Zhenren, do you know that there is a Yuanhe Town in Miaojiang?"

"Hm?" After thinking about it, it suddenly occurred to think that Yuanhe Town has a resound reputation for this incident in southern Xinjiang, but this matter is not a good thing, and it also has something to do with Xiaoyaozong. Yu Bing inquired in detail, and it was also related to that matter. When he was hesitating how to answer, Yu Bing asked bluntly:

"Did the free ancestor of your family get rid of a scourge in Yuanhe Town in the past? This incident shocked the whole southern Xinjiang and made you have gained a good reputation. Even the nearby righteous sect has put down its reason and no longer embarrass your sect?

"This... It's true." Qi Miao replied bravely.

"So do you know that the poison on that day was exactly what I did?" Yu Bing's face was inconvenient, but there was no way to say more anger in his words.