Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 31 Why does the law industry need to argue

The wind was speechless, and the shadow of the moon was dark. The old monk lotus opened his eyes and looked like he was not close his eyes. He held the two swords that penetrated into his chest and Jingtian with both hands. It was really true that he did not close his eyes.

Jiuhua's real face was as heavy as water, but did not pull out a sword, but gently broke the lotus monk's fingers from the sword. He felt that the old monk's hand was thin and powerful, holding the blade tightly, and the palm of the hand was still warm. He carefully moved the two palms away from the side of the sword, which gently removed the two divine soldiers and treasures. The sword was pulled out.

Looking at the expression on his brother's face, it is not difficult for Jiuhua to talk. Only when he died did he really understand how to kill him. It turned out that the Lotus Master, the head of Jiuhua, who was carrying the meditation on his back, had already practiced Buddhism and Taoism and violated the precepts. If he hadn't killed the old monk who was seriously injured this night, would it be exposed in the future? If you add the identity of Buddhism and Taoism, you can't kill it again.

Jiuhua muttered, as if he was talking to himself, and as if he was talking to this fellow monk day and night. He only heard him whisper his thoughts: "Brother Lotus, Jiuhua's killing you is not something to be against you as the head, but the death rules you set have long restricted the development of the sect, covering the glory of the Taoist meditation in the past... ....”

"My move is to glorify the Taoist meditation..." He sighed bitterly in his heart, and then returned to his body. His hands passed through the old monk, but the two divine soldiers, who were not stained with dust, returned to his sleeves. At this time, a sense of evil spirit appeared on his face, and he looked at the trembling disciples around a corner seriously.

"Real person..." One disciple was extremely nervous for fear that he would be killed by Jiuhua.

"The leader!" Another disciple behind him suddenly roared hoarsely, "Master Lotus of Taoism has passed away, and I trust that the head is my teacher Jiuhua Zhenren!"

"Congratulations to the leader, congratulations to the leader!" The disciples suddenly realized and said incessantly.

Jiuhua's real person nodded, and his face was slightly reduced by half. He nodded and said, "At present, the most urgent thing is to meet with you Heming's missing brothers who are going to explore the way. Let's go there!"

After saying that, he attracted the dust in one hand and swept it in the air, transforming into a luxurious and beautiful glow. Jiuhua Zhenren stepped on the glow first, followed by a group of disciples, and then went to the sky together.

At this time, the seven wonders naturally did not know what happened to him after separating from Master Lotus, let alone that he was seriously injured Master Lotus, and then he was attacked by a strong enemy and died. He remembered Yu Bing in his heart, but slightly complained that the old monk was so disturbed that Yu Bing's life must be difficult to protect.

Before leaving Shen's house, when he saw Chen Naixian's sword spirit, he naturally knew Yu Bing's means. It was probably not Chen Naixian's opponent. However, at this time, he thought that Yu Bing, as the lord of a poisonous sect, there were always rare poisonous insects in the world. If it hadn't been for those people who were specially lacking as Heming before, Chen Nai First of all, you must be afraid of one or two.

He was so anxious that when he finally rushed into the Shen family's mansion again, he couldn't help but be stunned. It turned out that all the practitioners in the world rushed out and were looking for something all over the sky.

At this time, Wang Qisheng, who borrowed the corpse and turned into a child, was taken into Qimiao's arms. He called out, "Taoist priest, Taoist priest, there are many people in this group of monks. Let's avoid it for the time being!"

"How to avoid it?" Although the Shen Mansion is vast, there are hundreds of families patrolling, and dozens of monks cast spells to explore. It is tantamount to exposing the wilderness. It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable.

Wang Qisheng hurriedly said, "Xianchang, you are now in the side room of the front yard, and then go north through several abandoned houses. There is a dry well with a depth of more than ten feet, which can settle down."

"Good!" Seeing one after another rush out of Shen's house, Qi Miaoxin said that he could not break through at this time, so he followed the route Wang Qisheng said, fell to the ground, hurried across an abandoned yard, and came to a dry well.

Looking down at the dry well, he was silent. Without saying a word, Qi Miao jumped down. Sure enough, more than ten feet later, he stopped.

At this time, he shook his sleeves and released Wang Qisheng. The well was not spacious and barely allowed the two of them to live here. Qi Miao forgot that there might be a mass of light floating in the sky, but how did he find the two of them? At this time, he thought that maybe Yu Bing might not have run out of Shenfu, otherwise, there would not be so many The masters went to chase it.

Thinking of this, he was a little relieved. He looked down at the withered well and saw that the four walls of stones were rough. He thought that this place had already withered for many years. In this dark place, even a trace of dead grass could not grow. Qi Miao asked Wang Qisheng, "Wang Qisheng, how do you know this place and know here? Can you let us avoid it safely for a moment?"

Hearing his question, Wang Qisheng's eyes turned around and replied proudly, "Xianchang, do you remember to ask me to take away the only son of Anlehou a month or two ago..."

When Wang Qisheng spoke, Qimiao naturally remembered the efforts made to save Lei Ruotong in those days. Although it is not as before, it has come to an end. At this time, he can't help but recall the painful look of Anle Hou Shen Wei when his only son was caught. Usually, this dandy's web page is sad, but in fact, it is just a search. I just don't see my son's father.

That day, Wang Qisheng turned into a whirlwind and swept the 40-year-old precious son of Anlehou and floated to the sky. Shen Wei, who was usually used to the fish country and bullied good and feared evil, somehow gained strength from nowhere. He actually picked up and grasped his child's legs tightly.

He held his son's leg tightly and was unwilling to let go, allowing the evil wind to fly higher and higher with the father and son. At this time, his only son screamed repeatedly, "Father, father, let go, my leg is about to break."

Shen Wei was helpless. One hundred people didn't want to, but he had to let go. He fell on the roof tiles. His fat body rolled down the roof of the eaves. I don't know how many flower pots were smashed, how many wounds were drawn, and I don't know where the body was swollen and where it hurt. However, Shen Wei completely ignored it, and there was only a young son in his heart. Struggling in pain, how can't this father-son relationship be praised?

Thinking of this, Qi Miao couldn't help but feel sad. Thinking that the day, the only son of the Shen family was frightened in this well for a few days. Although he was frightened, his life was still there. On this day, he traveled again, but he changed another soul in it. He looked at Wang Qisheng, who was still whispering and suddenly interrupted. He said, "Wang Qisheng!"

"Hm?" The latter was stunned, quickly stopped his voice and asked in a low voice, "What's the order of the immortal?"

"You and this only son of Anlehou have some opportunities. Now I want you to fully understand one thing..." Qi Miao said seriously.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qisheng was a little confused.

"After a while, the master came out. At this time, the house was empty. I want you to come out of this well and meet Anlehou alone. No matter what you think, you must comfort him and say goodbye to him. After that, let's meet here again."

"Ah?" Wang Qisheng didn't want to, and complained, "Xianchang, I'm not going to die by myself, and you don't protect me. How can I get close to the Anlehou?"

"There are some old and weak nursing homes in Hou's mansion. What are you afraid of? It's just to repay this boy's body for giving you a chance to be reborn." Qi Miao advised that although his tone was soft, it did not allow him to object.

Wang Qisheng couldn't, so he nodded and answered, so he waited for the light in the sky to dissipate. A true spirit held up Wang Qisheng's body, sent him out of the well, and jumped out and jumped to the ground.

When I looked at it again, the universe was still there, the four fields were silent, and there was a trace of brightness in the sky. The red glow showed her face before the morning sun. Qi Miao looked at the sky and nodded and said, "Go here. Remember not to delay too long. After seeing the An Lehou, you will come to this well to meet me. If I have something to do, I also need to suffer a day or two later. The masters of Anlehou's house will leave when they withdraw.

Well, Wang Qisheng was completely unwilling. He turned around step by step and rubbed for a long time before crossing a corridor and disappearing at the corner.

At this time, Qi Miao made up his mind and first captured a weaker to ask about the situation. He disappeared like a gust of wind and disappeared in this abandoned courtyard.

Besides, Shen Wei, the Marquis of Anle, was hiding in a side hall in the mansion, and three or four ordinary families surrounded him. Originally, several people in Shenwei's house were indeed masters of arbitrary and happy enmity in the world. Although there was no thorough Taoism, he always attached importance to Shen Wei. At this time, he sent all these people. Go out.

At this moment, Shen Wei was completely like an ant on a hot pot. He was caught off guard, restless, and walked back and forth. The familymen were afraid of being angered by him and did not dare to look directly at him, so they had to turn their backs on him and protect their masters.

These people also stayed doing nothing. Suddenly, a cold air invaded, and an inexplicable breath swept over everyone. A shadow floated by, and a little sound blew through their ears. It was a word: sleep...

These people didn't even have time to feel afraid. As soon as their eyes closed, their bodies softened, and they all fell to the ground.

Anlehou was shocked, but saw that the shadow around him was hazy and blurred, turning from virtual reality and gradually condensing into a person. He was shocked to see that this person was not someone else, but the son he had previously lost and was struggling to find.

"My son!" An Lehou opened his eyes wide and walked with blood in his eyes. He saw him with one hand, as if he wanted to catch some treasure and rushed to hug him in the future.

Who came, of course, was Wang Qisheng, who used his ghost power and was careful. When he saw Anlehou come, he was also shocked and took a few steps back to avoid Anlehou's hug. At this moment, he was about to explain his identity to Anlehou, but he saw that the other party was old-fashioned and burst into tears.

Wang Qisheng's heart softened, and his words only turned into one sentence: "Dad..."