Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 34 The Strength of the Greedy Wolf

"Peng--" made a loud noise, and the middle-aged man's body suddenly flew backwards, spewing out a blood arrow in the air, and fell heavily to the ground.

When Chu Tianyu saw this Qingying, he couldn't help but send his heart and secretly said, "It's too timely to appear. It won't be so embarrassing to appear for a while. I've been so seriously injured. You are definitely intentional!"

After the green shadow hit the middle-aged man, it slowly fell to the ground and stood with his hands behind his back. His eyes shot directly at the middle-aged man's eyebrows like electricity, and said coldly, "The master of the realm of Xuanri has actually fallen to this point? You have made a lot of progress!"

This green shadow is the greedy wolf. Since Chu Tianyu entered the fog ghost forest, the greedy wolf has been following him. Seeing that Chu Tianyu has not encountered any danger, he has not appeared.

And in the several wars experienced by Chu Tianyu, the greedy wolf also saw it clearly in the dark, and nodded secretly in his heart. Chu Tianyu's maturity and old-fashionedness when he fought against the enemy made him relieved.

Especially when Chu Tianyu's words deceived middle-aged people just now, the plan almost succeeded. Although he failed, his ability to respond to the crisis was remarkable. It was not until the two were about to die that they appeared.

"You... Are you a master of the demon world? The middle-aged man barely calmed down his qi and blood and looked at the greedy wolf in front of him in horror. Although the blue color of the greedy wolf had proved his identity, he still asked.

"Hmm!" The greedy wolf snorted coldly and said lightly, "You don't care who I am. You just need to know that today is your anniversary!"

At this time, no one paid attention, but the last disciple of the middle-aged man carefully turned around and fled back when no one paid attention to him.

"Would you like to go? Well, just take you back a little interest!" The greedy wolf said in a low voice, with a flick of his fingers, and a slender blue light pierced his vest with lightning.

The man in black didn't expect death to come so quickly. He stumbled for dozens of steps before he fell to the ground and bounced still.

"You... You can't kill me... Kill me, and you will be chased by the stars. You can never escape from the ends of the earth!" When middle-aged people see the greedy wolf approaching him more and more, their meridians are very painful, and their true qi can't condense. They just shout loudly, hoping that this mysterious young man can spare his life.

The greedy wolf smiled disdainly and said lightly, "Have you ever seen a wolf have something to be afraid of? End of the earth, so what? It's good if they don't come. If they come, I won't be able to go back!"

Qihui was stunned when he heard the words. Why was this mysterious young man's words so familiar? Yu Guang glanced at Chu Tianyu, who was giggling on the side, and immediately whispered, "Little brother, he won't he be your brother. How can he be so similar to what you said?"

The smile on Chu Tianyu's face stopped abruptly and coughed softly, "To be honest, I don't know him very well, and I'm also feeling attached to it. This guy is very good for me!"

Qihui couldn't help saying: You are only seven years old, and you actually say that people have an appetite for you. What's in this little brother's head? Looking at the cultivation of young people, I'm afraid that even Fenglang is not his opponent, and the blue color and true Qi are the best evidence for the masters of the demon world. Thinking of this, my relaxed heart couldn't help but feel heavy again.

"No--, you can't kill me!" The middle-aged man kept rubbing back and hissing.

A trace of surprise flashed between the greedy wolf's eyebrows, and immediately turned his head to Chu Tianyu and Qihui and said, "You move to the center quickly. There will be a master here soon. Hurry up!"

After listening to the greedy wolf's words, Chu Tianyu knew that the matter was serious. The greedy wolf was a master of the mysterious realm. Even he could not assert that he could protect himself. How could he dare to delay? He pulled up Qihui and flew away to the center.

"Little brother, why do you listen to him? Aren't you afraid that he is harming us? Qihui saw that Chu Tianyu fled to the center without any hesitation and immediately asked.

A different emotion flashed in Chu Tianyu's eyes. If he didn't even believe the greedy wolf, I'm afraid there would be no one in the world to believe, but on the surface, he said, "His cultivation is unfathomable. If you want to hurt us, you don't have to waste so many tricks. I'm afraid a finger can kill us! "

Qihui nodded and thought that the man in black was killed by the mysterious man tightly when he fled. He and Chu Tianyu were indeed not worth his plot.

Just as Chu Tianyu and Qihui disappeared, eight figures dodged in front of the greedy wolf, which was the eight elders of Shangqingmen.

The elder led by him turned around and forgot to look at the middle-aged man lying on the ground and sighed, "The stars are full of glory in the past, but today they are humiliated by you alone. Get out quickly!"

"Yes... "Taishang Elder!" The middle-aged man did not dare to delay. In the shaking of their heads and sighs of the eight elders, he rolled away and fled awkwardly.

"Who are you? Why did it appear in the forbidden place where I went to the Qing Gate? The elder micron looked at the greedy wolf and said. The young man gave him an extremely vague feeling. Relying on his mysterious realm, he could not see through his cultivation. He couldn't help but be a little stunned. When will such figures appear in the world? Is he from there?

The greedy wolf smiled and met the eyes of the eight elders of the Qingmen. Without a trace of depression, he said lightly, "Can't I appear here? The forbidden place of Shangqing Gate is right, but now you don't just want to tell me these words. With your cultivation, you can feel how many people are approaching here now.

The elder's face changed when he heard the words. Naturally, he could sense that at least four breaths were approaching here, and the power was above himself. How many could he not perceive? Thinking of this, the elder Taishang couldn't help sighing. Could this Xiaguang Chongbao be the beginning of the disaster of Shangqingmen?

At this time, a white shadow flashed, and Li Feiqian's anxious figure suddenly appeared and fell in front of the elder. He bowed and said, "Li Feiqian, the owner of the Golden Courtyard, paid a visit to the elder!"

The elder calmed down slightly, knocked on the calm greedy wolf, and said to Li Feiqian, "Feiqian, why didn't you come with your brother and others? Is there anything else?"

Li Feiqian gave a slight pause. The elder and Feng Lang were obviously the same faction, otherwise they would not have to personally improve their cultivation for Fenglang when the head of Shangqing Gate changed office. Thinking of this, he immediately said, "The elder Tais, the two bad disciples suffered an accident during their experience and disappeared in the misty ghost forest, so the disciples came. Looking for them, I was temporarily separated from the head brother!"

"Nonsense!" When the elder heard the words, he shouted, "Now that the glow vision and the treasure has appeared in the world, I am about to become the target of public criticism. It's okay for your two naughty people to have an accident at this time. Is your master so unpriority?"

The greedy wolf held his hands curiously and looked at Li Feiqian, whose eyes flashed one after another, and said to himself: Well, I'll see how you choose as a master. If you don't satisfy me, I will leave with Tianyu!

Li Feiqian's body was shocked when he heard the words. He immediately straightened up and said loudly, "Since ancient times, the Qing Dynasty has been the first. Whether it's Xiaguang is heavy treasure, or if all parties come to grab it, I, Li Feiqian, will not care too much. I only care about the lives of my disciples. Since the elders are also such a short-sighted view, the disciples can only move forward by themselves. Go!"

"Feiqian, how can you talk to the elder so much? Hurry up and admit your mistake!" After listening to Li Feiqian's words, the two elders quickly scolded him. It was not that he was afraid of the elders, but that Li Feiqian would suffer losses, because the two elders were also from the Golden Academy and Li Feiqian's uncle.

"Master, how can the people who have forgotten the ancestral teachings of Shangqingmen withstand the respect of their disciples? The disciples have their own clarity in their hearts and will not succumb to ** power!" Li Feiqian said carelessly, and the elder who trembled with anger turned around and walked to the depths of the misty ghost forest.

"You... OK... Well, the so-called outsiders must first settle down inside, and I will kill you as a rebel today!" As soon as the words fell, the elder suddenly rose up, like an eagle pounce on the rabbit, grabbing the back of Li Feiqian's head.

Li Feiqian heard the sound of the wind behind him, and the long sword came out of its sheath. The white light danced and directly faced the iron grasp of the elder Taishang.

With a loud sound, Li Feiqian was crushed by the elder Taishang, but the elder himself flew backwards and staggered back a few steps before he barely stood up straight and looked forward in consternation.

The greedy wolf stood beside Li Feiqian with a smile, looking at the elder with disdain. It was at the critical moment that he helped Li Feiqian repel the elder.

"Li Feiqian, I didn't expect you to have a connection with the master of the demon world and brought him here to kill the elder. It's really bold. I see if the right path can accommodate you now!" Fenglang's voice came, and at the same time, Fenglang and the other four owners also appeared in front of Li Feiqian.

There is no doubt that the blue qi emitted by the greedy wolf when he repelled the elders has exposed his identity, which has also made Li Feiqian fall into deep trouble.

"Thank you for your help. Whether it's a demon or a demon, as long as it's a bloody man, I, Li Feiqian, am thousands of times stronger than those hypocrites!" Li Feiqian said.

"Brother Li, don't say much. Your two disciples are now moving towards the center. You can pick them up first!" The greedy wolf preached to Li Feiqian.

Li Feiqian was shocked when he heard the words, and the greedy wolf's eyes flashed with a suspicious light. At present, he nodded heavily, ignored the chatty wind, and went straight to the depths of the misty ghost forest.

"Eshang Elder, Li Feiqian, he--" Feng Lang saw that Li Feiqian had entered the center first, and couldn't help but be secretly anxious. However, the greedy wolf blocked the way, and he did not dare to act rashly. Now he said to the Taishang Elder.

"It doesn't matter!" The elder Taishang said with a gloomy face, "Just let him explore what's mysterious in this depths?"

"Haha, several people, I won't accompany you again. You can slowly solve the matter of going to the clear door by yourself. Good bye!" The greedy wolf smiled and said, guessing that Chu Tianyu and others had also escaped from a close distance and there was no need to stay. They immediately dodged and swept towards the depths.