Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 19 Lake Wind Song

"The so-called wheel by wheel is to want to learn my art of King Kong Chakra." Monk Jue Ren is already old. The day before yesterday, he went to Pishan to meet and trust the demon lord Li Qianren. In the past few days, he suffered from wind chills and was weak, and he lost some strength when speaking.

In recent years, many of the masters of Jue in Yanshu Temple have passed away. Now only Jue Ren himself is left. The monk's eyebrows have been white, and the two leaves on his eyes are more like two snow falling. At this time, he smiled and talked to Ling Shuiyue and Qi Miao.

Baoxiang and the stupid monk stood beside the master and stood respectfully. It turned out that Qi Miao and Ling Shuiyue explained their intention and presented Ling Zongyundao tokens as tokens. Jue Ren really had a compassion. Such a saving thing did not shirk people. Even if he was asked someone to take these two people to the abbot's room and see them on the sick couch. Two people.

After a greeting, Jue Ren first softly told the purpose of the monk to come to Jiulu Mountain one by one. It turned out that this person had always been concerned about the art of Vajang Chamulun. Every year, he would find time to talk about Buddhism or martial arts in Yanshu Temple. Sometimes he was earnest and sometimes almost forced. He wanted to learn the essential art of Jue Ren, but he saw Laohe Shang sighed and whispered:

"The art of Chamulun can trace the cause and effect. In the past and future, it is a spell that the old monk went to tantra as a guest in the past, and then brought it back to the Central Plains. Now the descendants of Tantric Buddhism have lost this art, so the master has been thinking about it and wants to cultivate this art and bring it back to education..." /P>

"Master, is that right that he thinks so?" After hearing this, Ling Shuiyue felt surprised again, "You learned this spell from others, and now it's understandable that they want to learn it back."

"Haha..." Jue Ren nodded first, and then explained, "The female benefactor doesn't know this. If you want to learn the art of observing the wooden wheel, you have to choose the person who is determined, otherwise you will indulge in the past and the present. If you can't say it, you will lose yourself. I don't want to pass on this skill to him, but I can't, because I don't want to hurt him..."

The meaning of the words is that the monk did not learn the qualifications of this diamond chakra, and everyone was speechless for a moment and fell into meditation.

At this time, he had already gone down Jiulu Mountain. Walking along the path in front of the mountain, accompanied by the bright summer flowers, he was a little sad in his heart, and he had a different mind because he had learned a lot of Zen principles. At this time, he glanced through the sky in front of him and saw a blue sky, a few faint clouds in the sky. In the middle, it was like a few pieces of snow floating in the sea, which seemed that the endless sky was so clear and distant. His heart slowly became clear. He just wanted to enter the world and forge it again. After many years, he would come to Yanshu Temple to ask for the art of inspecting the wooden wheel.

Suddenly, my heart moved one by one, and I saw a woman in blue cloth in front of me, holding a baby in her arms and crying by the roadside.

I felt a little strange. When I came over, I sang Amitabha Buddha all my life and asked, "Dare to ask this female benefactor how to cry here?"

"Master..." The woman buried her head deeply and almost covered her face. While sobbing, she complained, "My child has just died and his father. It's very pitiful. Mother and son have no relatives to take care of them. Now they can only wait here to die..."

"Hahahaha!" After listening to these words, he was originally a monk's compassionate, but suddenly burst into laughter. He suddenly got upright, his eyes were like electricity, and he shouted loudly, "Who are you? You pretend to be a woman here. Don't you know that there is the smell of the unconcealable corpse!"

Suddenly, the woman threw her arms and suddenly turned around and opened her arms and rushed over. At this time, she saw that the woman in blue had been dead for a long time, and her face had been ulcerated. He said that no wonder there was such an uncontrollable smell on this person. It should be someone who took advantage of this The woman's body is going to harm me, so I should be careful.

Thinking here, he had already taken action one by one. He stepped out, and the red robe he was wearing was immediately blown. A Brah Holy Buddha spirit rose from behind him. The virtual shadow of the 28 tantra Buddhas slowly biochemically transformed behind this monk, and 80 dragged him casually. For a moment, the momentum was amazing, and then he waved out one by one. It was a large fingerprint, and this mana was amazing. Where could the body of the woman who attacked resist it? With a bang, it was smashed by this extremely powerful blow.

"If you die, you will be the skin. Even if it is useless, you can't be disrespectful..." Waving his hand one after another, a red light melted out, wrapped around the scattered body of the woman and gently melted it away.

His blow showed a loud momentum, not to fear the power of the female corpse, but to deter him ambush aside and attack himself with the help of the dead body. As expected, after this blow, a yin wind blew away and felt it from the bottom of his heart. One person in the distance had quietly retreated long ago.

shook his head one by one and didn't care. When he was about to leave, suddenly a wow crying came into his ear.

"Oh?" When he turned his head and looked, he saw that there was a baby crying in the baby on the ground, and he wondered in his heart, "Is this a real baby?"

He thought like this and felt it again. He saw that there was no evil air in the infgling on the ground. Then he waved his hand and poked out another light, rolled up the ground and sent it to his arms one by one.

After careful inspection this time, I saw that there was indeed a newborn baby with a white face and struggling with open hands in the baby. It was thought that the female body just now was thrown down and made him hurt. The little doll cried more and loud, shaking like thunder. The monk holding him did not know how to coax the child and patted it. Anyway I couldn't stop crying and couldn't help being in a hurry.

"What should I do?" Looking back one by one, he could faintly see the several rooms of Yanshu Temple dragging up in Jiulu Mountain. He said helplessly in his heart, "It seems that he has to go back to the temple..."

He said that he would come back after a year. At this time, he returned and practiced Buddhism meditation, but he was not afraid of being laughed at, but in the end, he violated his own words. He was helpless. At present, he had to shake his head and hold the baby in his arms and find his way.

Suddenly, he smelled a strange smell. His heart moved and lifted the two layers of cotton cloth wrapped around the baby. Sure enough, he saw a piece of yellow orange under the baby, with a slight stench.

"You are pulling in the little doll. No wonder you cried so hard..." He didn't feel the smell bad, but smiled more kindly. He was waiting to do it to help the baby clean his body. Suddenly, he saw that the little doll's hands and feet suddenly hesitated, and his whole body looked like The electricity was generally exciting, and then there was a loud explosion, and the body exploded.

"Ah!" He was holding the baby in his arms. At this time, he also put down his guard and was the first to be hit. The power of the baby's explosion was very terrible. The body of the master was violently shaken by the explosion and rushed out a long distance with a bang.

Under this blow, he was completely unprepared and suffered a lot of internal injuries. He fell to the ground and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. When he was about to resist it, he heard a soft sound. It turned out that a sword was quickly poked out of the ground and stabbing along the strands, disturbing him. All the vitality in the internal organs.

"Ah!" Only then did he understand that the enemy who had been ambushed in the distance did not escape, but fled to the ground and waited for the opportunity to approach him. However, he thought of it at this time, but it was too late. He only heard the monk's miserable cry and did not close his eyes.


After Master Jueren's chronic illness, Ling Shuiyue decided to cast a spell to save him. Qi Miao saw that his typhoid fever had not yet healed and was afraid that the old monk would be weak. When he wanted to talk about it for a while, Jue Ren pretended to have a mysterious smile and said, "The old monk has learned the fate recently and dare not delay. Tonight, he can invite the two benefactors to come to the Houshan Yongquan pool. Xianghou.

From beginning to end, he did not mention how to treat Ling Shuiyue, but just explored her pulse. When Ling Zongyun visited, he had detailed the disease of his daughter's weakness. Qi Miao saw that there seemed to be a bamboo in the old monk's chest. He felt that he didn't say anything, so he didn't ask any more questions. So the two retreated and simply used it. Suzhai, when the night comes, a stupid monk will lead him and go to the back mountain spring pool.

"Stupid, stupid..." Qi Miao said in his heart, "Do you know that the person standing beside him is an old friend..."

However, after thinking about it, he looked at the fool's peaceful and calm look. Suddenly, he decided to suppress the past and not tell him his identity. At this time, what Qi Miao thought in his heart was that he hoped that what the fool had in his heart was still the story of going north with Zhou Hanzhi, Li Miaohua, and himself, so he only remembered that Lu Li's joke was boundless and happy. Don't know the last cruel ending.

He was determined to protect this simple monk, and when he kept this secret, he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

The moonlight is clear, and there is no wind tonight. I have walked a lot of mountain roads. Suddenly, a lake appeared in front of me, like a clear spring. In a range of about dozens of feet, the lake is quiet, with a round moon floating. The moon halo is bright, and it is also thrown into the lake water. Inverted by this small lake, there is a brilliant silver light.

At this time, an old monk took off his robe, wearing only a plain suit, and was holding a big stone in the lake cross-legged. The stone was smooth and wet, but the old monk did not avoid being soaked by water. He sat with his hands folded and said something in his mouth.

Maybe he felt that someone was coming. He nodded and whispered, "Seven wonderful benefactor, please give me your help later, and you can stay on the shore."

Qi Miao nodded and only heard the benevolent old monk call again: "Lord Ling, please stand in the bright moon in the lake..."

"Well..." Ling Shuiyue hesitated for a moment and finally stretched out her foot to explore the cold pool water.