Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 19 Deep House Old Resentment Ancients

"Go to Shen's house first to find out, maybe it can solve the doubts between you and me!" Yu Bing made a sound. When he dropped this sentence, his anger loomed on his face, which showed that he was particularly angry with the people who had harmed many of his sects.

"Good!" Qi Miao nodded and was about to go to Shen's house to make sure of something. The two withdrew along the original road and fell into the well. Suddenly, a cold light flashed on the water of the dim well on their heads.

This is just a flash of light, causing the well water to swirl a little. The well water fell into the deep ground. There was no light. If it were someone else, they should not be aware of this abnormality. However, of course, Qi Miao and Yu Bing will not miss any abnormality. He only heard Yu Bing shouting, and suddenly raised his arms. He raised his hand and lifted Tianjian, who was lying directly under the well.

He shouted, threw up hard, and threw Tianjian out of the well.

Then, Qi Miao gave a soft sound, and the blue light on his body loomed. When he looked up, the water of the well dispersed, like four-petal tofu cut off by two knives after solidification, and abruptly separated a way for him to pass.

At this time, there were indeed three or four people lying in ambush outside the mouth of the well. When they saw one person jumping out of the water with a shout, these people hurriedly hit the man's body one by one.

But when he saw the man jumping out without humming, he fell to the ground. One of the people who was ambushed outside was probably the leader to take a look and said, "Isn't this Tianjian?"

He reacted quickly and shouted, "No, everyone be careful!"

Hearing a crackling sound, a man in white jumped out of the water and was surrounded by several waves of water. This water wave circled back and condensed on his side. He only heard him shouting, "san!"

Another rapid sound, but I saw countless water swords in the water waves, reflecting the bright light of the sun, with the sharp roar of breaking through the air, whistling, flying around one by one.

The previous leader screamed, but saw the dense water sword shooting head-on. He gritted his teeth and used his skills. His body twisted into a pair like a twisted towel, which could avoid several water swords that attacked him.

I only heard a few cracks. The water sword hit the ground and splashed endless splashes. The man approached, and his clothes were inevitably wet. He exclaimed and hurriedly closed his breath for fear of being poisonous in the water.

Several other ambushmen next to him were not as good as this person. They were hit by splashes one after another and only heard a few screams. These people' bodies were so badly damaged and were shot out one after another. Among them, the most unfortunate was that the one near the well was dozens of wounds. He had already let the water arrow hit him into the tavern in front of the inn. .

Fortunately, the water sword was not powerful. The man just fell and touched his body, but didn't even break a single rib. He struggled to get up. When he raised his eyes, the shopkeeper who had been squatted behind the door of the pub and three or four diners had a slight blood stains on their necks, and the blood stains had dried. I don't know how long it took to die.

These people came in and killed them quietly. When this guy saw the dead, he even screamed for laughter, spit on these bodies, and quickly ran to the backyard to join the regiment.

In front of him, a big tree in the backyard, with messy leaves, gradually fascinated his eyes. As soon as the man stepped in, he couldn't walk a few steps. Suddenly, his eyes stared, as if he had been stimulated. He jumped forward two or three steps, and immediately fell to the ground, his head tilted, and his tongue spit out. , just die like this.

"Oh..." Yu Bing was speechless. It turned out that he jumped out of the well, waved it, and sprinkled a poison powder. The poison powder overflowed into the air. When the leader of the ambush saw this situation, he was immediately shocked. His body jumped straight back. His body actually pulled up and suddenly turned back. This man should be a spring. This time, it turned out more than ten feet high and came out of this inn.

Qi Miao just fell down at this time and didn't get to the ground. As soon as he mentioned the truth, he flew up and quickly chased after him.

The other two people who were hit by the Qimiao water arrow just got up, but heard Yu Bing remind loudly, "You have been hit by the poison powder I sprinkled. Don't move your body, or you will die in three steps."

This matter is in line with the bad luck of the person who fell into the pub. When he ran in, he took a deep breath. He was full of poison powder, and his movements were violent. Sure enough, he fell and died within three steps. In addition, the two poisoned exchanged their eyes and their eyes were full of fear.

One of them was unwilling. Although he stayed as he was, he slowly raised his hand with a very slight movement. He held a delicate little * in his hand. When he was about to pull the trigger, he saw that the man also jumped three steps forward and knocked him to death.

"Alas..." Yu Bing shook his head and said, "It's all said that there can't be a trace of action, otherwise it will definitely be poisoned to death..."

"What a domineering toxicity, it seems that just raising hands and feet can provoke an attack." Seeing this, although he was very afraid, his eyes rumbling and his heart was calculating. His body was not moving at all, but his face was full of true air in the ice's hand and was about to shoot at him.

He saw a light condensed in this man's hand. Before he could launch it, his body suddenly jumped up involuntarily. He moaned and fell on the stone brick floor like the previous two, tilted his head and died. Yu Bing sighed and saw that the man's eyes were round and looked at himself unbelievably. Ji smiled bitterly and said, "I haven't had time to tell you that you can't use true qi except that you can't move your body, otherwise... you will die at the moment..."

At this time, he looked up at Qimiao chasing the direction of the leader, and saw several layers of clouds stacked in the sky, like lead, but in the northwest.

"The northwest is cloudy, and the wind and rain are boundless..." Yu Bing shook her head, looked at it, and said to herself, "It seems that this storm can't be avoided. I don't know whether the road ahead is wind or rain, as long as you bravely make a breakthrough."

This is not the table. When the leader of the Qimiao ambush rushed out, he saw the man turn over several eaves and ran to many places in the street. Qimiao said that the man was afraid of sneaking into the crowd and leaving, and immediately swept away a cold water and attacked his heart.

When the man was running, he heard a strong wind roaring behind him, and a chill came. He hurried back, turned his left hand over, and raised his right hand. He saw that the palm of his left hand was facing the true air hit by Qi Miao, but it was suddenly sucked into his body and disappeared.

Qi Miao was stunned and stopped the second wave of attacks that had been prepared. The man smiled and shouted, "This boy, do you think Qin Tianhu is afraid of you?"

He only saw a little movement, and the cold water that had entered from his left hand suddenly crackled. He walked in his body for a week, followed the meridians, and rushed out of his right hand and hit the opposite direction.

Qi Miao said interestingly, beckoned to pick up the cold water sword, and a sword was splitting the oncoming true qi. His sword was as powerful as the wind and unparalleled. A sword cut this true qi into a splash, transforming it into several starlight splashes scattered around.

Then, Qi Miao's footsteps jumped high from the eaves of the roof tiles, and several cold water swords in his hand cut out, firmly sealing the opponent's way.

He was really anxious, but he only wanted to surround this person without killing him. Previously, Qi Miao heard that he reported his family as Qin Tianhu. You know, when Tianmu rebelled against Xiaoyao Sect, several brothers were all old people of the Tianzi generation. He had never seen such a man named at the age of 20 or 30. Qi Miao expected that this person would come. Head, the idea must capture it.

But the man laughed and cursed, "If you want to trap me, you are delusional!"

With the end of his words, Qin Tianhu waved his hands, his legs and feet separated, and his body suddenly twisted into the shape of a twist, which was not like ordinary people's means at all. His body tightened and loosened, like a broken spring. He actually bounced out of the gap between the swords of Qimiao and took the opportunity to have Qimiao. Open the distance.

"This humanity and body method are really ingenious!" Qi Miao watched him bounce away with great interest. Several true spirits failed one by one and hit the roof tile. Only heard a bang. The tile of the house cracked into countless pieces, stirring up a awning of soil. Several voices in the room under the tile shouted loudly, and only one woman said:

"Oh, my God, are the stars in the sky falling down!"

A male voice continued, "Baby, take the baby away quickly. I'm afraid this house is going to collapse!"

Then there was a busy sound, knocking over bowls and chopsticks, smashing tables and chairs, mixed with a small doll crying: "Dad, mom, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!"

It turned out that there were a family of three under this tile. I hope not to hurt them. Qi Miao said sorry in his heart. When he was moved, a little apology came to his heart. He shook his sleeves and was falling from the cuffs of a heavy silver treasure falling into the big hole in the roof broken by the sword.

"Hahahaha!" Qin Tianhu ran to the edge of this cluster of houses. In front of him was the market with stalls along the street. He turned around and laughed, "This boy, next time you want to catch Grandpa, practice your legs and feet faster first!"

After saying that, he was about to jump off the house, but he saw Qi Miao wave his sleeves and shake a cold air. Qin Tianhu's face was stunned and said, "Come again!"

Not necessarily, the cold water and true qi came to his face. Qin Tianhu did not dare to be careless about the seven wonderful skills. He raised his left hand and sucked the true air into his body. He was about to promote this true qi to walk along the meridians. When he shot back from his right hand, his expression was awe of awe.

It turned out that when this true qi had just entered Qin Tianhu's body, Qi Miao slightly cast a spell. This cold true qi suddenly condensed into ice in Qin Tianhu's body and frozen his people's meridians. Qin Tianhu's eyes widened and spewed endless hatred in his eyes. When he was about to curse, Qi Miao swept over early, and two white exercises fell from his sleeves, one Tie the Qin Tianhu tightly and take him high to fly up.