Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 77 Four Family

Back to the rest area of Shangqingmen, Li Feiqian scoffed and disdained to say much, so the two masters and apprentices returned directly to the room of the Golden Courtyard.

"Master, where is the seventh brother? Why don't you see him?" Chu Tianyu couldn't help asking when he saw that there was no Qihui.

Li Feiqian took a long breath of relief, threw away the unhappiness of his heart, and said, "Qihui reached the realm of Xuanri more than ten days ago, and now he is stabilizing the realm!"

"Oh?" Chu Tianyu's face also showed a trace of joy. Qihui's breakthrough through the realm of Xuanri is undoubtedly good news. In the previous confrontation with Lin Tianqi, Chu Tianyu found that half of Lin Tianqi's foot had stepped into the realm of Xuanri.

And Lu Yuhan, who was also the first in the last session, is likely to be infinitely close to the mysterious level. If he can create the third formula of Sirius Sword before the competition, or he can compete with the two.

The same is true of Qihui. Chu Tianyu is very confident in him. He can create his own spiritual charm, which means that he has a very deep understanding of the way of heaven. Even if he is not as good as Lu Yuhan, he is not much different from the two. With the help of the spiritual charm and divine power, it may not be easy to win, but he wants to protect It is not difficult to keep the hand tied.

"Tianyu, have you also reached the realm of Xuanri?" Li Feiqian's words pulled Chu Tianyu out of his thoughts.

"Yes! I was lucky to break through a few days ago!" Chu Tianyu nodded.

Li Feiqian smiled and said, "I have said that ten years of foundation consolidation will not go to nothing. After breaking through the realm of Xuanri, the speed will grow rapidly. Nine turns to practice is really magical!" Words can't hide the excitement in my heart.

Chu Tianyu smiled indifferently and said, "What's ridiculous? It's just that you have just reached the realm of Xuanri. As a master, you shouldn't be so satisfied. Let me make progress in your supervision!"

"Wow-" Li Feiqian flew up and kicked Chu Tianyu's buttocks, but was dodged by him with infinite walking.

"Haha, I've been prepared for a long time!" Chu Tianyu said with a smile.

Looking at his stinky appearance, Li Feiqian couldn't help shaking his head and wryly and said, "How to be a master? You have taught me. What else do you need me to teach you? Why don't you be my master?"

"Hey!" Chu Tianyu smiled awkwardly, walked to Li Feiqian and said, "I have made a few moves with Lin Tianqi before. His skills are about to break through the Xuan level, and he is very hopeful to enter the Xuan level before the start of the Taoist Conference. We are in a dilemma with him this time. I'm afraid that he will fight against us with his character!"

Li Feiqian also put away his joke and nodded, "There is also some truth in what you said. My Shangqing Gate is located in a remote place, and the qualifications of my disciples are generally not as good as Xuantianzong. That is to say, Feng Wuyun, who claims to be the first master of Shangqingmen, is only the realm of Xuanri. In addition to you and Qihui, we are only in the realm of Xuanri. There are only three people!"

"Has Feng Wuyun reached the realm of Xuanri?" Chu Tianyu couldn't help frowning slightly. When he parted in the inn that day, Feng Wuyun was only in the daily realm. Unexpectedly, he broke through in just one month!

"Feng Wuyun's qualification is not very good. This time, Feng Lang should use some elixirs, coupled with the enlightenment skills that can only be mastered by the door owner, forcibly improving his cultivation, in order to be able to suppress you and Qihui!" Li Feiqian said disdainfully.

Chu Tianyu couldn't help smiling: "The result of pulling out the seedlings will be more serious than they thought. They destroyed their son for a false reputation, and Fenglang is really willing!"

Li Feiqian shook his head and smiled and said, "Although he has reached the realm of Xuanri, his foundation is unstable and not to be afraid. You and Qihui both have the ability to cross the level of challenges. Although the gap between Xuan and Xuanri level is very deep, I believe you can definitely shorten the gap to the lowest!"

"Hmm!" Chu Tianyu nodded slowly and continued, "Although my seventh brother and I can't say that we can beat Lin Tianqi and Lu Yuhan, there is still no problem to win the third place!"

Li Feiqian shook his head slightly and said, "If it's just a discussion, then I will not hesitate to recognize your words, but you have forgotten that the third place in those years was probably the little monk Huixin of the Buddha sect, but for some reason, Huixin actually gave this ranking to Feng Wuyun. At the beginning, Hui The power of the heart is no longer under Lin Tianqi and Lu Yuhan, and now it can't be peeped away!"

"In addition, this Taoist conference is not only attended by Buddhism, but also by the four major families!" There was a trace of helplessness in Li Feiqian's tone.

"Four major families? What is that? Is it also the Taoist sect of the hidden world?" Chu Tianyu asked.

"The four major families are not people in Taoism, but people in the secular martial arts?" Li Feiqian explained.

"People in martial arts?" A trace of confusion flashed in Chu Tianyu's eyes and looked at Li Feiqian as if asking for help.

Li Feiqian paused slightly and said, "Different from the practice of Taoism, the practice of martial arts mostly emphasizes the excavation of their own potential. Most people in martial arts turn attacks into wonderful and sharp moves, and achieve complete control of power through the clever use of moves!"

"So what is martial arts cultivation to the extreme? Break through your own shackles?" Chu Tianyu was puzzled.

A trace of appreciation flashed in Li Feiqian's eyes and continued: "Yes, the ultimate of martial arts is to break through its own shackles, transform into heaven and earth, integrate into nature, and return with the same path of our Taoist cultivation!"

"This method of exercising one's own cultivation by relying on moves alone is effective, but it is not easy to enter the Taoist realm. At least they don't have a Taoist formula like us that has a slight connection with the heavenly Tao!"

Li Feiqian nodded and said, "Although martial arts are not as unique as our practice, they also have their own advantages, which is strong attack power and control of strength!"

"There is no real waste in every stabbing of martial arts masters, and the conversion between moves is round and natural, continuous, which is by no means comparable to the pure power moves of my Taoist!" A trace of yearning flashed in Li Feiqian's eyes.

"But after the mysterious level, we can completely use the power of heaven to sense the mystery of any swordsmanship and reduce ten benefits with one force. The gap between levels should not be so easy to make up!" Chu Tianyu became a little confused.

Li Feiqian shook his head and said, "The level of our Taoist sect has been a watershed since the Xuan level. It has begun to truly understand the way of heaven and reach another level. The same is true for the cultivation of martial arts, and the level gap of martial arts is in the innate realm!"

"Innate realm?" Chu Tianyu heard this word for the first time and couldn't help but be interested.

"The martial arts are divided into three major levels: the acquired realm, the innate realm, and the realm of returning to ruins, each of which is divided into four stages: front, middle, back and peak!"

"Same as the mysterious realm, only when a martial artist reaches the innate realm can he truly communicate with heaven and earth. The swordsmanship is no longer simple and ingenious, but implies the emotions of the martial artist himself."

"And this emotion reaches the end, and it is fully integrated into your own swordsmanship. One move contains emotions. 'Only the ability is extremely emotional, so you can be extremely sword' is the best portrayal of a martial artist!"

"Only be extremely affectionate, so can be extremely sword?" Chu Tianyu's heartstrings seemed to be touched.

"Yes, to the extreme, love and weapons are perfectly integrated in one place, regardless of each other, people are weapons, weapons are people, human weapons are combined, the same way to return to the ruins, the realm of return to the ruins, the martial arts strong, the combat effectiveness is completely close to the Taoist realm of God in our Taoist legend!"

Seeing that Chu Tianyu was a little stunned, Li Feiqian couldn't help but continue to say, "It's just a legend. After reaching the mysterious level, people in our Taoism can affect the trajectory of heaven through their perception of heaven, so as to achieve the purpose of prolonging life, and the martial arts strong are no more than 200 years old at most. In this short For more than a hundred years, it is almost impossible to reach that height!"

"The martial artists at the peak of the day after tomorrow may not have an advantage over the Taoist strongmen under the realm of Xuanri! Although their grasp of the moves is exquisite, our true spirit belongs to the spirit of heaven and earth after all, and we should be able to suppress them in momentum!" Chu Tianyu thought for a moment and said.

"According to reason, the martial arts strong at the peak of the acquired level should be able to compete with the Taoist masters in the early stage of the mysterious level, because they not only have clever moves and reach the level of the acquired peak, but also need a necessary condition, that is, 'Love', which is also called the key to breakthrough innate realm by martial artists!"

"Love is the germination of love in the heart. As long as you breed your most unforgettable emotions, it will be most conducive to breaking through the innate realm! Moreover, the deeper the feelings of love, the more fierce the swordsmanship will be after reaching the innate!" Li Feiqian said that he obviously knows a lot about people in martial arts.

"Wow--" Chu Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's not easy for soldiers to block, water and soil, and martial arts cultivation. I don't believe that the legendary four families will have so many masters, as long as they don't reach the innate realm!"

It's not Chu Tianyu's big support. With the strong attack power of the Sirius sword formula, Chu Tianyu can completely suppress the martial arts strong at the peak of the day after tomorrow. Coupled with the mysterious infinite walking method, even if the opponent's moves are cleverly, it is not so easy to get close to him!

"It's good if you have confidence. Telling you this is to let you know more about martial arts. This time, each of the four major families only sent a disciple to participate in the competition. As you guessed, these four people are the strongest at the peak of the day!" Li Feiqian smiled slightly.

"There are some things that are useless if you think too much! When you wait for the game, you will naturally win or lose! Seventh brother is here. It seems that he has known that I'm back!" Chu Tianyu showed a smile at the corners of his mouth.

(two more today, one more later... Let's work hard together and put the wolf up)