Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 171 When you touch it, you will be angry

The greedy wolf's words made the flame on Chu Tianyu's chest spread, and his eyes also jumped with sparks of anger.

When Chu Tianling saw Chu Tianyu's face change instantly, he knew that his brother must have been really angry. At the same time, his heart was sweet, he also grasped his arm tightly.

Shaking his head gently, Chu Tianling said slightly, "Brother Greedy Wolf once secretly inquired that the real strength of the Chu family is unfathomable, and that guy was also severely scolded by me. Don't worry, brother, you don't know your sister's personality, and you can you let him take advantage of it?"

The greedy wolf also sighed: "I tried to sneak into the forbidden land of the Chu family several times, but I was helplessly shocked by a mysterious force. I expected that there must be a super master behind the Chu family, and this master, even if I join hands with Seven Kills, may not be able to win!"

The eyebrows of Qizal also jumped a few times and did not say anything, but looked at Chu Tianyu.

"No matter what power he has behind him, as long as he bullies my sister, I won't make them better!" Chu Tianyu's eyes flashed, and his fists were also tightly clenched together.

"Yes, brother!" Seeing his firm attitude, Chu Tianling immediately changed the topic and said, "My father and mother have already told me what happened in those years!"

Hearing the news from her parents, Chu Tianyu knew that she was diverting her attention, but she still suppressed her anger and asked, "What's the matter? Why on earth did my father and mother get expelled from the house by them!"

"The third uncle said that his father was the most talented of the six sons of the previous generation of family owners, but because of his mother's intervention, his father's status in the family plummeted!" Tears also appeared in Chu Tianling's eyes.

Chu Tianyu did not interrupt her. Although he was a little anxious to know what had happened, he stopped his curiosity.

"At that time, my mother was just a subordinate of the Chu family. Although she was adorable, she had a low status after all. My father and mother also fell in love at first sight and their feelings were increasing day by day, but the elders of the family strongly opposed their marriage. In the end, under the firm determination of my father, they had to compromise, but the famous mother could only be my father. Dad's concubine did not enter the main room, and our grandfather, the head of the Chu family, even made a marriage for his father. The woman was Jiang Lianyu, the daughter of the head of the Jiang family in the south. Although she promised on the surface, she was secretly sad in her heart. Of course, Dad saw her mother's displeasure, and Moreover, his father had a deep affection for his mother and absolutely did not want to marry Jiang Lianyu, but his grandfather was too urgent, and at the instigation of his uncle, he forcibly tied his father to the wedding hall.

"Dad would rather die. In front of the elders of the Chu family and the Jiang family, he firmly refused the marriage. Jiang's parents left angrily, and Jiang Lianyu also left with shame and anger, asserting that his father must not survive and death. Grandpa was furious, he abandoned his father's martial arts and expelled his father and mother out of the house. Ethnic group. After Chu Tianling finished speaking, he had already burst into tears and fell into Chu Tianyu's arms and sobbed.

Chu Tianyu gently patted her on the back twice, frowned and asked, "Since my father and mother have been expelled from the house, why do we return home?"

Chu Tianling continued: "Sanbo said that Grandpa has regretted the original decision over the years, especially when he is old, and he misses his father very much, so ten years ago, he began to send people around to look for the news of his father and mother, but his father and mother have already. ..."

Chu Tianyu also looked up at the sky and groaned coldly, "What's the use of regret? If it hadn't been for their stubbornness and the abandonment of their father's martial arts, how could their father have died with hatred under the attack of the little demon? Humph, is this just a word of missing and a word of regret that can be saved?

"That's what I think, so I've been waiting for you. When you come, I'll see how you deal with it. I'll listen to you!" Chu Tianling said.

"It doesn't matter if the ruthless Chu family is not here. Since the matter between father and mother is clear, there is no reason for us to stay here. If my father still regrets, then I will continue to recognize my ancestors, but my father has nothing to be sorry for the Chu family. I have nothing to give back to the Chu family for him. God Ling, clean up and we're leaving now!" Chu Tianyu said.

The greedy wolf also nodded and said, "Don't worry, the ordinary master of the Chu family dares not do anything to you. As long as that mysterious master doesn't appear, I won't let anyone be unfavorable to you."

Seven kills also stood beside the greedy wolf, and a cold voice came: "Add me, I want a pig that relies on a pig!"

"Let's go!" Chu Tianyu nodded to the two, without gratitude, only trusting eyes.

At present, Chu Tianling simply packed his bag and walked to the gate of the Chu family. However, he just walked to the courtyard of the main gate, but was stopped by a figure.

"Yoh! What? So anxious to leave! You are not used to the rich life of the Chu family! Haha, I knew that the pheasants flying out of the countryside couldn't fly to the branches anyway. If they wanted to recognize their ancestors, they would be suffed! Grandpa must hate you, an unbred wild girl, that's why he sent you away, right? It was Chu Tianhu, who appeared as the second group of disciples of the family at the Taoist conference.

At this moment, his face was full of ridicule. He looked at Chu Tianling's eyes that almost spewed fire, and looked at the more than ten children of the Chu family behind him and laughed.

In the face of Chu Tianhu's naked ridicule, Chu Tianling was also angry. Fang wanted to teach him a lesson, but his arm was pulled by Chu Tianyu.

"I'll do it!" Chu Tianyu dodged in front of Chu Tianling, his eyes flashed, and he looked at Chu Tianhu coldly.

Who am I? It turned out that Chu Tianyu, who was expelled from the Qing Dynasty at the Taoist Conference, didn't expect you to come here and hum. If you want to climb to the Chu family, first look in the mirror to see what your virtue is. Are you qualified to collude with the witch like this?

"I originally wanted to leave here quietly. No matter how powerful the Chu family is, it has nothing to do with me after all. The Chu family, the rotten tree, the Chu Tianyu brothers and sisters, disdain to climb, but your stinky mouth really annoys me, so I decided to teach a lesson before leaving the Chu family. Get off you! It also allows you to restrain your character!" Chu Tianyu snorted coldly, and his figure burst out at the same time.

The infinite flash appeared in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, he had bullied Chu Tianhu a foot away and slapped his cheek!

Chu Tianhu was not as cowardly as Shao Feng. At the moment when Chu Tianyu's body moved slightly, he had already reacted, and his arm naturally waved a palm and faced Chu Tianyu's chest.

At the Taoist Conference, he saw Chu Tianyu's means and knew that his combat effectiveness was super strong. If he hadn't been disqualified from the competition, and who could have won the battle with his eldest brother Chu Tianlong.

So he didn't dare to be careless. While his right palm swept Chu Tianyu's chest, his left hand also blocked Chu Tianyu's arm towards his cheek.

Chu Tianyu's eyes moved, and his right palm instantly changed his moves. He directly grabbed the palm of his chest and swept his chest. At the same time, his shoulder sank and raised, hitting Chu Tianyu's left wrist.

At the same time, the free left hand also waved like lightning, like lightning, throwing fiercely on Chu Tianhu's left face.

A crisp sound resounded throughout the courtyard, and Chu Tianhu's huge body was slapped out by Chu Tianyu and declined heavily on the ground.

"Second brother!" More than ten people next to him were disciples of the Chu family. Seeing that Chu Tianhu was fanned in an instant, they hurried forward and helped Chu Tianhu up.

"Get out of here!" Chu Tianyu waved away the crowd and looked at Chu Tianyu with resentment. Although he was more shocked by Chu Tianyu's strength, it made him humiliate in front of so many junior disciples. Such a shame could not be afforded in any way.

Immediately roared, took out five or six small iron bars from the leather bag between his waist and hit the head of a gun. Under the docking of each other, a flowing long gun suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Chu Tianyu, you die--" The long gun waved, turned into a little cold light, and fell on Chu Tianyu as a head mask,

Chu Tianyu narrowed his eyes slightly and thought about how many grievances her sister had suffered with her arrogant and unyielding personality these days.

The purple sword came out of its sheath, and the cold breath suddenly filled with it. Chu Tianyu's sword was weak and wandering dragons, and the dazzling white sword light criscrossed like a practice, forcing the Chu Tianhu who rushed up to retreat repeatedly.

Chu Tianyu knew that if he wanted to defeat him, a move of chaos was enough to solve the battle, but he didn't want to end the battle so quickly.

He wants to return the grievances his sister has received these days to the Chu family intact. Therefore, the swordsmanship gradually becomes fierce, and it is actually used to deal with Chu Tianhu with the swordsmanship he learned during the battle with Liu Shishi at the Taoism Conference.

The swordsmanship is as round as one, implying the way of heaven. For a while, it actually forced Chu Tianhu to be dwarfed and resisted it with difficulty.

While wielding the long sword, Chu Tianyu sneered disdainfully, "We are from the countryside, but you were slapped hard by me to avenge. How about the children of the family? What's the use of leaving all the wine bags and rice bags like you? It's like a chicken and a dog!"

Chu Tianhu wanted to refute, but Chu Tianyu's swordsmanship was impenetrable. He gritted his teeth and insisted, but he couldn't say a word, and his face turned red.

At this moment, a figure rushed out of the backyard and stood firmly on the courtyard wall, with long hair fluttering, clothes flying over, and a long gun in his hand. It was Chu Tianlong, the champion of the Taoist Conference.