Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 175 The Real Reason

"Brother--" Chu Tianling looked at Chu Tianyu with some consternment and muttered.

Chu Tianyu cast a reassuring look at his sister, and his thoughts also turned back from the jade statue and looked at Chu Bahai and said, "Did you bring us here here to make us believe what you said under his witness?"

Chu Bahai nodded and said, "Tianyu, you are so smart that you can often understand the other party's heart from some small details, but you are still too straightforward and don't know how to hide your thoughts. If I am the enemy and you guess some important keys, I will definitely hit you at all costs. Kill!"

Chu Tianyu smiled and said lightly, "Maybe it has something to do with my childhood! Since I went down the mountain, I have provoked a lot of enemies and destroyed a sect, so I take this life lightly. As long as the justice in my heart is still there, I will always go on like this!"

Chu Bahai also smiled and did not insist on talking, but changed the topic and said, "What do you think of the current situation of the Chu family?"

Chu Tianyu said, "The Chu family is beautiful on the surface, but the internal contradictions are not small. In my opinion, the relationship between Sanbo and Chu Lingtian is really worrying. The disciples are also divided into factions. Now it is only because of your existence, there is no complete infighting, so the Chu family is ostensibly a four generations. The head of the family has infinite scenery, but I think if you drive to the west, the Chu family will be a disaster!"

This statement was extremely direct, and Chu Tianyu didn't even answer without thinking at all, because from the time of the courtyard, the eyes between Chu Lingtian and Chu Lingxiao had already faintly guessed.

Chu Bahai nodded and said, "You're right. The relationship between Ling Tian and Ling Xiao has always been a knot in my heart. It's all because they are too excellent."

Chu Tianyu said, "Isn't your son's excellence your pride? It's much better than some sons who let you down. Anyway, the reputation of the Chu family has improved a lot because of their excellence!"

Feering the meaning of his words, Chu Bahai sighed slightly and said, "Tianyu, I know that you have always been biased because of your father's affairs, but please listen to me finish telling the story, and maybe you will really understand!"

Chu Tianling also said, "How much pain your father and mother have suffered because of your false name in your heart? Since you have driven them out of your home, why do you abandon his cultivation and let them die tragically at the hands of those little monsters?"

Listening to Chu Tianling's excited words, a trace of sadness flashed in Chu Bahai's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly **. He sighed, "It's your father's own decision to abolish cultivation, not what I mean!"

"Impossible!" Chu Tianling also suppressed his tears and said, "The third uncle has told us, do you still want to cover it?"

Seeing his sister's emotional excitement, Chu Tianyu hurriedly pulled him into his arms. So far, he is still relatively rational. Chu Bahai asked him about the situation of the Chu family before, so Chu Tianyu was also a little curious about his words.

"Son, I don't have to lie to you. Your father was the best of my six sons. He was smart, very intelligent, and the most eye-catching among the six brothers!" Chu Bahai's voice trembled a little.

Chu Tianyu gently patted Chu Tianling's shoulder twice, allowing her tears to wet her clothes, but her eyes fell on Chu Bahai and did not interrupt.

"Your father is also my favorite son. He was deeply favored by me, and because of this, he was envied by other brothers. At that time, he had the best relationship with Ling Xiao and Ling Feng, while Ling Tian, Ling Ri and Ling Yu were in the same camp."

"Your father's sharpness at that time completely covered Ling Tian and Ling Xiao, who were also regarded as geniuses at that time, so he was also the next heir of the family in my heart."

"But this matter was known by people, and it also had a murderous intention for your father. At that time, your father also fell in love with Xiao Yuling as a subordinate. Of course, this unequal love was also opposed by many older generations of the Chu family at that time, but it was stopped by me. Come on, the world is equal, how can it be divided into high and low, and your mother's cleverness and virtuousness also makes me happy, so I try my best to exclude public discussion and let them get married!"

Chu Tianyu's heart moved. Although he forced himself not to believe what Chu Bahai said, somehow, he was still a little inclined to his words, so he did not open his mouth, but listened quietly.

"After they got married, your mother soon became pregnant, that is, you, and your mother's pregnancy also made others who were the head of the family more uneasy."

A trace of pain flashed in Chu Bahai's eyes and continued: "So, the open and secret struggle between brothers began, and your father became their primary target of eradication!"

"Many conspiracies followed, and even your mother was implicated. Several times, your mother almost lost her life. The situation was very dangerous, and your father was also tired of this kind of life, especially not wanting to see the tragedy of brothers and sisters happen, so he secretly came to me!"

"And I didn't agree with your father's approach, because in my heart, I still wanted to pass on the position of the head of the family to him, but your father was tired of this life and didn't want to hurt your mother and son a little because of it, so he chose to leave. I couldn't stand his bitter pleas, and I had no choice but to agree with him. !"

"Finally, he made a plan to make your mother angry with me for some trivial matters, and he quarreled with me because of the defense of your mother. Our father and son played a seamless play in front of them. What I didn't expect was that your father would abandon his self-cultivation. If you want to break all my thoughts, he really wants to go!"

Chu Bahai couldn't help bursting into tears and choking, "At that time, I endured the severe pain in my heart and drove them out of the Chu family. Your parents were also in front of me and kowtowed three times. Later, I also secretly sent people to look for them, but it's not easy to find them in the vast land!"

"I just didn't expect that it would be the last meeting of our father and son. He would die in the hands of so many little monsters. Pity my son Ling Yun!" Chu Bahai's expression was also extremely excited.

Since Chu Lingxiao brought back the news of Chu Lingyun's death, although Chu Bahai did not move at all on the surface, the sadness in his heart was deeply buried in his heart.

It was not until the moment when he and Chu Tianyu and a boulder that had been suppressed in his heart for more than ten years really fell down, but his old face was already full of tears.

Chu Tianyu was also tearful. He didn't expect that his father would leave the Chu family for this reason, and he also blamed this grandfather.

Chu Tianyu knew that it was not only Chu Bahai who brought himself here, but the sadness in his eyes was enough to make him believe what he said today.

Chu Tianling also had the same idea as him, and the hatred for him in his heart also faded quietly. Looking at his wrinkled cheeks, the two brothers and sisters were also a little unbearable.

At this moment, he stepped forward tacitly, held Chu Bahai's arm left and right, and said in unison, "Grandpa, it's not good for us. It's your fault!"

Looking at the well-behaved grandson and granddaughter, Chu Bahai felt a burst of relief in his heart, especially the temperament and temperament naturally revealed by the two, which was extremely similar to Chu Lingyun and made him extremely happy.

With all the two brothers and sisters leaning against him, Chu Bahai gradually calmed down, quietly steamed the tears in the corners of his eyes, and said, "Where are Ling Yun's bones buried?"

Chu Tianling said, "My father and mother were buried together in the storage cave of Shushan Village. I believe that my father has always been looking at my grandfather."

Chu Bahai said, "Although your father and mother live in a barren village and have suffered a lot, they are happier than fighting in the Chu family. After a period of time, Grandpa will accompany you and pick up your parents' bones. They are from the Chu family. After death, they must also be buried in the tomb of the Chu family."

Chu Tianyu and Chu Tianling nodded together. For them, their father's ability to return to the Chu family is also a wish in his heart!

"Do you know where the monster killed your parents? Do you remember what they look like? Chu Bahai's eyes suddenly burst out with a strong murderous atmosphere.

"I also recognize his bones when he turns into ashes. His name is Tiger King, and he seems to be the owner of a cave called Tianfeng Cave. I don't know where the specific location is, but it must also be not far around Shushan Village!" Chu Tianling said.

Chu Tianyu suddenly said, "Grandpa, I have revenged my father's revenge!"

Chu Tianling and Chu Bahai's eyes fell on Chu Tianyu one after another. The former showed an incredible look. In her impression, on the day her parents died tragically, her brother did not seem to be present. How did he know the enemy who killed his parents?

"That day, I went home to worship my parents and happened to meet a little demon who went to inquire in Shushan, and I also knew the beginning and end of that incident from them!" Chu Tianyu explained.

Chu Tianling stretched out his hand and took Chu Tianyu's hands. His eyes flickered, with a little pleasure and relaxation, and asked anxiously, "Did the Tiger King also die in his brother's hands?"

Chu Tianyu stretched out his hand and stroked her hair twice, and said softly, "All the monsters in the wind tunnel are destroyed. There is no life. The spirit of parents in heaven can rest in peace!"

"Brother--" Chu Tianling turned to Chu Tianyu's arms, and tears fell even more, but these tears were not sad tears, but tears of excitement after the heavy burden in his heart was suddenly released.

Looking at such a sensible brother and sister, Chu Bahai was also extremely satisfied. The more he looked at it, the more he liked this brother and sister and wanted to talk.


The hurried and high bell suddenly sounded, and Chu Bahai's face changed and blurted out, "No, someone broke into the forbidden place of the Chu family!"