Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 16 Deep Well Dim Sky Disperse

The inn that closed the door fell into darkness, and only the unstoppable cracks in the window wall came together with a ray of light and turned into a beam of light. In this thick darkness, it looked bright.

After doing something with several guests, the shopkeeper held his legs and sat down together against the back of the gate. After that, he fell into silence and there was no movement.

There was a smell of rice oil in the store for a long time. Qi Miao smelled it and felt that the fragrance was quite useful. Yu Bing pulled him around the wooden tables and chairs placed randomly in the hall and came to the backyard of the inn.

This is probably a real inn for people to live in, but now it is empty, and seven or eight rooms are locked. After all, the government is very noisy. Merchants would rather camp outside Guyong City to protect themselves than easily come in and be slaughtered lambs. The business of this store is affected by this.

Qi Miao looked at it. Why is it like an ordinary inn? It is decorated like other rooms. There are several rooms with stinky toilets scattered beside them. There is a well in the middle of the courtyard. The bucket of hanging water can't be placed on the ground, which can't be more ordinary.

However, the business of this store is not good, but it is true. He looked for a connection with Yu Bing and didn't even see half a figure. Qi Miao couldn't help frowning and said, "Brother Yu, is this the contact place mentioned by the person who left the mark for us?"

Yu Bing nodded and said, "Absolutely right, but since I'm here, the person who left the message will not come out anyway...

He thought for a moment and said, "Even ordinary Miao people can't understand the symbols drawn in the Wudong of the Miao family. They should not leak the news."

This passage was similar to talking to himself. Qimiao didn't know how to answer. Yu Bing suddenly sniffed and said, "Yes!"

I saw him dig through the well and look inside carefully. Qi Miao walked past him and looked at the well a little. He saw a pool of water hiding in a dark shadow. The stone walls on all sides were covered with dark green moss. Some of the moss probably had been experienced for a long time, mixed with water and mud, and had already said no. Is it green or black? It's probably a trace of time here.

Yu Bing nodded and said, it was here. The smell here was the most special. Qi Miao was a little confused after hearing it. Why couldn't he smell any special smell? After looking at the well for a long time, he only felt that a damp moisture came to his face. Thinking of this, he couldn't help asking suspiciously, "Brother Yu, you may confirm it?"

I only heard Yu Bing smile and said, "Our poisonous sect has its own way to identify with the sect, which made Qimiao really laugh."

Qi Miao listened to him and nodded at ease. Yu Bing looked at the bottomless pool water and muttered, "The water in this well is probably very cold. You may suffer some when you go down..."

Then Yu Bing took out another dried snake skin from his arms and blew it away with a big breath. The snake skin seemed to have been soaked with some secret medicine. It rose to a thin piece, transparent, and had not yet been broken. Yu Bing took the blown snake skin. Hand it over to Qi Miao.

Qimiao was stunned and immediately smiled bitterly. He accompanied the poisonous patriarch all the way and encountered many strange things. At this time, he was quite used to it. He waved his hand and saw him put on a fingerprint, and his two fingers condense a blue light and probed into the bottomless well.

There was a chill in his hand, and the four walls of the well were slightly pale. Qi Miao's eyes stared at the well water. Yu Bing was a little puzzled, but he also understood what he was going to do, so he pinched the scuba made of snake skin and hugged it first. He started to watch and didn't say much.

Not far away, there was a pair of eyes. These eyes mixed on the bark on one side and stared nervously at what happened here. However, after all, he could only see in front of him, but could not see the whole picture of the matter. He saw the seven wonders in front of him slightly casting spells on the well water. The eyes blinked and meowed the green on his head. The leaves, two leaves, quite like human ears, moved under his gaze, towards the middle of the courtyard, as if they were listening to the movement.

Not long after the seven wonderful spells were cast, the scar-faced man with a bucket hat beside him was shocked and shouted, "Okay!"

Then the man laughed and threw the waterfei in his hand aside. Then he ploped and jumped into the deep well. After that, Qi Miao shook his head with a wry smile and jumped down.

The eyes hiding on the tree trunk and mixed with the bark blinked, and his eyes were full of puzzled expressions. At this time, he stared at the empty and quiet courtyard and waited for about half an hour. When it was confirmed that there was no danger, a man in black crept in from somewhere in the corner of the wall.

If you look closely, you can find that the man in black has long hair, but he is a blind man. His eyes are deep, revealing only two pits, and there are also two sunken meat pits beside his ears, as if his ears have been removed.

The man in black groped for a moment and came to the previous big tree. After a clumsy groping, he found two eyes. He took them down and put them in his deep eye sockets. He turned his eyes slightly and could see things again.

Next, he picked off the two ear-like leaves. This time, it was very easy and not as troublesome as before. The man pasted the two leaves on both sides of his face. The two leaves gradually turned into skin color from tender green, and then turned into two human ears, which grew tightly on his head. .

He laughed one or twice, pinched the newly received ears, and felt that they were very strong. Then he began to have a large amount of well water. The man in black circled several times around the well water, but he could not tell what there was any heresy in the well water, which made Qi Miao and Yu Bing jump down one after another.

"Is there another universe in it?" The man in black thought for a moment and said to himself, "That seven wonderful boy is as good as me, but the other person doesn't know him. If I really want to fight with these two people, although I may not lose, I will be in trouble. Why don't you go back and report it first?"

He stepped back a few steps. When he was not careful, he was stepping on the waterfei previously thrown by Yu Bing. The man couldn't help but revitalize again and thought, "If he goes back like this, he will be ridiculed by everyone in the clan. It's better to take a risk to explore and get some more valuable information. If Brother Tianmu knows it. , you will definitely look at me with new eyes."

"Ye, that's it!" The man made up his mind and picked up the snake skin scuba. At this time, most of the air in the snake skin had been vented. The man in black learned from Yu Bing's appearance, took a deep breath, spit it into the snake skin, blew it full, and then bit the part of the snake skin scuba out of his mouth.

He grabbed the mouth of the well with both hands and looked at the dim well water in the well. The well water seemed to be in the deep pool. Just looking over made people hesitate. The man gritted his teeth and scolded himself a few times. Finally, he hardened his scalp and fluttered. Jump into the well.

The moment I entered the water, it was a piercing cold, but this way also gained a lot. With a true breath, a light appeared on the skin, which not only cooled the dim well water, but also slightly warmed the body.

His body fell straight to the deepest part of the well water. After only a while, the man in black felt that his feet were light and he actually leaned out of the surface of the water. He worked a little and put his left and right hands on both sides of the narrow well wall. When he looked under him slightly through the faint light, he found that there was a passage under him and dried It's clean, and there is no water falling into it.

In this man's heart, Dodge suddenly said that he didn't know what magic was added on the well, but it hung in the middle of the well, covering people's ears and eyes. There was a secret channel under it, and I don't know what was magical. At this time, he was in the water for less than half an hour, and the scuba in his mouth was still bulging. He was not in a hurry, but first stretched out his left hand to cut out his right eye.

This is in the water, and it is difficult to send any movement. The man's nails into his eyes and skillfully pulled out some red and green sticky things in his left eye.

He meowed under his body, recited the spell in his heart, and threw the eyeball down like this.

With a splash, the eyes were thrown out of the water by one of them. It was strange to say that when the eyes fell to the ground, they had their own clear air protection and did not fall. The eyeballs fell on the ground on the tunnel and rolled up. When they were brought to a stone, they actually made a soft sound and integrated into the stone and the black The inconspicuous stone merged into one, but the bottom of the stone lit up slightly, as if it had opened eyelids, revealing one eye and carefully looking at the tunnel.

I only saw that the tunnel was about rectangular. Starting from the bottom of the well above, I looked diagonally in front of me, and I didn't know how far it was to the end, and there was no popularity around me and there was no life.

These eyes are often on top, and you can only see that the stone wall is wet and wet, and there is another well hanging on the top. I can't say which side is the sky or which side is the earth.

You should know that the stone picked by the eyeball was on the edge of the square, facing the scenery everywhere. The man in black in the water used this eye to understand the situation of the tunnel below. After he was completely sure that no one else was staying below, he took a breath and jumped out of the water in one fell swoop.

However, at the moment he jumped out of the water, the snakeskin scuba in the man in black suddenly changed in the wind and turned into a blue-black water snake about three feet long. The snake spit out a bright red letter and bit the man in black man's arm with lightning.

The man in black was still in mid-air, hastily changing. How to deal with it, he only heard a scream and fell straight to the ground.