Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 1 The rise and fall

On the vast wilderness, his eyes were full of silver moonlight. A man was barefoot, dressed in white, with a shawl, and danced his sword like frost and snow. The sword was bright and bright, drawing a sword spirit in the light of the moonlight. He danced the sword in his hand, suddenly like a river wind, looking careless and not slow. Disease, suddenly like a waterfall hitting the shore, one sword faster than one sword, one sword heavier than one sword, hitting the city.

The swordsman dances as a dragon, and surrounds four top swordsmen around him. One is dressed in black and holds a sword practice. He keeps reciting spells in his mouth. The other is not exposed, dressed in ordinary clothes but with an extraordinary atmosphere. He constantly hits the middle sword dancer with true spirit, and the latter constantly stirs and shoots with his swords. True qi gradually made it gather more and more, intertwined into a sword net, and bright as stars.

Draging his fine beard, he was casually dressed and even a little sloppy. He carried a nine-foot-backed sword and looked like he had done nothing. He just held his hand and stared at the few people in front of him. If you look carefully, you will find that this person is really surging and full of strength, as if he wants to make a close blow.

The magic array of four people besieged the city faced a green mountain. On the green mountain, one person held the moon with an ancient cypress and squinted at the magic array arranged by the four people under him. When he looked up, he only felt that the moon above his head climbed another section and gradually began to go downhill.

He was puzzled and secretly thought that a lot of time had passed, and the magic array had not yet occurred. Just as hesitated, the man originally held an egg-sized, round golden elixir in his back, which was said to be a golden elixir, but it was more like a colorful stone, with different on all sides. The color is transparent, and it is also somewhat similar to the Buddhist reli. The golden elixir was here and suddenly became hot.

The man received the feeling, raised his eyes, his lips trembled slightly, and whispered in a low voice: "Finally......"

With a shout, the sword dancer in the wilderness suddenly felt it. A sword poked out and pointed diagonally into the air. The sword net he weaved followed his sword dance, unfolded dozens of feet by itself, and then rushed into the air.

Originally, there was only a cold night in the vain sky. At this moment, a silver light suddenly flashed. The silver light was as quiet as water, but very bright. At this time, the wonderful scenery in the sky seemed to have appeared two moons.

With a crack, a person suddenly fell in the silver light. His figure could not be distinguished, but they saw the person falling straight to the ground, and the sword net flying into the air responded at the right time and wrapped the man.

The sword air flowed on the sword network and turned into a silver-white murderous machine to firmly trap the man. The latter condensed and exhaled a turbid breath. His left hand hurriedly pulled out two swords. What he grasped on his left was a piece of broken sword. This green peak was about three feet, leaving only half of the sword body, but the sword was mixed with the mixed vitality of the Taoist. It is still overflowing, showing that this sword must be a divine soldier when it is intact.

What he held on his right hand was a sacred sword, on which there was a faint Buddha light, facing the besieged sword net, illuminating his face.

At this time, I saw a man with long phoenix eyes and Taoist bones, but he looked very embarrassed at this time. I don't know if he was blown by the strong wind, or if he had just fallen into the bottomless sea and was picked up again. His clothes were ragged, but this awkward appearance did not reduce the heroic posture of Taoist.

He glanced at the surrounding sword net, looked at the surrounding environment, meditated, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you save Jiuhua from the endless void?"

It turned out that this person was in the water prison of Shenfu, which stimulated the power of the magic array because he repeatedly destroyed the prison room arranged by the six-literacy Dingjia array. Under the control, his body slowly faded, and his whole body fell into the void. I don't know what he suffered in the overlapping and boundless world, and why he was killed by these people. Calling out, just looking at Jiuhua's current appearance, he experienced some twists and turns, and his momentum naturally weakened by three points.

As soon as he emerged from the void, he naturally saw the sword net around him. He didn't dare to be careless. He didn't know whether these people wanted to save him or kill him. For a moment, he didn't have the spirit of the past, but asked politely.

Unexpectedly, the swordsman in black below suddenly ignored him and just shouted, "Hist!"

Hearing his order, the man who danced the sword in the center first stroked the sword. The silver-white sword spirit suddenly quietly drew a crescent moon like running water. Inspired by this sword, the sword net in the sky quickly gathered around the Jiuhua Taoist people.

Jiuhua was shocked and felt that the dense sword net was full of murderous spirit and tightened. At the same time, he also felt that there was a familiar Buddha's breath in this sword net. This breath was strong and thick, which made Jiuhua dare not hold it big. When he drew a sword first, it was cut off by Xiaoyao when the sword stabbed Shen Danyang. The sword front's Taoist sword passed through the heavenly sword, and saw that the sword also swept away a sword light, as fast as thunder, and the lightning-like sword light hit the sword net. Suddenly, with a roar, the endless sword net was being cut off by the nine Chinese Taoists. In fact, he moved at the right time, and his body was like the wind. Suddenly, it was empty from the sword net. Escape from the gap.

"Come from the east!" The man in black shouted. It turned out that he was Mocheng, the star sword that presided over the big and small affairs of the World's Military League. Under his order, the big man carrying the sword on his left side answered well. Suddenly, his whole body rose and stretched out his hand to pull out the nine-foot sword from his back. He shouted again and roared " "A sword in the heart of heaven" immediately rushed to the sky.

This man was also the hook Chen Xing and Xu Donglai in the military alliance. He saw that his hands were full of sword hilts, his arms were muscles were knotted, his clothes were bulging, and he was full of all his strength. He suddenly met Jiuhua's real person was beheaded. Jiuhua was stunned. When he saw that when the nine-foot sword in front of him swept by, because of the thickness of the sword, he actually drew one in mid-air With the heavy and shocking sound of the sword, his man seemed to use all his strength and tried his best to cut out this sword, and his power was like breaking through a thousand and destroying it.

Jiuhua shouted loudly, and the Buddha's magic soldiers gathered in front of him. His left hand held the remnant sword against the sky against the body of the sword. When he opened his eyes angrily, he condensed the Buddha's and Taoism. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion. The sky-high sword net was shocked by these two fierce cuts.

Xu Donglai shouted painfully, and his two arms were immediately broken into pieces, spewing out several blood. His mouth was also vomiting red, which seemed that the organs had suffered a lot of shock. His whole body fell down in a hurry. Mo Cheng saw it and hurriedly called out, "First!"

The other hand sent a true breath, and picked up Xu Donglai, who fell into the air and the nine-foot sword, making them fall to the ground smoothly.

Jiuhua retreated a few steps in mid-air and finally stabilized his body. Suddenly, he heard another shout. He saw a man leap into the air with a rub. Between his hands and feet, he was as bright as Moro's reincarnated, and showed a king's temperament. The man waved his hands gently and steadily crossed a half in the air. The circle, echoing it, is the boundless atmosphere. On the collapsed sword net, countless sword spirits continue to converge around him. It turned out to be a bright and abnormal light mass hanging high in the middle of him and Jiuhua.

"This... This is King Kong Moro's sword spirit..." At this time, Jiuhua recognized that the man in front of him was Chen Naixian, a military ally who had fought with him, but at this time, he was full of essence. He did not seem to have been seriously injured that day. He saw a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, perhaps because of the tragic death of his bodyguard child in Anlehou Mansion.

Chen Naixian glared at Jiuhua. The latter couldn't help opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something. However, it was really too late. Chen Naixian roared. The sky of King Kong Moro's sword spirit suddenly came with a murderous intention, like a meteor, and went straight to Jiuhua to shoot. Jiuhua was hit by Xu Dong, and he was not It was good, but time did not allow him to adjust his breath, so he had to turn his wrist and condense a sword spirit. After the divine sword, he stirred out a whirlpool and rushed to the countless King Kong Moro swordsman.

This is the wonderful method when Jiuhua's sword broke Shen Danyang's peach blossom petals attack that day. However, Chen Naixian's sword spirit was high, and the sword spirit was full of the world, and the momentum was unparallable. How could a sword move in Jiuhua District be broken? However, after seeing the latter's sword spirit scrolling through dozens of Chen Naixian's sword spirit, he did not know how to dissipate. Jiuhua's face was awe-sting, and hundreds of swordsmanship in front of him came like a long rainbow.

In this emergency, he had no other way, so he had to shout angrily, drew a sword formula in his hand, and then cast the dew soldiers forward. He saw that the dew turned into a golden sword light and rushed away against the dense King Kong Moro sword spirit. The sacred spirit of Buddhism was wrapped around it, and there was a faint sound of Buddhist Zen, such as two kinds of Buddhist swords. The gas collided, and there was a loud noise in mid-air. This dazzling eyes actually covered the silver moon in the sky. Jiuhua and Chen Naixian were respectively impacted. One person's explosive sword spirit was thrown to the left, and the other person was smashed to the other side.

Jiuhua couldn't stand it and spewed out a mouthful of blood. He looked at the exposed sword and fell straight down. Mo Cheng, the star sword, who was like a eagle, rushed over it and caught the sword. Jiuhua was furious. When he was about to summon the exposed sword back with a formula, he suddenly exclaimed.

I don't know when the sword dancer on the ground suddenly disappeared and jumped out of mid-air silently. A sword was cut like wind and thunder, and it was cutting into Jiuhua's back heart. So under the attack, Jiuhua's real person only instinctively dodged the three-foot sword, but his left hand holding half of the remnant sword was connected by this sword. I cut off my arm.

"You... How dare you!" Jiuhua cried. When he turned around, he was looking at the swordsman raising his sword and cutting again. He was furious and in pain. There was a desperate crisis for a moment.