Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 45 A show of power over the three realms

Qi Miao and Qin Xuehan have completed their work together and decided to visit Shen's house three times. Qi Miao was worried about his brother Shen Danyang and thought about it. Qin Xuehan thought about it for a moment and persuaded him, "Brother Qi Miao, if it's not very necessary, it's better for us to wait until the night is quiet at night."

"Hen?" Qi Miao thought that the master of Xiaoyaozong and the military alliance who dispersed to patrol have probably returned to the Hou Mansion. Tianmu and Chen Nai didn't know whether they would go back. At this time, when they bumped into each other, he and Qin Xuehan were both tired and fought with the people in a good place. It was inevitable that they would suffer losses. He thought that Tianmu didn't know what evil method was used to trap them. Shen Danyang, but since he gave the leader's order to himself, he didn't think of any way to remove Shen Danyang in a short time. In addition, he was associated with the tree species transformed by Lingmu Zhenqi in his mind. Now he perceives that the other party is only quite frightened, but his life should be worry-free.

Qin Xuehan's words are reasonable. Qi Miao nodded and promised, "Then you and I will sneak in to save people after nightfall."


However, at this time, Shen Mansion was unimaginably lively.

The majority of Tianmu brought Shenfu this time was a group of cronies he cultivated inside and outside the Xiaoyao Sect. Among them, there were about 120 people with outstanding abilities, and the rest were ordinary disciples. In addition, there were some disciples of Xiaoyao Sect who were held hostage in his war of power, a total of 70 or 80 people. These people were united with several swordsmen. I went out of the city to look for Yu Bingdu and walked in the opposite direction of Chen Naixian. After all, since there is a Tianshu Star to visit on that road, there is no need to send more people.

Although these people cultivated immortals and were not Daluo Zhenxian after all, how could Chen Nai first meet Tianmu and joined hands with him to fight with Qin Xuehan. They failed to find the enemy everywhere. Seeing that it was late, they also returned to Anlehou Mansion.

The largest number of people in Xiaoyaozong also came to Anlehou's house first. In addition to coming over, they actually saw a flame burning beyond the gate of Hou's mansion. These people were surprised and flew to look at them one after another.

When the fastest people flew over, the people were surrounded by a group of people near and far, surrounded by a huge fire. When they got close, these people saw that it was unknown who set up a big tripod in front of the Marquis's house. There was no salary under the tripod, but it was directly piled up with firewood. At this moment, it was burning. Wang.

The firelight shines on the sky and reflects the night. Behind the firelight, there stands a tall and temperamental long-bearded Taoist. Next to him stands the owner of Shen's mansion, Shen Wei, Anlehou. However, at this moment, Shen Wei's expression seems to be like mourning.

Around them, there are some 14-year-old Taoist children and Hou family members. Although these people don't seem to be on the same road, they all have a trembling expression. The little Taoist priest is holding a bunch of yellow paper in their hands and throwing them to the top one after another. The family is usually used to the fish village, but everyone He cringeed and didn't dare to breathe.

At this tense moment of the conflict between Miao Han, the government should have intervened, but several people of the Xiaoyao Sect who arrived early were very strange.

Among them, the crux lies in the people in Shenfu, the people all over the streets, the strange Taoist priests and Taoist children, but the officers and soldiers did not come. How can this foreign Xiaoyao Sect know the reason? It turned out that Shen Weiping was used to being domineering, and there was an amnesty from the imperial court, so the local magistrate let him go. Usually, he was allowed to fool around. I don't care about these days. Anyway, as long as they don't rebel, they don't have any responsibility.

Now it's just a fire in front of the door. As long as the officers and soldiers don't need to put out the fire, they think that more is better than less, but they are far away.

To be honest, Shen Wei killed one or two slaves in front of the mansion, and no official in Guyong City dared to rush over to interfere.

Shen Wei is used to domineering, and no one dares to provoke him, but now he has suffered from the usual unscrupulous suffering. His family is controlled by others and hopes that after the noise is louder, officers and soldiers will come to save him, but he sees that the state officials are like shrinking turtles one by one. He is hiding there, and the armed Where did the garriness of Teeth go again?

He hated it, but he could only stand tremblingly in front of the door of the house and hold his hands. He had already scolded the state government officials and the generals of the garrison one by one, but he did not dare to scold the Jiuhua real person standing next to him. Gai was stunned by his means of killing domestic slaves and military alliance Qin Tianhu at this time. Jiuhua's real magic. When he heard himself scold him in his heart and waved his hand, a piece of rune paper turned himself into something.

He was just worried about his child. He was fixed by the Jiuhua real person with a spell and thrown into the water prison. The man pasted a piece of amulet paper, like a seal. Ordinary people could not get close to him at all. The family, who was secretly stared at by Shen Wei to save the young master, came with a blue nose and a swollen face. He quietly returned, saying that The big knife cut at the door of the water prison, but was bounced back by an inexplicable force and fell on all sides.

An Lehou scolded him in his heart and looked at Jiuhua Zhenren uneasily. At this time, Jiuhua Zhenren glanced over and it was actually very meaningful. Did he find his little move? Shen Wei was even more frightened, but he couldn't do it. He only hope that this person can be kind and let go of his child.

Or Tianmu and Chen Nai came back to help first. Shen Wei thought so. For a moment, he was anxious and looked over from afar. At this time, he saw those Tianmu's men rushing back. Shen Wei was overjoyed and photographed Jiuhua's real power. Of course, he did not dare to call for help loudly.

He frowned and glanced sideways, indicating that the Taoist priest beside him was a complete bad person. When the people who arrived first saw this scene, they also looked at the Jiuhua real person with arrogance. Their eyesight were not bad, and one person immediately called out, "That Taoist priest, who are you? Why are you happy here? Fire was set in front of Hou's house.

"hehe..." Jiuhua Zhenren brushed his beard and didn't look at them. He whispered, "I'm here to worship my deceased disciples, and the people in the neighborhood have no blame. Who are you? Do you want to mind this?"

"You?" The man probably didn't expect Jiuhua Zhenren to answer like this. He was immediately choked. A person next to him snatched over and scolded, "You bold Taoist priest, this is the majestic Shen family Houfu, and it's not your wild place. If you want to worship, you can go to the cemetery in the wilderness to worship and take revenge. Although you go to seek revenge, you make trouble here to see who? ne!"

"Oh?" The man scolded fiercely. Jiuhua Zhenren finally raised his eyelids and looked at him. An Lehou on one side was so grateful to this person and cast an eager look. Jiuhua Zhenren asked lightly, "Who do you dare to ask?"

"I'm Xiaoyaozong..." This man took advantage of his mouth and was a little proud. He called his name loudly. However, as soon as Xiaoyaozong finished speaking, he saw Jiuhua's real eyes and immediately waved out with one hand. Suddenly, a gray light swept over. The man screamed. , before he could move, his body was rolled up by the glow and fell upside down into the hot tripod.

"Ah!" The people around waited and the Marquis Shen all screamed. After the man fell into the tripod, his feet did not flutter. Suddenly, a strange flame ignited on his body. The whole person was like the window paper rolled by oil fire, burning crisp and red in an instant, and became a mass of humanoid ashes still burning.

A gust of wind blew, and the man roared and scattered into a spark. Several disciples of Xiaoyao Sect next to him were shocked. For a moment, the people in the distance were full of people, and the timid people had already hugged their heads and ran home.

But he heard the Jiuhua real person nod and suddenly said, "Children, what are you still doing? Hurry up and burn more paper money for your brother..."

"Yes...real person..." The little disciples came to their senses and quickly threw the yellow paper in their hands into the tripod. They were probably very scared. One of them held a bunch of yellow paper in his hand and threw it into the tripod, as if they were afraid of something. It was strange that such a large bunch of yellow paper was thrown in together. After that, it burned quickly and instantly turned into ashes.

"You!" When he was called by Jiuhua Zhenren, at the same time, the three or four people of the Xiaoyao Sect came to his senses. The face of the leader was flushed and faded white. He stared and shouted, "You stinky Taoist priest, how dare you to kill me in the Xiaoyao Sect!"

With a shout, his companions around him pulled out their weapons. However, several people took less than one step forward. The gray light suddenly rolled back from the direction they went. As soon as they were exposed to the gray light, they couldn't exert any strength in an instant, and their bodies seemed to become a kneaded dough. They were so weak and soft that they were only He rolled his head down, showing frightened eyes and watching his head plunge into the flames.

These three or four people were burned out for a while. Several disciples threw the yellow paper in without orders this time, but they had already closed their eyes and couldn't even take care of throwing the paper outside.

"That man, what are you doing!" At this time, another ten or twenty disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect flew in the distance. They had already seen their brothers being swept by the gray light of Jiuhua's real person and burned in the tripod. These days, they took out magic weapons one after another. Jiuhua Zhenren ignored him and just sighed: "Ming lack... Ming lack, the master raised you from childhood and raised you with heavenly resources. Dibao exercises your body... You are not afraid of swords and poison... But how could he be killed by this disciple of Xiaoyao Sect with evil methods!"

He shook his head and suddenly swept the dust. He saw that the yellow paper still holding by several children was suddenly swept up by a gust of wind and hurried over. At this time, the glow wrapped the yellow paper and threw it into the fierce fire.

With a bang, the fire suddenly rushed out more than ten feet high. The people around him had been in chaos for a long time. They rushed home. They only remembered to hold their children and didn't care who stepped on their shoes. Among them, the only part was to cry for their father and mother to run for their lives.