Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 15 The emperor's voice scattered from the stars

The green mountains stood, the cliffs were towering, and the white clouds gathered above his head had been impacted by the sword spirit scattered all over Chen Naixian. At this time, the sword light on the star was shining, and the sword spirit was wrapped in cold, which actually covered the bright sun with a layer of veil.

In front of him, it was Yu Bing, who stood high. He only saw that he called out a large black fog. In the fog, the sound of wings flapping, the sound of his mouth weapons mixed into a ball, and the noise was roaring. It was tens of millions of poisons converging in it, forming a dark mass of black fog, in which the fine body of poisonous insects could be faintly seen twisting. It's very frightening to watch.

However, Chen Naixian did not move, and his face was as awe-inspiring as ever. At this moment, he made up his mind that he would return to be punished by the leader of the military alliance, or die here, and he could no longer let go of this opportunity to avenge his best friend.

Looking at Yu Bing's appearance, he also seemed to have the awareness of breaking his enmity. He shouted fiercely and read Miao's local dialect in his mouth, which seemed to be stimulated by some kind of magic spell. The black fog climbed on the rock wall, and suddenly grew dozens of feet, like dark clouds covering the sky on the surging sea, and the black tide surged wildly, squirmed here. The huge body was like Chen Nai who rushed over first.

"Good to come!" Chen Nai first roared. When he jumped up, a finger in his hand crossed, which actually gathered thousands of sword light. The sword light was like a fierce fire. The fierce thunder rushed out of his hand and rushed straight to a hundred feet. The sound pierced the sky and roared into the black fog.

After a few explosions, a small part of the black fog poisoned insects were extinguished in an instant. Countless poisonous insects hissed together, howled sadly, and shook the sky. However, this poison was hit by Chen Naixian's sword gas, and his body did not retreat but rose. Unexpectedly, a thick black gas gushed out from the center, and countless poisonous insects rushed out. It made the black fog several times bigger.

Besides, the previous black fog was weakened by Chen Naixian. Under the attack of sword spirit, it killed many poisonous insects. For a moment, the poisonous insect's blood poured all over the sky, and a strange smell gradually appeared in the air. The faint yellow miasma on all sides slowly emerged, gradually wrapped the world. Ling Shuanghua, who was watching the battle on the mountains farther away, condensed his eyebrows and called out the red silk in his hand and scratched. A red light isolates the miasma around him and makes it not allowed to enter.

At this time, a green light suddenly disappeared, and a person floated in front of Ling Shuiyue. The latter fixed his eyes and saw the man's white clothes waving, floating, and there was a faint chill all over her body. She turned her eyebrows and asked softly, "Looking at your appearance, is it the seven wonderful real people of Xiaoyaozong?"

"You must be Ling Shuanghua?" When Qimiao saw that this woman knew herself, she said to herself, did Li Qianren tell her story? When she looked at this woman again, she only saw that her appearance was a little similar to Ling Shuiyue, but the night moon between her eyebrows was not as delicate as Ling Shuiyue, so she could be sure that this was Ling Zongyun's other daughter.

Sure enough, as soon as he gave a ceremony, the other party returned the gift with a smile and called again, "Since you are here, please give me back your little sister."

Qimiao is even more strange at this time. It's not that this sister has a good heart. You know, in order to prevent Ling Shuiyue from constantly muttering, he has isolated her breath from the outside world, and how can the other party know that he has brought her here? However, since Ling Shuanghua said so, he dares not neglect it. The light rolled by and was releasing the Ling Shuiyue out of his arms.

"You... You bad guy!" As soon as Ling Shuiyue appeared in the blue light, she was as angry as jumping feet. No matter how she looked, she was also particularly embarrassed. As soon as she saw her sister, she shouted, "Sister, this is a complete bad person. He... He bullied me... You have to avenge me!"

"Little sister, stop be capricious!" Ling Shuanghua grasped Ling Shuiyue's little hand and dragged it into the red silk. She didn't forget to scold him, "Don't mess around. If it hadn't been for Qi Miao Zhenren all the way back, you wouldn't have gone somewhere."

Then Ling Shuanghua showed his gratitude to Qi Miaoyi and reminded him: "Real people should be careful of this poisonous miasma..."

Qi Miao nodded, and a blue air was isolated from the poison gas.

At this time, the yellow fog was even thicker, slowly forming a dark fog all over the sky, but there was a huge dark shadow in the black fog, which seemed to be white and tall, squirming, as if constantly attacking Chen Naixian.

As soon as he and Ling Shuanghua signaled, they all turned their eyes into the duel between Bing and Chen Naixian. Ling Shuanghua did not forget to give the truth to Ling Shuiyue and check her condition, but she wondered in her heart: "Why hasn't Shuiyue rested the condensed water taught by her uncle in the cold pool of Daotong these days, and the breath in her body actually There is no weakness. In contrast, it seems that the vitality of the body has been replenished a lot.

Her heart is rare because when Ling Shuiyue and Yuangong were together, they were affected by the seven elements of the same water, which actually improved the chronic disease. While wondering like this, she paid attention to the battle of ice.

At this time, there was a boom, and Qimiao and Ling Shuanghua were shocked. When they raised their eyes, they found that the explosion was not a battle between the two, but it was all from Chen Naixian. The light all over his body was high, pointing straight to the sky for a week, and the light on his fingers was as bright as the sun, and it was boundless, which actually diluted the boundless poisonous haze.

With a burst of shout, Tianshuxing raised his hand and used it. It was the thirtieth move of King Kong Mora's swordsmanship. This move was created by himself. It was in one finger, which gathered the first 29 moves of King Kong Mora's swordsmanship that many master painstakingly searched in this finger, but at this time, it was different.

Seeing that he waved to the sky, King Kong Moro's sword gas rushed to the sky. Countless electric light went straight to the sky, and the sound shocked the wilderness. Qi Miao was wondering why he didn't hit the enemy, but when he wanted to make a sword move to the sky, he saw a bang, and countless swordsmen fell straight from the sky and poured into the body, all of them gathered here. In the Tianshu Star.

"It turns out that the name of Tianshu Star is so good!" Qi Miao suddenly lit up and suddenly realized.

At this time, Chen Naixian's body lit up countless light spots, and the acupuncture points around his body were open. He was spreading an opening from the vein of Tianshu, absorbing the sword spirit from the long air one after another. This sword spirit was not only the move he sent out earlier, but also brought endless harmony in the heaven and earth. For a moment, Chen Naixian's true energy all over his body bulged, and his Yuangong rose greatly. The light on his body shines, and in the dark fog, he can see that it is as bright as stars, as if the cosmic galaxy is condensed on him.

Chen Nai first shouted, and the next move was to gather the sword spirit of heaven and earth, and rushed straight to the black fog gathered by tens of millions of poisonous insects called by the ice.

With a loud explosion, the black fog suddenly fluctuated endlessly. The yellow sand suddenly rolled up into the sky, and the fog was washed away for a moment. The sand flew between the rocks, and the distant cliff where Qi Miao, Ling Shuanghua and Ling Shuiyue stood also continued to tremble, with a loud explosion. The sound continued one after another, and the golden light kept shining. It was the black fog that the poisonous insects gathered and kept bursting.

Thousands of poisonous insects cried sadly. In the hissing, more than half of the body was washed away, and the rest gradually returned to death. The originally moving insects became dry and fell to the ground in death. In this way, the black fog was rushed by Chen Nai first and stepped on.

Qi Miao was worried about the safety of Bing, and couldn't help mentioning a cold true spirit. Whether it was a fair duel or not, I couldn't be saved. Looking at Yu Bing's death in the hands of Chen Naixian, when he remembered this person, he looked up and was shocked. It turned out that Chen had long ago in the black fog of the poisonous insects that had been dying out. Nai Xian's figure.

When he hurriedly looked up, he saw that Chen Nai quickly rushed through the black fog and hit Yu Bing. His body fell like a meteor, like racing against the waves, like a broken bamboo. The black fog summoned by Yu Bing with all his strength was broken by him. How could he dodge again? He had to hurriedly lift his left hand. In fact, the poisonous scorpion suddenly raised his breath and raised it. Two pairs of pliers will rise up against the enemy.

With a bang, the two strong met, and Yu Bing shouted miserably, and his body fell to the mountain. It turned out that Chen Naixian's whole body was wrapped in sword spirit. Under the impact, the huge petal poisonous scorpion coiled around Yu Bing's left hand and his whole arm were smashed with one blow. The man immediately vomited red, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the mountain.

Chen Naixian was also the end of a strong crossbow at this time. He staggered and barely fell on the cliff. He stepped gently and went back to kill Yu Bing.

At this time, he himself had been poisoned by a small part of the poisonous fog, and because he had washed through thousands of poisons, he did not know how many times he had been bitten by these thousands of poisonous insects. He saw that countless wounds all over his body were full of thick black blood, and he knew that this person was also deeply poisoned.

But as soon as he gritted his teeth, he still condensed the sword spirit of King Kong Moro in his hand, gritted his teeth and vowed to kill Yu Bing for revenge.

At this time, a cold sword spirit appeared all over the sky. Chen Nai did not twist his head and did not look at it at all. He just waved his finger and only heard a bang. A white light hit the cold light of water. At this moment, he had already snatched himself and approached Yu Bing's body.

Qi Miao was in a hurry and rushed down to rescue Yu Bing. Although he had been preparing, he did not expect that Chen Naixian's fighting spirit was so fierce and fighting so desperately. At this time, it was too late for him to go again.

There was another boom. Yu Bing and Chen Nai bumped into each other first, and the two fell straight down to the mountain. At this time, they didn't know it was Qi Miao. Ling Shuanghua also took his little sister. A red light held them up and only flew to the battlefield.

The two of them fell on the periphery where Qimiao and Chen Nai fell down. They distinguished from the hustle and bustle caused by the two people on the ground, but they saw a person staggered and stood up.

Ling Shuiyue was attracted by this fierce battle situation. Her little face turned pale, and her heart had already raised her throat. At this moment, when she saw a person standing up shaking her body, she looked at it intently, but unexpectedly saw that it was not Chen Naixian who got up, but Yu Bing who opened the fog around him, covered the huge wound on her left arm with one hand and fell I stumbled and rushed out.