Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 37 Taoist Bone Zen Heart Sad Autumn Words

In any case, Qin Xuehan couldn't remember where she had gone. When she woke up, she seemed to have been saved and recuperated in Xikunlun.

After listening to Qi Miao, she had some ideas in her heart and quietly tested him, "Your Excellency, when did you remember the last time you saw Lingshi Mo's face?"

"Hm?" Qin Xuehan never seemed to think about these questions. Today, when he heard Qi Miao's question, he scratched his head and opened his eyes, as if he was a little distracted. He muttered, "When...when... did you see the master last time?"

"All right!" Qi Miao knew that there must be an unusual connection between Qin Xuehan and the ink-faced guest. He saw a trace of confusion in Qin Xuehan's clear eyes. I'm afraid that he wanted to break his head and the descendants would also be crazy. He hurriedly said, "It's getting late. Let's discuss how to take the next step first!"

Qi Miao nodded and looked at Yu Bing again. I don't know when he had sat down cross-legged and adjusted his breath. He said that Yu Bing's injury was not worried for the time being, but he must find a cure for a long time.

Qin Xuehan seemed to know his intention and also looked at Yu Bing, who closed his eyes and meditated. He only heard him say, "Brother's wound lies in the sword spirit in his heart, so his blood overflows and his vitality is constantly lost. Maybe he still needs to send a bell to untie the bell..."

"Do you mean to start from Chen Naixian?" Qi Miaoxin said that it was not easy to talk about this matter. Between Chen Naixian and Yu Bing, the blood feud seemed to be insoluble.

At this time, Yu Bing slowly said, "Thank you, Yu, it's just my injury. You don't need to worry too much. You should know that life and death are doomed. I only hope that if I die, Chen Nai can not be angry with the poison sect first."

"Don't think so until the moment of life and death..." Qi Miao said so, and there is really no good way in his heart.

At this time, a voice in his heart suddenly seemed to be remembered from afar, which was slightly inaudible, but he shouted anxiously, "Xianchang, help!"

This voice is exactly the call of Wang Qisheng. It turned out that Qimiao injected Muling Zhenqi into his body that day, which made the two people's hearts be connected. At this moment, Qimiao felt that Wang Qisheng was at a critical moment, struggling desperately, and was constantly calling for help in his heart.

He suddenly wondered. He only wanted to know if Wang Qisheng would encounter any accident in the Anlehou Mansion after many masters filed out of the Shen Mansion.

It turned out that after Qimiao and Wang Qisheng separated, the latter met Anlehou and immediately returned to the withered well in the side courtyard of Shenfu and buried himself in it alone.

He looked at the sky outside the well with fear, and only felt that the ten feet of dry well was extremely dark. At the end of the sight, it only turned into a light spot. On both sides, there were only crickets, and there was no wind in the well, but there was a cool atmosphere of bones.

I don't know how long it took. Wang Qisheng was drowsy, his eyelids fought, and he couldn't stand it anymore. He wanted to fall asleep. Suddenly, a thunderous voice sounded and said, "What a bold fierce ghost, hiding in the daytime is to harm people at night!"

Wang Qisheng was shocked and shouted bitterly from the bottom of his heart. What were he really afraid of? He waited for thousands of people. He didn't wait for Qi Miao to take him away, but he still waited for a monk.

At this time, I saw a glow shining into the dry well. The ten-foot dry well was suddenly bright, and the light was bright and dazzling. Wang Qisheng screamed and hurriedly fell on the rope. There was boundless ghosts around him and wrapped himself firmly in a ball.

At this time, the originally dark dry well was already as bright as the day, dazzling, so that people could not open their eyes. The ghost spirit raised by Wang Qisheng could isolate the dazzling light. He only felt indescribable uncomfortable, but he made up his mind not to fly out of the well because of the dazzling sun.

At this time, outside the mouth of the well, the originally desolate and remote side hall was densely packed with people at this time. An Lehou was surrounded by dozens of householders and a thin man in red and white satin clothes. He seemed to be born with a sick face and a rosy yellow face and deep in his eyes, but his eyes were bright and was also positive. The guard was next to Anlehou Shen Wei.

On the other side is a group of young Taoist, surrounded by a tall Taoist with a beard in one hand and a dusty hand. The man's face is a little cold and he doesn't smile, but his momentum is not the Jiuhua real person in the Taoist meditation on Jiuhua Mountain.

It turned out that after Jiuhua Zhenren killed his brother Lotus Monk when he was seriously injured, he saw that his disciple Heming died with three strangely dressed Taoists and died tragically on the path of Qianmo. He pinched and speculated that these three were disciples of Xiaoyaozong, and immediately became furious.

According to the previous agreement with the Military Alliance, Jiuhua Zhenren should meet with Xiaoyaozong Tianmu and Xingjian of the Military League here in Shenfu at this time, and work together to eradicate the remnants of the demon religion such as the Southern Xinjiang Poison Sect and firmly occupy this place.

This real person's nature is usually used to being arrogant. Few of the disciples dare to disobey his wishes. To be honest, he did not pay attention to Xiaoyaozong and the military alliance. At this time, when he saw the lack of death of Heming, he was furious and came to Shenfu improvisely, but he did not come to make peace, but to ask the teacher to question the crime.

What is strange is that the power of Xiaoyaozong and the military alliance in Shen's mansion were empty and dispersed for a long time. Jiuhua's real trip was empty. There was nowhere to vent his anger in his heart. When his mind moved, he actually felt that there was a person in this Nuo Da Shen Mansion, with a lot of ghost power.

He thought that the ghost power was so strong that this man was dormant here. He must be an outsider. At this moment, Jiuhua Zhenren was moved and said a few words to the Marquis Shen who came to greet him, and brought these disciples to this side hall.

Marquis Shen listened to him, but he had something else on his mind. At present, Shen Wei thought that his child was reborn with ghost power. Isn't it him who stayed in this Shen's mansion? But the Taoist priest in front of him looked meticulous and upright, but it was not good for my son. He couldn't let go and thought that Tianmu and others were not in the house, and no one could compete with the old way. He immediately invited the nursing home to be injured the day before yesterday. At this time, he invited Qin Tianhu, who was raised in the house.

So everyone appeared in front of the ancient well. Jiuhua cast a spell, but his hand scattered a true qi and hit the dry well.

Before he shouted, Wang Qisheng only shrank his head and made up his mind to endure it. He thought that the dry well was slender. Although it was not wet, it was indisputable, dirty and messy. Those righteous high-ranking people were self-relianced and would not come down in person.

He gritted his teeth and vowed to come back to save himself.

"Do you have a mistake, Taoist priest?" Shen Wei saw that Jiuhua's real anger dissipated, and a light like the day lit up in the dry well. The light was so strong that the strong light even shot back from the well. He was puzzled and worried that the only son was really wrong, so he immediately came over and said cautiously.

"Little fierce ghost, how dare you play tricks!" Jiuhua Zhenren was furious and pinched his fingers, and his whole body was full of real anger. It was the practice of chanting spells:

"The darkness is dizzy, the world is nine secluded, the heaven and the earth are chaotic, the yin and yang are chaotic, the evil spirits are gathered, and the Taoism is self-clear!"

After reading a word, he immediately shot a glow and shot into the well, and then he opened it out and roared a Sanskrit sound.

This Sanskrit sound turned into a boundless golden light, which broke through the air and hit the well. For a moment, the earth under everyone's feet was also shaken. The eaves on both sides shook, and the soil fell down, as if it were going to be an earthquake.

"Ouch!" Lord Shen's fat body was unstable and was about to fall. Qin Tianhu didn't say a word and grabbed his arm firmly. His mind was bright. He could have seen that the spell in front of Jiuhua Zhenren was a Taoist magic, but what was spread in the latter Sanskrit was not pure righteousness.

He was horrified. He thought that this person practiced Buddhism and Taoism at the same time. His skills were unfathomable, and he should be careful to deal with it.

Suddenly, a scream came, just like ten thousand ghosts grinding their teeth, and its sound was extremely horrible. Several families were stunned by the scream of the fierce ghost, and with a scream, their eyes turned over, foaming their mouths and fell on their backs.

Shen Wei was also pale by this sound, but he suddenly stared and immediately shouted, "Jiuhua Taoist priest, don't cast a spell. This is my child in the well, not a bad person!"

It turned out that in the scream of the fierce ghost, Wang Qisheng leaned over and cried bitterly. As a father, why couldn't Shen Wei hear his child's cry for help? Immediately, he was anxious, and the terrible screams of the terrible ghosts beside him seemed to be unheard.

"Real person, real person!" Shen Wei looked pale and anxious, pulled his arm and said, "You can't cast spells anymore. It's really my son below!"

"Nonsense!" Jiuhua Zhenren shook off his hand and said coldly, "It is clearly a possessed ghost below. There is no such thing as your child!"

At this time, the Sanskrit sound echoed in the dry well, as if his achievements were doubled, and the solemn Buddha's voice was empty and silent. It was like an indulgence in the world and fell into Wang Qisheng's ears, but it was like a roar. In an hour, it suddenly broke the ghost power to protect his body. He screamed repeatedly and came out. An Lehou heard it. This cry of pain was like a knife and a knife. In his heart.

"Madow!" He ploped, rushed over, hugged Jiuhua Zhenren's leg, and begged sadly, "This is really my child, Taoist priest, you can do it well, don't do it!"

"Oh, you are so confused..." The Jiuhua Taoist glanced at the Anlehou and sent it away by a wisp of breeze. He said that the man was obsessed and gave a little punishment now. This push was a little more powerful. Anlehou was unprecated, exclaimed, and was falling all over the way.

"You bird Taoist priest, how dare you be wild in my master's territory!" Relying on the power of the Marquis of Anle, they were usually used to run rampant. At this time, one person couldn't help shouting and scolding out. He angrily pointed to Jiuhua and scolded him without saying a word. Suddenly, he felt that his neck was cold. When he looked down, he was shocked to see a handful of blood gushing from his neck, which was blurring his eyes.