Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 47 Under the Three Realms

"Hm?" This disciple, who was only 13 or 14 years old in the world, actually took out two slender silver needles and looked determined. Without saying a word, he went to the back of his head.

There was a sound, which was the sound of a silver needle piercing his head. The disciple's face tightened, and his whole body suddenly pushed forward. Then Jiuhua sat down and made several little apprentices tremble and took out the silver needles, which were made in the same way and pierced into the back of his head.

There was a scream, and several young children burst into tears. Shen Wei and his family saw this scene, as if it caused pain in their own bodies, and their hearts were horrible. Everyone wondered more about what these little dolls were fiercely/inserced to themselves with silver needles, but what this was for.

"The imperial decreed nine days, the wind and thunder did not move, and the sky led the bright moon and night..." Jiuhua Zhenren swept away the Buddha dust, hit a few true qi, and fell into the silver needle inserted in the boy's head one after another. These children felt true anger and entered their bodies with a crack, and stood straight in an instant. Each of them actually straightened their faces and could no longer be seen. A trace of pain.

Shen Wei looked in front of him, and his face was full of fear. It was the little disciple who was most afraid of standing up straight, like a weak willow swaying in the wind. His face looked dull and even numb. His eyes were blank, but he just stared straight ahead, as if he had been possessed by something or fixed by magic. Live in a normal appearance.

In the sky, the red man's face appeared with a blood color. His whole body grew several feet high in the wind, his eyes were red, and his mouth was fangs. On his originally handsome face, there was a blood line floating on his tender white skin like a hair, which looked like a devil gushing out of the blood pool.

Jiuhua's real eyes were like electricity. He looked at this person without saying a word, one finger and said, "Break!"

With a rub, the youngest disciple in front of Shen Wei was like a sharp arrow breaking the clouds and a magic soldier out of the sheath. He had to shout softly and jumped up to meet the man in red with a sword.

The man in red screamed ferociously, and his hands seemed to grab and wave, and there was a faint blood around him. Jiuhua Zhenren turned over with one hand. The boy who flew through the air seemed to be a puppet clenched/played by Jiuhua Zhenren. His body clearly turned to the left and circled in an incredible body. The blood mist in front of him stabbed the heart of the man in red.

The man in red shouted, but he did not retreat or defend himself. His body faded and his body shook, and he actually gave birth to a little virtual shadow.

"Ah!" The boy screamed and walked through him unbelievably when he bumped into the man in red.

Then, Jiuhua's real man's spell seemed to be out of control and could no longer control the boy's actions. However, after seeing the latter make a sound, the whole person came out through the man in red, and half of his shoulders were stained with a blood mist. Without saying a word, he hit the ground.

"What a blood coagulation!" Jiuhua Zhenren narrowed his eyes, pushed out a breath with one hand, caught the boy's figure that fell through the air, and sent it smoothly to the ground. When Shen Wei couldn't help looking at it, he actually screamed. It turned out that when the boy walked through the body in red, half of his shoulders were soaked and melted by the blood of the man in red.

Now he only has more than half of his body left, with an eye full of fear and death.

The other disciples of Jiuhua Zhenren still stood beside the burning tripod like wooden piles, motionless. However, the old disciple had already scratched a trace of sweat on his face, and this drop of sweat was writing their inner fear.

"Go again!" Jiuhua Zhenren didn't look at the boy much. This time, he took out two rune papers from his sleeve, slapped them twice, and stuck them on the face of the old disciple and another boy, followed by another strong wind, sending them to attack the people in red in the sky.

"Hee..." The man in red smiled ferociously, "You white dolls, you can eat as much as you want!"

As he spoke, he exhaled another breath of blood. In an instant, the smell of wet and warm smell filled the sky. The blood was thick as thick as fog, against the terrible appearance of the man in red, as if the blood pool monster appeared in the world. The two disciples of Jiuhua held their swords and drew a sword light. When they rushed up, they only heard two screams coming out, and the two bodies were not At the moment of entering the blood fog, there was a bang, and the body suddenly burst into a bloody rain, and then absorbed by the blood fog, which strengthened its momentum.

"Hahahaha, how many such delicious dolls are there? Just send them!" The man in red laughed complacently.

Jiuhua Zhenren touched his beard and glanced at it meaningfully.

At the moment of scanning, when the yellow rune paper on the heads of the two boys fell into the blood fog, he cried, as if he had been born as a butterfly, and a countless pile of rune papers came out.

This change was as fast as lightning, and the layers of runes and paper rushed out, like two swords. With a scratch, two yellow lights swept through and suddenly pierced the chest of the man in red.

"Ah, ah, ah!" The man in red's magic was suddenly broken, opened his incredible eyes, looked at his chest in a miserable cry, and saw two large blood holes in the red clothes. For a moment, blood surged like a spring, dyeing the red clothes more brightly. The man clenched his teeth and only squeezed a few words from the corners of his mouth to his companions around him:

"Tianque, come on...go...you can't beat him..."

Before he finished speaking, he shouted miserably and suddenly exploded. His whole body turned into a wave of blood that had passed through the day and fell.

"Brother Tiankuo!" His other companion, the ugly man dressed in a women's clothing, was furious when he saw the man's death. Without saying anything, he sucked his luck for a long time, puffed his cheeks, and suddenly spit out a true breath. At this time, the egg-sized tumor on his right cheek was the same as the left. He was sucked into his mouth and spewed out again.

Two tender white pieces on the left and right, and the round jade tumors were in front of him. The man was so angry that his hair fell up and looked more and more ugly.

He stretched out his hand to hit two true qi and sank into the jade tumor. The two jade tumors suddenly moved like the wind and circled around him quickly. The sound of whirling could actually cross the sky and spread to the ground.

The jade tumor turned into two shining white lights, carrying a murderous attempt. Around the ugly man called Tianque, Jiuhua Zhenren still had a proud expression, as if the behavior of one person in front of him was just a trick.

But when he shouted, the remaining four disciples moved early and turned into four energetic lights, breaking through the illusion of the long sky. As soon as they saw someone coming, they sneered and rose. When they were lucky, Yu Tumeng took a murderous opportunity and turned into a long-sky Thunderbolt, and rushed over like a meteor, and they hit several times without avoiding. People.

The white light flowed like a knife and electricity. The four disciples were restrained. Jiuhua was manipulated with one hand, making them flash left and right like puppets. However, these doll-like bodies could not avoid the fast jade tumor. For a moment, a boy was hit with a big hole in his left brain, and one person There was a jade tumor in his body, and his chest broke a big mouth and dragged out a mess. Another person's long sword was smashed into two pieces. The last disciple was hit by two jade tumors at the same time. With a bang, his half of his body burst, and the rest of his body snapped, losing his magic control and fell into the air.

This jade tumor is like the power of Wanjun, and the speed of wind and thunder. It is unstoppable. On that day, the jade tumor faced the enemy by itself and firmly occupied the upper hand. Tianque was getting opinions, but they saw that the three disciples who were the first to be hit did not see the pain and fear on their faces, but still did not avoid it. They rushed forward and stretched out the disability. The arm was amputated and held firmly.

"Ah!" Tianque was about to get rid of these people when he suddenly felt that something was wrong there, and he saw the two jade tumors running over.

Two times, the jade tumor crashed into the bodies of the two disciples of Jiuhua and pierced the Tianque tightly held by the person. The poor Tianque Taoist was about to cast a spell to stop the jade tumor, but his magic weapon was too fast and he was harmed by it. When he shouted miserably, it was too late to save himself.

Puffed, with several sounds, the jade tumor rushed back and forth. I don't know how many times the three disciples of Jiuhua and Tianque's body had been pierced. For a time, the four people's clothes were stained red by blood, and it was even more unclear whether it was yours, mine or whose blood flowed, but the three disciples died early. Only Tianque's vitality was strong. , with hatred and pain, drinking repeatedly.

With a boom, he couldn't stand the attack of the jade tumor. Under the burst of true gas, there was a loud noise and his body became dust.

"Demon Road!" A slightly immature voice shouted angrily, and the voice cut through the long sky. It was another strong boy who flew by and fell in front of Jiuhua Zhenren.

And when the sky finally came, the more than 30 disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect, after the defeat of Tianque and Tiankuo, were also like the lively people in front of them, completely broke their courage and shouted continuously, like birds in the forest, and they didn't know where they went.

Jiuhua Zhenren didn't look at these dozens of people running around. They just thought they were ants who were unable to stop his footsteps. Instead, he looked at the twelve- or three-year-old boy in front of him with great interest. He saw that his little face was white. His little face was red because he was extremely angry. He glanced at him and explored the child's foundation early. He made it clear and said with a little surprise, "You baby, are not a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect?"

"I'm the Tianshu Star of the Soldier League, sit down and call me Chen!" The boy was furious and scolded, "I ask you how dare you throw those seven or eight children as objects and throw them around like this, regardless of their life or death!"

"hehe..." Jiuhua real man smiled in a low voice. It turned out that the doll saw several boys of the same age as him die tragically and hug them.

Anlehou Shen Wei saw that this doll was one of the guards brought by Tianshu Xing Chen Naixian, and another person named Qin Tianhu had already been killed by this Jiuhua Zhenren.