Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 11 Thousands of miles of clouds blowing in the snow

Qi Miao looked at it. The girl in pink skirt waited for peach blossoms, but her eyebrows frowned and looked angry. The shopkeeper bullied her and had no money to pay the bill. The girl shot a pair of tokens. This token should be made of wood, painted with varnish, and the texture of the mother-in-law was round and lubricated/smooth. I don't know how many springs and autumns have passed.

The girl said loudly, "This is the token of my family. It's like seeing the master. You can keep it. In the future, I will ask my father to send someone to get money to redeem him. Don't be so talkative. I'm leaving now."

"Hey!" The shopkeeper spread his arms like an eagle, stopped the girl's body, and hurriedly advised, "Girl, this wooden card is small and you don't know it. You look like a daughter of a large family. How can you fool the old child? There is no real money today, so you can't go out easily!"

"You!" The girl was angry and looked like she was about to attack. At this time, there was a thud. The girl and the shopkeeper were surprised for a moment. When they looked up, they saw two silver-white lights floating over and also hit the counter.

"Ah!" The shopkeeper fixed his eyes and looked straight. It turned out that these were two pieces of silver-white snowflake silver, which looked full. The shopkeeper was excited and only heard Qi Miao say lightly: "Don't embarrass this girl. I'll pay for her..."

"Good!" Long live the shopkeeper's heart and was very excited. He was only grateful for his kindness. Qi Miao carefully picked up the Taoist token from the table. The Taoist girl's words and deeds must be one of the daughters of Elder Ling Zongyun. He should take good care of her to repay the kindness of Elder Ling to him in the past.

While looking at it, Shen Danyang felt strange. He didn't know what entangled the senior brother had with this Taoist system. Did he stop this matter to help the girl or take the opportunity to catch her? When he stood by, the girl over there suddenly muttered and was dissatisfied: "Who are you? Why do you pay for me? Do you think Two ingots of silver, can you buy my Taoist token?"

"Haha!" Seeing that he misunderstood himself, Qi Miao suddenly felt funny. When he gently handed over the Daotong token, the girl grabbed it. Qi Miao smiled gently and smiled at the angry girl who was full of alert and said, "Girl, don't misunderstand. I have exactly the same token."

"Oh?" The girl was stunned when she heard the words, "Who gave it to you?"

"It is Ling Zongyun, the predecessor..." Qi Miao said respectfully, groping out the Taoist token given to him as a token from her arms and showed it to the girl, "In the past, I had some connections with Elder Ling. He gave me this token as a token to meet the Taoist people. Today, I can't help..."

His voice was gentle, and Shen Danyang immediately understood it. Unexpectedly, the girl was suddenly stunned, and her eyes suddenly burst into anger and roared, "Trape, where did you steal this token? You want to harm me!"

As he spoke, his hands condensed and sent a true qi. Qi Miao was stunned and hurriedly used a blow of the cold true qi sent by the girl. He was particularly puzzled and a little confused. He persuaded: "Why did the girl use martial arts? I am a friend of Elder Ling Zongyun..."

"Bah!" The girl shouted, "You traitor, I passed down three tokens from my grandfather. My father, sister and I are together. My father's famous saying gave his piece to a fairy with a lot of connections. How did you appear on your man at this moment!"

Qi Miao was asked by her, and his face was stunned. He thought of the key to the problem. He smiled bitterly and was about to explain, "Girl, what happened is actually..."

Unexpectedly, the woman shouted softly and her body was full of brilliance. When she turned over her hand, a small snake-like sword emerged from the cuffs and only heard the angry shout: "The demon dare to lie to me. Let's see how Ling Shuiyue deals with you!"

She said, and had handed out the thin sword. Qi Miao hurriedly guarded, gently pulled it with cold water to block the sword blade, and then fell into the wrong body. He gently patted the girl on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "This girl, please let me finish my words..."

It turned out that this woman inherited Ling Shuiyue, who was almost killed that day. Later, she was rescued by her sister. The second daughter of Ling Zongyun, who secretly ran away from the throne. At this time, she was angry and her face turned red. She had already determined that Qi Miao did not know where to take this token and wanted to harm her. How could she listen to it in anger? He distinguished that he turned the edge of the sword, and the sword was like a snake, stabbing several times. Qi Miao was quite close to her, and because of his heart of protection, he did not use true qi to protect his body. He couldn't avoid it, but his clothes were cut by a few swords.

When Shen Danyang saw this scene, he was angry. When he waved his hand, he stretched out a long whip. The long whip was more like some kind of vine, which stretched forward and entangled the girl. Shen Danyang's wrist shook, and the vine immediately rolled up the girl and threw it back. His words were also full of reproach and shouted in a low voice: "You This girl, my brother kindly helps and tolerates everything. How can you be so compelling..."

The girl was even more angry. She waved the sword in her hand and gradually lost her rules. Seeing that her body was pulled back by Shen Danyang, Qi Miao hurriedly called out, "Danyang, don't hurt her!"

"Brother, don't worry, even if you don't hurt her, Danyang will teach her arrogance!" Shen Danyang's face was also angry. When he waved, a red light condensed in his palm.

"You!" The girl was angry and afraid. Seeing that the red light in her hand became brighter and brighter, she suddenly took out something from her arms, just like Shen Danyang throwing it.

"Hm?" Shen Danyang waved his hand and hit the thing. At this moment, a breeze suddenly rose, and his body was suddenly swept by a light. Shen Danyang was surprised and shouted, "Oh, in his eyes, there was a soft sound, and his whole body dissipated with the breeze.

"Danyang!" Seeing Shen Danyang disappear in surprise again, Qi Miao was really anxious. As soon as he waved the true qi in his hand, he began to see the cold water and true qi. He dissipated a ball of cold air. The girl was swinging her sword randomly. As soon as she was attacked by the cold air, her whole body was like ice. For a moment, her breath was stagnant, and her body was also slow. At this moment, Qi Miao When he grabbed the body, he grabbed the girl's sword body, which was curved and delicate, like a snake-like sword. He held the girl's shoulder in one hand and shouted angrily, "What have you been to my Danyang brother!"

"I! Me!" Ling Shuiyue was not deeply involved in the world. She was scared by Qi Miao. She was really afraid at the bottom of her heart. At this time, she just wanted to get out and couldn't even say anything. At this time, the condensed water in her body suddenly started to operate. There was an endless source of free vitality in Dantian. In an instantly, it was to resolve the freezing air trapped by Qi Miao. The girl moved and suddenly The ground got out of Qi Miao's palm. At this time, she had no courage to fight with Qi Miao. She immediately turned around and ran away without saying anything.

"Hm?" When Qimiao saw him get out of trouble, he couldn't help but be stunned, but he didn't know that the girl's body was full of yang and fire, and she had learned the condensation of Taoism since she was a child, and Zong Haiming's ice research mental skills. These two skills were both water attributes and had similarities, so the girl could be surprised and get out of the trap.

I saw her jump off, gently jumped over a few railings, and suddenly fled to the outside of the wine shop. Qi Miao was a little angry and quickly raised her anger and chased after her, but she didn't know who the girl's body had to point out. It turned out to be the time of three verticals and three leaps. It was like a jumping rabbit, and it was getting farther and farther away. When Qi Miao was angry and chased, she couldn't catch up with her. After all, he didn't want to hurt the girl. He couldn't shoot the cold air to stop her action, so he had to follow her far away, waiting for the girl to lose her strength and capture her. In this way, they escaped and chased her. The two unconsciously ran to the outskirts of the small city, a wilderness.

At this time, the girl gradually became weak and slowly couldn't run. She was angry and anxious. When she quickly grabbed it, she stopped her and asked harshly, "Where on earth did you get my brother Danyang!"

"I... I..." As the girl gasped, she covered her chest and stepped back a few steps. She was a little scared. At this time, Qi Miao asked, and she thought about it carefully. It turned out that she was forced by Shen Danyang's methods before. She panicked and threw out a thing randomly. It was the candle dragon fire brought down the mountain from Daotong...

"You... Don't worry..." It's rare for a girl to see someone so angry. She became anxious and couldn't speak well. "He... He just doesn't know where he has been transmitted, and there is no worry about his life..."

"Who told him to bully me!" She summoned up her courage from nowhere and shouted suddenly. After saying this, the girl's little face turned red and turned pale in a blink of an eye. It seemed that she had exhausted strength and had no strength to fight back.

"Alas!" Hearing her words, Qimiao thought that Danyang didn't have any master. Seeing her like this, she looked scared and couldn't help but feel pity in her heart. At that time, she also slowed down and said to the girl, "Your name is Ling Shuiyue?"

"Hm..." The girl still looked at him with great vigilance and maintained a posture of escaping at any time, but even she knew that at this time, her skills could not be recovered for a while. How could she run past the man in front of her?

"I'm really a friend of your father. He used to be kind to me. You don't need to be afraid of me..." Qi Miao comforted with kind words.

"But..." The girl looked at Qi Miao and hesitated, "But my father said that he obviously gave the token to a fairy, but you are a man..."

"This..." Qimiao smiled bitterly. When she was about to explain, a long roar suddenly came, and a man's voice suddenly sounded: "Isn't this Zhang Tingwan, the Lingpin fairy dressed as a woman? Zhang Xianzi, how are you? Mo Cheng has welcomed you!"

"Hm?" Qi Miao's heart tightened. When she looked up, she saw a swordsman in black jumping down from a towering ancient tree, like a fly, spreading her wings and rushing at the two of them.