Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 21 Deep House Old Resentment of the Ancients

It turned out that this ghost was the one who pulled out from the back mountain and asked him to make waves in Shen's house when Qimiao and Li Xiuguizhong cheated the treasure of the Marquis Shen's family. Later Qimiao left southern Xinjiang and did not pay attention to his whereabouts. Unexpectedly, he bumped into this guy again today.

"Xianchang, Xianchang, spare your life!" As soon as the ghost saw the fierce death on Qimiao's face, he knew it was not good. He shouted loudly. If he had hands and feet, he would probably crawl at Qimiao's feet and hug his thighs and pleaded. He only heard him wail, "Since I was taught a lesson by the immortal, I dare to do evil again. Every day, I only pray sincerely in the back mountain, but I can't touch it. After getting the master to surpass us, these days have passed. Xianchang, you have to spare your life and give me a chance to be a new human being!"

Yu Bing heard it so funny that she didn't want to make noise. She condensed a true spirit in her hand and said in a low voice, "If you want to be a new person, then I will complete you, and I will send you back to reincarnation."

When the ghost saw this hand reaching out to him, there was a frightening force on it. He was so scared that he was about to disperse his soul. After he became a fierce ghost, he did a lot of harmful things. How could he avoid the judgment of the Yanluo Hall? If he went to the underworld, he would be lightly distributed to animals, and if it was serious, he would not be After the 18th floor of hell, where can there be a chance to be a man?

It was the moment when Bing's finger touched the ghost. Suddenly, Qi Miao held the ice's hand and whispered, "Brother Yu, no, the key to visiting this Shen Mansion fell on this ghost!"

"Oh?" Yu Bing said puzzled, "There are many masters in Shen's house now. You let this ghost in and be discovered by everyone in a short time. What's the use of this?"

Qimaiao shook her head and did not answer this question. First, she asked the ghost, "Why did you come here?"

"Yes... Yes..." The ghost seemed to have a chance to save his life. He immediately thanked and said, "Originally, at this time of the second day, it was not before the little one came out to beg for food, ah..."

Qimao smashed the cold water sword. The ghost consciously lost his words and revealed the news of cannibalism. He cried and was beaten right by Qimiao, so he had to smile and forgive him. Qi Miao ignored him and just said coldly, "Continue to say!"

The ghost was forced by his eyes, and his heart treble. At the moment, he said, "Tonight, somehow, the little one feels that there is a powerful power to summon me out of the back mountain. Well... Not only me, but also the lonely ghosts in the wilderness seem to have been awakened by this magic power and rushed to this ancient city. ."

"Oh? Unexpectedly..." Qi Miao exchanged his eyes with Yu Bing, and his heart was strange. He only heard the ghost continue to say, "There is a voice that seems to keep calling us in our ghosts and gods, asking us to enter this Shen mansion. The small... small doubted that he has lived more than ordinary ghosts for decades, and has some determination to look at them. One by one, moths rushed into the Shen mansion, and it seemed that something huge and attractive was prepared in it.

"However, none of these ghosts have come back. It's really unpredictable..." The ghost's voice suddenly faded. "Slowly, the summoning power added to the small body seems to have weakened. When I was thinking about whether to leave, I was seen by you..."

The door of Houfu's house is deep, and the bright lights reflect the night. Rao Qimiao and Yu Bingyi are bold, and they don't want to do the unnecessary move of throwing themselves into the net. Qi Miao turned her eyes and said to Bing:

"Some kind of soul-seeching ceremony is being held in this house. In my opinion, how about we use the power of this wandering soul to see the size of the Anle Hou Mansion for us?"

Yu Bing nodded slightly hesitantly. He didn't know much about the situation of the magic array and couldn't say any good opinions. He just felt that this little soul could not play much even if it went in. However, he thought about it and couldn't let him visit the two of them, which was a good way.

As soon as the wandering soul heard Qi Miao say this, the vague and indistinguishable soul body trembled like a swaying candlelight in the wind. He said with great fear: "The immortals spare their lives, immortals spare their lives, small... The small only felt that there was a very terrible magic array in the Hou family that could devour me. This pair of small That's an eternal road!"

"Don't be afraid" Qimiao looked at his shaking and uneasy look and felt funny. He thought that this was also a fierce ghost and evil spirit that had been rampant for 30 years and killed people. Looking at his trembling appearance, how could it not match his fierce resentment at all?

He comforted the wandering soul and said, "I will use my best to help you, and I will not make your soul fly away..."

After saying that, Qi Miao raised her hand and condensed her magic power. There was a little light in the center of the palm of her hand. One of the green buds actually sprouted out on the flesh of her hand. The tender bud stretched into branches and leaves and grew rapidly. It looked like a vine meridian, and with a swirling sound, it penetrated into the body of the wandering soul.

Ah? What is this?" The wandering soul was shocked to find that this rattan had penetrated into his soul body, and he was surprised, but he felt that there was nothing strange, as if this green rattan had been born in this soul for a long time.

"I have transformed myself into Lvluo with the true spirit of Lingmu, and I have connected myself with your soul. When you go in and encounter something urgent, I will help you with magic." Qi Miao nodded to the wandering soul.

"Good..... All right, just according to the immortal..." Seeing the ease of Qi Miao's words, the wandering soul's tone was unbearable. A hundred people were reluctant in his heart and slandered: "What's the use of mana support? You have the ability to enter by yourself, as long as I do the death, alas... Bitter!"

He really had no way. At this time, Qi Miao dispersed the water vapor around the two souls. The wandering soul turned around three steps and was very reluctant. Under the eyes of Qi Miao and Yu Bing, he floated to Shen Wei's Anlehou Mansion.

Not far away, he has already floated from the shadow of the street-facing houses under the thick night and fell in the range of bright lights. The thick wall of the deep house in front of him seems to be towering, which may cause obstacles to ordinary people, but it can't stop the footsteps of this soul.

He only heard the wandering soul look around the Hou Mansion and sighed heavily, as if he was helpless and unwilling to enter his heart, and then he gritted his teeth fiercely in his heart and bumped into the high wall.

With a splash, the wandering soul body was more than a dozen feet high wall and passed directly through the other side of the wall.

At this time, in front of him, there were two scenes inside and outside the wall. The scene in the back house was completely different from the flowers, pavilions, exquisite and elegant or magnificent decoration, which did not look like the big family should have at all.

The Hou's house was actually full of ghosts. The lanterns hanging high in the sky emitted a cold and bright light, reflecting the darkness in the house, and there was also a sad ghost. The wandering soul was stunned and slightly stunned that he did not know whether he had come to the Houfu in the world or the Yin Cao Yanluo Hall.

Beyond the high wall, Qi Miao frowned and connected with mana. A green Luo was dragged from the palm of its hand to the back of the high wall of Lord Shen's mansion, and as the wandering soul moved forward, the green Luo was still extending. Yu Bing, who saw its ingenious casting of spells and admired it in his heart, but he was bitterly unable to see it. Seeing that I don't know the situation of Houfu, I feel a little bored.

Qimiao saw his appearance, smiled and held his hand. In the ice consciousness, there was a fog and rushed to his face. As soon as he mentioned his skills, his eyes were clear for a while, breaking the fog on his face. When he looked again, there were all kinds of scenes inside the Anlehou Mansion in front of him.

Nuo Da's Hou Mansion, in which the gloomy atmosphere spread out in front of the ice. It turned out that the seven magic casting was made it his own eyes with the help of the body of the wandering soul. On its behalf, he went deep into the Hou Mansion and could see the situation clearly. He was giving this magic power to Yu Bing to make it his consciousness, and also It can capture the movement in the house.

Yu Bing was also surprised when he saw the ghost atmosphere in Hou's house. When he looked at the seven wonders, he saw that his face remained unchanged. Obviously, he had been worrying about it for a long time and knew that there must be such a scene in front of him. He resisted his curiosity and quietly watched the prospects.

Let's talk about the wandering soul in the house. When he saw the bright and gloomy Anlehou Mansion, he was confused and uncertain. Fear drove him to want to leave here immediately, but at this time, there was an inexplicable suction to firmly trap him and pulled his body and kept walking in.

Originally, in each house and pavilion, there had been many Taoist priests in colorful coarse clothes sitting cross-legged and casting spells. Colorful flags on their heads and lanterns swinging, the light was dazzling, as if to separate this confused world and attract you to somewhere.

It has been about decades since the wandering soul died, but this time I really realized what it means to be reluctant to leave the soul. In the attraction of a huge force, he floated straight to the depths of Anlehou Mansion and finally came to the side of the lake. There was no wind on the surface of the lake, and there were dark canals under the lake.

The lake is reflected in thousands of colors, but when it is quiet, there is a sense of resentment. There is a large table on it, and all kinds of magic weapons have been arranged. There is a Taoist priest wearing blue and green clothes, who looks like a woman and not a man, is chanting spells cross-legged.

The Taoist priest surrounded many people. When Qi Miao, Yu Bing, and the wandering soul came here, they all made an exclamation in their hearts!

Qimaiao cried in her heart, "Sure enough!" It turns out that the gorgeous clothes and the inexputable face of men and women are the old enemy and traitor Tianmu.

The wandering soul cried. It turned out that dozens of ghosts on the lake seemed to be controlled one by one and were firmly fixed on the lake. He was distracted and was being attracted into the group of ghosts by a strange force.

Yu Bing's heart trembled even more, and his face twitched. I don't know who he saw again.