Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 24 Who reads the moment of life and death

The sudden appearance of the strange insect made Qi Miao feel unprepared. Yu Bing took action in time. On the one hand, he sent out an aura and passed it along the green vine connected to the wandering soul with the left index finger of Qi Miao. The aura went deep into the bottom of the lake, like a lightning, hitting the body of the strange insect.

The strange insect's body trembled, its hands and feet stretched out, and its body was stiff. Then it fell from the clinging green vine and fell into the bottom of the lake in an unknown place.

"This thing is a heart-eating insect that devours people's hearts and makes it a puppet at his own command." Yu Bing said to Qi Miao Ru.

Qimao suddenly realized that Tianmu could not bring the original only son of the Shen family back to life, but with great fanfare in this practice, he was relieved to find a ghost suitable for the boy's body. He made such a satisfactory calculation and used this heart-eating insect to control the resurgence.

Unfortunately, Yu Bing, as the patriarch of Miaojiang Poison, is good at quenching poison and raising all kinds of strange insects. Naturally, there are many ways to deal with this strange worm. At this time, the heart-eating insect was abolished by his magic, and this wandering soul turned into a mass of light without hindrance. For a moment, it entered the body of the boy in the jade coffin at the bottom of the lake. Medium.

"It's done!" Qi Miao pulled the ice clothes and pinched his fingers. In one way, the space in the shadow deep between the two seemed to shake. The two figures flashed in a blur and flew to the Shen family's mansion.

In Shen's house, everyone on the lake held their breath and looked nervously at the calming lake. When he pinched his hand and stood on the stage that day, he suddenly shouted, and a surprised look appeared on his face. At this time, two powerful lights suddenly flashed and ploped, and did not enter the lake, and the jade coffin in the depths of the lake Among them, the gorgeous clothes and expensive clothes slept for a long time. The pale teenager suddenly opened his eyes. He raised his hand and looked at himself in disbelief.

"I'm really alive!" The teenager was so surprised that he was about to scream. However, for a moment when he opened his mouth, a lake poured in. Suddenly, he realized that he was in the lake. Intentionally, a mouthful of water had been choked in.

"Oh... Yo..." The teenager twisted and struggled, but couldn't speak. Suddenly, two dazzling lights suddenly flashed, and the light expanded from small. Among them, two figures came out. It was Qimiao in white and the poisonous sect Yu Bing. Qi Miao caught a glimpse of the struggling teenager, and a cold breath came over. This true air supported the teenager's body. Son, pull it into the light.

With a sound, the light around him rose, and the lake suddenly boiled, and the angry water raised waves, as if it had burst. The water waves jumped high and scattered around. At this moment, a dazzling light rose, and everyone on the table set up on the lake looked at it and exclaimed.

"Son!" Marquis Shen exclaimed.

The man holding his hand and with a resolute expression lit up his eyes, and Tianmu narrowed his eyes and two words popped out of his mouth: "Seven wonderful..."

Two men behind him screamed strangely and rushed over the lake, as if to take the only son of the Shen family.

Qi Miao took the teenager and flew high into the sky. His hands danced, his white clothes flew over, the water was cold and true air, the blue light overflowed, the fireflies were like water, and the true air was overflowing. He shouted quickly, and a huge true air shot in all directions.

At this moment, the angry wave in Shenjia Lake raised more than ten feet high, and was still bringing back to the highest point. The cold air of Qi Miao hit the water waves at this time, and only heard an inaudible light sound. The side of the waves was covered with white gas, and the white gas was scattered. If thousands of troops and horses gallop out of a burst of dust and chaos, and when they rolled through the waves, a piece of mercury appeared, which actually began to condense the water into ice.

The waves condensed quickly. In just a moment, Nuoda Lake was surrounded by hard ice, and the cold air spread out and made people unclear. Dimly, it seemed that standing in front of everyone was a towering castle, which had already covered thousands of wonderful figures.

The waves that surged in front of everyone had long condensed into an ice wall. Two of them were the two people who had stood behind Tianmu and rushed over the lake before. These two people still retained the posture of forward impact, but their bodies were frozen by ice crystals and were permanently frozen at this moment.

Tianmu laughed and stepped out one after another, stepping on the void, floating and slowly rising into the air. Around him, the space began to shake, and the originally solid ice wall suddenly trembled faintly.

Tianmu's body did not have a trace of true air, let alone hit the ice wall without any attribute power. However, the condensed water waves were like melted cream, bit by bit, pieces melted, together with the bodies of the two people who were frozen, melted into a water vapor, and the night sky reflected inverted was even more sad. .

Compared with Qimiao, the ice jumped out of the water less late. Under him, the white air floated on the lake, and the water was silvery and was condensing into ice. However, when the ice was beginning to form, it actually melted into a big hole on the side of the table that had been set up.

For a moment, the cold water turned into steam and came to the face with boundless confusion. Yu Bing was rushing against it and saw a man rushing over from the hole.

He was shocked and remembered the Dharma of the worm. The poisonous insects around him were waiting to attack. However, when Yu Bing did the method, he suddenly felt that his body was empty, and he could not lift a trace of true qi.

This is the sudden dissipation of the water vapor on his face. Yu Bing's heart was shocked, and his eyes were shining. He saw a man wearing a wide blue and green robe, decorated with simple patterns, like a bird seal ancient text, and colorful, reflecting a slightly thin and sharp face, like a long autumn water and moon.

This person's eyebrows are like willow leaves. His eyes were slender, revealing an evil color, but it was not Tianmu. He tied his hair, wearing a big silver ring on both sides of his earlobe. The wind passed through the silver ring and called a crisp sound. The strong wind blew the silver ring, reflecting a flash of moonlight.

The mottled moonlight flashed in the ice's eyes, but at this time, he could not feel the murderous intention of Tianmu at all, as if he was, without wind and waves, suitable for cold and heat, which made people feel an indescivable comfort.

Yu Bing's eyes were slightly confused, and his body stagnated. He looked at Tianmu slowly bullied him, raised his white left hand, and crossed a piece of light.

The light was like electricity and was about to break through the ice's chest, but he couldn't lift any strength to resist. His mind was still immersed in a warm atmosphere. Suddenly, a domineering and powerful true air turned into an arc in midair and came with a blow. This true air seemed to disturb the world, hitting Tianmu's hand and forced his body. A few steps back, and this true anger also stirred Yu Bing's heart to wake up.

He shouted and bit his tongue. When he was in pain, there seemed to be an unreal virtual image in his mind that the world was broken in an instant. Yu Bing used his mana and continued to exert himself. His body turned back and distanced himself from the day Mu.

At this time, another figure suddenly flew up. When this figure sacrificed a light and protected his chest, it broke through ten feet of ice in front of him and was rushing towards Tianmu's judgment.

"You are..." When Yu Bing saw this person, his heart trembled and his throat tightened. He subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

It turned out that the man was standing far behind Tianmu. The man holding his hand nodded and said solemnly, "Yes, I was Chen Mang in the past, and now Chen Naixian..."

"Sure enough, it's you..." Yu Bing made a bitter face and thought helplessly that he finally met this fateful enemy.

"Why stop me?" Tianmu, who was side by side with Chen Naixian, asked coldly.

"Are you Duzong Yubing?" Chen Naixian ignored Tianmu and still stared at Yu Bing in front of him with bright eyes.

"It's me..." Yu Bing nodded and knew that it was useless to say anything else. He sent a voice to Qi Miao, "Qi Miao real person, watch me cast the spell later, and you can take the opportunity to take the teenager away."

"Brother Yu?" Hearing his words, Qimiao had the intention of sacrificing himself and delaying many enemies here, and hurriedly replied, "I still have a plan to make us leave at the same time."

"No, this battle is inevitable. I don't want to hide anymore." Yu Bing's voice was low and slightly vicissitudes.

"There are so many good hands here. How can Brother Yu alone defeat them? Or listen to the little brother's words. Let's pretend to take this teenager as a hostage and leave the Shen Mansion." Qi Miao means that while everyone does not know that the teenager is actually another person who has been borrowed and returned to his soul, he still makes him pretend to be the only son of the Shen family as a hostage and escape first.

"Ha ha....... I believe that Chen Nai's hatred of me will allow me a fair chance to fight. Seven wonderful real people, it should not be late. Go quickly!" Yu Bing suddenly shouted fiercely, raised his hand, and scattered seven or eight red poisonous insects and threw them in front of him. That day, Mu and Chen Nai were surprised by him and retreated slightly. Tian Mu's hands behind his eyebrows raised, and suddenly set off a wind around him. The fierce wind was killing. As soon as the bullying poisonous insects entered the wind net, they were suddenly strangled and smashed. .

Chen Nai first raised his hand and praised the true spirit. He scratched in the void. The angle was tricky and clever, and the blow was killing the remaining poisonous insects.

Qi Miao sighed and took the opportunity to show his momentum again. He saw the teenager holding him, turning into a group of light and flying to the front yard of the Shen Mansion.

I only listened to his loud voice and said, "Tianmu, if you have the courage, come and chase me!"

"Good!" Tianmu shouted angrily, and his wide robe set off a wave of air, like a peony blooming, bursting out countless gorgeous lights. He also turned into a colorful cloud and chased the seven wonders.

At this time, only Yu Bing and Chen Naixian stood quietly and confronted each other. Chen Naixian met his eyes for a moment and suddenly asked, "You owe me an answer..."

He asked the story of killing people under the Yuanhe River. Yu Bing smiled bitterly and said calmly, "Young and frivolous."

"Okay..." Chen Nai calmed down and was silent for a moment. Suddenly, his body was so angry that he only heard him shout, "Take your life over there!"