Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 77 Several waves of wandering souls

Yin Tiantong was like a black wind, swirling in the air, and his eyes were like electricity. Looking around, he saw that there were four rooms of extreme Ganges River sand, monks, incredible and unforgivable. He was happy and made a sound, but his face seemed to be covered with a black veil, swallowing in black smoke, but it seemed that he could not see it. His face and expression, in addition to his eyes, could not find his facial features, and his voice seemed to come out of his stomach.

"Yes! These four rooms are cells that will change with each other, haha!" His phantom black wind roared for a while, and the red light in his eyes was exposed, which was even more ferocious. Zhou Hanzhi stood beside him weakly, and his face was slightly pale. Then he looked at the cells on the four sides of the wall, but he could not see any difference from the previous hidden changes.

"Hahahaha!" Yin Tiantong found what he was looking for and was relieved. Seeing that Zhou Hanzhi was puzzled and frowned, he mentioned him, "Zhou Hanzhi, you have learned some arrays with the well-known immortal. You may see that these four cells are very different from before?"

"Oh?" Zhou Hanzhi heard the words and had true power in his eyes. At a glance, he saw these four rooms, especially the cell called the unremitable cell. The furnishings inside were old, as if they had changed over the years. Among them, the cobwebs were horizontally knotted, the knives and axes were rusty, and the knives and torture tools were all spitting red spots. Zhou Hanzhi was slightly puzzled. Previously, the two were The moment the void emerged, he entered this incompetent cell. After some toss, the room seemed to have been aging for 20 years.

"I don't know, please make it clear!" Now that he is controlled by others, Zhou Hanzhi respectfully invited Yin Tiantong to say.

With a sound, the black wind landed and strode out of a tall man. The man was dressed in a black windbreaker, which was as silk, which wrapped his face firmly. He seemed to have no body and boneless. Except for the exposed eyes, the flying black clothes looked empty and only produced silk in the shaking. Dark light.

This person is Yin Tiantong who got out of his body and became a spiritual body. After listening to Zhou Hanzhi's words, he felt a sense of pride and a few crazy laughter. At this time, he was in a good mood and was proud. At present, he didn't mind telling Zhou Hanzhi about the secrets of this water prison and said, "Zhou Hanzhi, you don't know that these six knowledgeable Dingjia arrays are extremely rich. The mystery of the change of the earth, there are not only 7 rooms, but 14 corresponding cells one by one, seven of which are rich in change, and seven will always maintain the appearance of the first construction, without a trace of change over time.

"Oh? So..." Zhou Hanzhi's face was full of incredible, but he said secretly in his heart. It's really as good as I expected. Although his array is not extraordinary, although the layout of the rooms on both sides is the same, the new and old are different, and Zhou Hanzhi's cultivation is not low, and he knows the fairy magic array under the guidance of the immortals. How can't be seen, but he However, he was temporarily restrained by this Yin Tiantong, so he had to follow the other party's words, with a little anti-heartfelt praise in his words, and he had to do it naturally. He only listened to ask, "Master, since you know this method and can find this place, why didn't you go out according to this method before?"

"Hum!" Yin Tiantong snorted, "The mystery of the change of Dingjia is not so simple. If someone knows that he has the key that can control the array - Xiaoyao Order, use magic, it can be enough to trap immortals and make demons in a moment, and there is no time to drill for us!"

"Xiao Ling..." A trace of strange color appeared on Zhou Hanzhi's face. Even if he returned to normal, he pretended to be seriously injured. In the Dantian, he was constantly living Huang Ting's true spirit and secretly said to himself in his momentum: "Keep your light and bide your time!"

It turned out that in the past, the ancestor of Xiaoyao inspired the array of Dingjia and lay out two layers of prohibitions of light and dark in the water prison. One of them is bright, the other is dark, and the bright one can be seen when people come to Anlehoufu. Naturally, these people can't see the Yin Tiantong and the children imprisoned in it, and the dark one trapped the two people so that they can't get out. .

In those days, of course, the changes in the water cell of this cell were different from today, and the illusions were endless. Yin Tiantong and the two seemed to be in the illusory bubbles. As the bubbles were broken, they were thrown into another bubble. If so, they could not feel the change of the six-knowledge Dingjia array. Fortunately, the arrangement of the six-knowledge Dingjia array was The son arranged a secret door in the cell of the Ganges sand, which was a way out for himself.

Then the ancestor of Xiaoyao plotted to trap him and Yin Tiantong in the six-knowledge Dingjia array. In anger, he joined hands with Yin Tiantong to dig a tunnel in the hidden door of the ever since the ever-changing Ganges sand room. However, the two were using their mana to dig the tunnel, and the six-knowledge Dingjia array stimulated and limited it. With the magic power of the two of them, they not only couldn't mention the true power in the sea of Qi, but Yin Tiantong somehow recovered his mortal body. The two people were miserable and unwilling to return to the middle of death, so they had to dig desperately with their flesh and blood bodies. Finally, the slings were ground until their nails peeled off, and their flesh and blood were blurred, and the bones could be seen. However, the two With the strength of his body, he could only dig the secret road under the dry well, and then blocked the last escape road by a stone wall, killing all hope.

Then he got the free order in Qi Miao's hand. When he was trapped in the void, he shuttled through the wall of the cell as a spiritual body. When he passed in front of Zhou Hanzhi, he stared at him fiercely, because it was the person who cut off his body and hurt his life. However, at this time, in order to avoid making extracurricular branches, After a glance, he disappeared faster and turned into a light, which flew by him.

Zhou Hanzhi was stunned for a moment and felt that a mass of light suddenly floated in front of him. The damned man stared at himself with vicious eyes and ran away for a moment. After that, he was stopped by Yin Tiantong. In order to save his life, he revealed the matter randomly. Yin Tiantong had an idea and stared at a man who dealt with these six-literate Dingjia arrays. Method.

As early as 20 years ago, he warned Yin Tiantong that when he was trapped in the empty cell, he should avoid going through the wall and jumping into another room. At that time, the array of six-literate Dingjia was more mysterious. Outside the wall may not be a neatly arranged room, or it may also be a void that devouring his life. Because these six-knowledged Dingjia arrays are mainly designed by tycophagia Yin Tiantong remembered his words for a moment and had never dared to cast spells to smash the wall in the room. On this day, when he heard Zhou Hanzhi say so, the snarling passed through the room regardless of the taboos in his mouth.

"Was the slinger lying to me that day?" Yin Tiantong's eyes turned quickly, and his mind kept turning over. He remembered this matter carefully. "No... What good is it for him to lie to the grasshopper on the same rope with my teacher at that time? Is he willing to be trapped in this battle with me?"

He thought for a while, and his mind gradually became lively. He thought that according to what he said, the 14 rooms in the six-literati array appeared in a cycle, which was completely irregular. If he had been staying in a room and bumping into great luck, he didn't know when he would find a way out. It's better...

He thought of what he was looking for, nothing more than two rooms, an old Ganges sand cell, where there was a secret road dug by him and the worm, an old torture room, and a special space to hide the book of immortal cultivation, and the hustle son also said that this empty room was between each other. Some connections are also constantly changing. If you go out of this room to another room and come back after a while, you will find that the room you are in is different.

Thinking like this, suddenly he grabbed a black wind in his hand and cast it on the wall in front of him. With only a shout, the wall encountered a black wind. The stone wall seemed to have been eroded and spread out from the center. From the point to the surface, it couldn't help collapsing, and slowly rotting out a big hole. Yin Tiantong looked along the hole, but saw it. The light was dim, and after my eyes adapted, I saw that this was a brand-new cell. If it was arranged according to the house when the two people just came in, it should be the room next to them.

He hesitated for a moment and didn't dare to go to check first, so he glanced at Zhou Hanzhi and said angrily, "Zhou Hanzhi, go in and have a look!"

"Ah?" Zhou Hanzhi hesitated. When he looked up, he saw a big hole in the wall in front of him, risking black gas. He didn't know whether it was dangerous or not. There were still traces of melting around the hole, and there was also a circle of dark black marks, dripping thick black **, which was very terrible. When he turned around, Yin Tiantong did not say a word, but looked at him coldly and waited for him Action.

"What else can I do if I can't beat this Yin Tiantong and be controlled by him..." Zhou Han sighed in his heart and had to answer in order to save his life: "Yes! Master, this is the way."

"Hum..." It could be seen that he was unwilling, and Yin Tiantong snorted coldly.

Zhou Hanzhi raised a true spirit of Huangting and protected his body, holding the emperor's fan. He was both nervous and helpless. He stepped into the black gas. Yin Tiantong looked at it from afar and saw Zhou Hanzhi enter the cell. He looked around for a moment. At this time, he was killed by Yin Tiantong, and the latter saw him standing for a long time. Without saying anything, I said that you have crossed the boundaries of the wall and don't know what will happen to you. According to what the son said, there will be a big price to break into the walls on both sides.

As he was thinking about this, suddenly Zhou Han stopped shouting nervously, "Master, look!"

"Hm?" Yin Tiantong immediately raised his attention and looked intently at the room in the cave.

Suddenly, it was like a gust of wind blowing. Zhou Hanzhi suddenly turned around, and a white light mass dragged in his hand suddenly blew it up. For a moment, the white light was blazing, which was extremely dazzling.

Like the scorching sun shining brightly, blooming in front of his eyes, Yin Tiantong shouted miserably, and his eyes were immediately white. Except for the tingling, he could not feel anything and could see it.

He exclaimed in his heart, "No, I've been tricked by him!"