Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 43 Thunder Strike the Evil Law

The electricity is flowing, the golden light is flashing, and the seven wonderful sources continue to release the righteousness of soldiers. With the power of thunder, they weave a net full of thorns. With the thorns that force people's people's lives, the power grid continues to tighten, forcing Tianmu Taoist people trapped in the center of the network.

Tianmu's face was pale, and the sweat on his back had already soaked the wide robe. Previously, he cast spells several times and rolled in the overflowing light, but he could not break through the power grid. He was just rebounded and fell from the void. It turned out that Binglei righteousness was the only way to restrain his sexuality and ghost skills. He really had no way to gritted his teeth. He had to bow his head to his side, and the little brother, who used to look down on him, released the conditions to save his life.

"Little brother... let me go, otherwise, you can no longer know the whereabouts of Shen Danyang..." Tianmu said miserably.

After listening to what he said, Qi Miao turned his mind, the attack kept increasing, and another fierce thunder force hit him. The power grid shouted and rose sharply, but it closed tighter.

"You..." Tianmu in the middle of the power grid was extremely weak. Looking at Qi Miao's means, a sense of despair surged in his heart.

At this time, Qi Miao slowly said, "Speak the whereabouts of Danyang, and I will allow you to leave..."

After saying that, he sacrificed the thunder power in his body, which was almost exhausted, and a more fierce thunderlight flowed in the middle of Tianmu's palm, drinking and making a sound of tearing the world.

Tianmu suddenly understood that Qi Miao did this without giving him any room for bargaining. Looking at his calm and decisive appearance at this time, if he plays tricks, it is estimated that the latter really dares to kill him as soon as possible. Naturally, he is also a smart person. Knowing that Qi Miao has clearly left the field like this, and then negotiate with the other party at this time, it is the first There is no such capital to let yourself go and then say about Shen Danyang's whereabouts.

He smiled helplessly. When he opened his hand, he took out a token and nodded slightly. The thunder and lightning intertwined Internet suddenly faded, revealing a big gap. The token was floating out of here, and Tianmu still had time for follow-up action. Suddenly, there was a thunderbolt on the gap. It turned out to be the power of thunder.

Tianmu had a miserable look on her face and said sadly, "So you really hate me so much that you never forget to kill me..."

At this time, he had already seen that the moment when the power grid tore a gap was a trap set up by Qi Miao for Tianmu. If he wanted to escape from this network with the token, he would definitely be strangled on the spot by the power of thunder and lightning that surged later. At this Qi Miao had a complete possibility to kill himself at this time. What he lacked was one Just a reason.

The bean sweat on Tianmu's forehead, but for a moment, he had the idea of espied to escape from this net. The idea flashed and was suppressed by his life. Sure enough, Qi Miao was not stupid and had left his hand behind.

If half of my body jumps out, the power grid closes again... The consequences are really unimaginable.

Thinking so, his white face was as thin as white paper. The seven wonderful result token actually saw that this was a piece of paint that had fallen clean. The wooden board made of sandalwood was simply engraved with only two large characters: Xiaoyao.

"This is the order of the suzerain..." Qi Miao suddenly thought that when the former Xiaoyao's ancestors wore the position of suzerain and Shen Danyang's brother, it was evidenced by this order. The ancestor said briefly that this token is not a structure of gold and jade, but it has been passed down for more than a dozen generations, witnessing the tokens of countless leaders who pains painstakingly brought Xiaoyaozong along the way. The two above The word is engraved by the ancestors with Zhenli. Although it is not an iron hook and silver stroke, and the pen is strong, but it is round and beautiful, which also reflects the characteristics of a free magic.

"Shen Danyang... is locked in the water prison of Anlehou Mansion..." The power grid had been tightened, and Tianmu struggled to finish speaking, staring and looking at the seven wonders in front of him.

The power grid was still tightening. Qi Miao closed her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking. Tianmu didn't dare to say anything. She stared at him nervously, knowing that her life and death were only in her mind.

With a fierce explosion, the soaring electricity suddenly dissipated, and the electric light disappeared. Tianmu's heart was loosened, and a bright light rolled over and walked away to the void.

"Qi Miao... This battle is full of humiliation, and it is bound to be washed with blood!" When Tianmu escaped, he still didn't forget to leave this sentence.

Qimaiao looked at the direction he was far away, shook his head, and gently kept the token in his arms. Previously, he had a trace of hesitation and wanted to take this good opportunity to eliminate Tianmu. However, although the feelings of his peers in the past were thin, they came to his mind in the end. This trial of all kinds of evil arts and wanted to carry forward the Xiaoyao sect. To put it bluntly, he is just a member of the ambitious family.

There were many such people, but Qi Miao couldn't hate it. At the last moment, his heart softened and he still let it go.

He suddenly looked and suddenly remembered that Qin Xuehan was fighting with Chen Nai below first. He suddenly mentioned the true spirit and swooped down. At this time, the previous thunder and lightning scattered to the edge of the sky. The original chaos was being swept away, the sun reappeared, the white clouds were stacked, and the sky was made of blue sky *, and a few clouds floated by, imitating The hermit who does not ask about the world is inseparable from the battles that have happened here.

Qi Miao rushed out of the clouds and flew down, but saw Qin Xuehan's several conflicts, swinging his ink sword and cutting Chen Naixian, but the latter only used one move, condensed and fingers, scattered light like a sword, and the sword was sprinkled, forcing Qin Xuehan to get close.

The ink sword in Qin Xuehan's hand chanted loudly and made a cry that he did not dare to show weakness. However, every time he cut the magic soldier on the other party's sword spirit, it was as if he had hit a strong wall and a mountain, and was rebounded, and suffered a lot of hidden wounds inside him. Qin Xuehan couldn't help stopping and suddenly asked, "Your life Enemy, do you only use this trick?"

As he spoke, he adjusted his body and slowly gathered his true qi. Chen Nai couldn't see how to see this scene. He just smiled, but did not take the opportunity to take action. Instead, he explained loudly: "Chen practiced swordsmanship, which is the King Kong Moro swordsmanship left by the supreme monk. At the beginning, Chen got ten styles of swordsmanship, studied day and night, and later In Kunlun Mountain, with the help of the alliance leader, he searched for some swordsmanship, and learned a total of 29 types..."

The breeze fell, and the swordsmen stood like mountains. When they confronted, their eyes showed their admiration for each other. Chen Nai paused first and said, "This swordsmanship is not in swordsmanship, but in sword spirit. Therefore, every move you can strengthen your skills by three points. At the beginning, Chen used his sword to protect his spirit, and then you can also use a broken sword. Later, you can rely on ten thousand in your hand. Things, even use the palm to replace the sword. When Chen learns the 29th type of swordsmanship, he can use his fingers to condense it, and he can break through the enemy.

"This swordsmanship is very special..." Qin Xuehan nodded and praised the enemy, "Your swordsmanship is above Qin. It seems that you are using the 29 swordsmanship now?"

Chen Nai shook his head first and said frankly, "I studied it by myself first, and then realized the thirty sword moves of the King Kong Moro sword method. This is what he is using now."

"So it is..." Qin Xuehan took a breath and said in his heart that this man was indeed a hero. Thinking that this King Kong Mora swordsmanship had been lost for a long time, and the power of the army of the poor world found a total of 29 swordsmanships. Unexpectedly, this man could integrate it and understand the thirty sword moves by himself. This man can admit these to himself, which is a good man's practice.

He nodded with approval, and suddenly gave birth to a hero in his heart. He did not hide it at the moment. He only heard him say, "I have conflicts several times. It seems that I can't break your swordsmanship, but I also practiced a set of swordsmanship on my side. Can you like to see it?"

"Why not?" Chen Naixian nodded generously, stopped the sword in his hand, and motioned with his eyes, allowing Qin Xuehan to try.

Qin Xuehan praised in his heart that this man was really magnificent, but it was a pity that the two sides were enemies. He sighed, that is, the body of the ink sword suddenly emitted a breath of ink, and Qin Xuehan suddenly jumped up, turned his wrists over, and wrote a word in the void: God...

At this time, the ink sword swallowed, and the meaning of the sword was looming. It actually drew a heavenly word in the void. This handwriting left marks, like a wolf's book on the familiar announcement. The pen was powerful and powerful, and it waved Fang Yu.

"Good word!" Chen Naixian is a reckless hero and doesn't know much, but from this, he can see the supreme sword meaning in the iron hook and silver stroke, and he is also not hesitate to praise, as if he is not the enemy in front of him, but a friend.

After this book, Qin Xuehan did not dare to stop for a moment, and then wrote a word: Shan

For a moment, the ink sword was overflowing, and the sword spirit was full of harmony. Qin Xuehan's sword spirit was poured into this word, and the mountain character flashed out and flew out, overlapping with the emperor, and they were clear from each other.

Qin Xuehan is full of Zhenyuan, and he does not reduce his pen power. He waved his sword and wrote one after another: Tianshan Wansheng Qiongyao...

These seven words were stacked together, shining with their own light, and condensed with full true spirit. After Qin Xuehan wrote these seven words, he shouted, and the sword trembled. With a brush, these seven words drew a layer of ink streamer and actually hit Chen Nai first.

The seven words were stacked with the power of thousands of words. Chen Naixian's eyes appeared and shouted: Good poetry!

He praised his opponent's good poetry and also praised his good sword moves, but his hands did not stop. A sword greeted and roared out. He only saw his condensedness and fingers. In a blink of an eye, a nine-foot-long air sword condensed out. The air sword was wide, lifelike, full of real energy and inexplicable power. Chen Naixian shouted again, and the nine feet of Qi The sword suddenly chanted, shining brightly, and the sword body shook, and with a roar, it turned into a sword spirit all over the sky.

It turned out that Chen Nai had already gone through the stage of using the sword to control the gas, and now he did not need to use the shape to control the sword, but to the sword fairy stage with the air. He saw the nine-foot gas sword burst, and there was only the most primitive and pure sword gas in the world. The sword gas drank, roared and shot fiercely, facing the seven words of Qin Xuehan, who smashed over, the sword book. Sword poetry rushed over against the seven words that were like black meteors.

Tianshan Wanhu towering Qiongyao.......

With a bang, Yao's character was first broken by Chen Naixian's sword spirit, and then Qiong's character was also concocted in the same way. The fierce sword spirit penetrated through it and burst into dust. However, when the mountain character was also smashed by this explosive power, the sword spirit was finally worn out and exhausted. On that day, the word was high, facing Chen Naixian's face, and there was no trace of it. It was blocked.