Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 157 A Thousand and One Shot

Feeling the dangerous breath, Chu Tianyu's face was cold, and the purple sword turned into a purple light to resist the sword spirit close to him. At this time, the blue rope sword was in his hand, brewing a powerful blow.

Through the right talent, Chu Tianyu has roughly understood the main means of the demon master, just like the move of the right talent to collide with his own stars.

It completely relies on the close cooperation between the strong body and true qi to achieve the most perfect performance of attack power. It can be said that there is no skill.

Although the mysterious weather mask in front of us is indeed a very powerful killing move, it is still slightly worse than those exquisite moves of Taoism and martial arts families.

Because this dark weather mask is very time-consuming, and the blue light mask can be said to be only the effect on the surface and to isolate the outside world from the space inside the air mask.

The purpose is to control the five elements in the air mask, but all this can be easily done through the clever use of the heavenly trajectory, and there is no need to spend so much true energy.

However, although he understood the advantages and disadvantages of this move, Chu Tianyu did not dare to be careless at all. Such a dense five-emerged lightsaber is enough to make himself in a hurry.

Between the energy of different attributes, there is often a conflict between the five elements. Although it is not intentional by the user, the power that erupts has soared several times.

"The void is broken--" Chu Tianyu shouted in a low voice, and the green sword supported by Haoran's righteousness suddenly soared dozens of times, and a huge lightsaber of about ten feet was in Chu Tianyu's hand.

The power of smashing everything permeated the whole mysterious weather mask, and many five-eed lightsabers burst apart after colliding with the five-eed lightsaber in Chu Tianyu's hand.

"Peng--" Chu Tianyu's eyes flashed, and a sword suddenly split out, right above the mysterious weather mask.

Chu Tianyu knew that directly above is the most solid place for the whole mysterious weather mask, and it is also the hub to control the interior of the mysterious weather mask. The Tiger King is directly above, controlling the whole mysterious weather mask.

Therefore, he chose a powerful blow with force, and the vast sword spirit of emptiness collided fiercely with the mysterious weather mask!

The earth shakes!

The bright light in the sky swayed violently, and the blue mysterious weather shattered in the unfancy pair!

Chu Tianyu hummed and retreated more than ten steps again, reluctantly suppressed the churning qi and blood, and erased the trace of blood from the corners of his mouth without a trace.

And the Tiger King, who was in mid-air, was also shocked by this powerful blow and flew backwards. It took several weeks to remove the powerful anti-shock force, and some of it fell awkwardly in front of the Tiger King.

A trace of surprise flashed in the tiger king's eyes, and the powerful power contained in Chu Tianyu's sword actually shattered the unique learning he relied on to become famous.

You should know that the mysterious weather mask is the supreme of the demon world that taught him the unique skills of the demon world. Although there is only one move, it is also the magic power of the Tiger King to kill countless demon gate masters over the years.

There has never been a master who cultivates under himself, who can survive under the mysterious weather mask, and there is no person who cultivates under himself who dares to defend the mysterious weather mask head-on.

"Where on earth does this boy come from? Unexpectedly, he can have such combat effectiveness. It can only be seen that he is just a cultivation in the early stage of the Xuan level, but he can have the ability to leap over the level challenge. Is he from that place? Only in that place can cultivate such an outstanding disciple!" Thinking of the mysterious force, the Tiger King's face suddenly changed.

"What school are you from?" After all, the Tiger King couldn't help asking.

Haoran's righteousness flowed for a week and continued to dredge the depressed meridians. Chu Tianyu slowly breathed out and said, "I'm just a power from a small sect. You don't have to worry so much. If you kill me, I will never leave you in trouble!"

Although Chu Tianyu said this, the Tiger King couldn't believe it at all. There was a smile on his face and said, "You killed my grandson. I have to kill your parents, and the enemies who killed your parents are also killed by you. As the saying goes, when the injustice will be repaid, I think the hatred between us will stop here. Right!"

Chu Tianyu couldn't help smiling. Looking at the flashing eyes of the Tiger King, he vaguely guessed that he was taking care of it. He immediately sneered and said, "To tell you the truth, but you don't believe it. Whether you want to negotiate, let all the people who participated in the slaughter of Shushan Village on that day apologize, then this hatred can end here!"

"Don't bully others too much!" The Tiger King knew that if all the demons who had been killed in those years were killed, there would probably not be many people left in the whole wind tunnel, and his son would also not be spared.

Chu Tianyu's expression condensed and said, "Since I dare to come, I didn't expect to go back alive. Don't talk nonsense, old man, if I had to print you out, I would have killed the tiger king early in the morning, thinking that what could I do with his two three-legged cat skills? Give me your life. Today, the wind tunnel is ready to accept the destruction!"

"Haha--" The Tiger King laughed angrily and looked at Chu Tianyu with a sudden cold look and said, "Kid, among the young people I have met, whether it is courage or cultivation, you are the best among them, but it's because you are too confident. Today, whether you come from that place or not, you will die. , pay for your arrogance!"

"Song--" The purple sword turned into a purple sword and coiled overhead, and the sound of the roaring sword feared people's hearts. Chu Tianyu pointed to the tiger king from the green sword in his hand and said, "Come on! It's useless to say more!"

The Tiger King took out a pair of dark iron claws from his arms, put them in his hands, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "I live in seclusion in the deep mountains. I haven't taken action for nearly a thousand years. You are the first person to let me take action. Go to death!"

The body flashed, and the iron claws brought countless slender and sharp turquoise lights, sweeping towards Chu Tianyu!

"Heaven and earth are destroyed--" Chu Tianyu's green rope sword suddenly burst into a violent white light mass, filled with the power of endless destruction.

At the same time, the imperial swordsmanship manipulated the purple sword into a purple streamer, hidden behind the destruction of heaven and earth, and quickly stabbed the heart of the tiger king.

As soon as he took action, it was the most powerful move. Chu Tianyu did not want to delay any longer. Even if this blow could not kill the Tiger King, it would certainly hurt him seriously.

"Puff!" The tiger king's claws have fiercely collided with Chu Tianyu's destruction, and the atmosphere of destruction filled the whole audience. Even the tiger king and others who were watching the battle couldn't help but feel a chill on their backs.

The waves are blowing! The Tiger King was really strong and abruptly tore Chu Tianyu's heaven and earth to pieces. Although he staggered back, he was not injured after all.

However, the purple sword hidden behind the light mass did not give him a chance to breathe, dragging the long tail light straight into the heart of the tiger king.

"It's not good!" The Tiger King, who was blood-throbbling because of the violent collision, immediately changed his face when he saw the fierceness of the sword.

At the critical moment, the Tiger King showed the superhuman hand of the master in the later stage of the mysterious level. The iron claws flew out of his hand and collided with the purple sword that shot.

"Puff--" The Tiger King finally couldn't resist such a double blow. He looked up to the sky and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew backwards again. He retreated until the Tiger King and others barely stabilized.

"Dad, how are you?" The tiger king immediately supported the tiger king and asked with concern.

"I'm fine!" The tiger king shook off the tiger king's hand, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He practiced for thousands of years, but he was defeated by Chu Tianyu, a new boy, and in front of so many subordinates, he couldn't lose face.

"Let's go together. No matter how powerful he is, he is still one person. I don't believe that he can resist the siege of so many of us!" The Tiger King suddenly said.

The Tiger King stared at his son fiercely. At least he is a senior who has been famous for many years. Now he has joined hands to deal with a descendant. Even if he can kill the boy in front of him, he will lose his reputation.

Looking at his father's eyes, the Tiger King understood and said to his subordinates next to him, "Surrounding this boy, he dared to come in alone, so I let him come back. After his father's victory, he will arrest this boy and torture him well. I want to see what capital he has!"

"Hmm!" Chu Tianyu opened the tiger king's claws with a sword, and the meridians shook violently, and the tiger's mouth was also sore. Although the Sirius sword formula was powerful, it was too expensive after all.

Even with his own spacious meridians, it can't withstand continuous consumption, but without using the Sirius sword formula, Chu Tianyu's disadvantage in cultivation appeared.

In the stormy attack of the Tiger King, it keeps retreating.

The Tiger King and others on one side cheered when they saw the situation: "The old cave owner is invincible! Break this boy into ten thousand pieces!"

A trace of helplessness flashed in Chu Tianyu's eyes. Although he fell into the wind, his life was still not in danger for a while. With the mystery of the infinite walking method, he was able to spare the edge of the tiger king's attack for the time being.

But after all, he is only one. After such a series of fierce battles, he will eventually be defeated. Originally, he thought that with the powerful power of heaven and earth and swordsmanship, he could at least seriously damage the Tiger King and make him lose his combat effectiveness.

I didn't expect that the Tiger King was so strong. With his rough skin and thick flesh, he only suffered some minor injuries, which also turned Chu Tianyu's hard-won advantage into a disadvantage.

Just as Chu Tianyu was struggling to resist, a voice suddenly came from the sky: "Tianyu, we are here to help you!"

At the same time, more than a dozen figures quickly flew towards here. Li Feiqian took the lead, and the Xuanyang sword shined in the sun.

Behind him, Lu Yuhan, Liu Shishi, Xu Yue, Qihui, Lu Feihong and more than ten others followed closely, with dazzling swords and colorful swords.

At this moment, Chu Tianyu's eyes shed two drops of crystal tears, which is the real feeling. With it, he is invincible!