Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 192 Huang Quannai

The purple and green swords are intertwined. Under the control of Chu Tianyu, the Taiji Shield instantly formed, shaking away all the swarming blue light masses.

The grand and uprightness was surging, and many of the light masses touched suddenly made a "sizzling" sound, and in the light mass, there were also bursts of sad mourning.

However, what surprised Chu Tianyu was that these light masses were not like the black light masses they had seen before. When they saw the vast righteousness that just restrained them, they avoided everywhere.

These blue light masses in front of him knew that they were defeated by the vast power of righteousness, but they were still coming one after another, which made Chu Tianyu frown.

"It seems that these light masses are inferior to the previous black light mass. At least the black light mass has its own consciousness, but these in front of them only know the original pain and do not have their own opinions!" Chu Tianyu said in his heart.

The purple and blue swords were intertwined into a thin white light net in front of him, smashing all the nearby blue light mass. However, looking at the boundless light mass at a glance, Chu Tianyu did not feel relaxed.

"If it doesn't go on like this, God knows how many of these guys there are. If they are really exhausted, they will definitely be dismembered!" Chu Tianyu said in his heart, but what should be done to defeat them?

Chu Tianyu's mind flashed, constantly arranging the means he could use one by one, and gradually eliminated them. Finally, a glimmer of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Bright, can't Tongtian Lock Demon Tower collect and suppress the yuanshen? The breath of these light masses is the same as that of the yuan gods. I don't know if the Tongtian Lock Demon Tower can suppress them!" Chu Tianyu's heart moved.

A small tower with a length above his head slowly rose in mid-air. Chu Tianyu said with a smile, "Xuanyu's yuan god is still suppressed in the Tongtian Lock Demon Tower. You can also taste it!"

"Receive--" Chu Tianyu shouted, and the Tongtian Lock Demon Tower suddenly enlarged more than ten times in mid-air. Under the control of Chu Tianyu's divine consciousness, a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out from the top of the tower.

The light is like a swaying ribbon, gradually spreading from the top of the tower, like a huge fishing net, just shrouded in the continuous blue light.

"Wow--" The Tongtian Lock Demon Tower did not disappoint Chu Tianyu. The blue light mass that stepped into the range of the golden light belt was pulled into the tower by a strong attraction.

More than a thousand blue light masses were sucked into the tower in an instant, and these light masses still have no fear at all, and the number has not changed at all.

"I don't know how many of these things can be installed in the lock tower?" Chu Tianyu's heart couldn't help lifting up again.

"What?" At this time, there was a low sound in the silent space, and I don't know what I was questioning.

At the same time, the blue light mass retreated like a tide.

"Wow--" Tongtian Lock Demon Tower fell into the sea of knowledge again. Chu Tianyu also slowly breathed a sigh of relief and returned his sword into the sheath. At this time, the stone door of the ghost door had not been closed, and a dim yellow light came from inside.

Chu Tianyu thought for a moment and strode in.

"Cock!" The stone door closed in response. Chu Tianyu stopped and looked at the stone door behind him. There was a wry smile at the corners of his mouth. There was no way out, so he could only walk forward.

In front of us is a narrow path, only half a foot wide, and on both sides of the path are full of dazzling flowers, but these flowers do not have a leaf.

"These are the flowers on the other side! Flowers and leaves are born, and they don't see each other. They are indeed the most strange flowers in the world!" Chu Tianyu suddenly caught a glimpse of the stone tablet next to the path. The stone tablet was engraved with a few beautiful words. Chu Tianyu not only looked at it!

"Huangquan Road, forget Huangquan, go to Huangquan Road, and don't look back!" Chu Tianyu read it, but a trace of interest flashed in his heart. He is familiar with the name Huangquan Road, and many people will mention it when they speak.

I just didn't expect that this Huangquan Road, which can only be mentioned in speech, really exists, and it is in the ghost world. There is no real legend about the ghost world in the world, but why did Huangquan Road spread?

Have someone ever broken into the ghost world before and brought these messages up? Chu Tianyu said doubtfully.

Just thinking about it, two figures suddenly appeared in front of him, one of whom, dressed in black, wearing a pointed hat one foot high and holding a short stick with a white ribbon in his hand.

And the other person, although the costume is the same as this person's, the color of the shirt is exactly the opposite, black.

"These two people are not the legendary black and white impermanence!" Chu Tianyu felt incredible in his heart, and at the same time, he concluded that the legend about the ghost world in the world was likely to be true.

Who is ahead? What's the name? Where is it from? How did you die?" Bai Wu often asked Chu Tianyu in a sharp and cold voice.

Chu Tianyu smiled and said, "Are you dead? Open your eyes and have a look. The young master is a living person, not a lonely ghost!"

Black and white impermanence was shocked when he heard the words. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Chu Tianyu. They looked at each other incredulously. At the same time, he grew his mouth and pointed to Chu Tianyu and said, "You... Aren't you a ghost?"

"Nonsense, you are the ghosts!" Chu Tianyu laughed and scolded and strode towards the two of them!

"You... Don't come here!" The two hissed, "Who the hell are you?" How dare you break into the ghost world! Leave quickly, or we will tell the king of hell about this matter, and we will definitely turn you into a real ghost!"

Chu Tianyu put his hands on his chest and smiled, "Since I'm here, I'm ready. You two are called black and white impermanence, right?"

"You... How do you know?" Black and white impermanence looked at Chu Tianyu in surprise and asked in disbelief.

Looking at their trembling legs, Chu Tianyu secretly laughed in his heart. He didn't expect that the two would be so timid. Now he said, "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you and ask you about a person. If you know and take me to see him, I will leave immediately!"

Black and white impermanence looked at Chu Tianyu with some fear and said, "How did you get through the hell? Many masters have died there, and you have a breath of fear that makes us feel afraid!"

"Oh?" Chu Tianyu frowned slightly and immediately understood that black and white impermanence was probably afraid of the breath of righteousness on his body. It seemed that Haoran righteousness was really a good thing, especially for these evil things, which had great restraining.

"This is my true breath. You don't have to be afraid. Answer me honestly. I will never embarrass you!" Chu Tianyu said with a smile.

In his heart, he secretly calculated that these two guys were really shrewd. It was not that they did not want to leave the news, but that the atmosphere of Haoran's righteousness had a great impact on them. They were afraid of being killed as soon as they turned around, so they carefully answered their words.

Although he understood it in his heart, Chu Tianyu did not break them. Looking at their secret communication eyes, he couldn't help laughing secretly.

After a short exchange, the two said, "You have to promise us that whether we can help you in this matter or not, you are not allowed to hurt the lives of us!"

"Okay, I promise you!" Chu Tianyu replied cheerfully.

Black and white impermanence looked at each other, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Chu Tianyu, "Who are you going to ask?"

"His name is Dongfangyang. I don't know if there is anyone in your ghost world?" Chu Tianyu asked, with a trace of urgency in his eyes.

The two thought for a moment and shook their heads and said, "The new ghosts entering the ghost world are greeted by the two of us or the bull-headed horse face. There is no such person in our impression!"

Chu Tianyu asked unwillingly, "Is it because the time is too long that you forgot? He came here a long time ago, and it has been many years!"

Bai Wuchang smiled and said, "This is impossible. Although we welcome many new ghosts every day, each of them is very impressed and will not forget it at all, even a hundred years ago!"

Chu Tianyu recalled for a moment and continued to ask, "Is it possible that you are responsible for greeting the bull-headed horse noodles, so you have no impression?"

Bai Wuchang continued to explain, "This is not true. Generally speaking, if the two of them are responsible for welcoming them, we will meet the ghosts in the outer hall and take the ghosts they greeted to meet the king of hell. On the contrary, they will meet the outer hall, so we will come into contact with the new ghosts anyway!"

"Do you still have people here who come here because of other channels?" Chu Tianyu couldn't help asking.

Black and white impermanence meditated for a moment, and suddenly clapped their hands and said, "Yes, there is another way, that is, people who have not yet died from the ghost gate like you."

Chu Tianyu was overjoyed. This is the best. It can almost be concluded that Dongfangyang is probably not dead yet. He immediately asked, "Where have these people been sent?"

Hei Wuchang took a look around and whispered, "They have been asked by Meng Po, and now they are all working hard in the Wangchuan River!"

"Meng Po?" Chu Tianyu couldn't help but think of an old woman with rickly hair, holding a bowl of steaming soup and sitting by the bridge. Whenever a new ghost is reincarnated, she offers a bowl of Meng Po soup to make this person forget all kinds of previous life.

"Where is Meng Po?" Chu Tianyu was distracted and asked.

Hei Wuchang whispered again: "Go straight along Huangquan Road, and there is a fork ten miles away, leading to the Yanluo Hall, and on the other side is the Naihe Bridge! Taking the flowers on the other side as a mark, the flowers on the other side of the road leading to the Yanluo Hall are full of flowers!"

Speaking of this, a trace of imperceptible coldness flashed in his eyes. Although it was fleeting, it did not escape Chu Tianyu's eyes.

"Well, I already know, you can leave!" Chu Tianyu said with a smile.