Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 195 Whirlpool at the bottom of the river

Chu Tianyu couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that the legendary forgetful Wangchuan River would still have such effects. He had no doubt what Meng Po said.

Because when Meng Po used her magic power and suppressed her divine consciousness, Chu Tianyu clearly felt that Meng Po's strength had exceeded his cognition.

With her strength, there is no need to deceive herself at all. She immediately bowed down and said, "Pura-in-law, thank you for your love for Tianyu. No matter where you go, Tianyu will not forget you!"

A smile appeared on Meng Po's face and said, "Go quickly!" Child, but remember my words. Strength is not achieved overnight. You have to firmly take root and step by step, otherwise you will suffer! Go ahead!"

Chu Tianyu nodded, without any hesitation, turned over and jumped into the Wangchuan River.

The cold bones suddenly swept over, and countless small drops of water rushed to him one after another, and the drops were full of cold air, which made Chu Tianyu couldn't help fighting a cold war.

At the same time, he also knew the reason why Meng Po came to the Wangchuan River to practice. The abundant aura is only one of them, and the other reason is precisely because of the things in the river.

There is this huge crisis in the water of the Wangchuan River. For the body of ordinary yuan gods, that is, the so-called ghosts, there is no big problem in the river, but for Chu Tianyu, who exists in the flesh, the water of Wangchuan River is really the strongest killer.

Every water flow, even every drop of water, contains a powerful ghost power. The water of Wangchuan River is a river condensed in the dark places. How can the body withstand so much yin qi into the body?

Therefore, as soon as Chu Tianyu entered the river, he tried to circulate the magnificent righteousness, resisting the invasion of the dark forces in the river, and urged the power of the path of righteousness to resist the invisible ghost road.

Therefore, the loss of true qi is extremely rapid. Chu Tianyu can only try his best to circulate righteousness and constantly make up for the consumption of true qi, but after all, this is to drink poison to quench thirst.

Chu Tianyu himself didn't know how long he had persisted before he climbed up to the shore and sat by the river and gasped.

Fee that the true qi in his body had been exhausted, and Chu Tianyu hurriedly sat on the ground cross-legged. Haotian's secret flowed again, and the true qi in the meridians was growing bit by bit.

I don't know how long it took, Chu Tianyu's true spirit has fully recovered, and it is much richer, even comparable to the efficacy of more than ten days of practice, and I can't help but be happy.

At this moment, Meng Po came over tremblingly, handed over a roasted beast and said, "If you are hungry, eat something. How do you feel? Wangchuan River is the best way for you to practice!"

Chu Tianyu smiled and did not have any pretentiousness. He took the animal meat, took a big mouthful of it, nodded and said, "I feel that the meridians are empty, and there is no trace of true air. This extreme cultivation method is indeed extremely fast!"

Meng Po smiled and said, "This is just the beginning. Such cultivation is similar to improving your strength in actual combat, but it is much safer!"

Chu Tianyu thought for a moment and said, "Although this practice is much faster, there is something less than actual combat, that is, intuitive sharpness and judgment in battle."

Meng Po nodded with relief and said, "Youzi can teach me. Your understanding is not below him in those years. Coupled with such hard work, you will one day catch up with him!"

When Chu Tianyu saw her mention the mysterious man again, although she was puzzled, she knew that she would not reveal anything to herself. She immediately changed the topic and said, "Grandma, thank you for finding such a place for me to practice!"

Meng Po stood up, walked towards Meng Poting, and said, "Don't thank me. You are his disciple. How can I not help you?" Start practicing when you are full! I will deal with Dongfangyang's matter properly. After you get out of the customs, I will ask him to see you, and then you can take him away!"

A trace of gratitude surged in Chu Tianyu's heart. Although Meng Po said that she helped her because of the mysterious person, Chu Tianyu did not fully believe that if it was just because of this, she would not accept those masters who accidentally broke into the mortal world. In the depths of her heart, the original kindness was always buried.

After eating the animal meat, Chu Tianyu only felt warm and comfortable, and there was no extra stay. He turned over and jumped into the river again.

Chu Tianyu hardly pauses for a moment and wanders between the Wangchuan River and the river bank every day, and every time he finishes his work, there will be a roasted animal meat beside him.

Chu Tianyu knew that these were all prepared by Meng Po for himself, and he couldn't help but be secretly grateful, but after Meng Po finished all this, she sat at the bridge again and did not mean to disturb him.

Chu Tianyu also knew what Meng Po meant, did not waste time, and fell into practice again.

Day after day, year after year, with the gradual extension of Chu Tianyu's time to go ashore, it has been a year until he can compete with the power of the underworld in the river and no longer needs to go ashore to rest.

As usual, after practicing for a few days, Chu Tianyu turned over and jumped onto the river bank and felt the true spirit in his body. He couldn't help but be happy. In the early stage of Tongxuan, he crossed two levels in a year. If it hadn't been for the magic of the Wangchuan River that gave him the opportunity to practice extreme cultivation, his progress would never have been so fast. .

However, Chu Tianyu did not have a trace of agance. He knew that Tongxuan's realm was placed in the right path. Although he belonged to the ranks of masters, compared with the two dark masters of Zhengmo, his strength was nothing at all.

It is even worse than Prince Dan. Especially after seeing the terrible strength of the emperor, Chu Tianyu believes that there are people outside the world, there is a sky outside the sky, and he still has a long way to go.

Meng Po did not avoid him this time. Although she ignored it, the terrible magic power made her know all Chu Tianyu's cultivation processes and entry, and even knew that he had entered the bottleneck at this time and immediately came over.

"Tianyu, congratulations. Do you want to continue to practice at such a level?" Meng Po asked.

Chu Tianyu bowed and said respectfully, "Mother-in-law, the effect on me is not obvious to continue to practice here, so I'm ready to go out!"

Meng Po smiled and shook her head and said, "Tianyu, you are still careless once. This is still the best choice for your practice. Haven't you found it? In addition to the dark forces that affect you, are there any factors that make you horrible in this Wangchuan River?

"Whirlpool at the bottom of the river?" Chu Tianyu suddenly said that there are countless undercurrent whirlpools at the bottom of the Wangchuan River, which is an extremely horrible realm. Even with the cultivation of Chu Tianyu's early realm of Tongxuan Middle School, he should be careful.

Those horrible whirlpools contain a large number of ghost forces coming up from the ground, and those highly condensed ghost forces, under the obstruction of the river, form one whirlpool after another.

The power of the underworld contained in those whirlpools is ten times or even a hundred times the power of the underworld in the water of the Wangchuan River. Chu Tianyu also knew this, but he did not care much about it when he was in practice.

It was not until Meng Po mentioned it that Chu Tianyu suddenly remembered.

Meng Po also nodded slightly and said, "Yes, the whirlpool at the bottom of the river is full of powerful ghost power. It can be said that it is the real dangerous place of the Wangchuan River. If you don't conquer it, you won't conquer the Wangchuan River!"

"It is a huge threshold for Tongxuan realm to reach the Yuan level, which is equivalent to the threshold between Xuanri and Xuan level. Therefore, whether you can break through the Yuan level depends on whether you can conquer the whole Wangchuan River!" Meng Po left slowly, but her voice was deeply imprinted in Chu Tianyu's mind like a wedge.

"Grandma, thank you, Tianyu won't let you down!" Chu Tianyu looked at Meng Po's back and muttered, and immediately turned around and jumped down the Wangchuan River.

The water depth of the Wangchuan River is no more than five feet, and the depth of about three feet in the upper layer is ordinary river water, while below it begins to have a whirlpool at the bottom of the river, and the lower it goes down, the greater the density of the whirlpool.

Chu Tianyu did not dare to be careless and slowly sank to the bottom of the river. He did not dare to sink into the bottom of the river. Those chaotic whirlpools would tear him into powder, so he chose to slowly push down.

When reaching a depth of about three feet, a few whirlpools began to appear in the river, sliding past Chu Tianyu's side, and Chu Tianyu did not touch them.

"Okay, let's start here!" Chu Tianyu suddenly opened his eyes, the power of Tao condensed his eyes, and everything around him was clearly imprinted in his mind.

A whirlpool slowly rolled towards Chu Tianyu. This time, Chu Tianyu did not choose to avoid it, but pulled out the purple sword, brought a dazzling white light, and stabbed directly into the whirlpool.

"Peng--" Chu Tianyu only felt a burst of blood churning and slid more than ten feet in the water before he barely stood still, but the whirlpool just became a little smaller and continued to rush this way.

"Amazing!" Chu Tianyu's qi and blood under the pressure of Yungong, this is the real cultivation, and the fighting spirit in his body has been completely ignited.

The green sword also appeared in the left hand. The two swords were like a rainbow, and the white righteousness suddenly shot out. The two swords stabbed the whirlpool at the same time, completely defeating the whirlpool.

And Chu Tianyu was also shocked by the anti-shock force and spit out a small mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale. Chu Tianyu was almost used to this feeling of injury. At this moment, what he felt was not pain, but determination.

At present, the purple and blue sword once again shot out a white sword light more than seven feet long and shot towards the next whirlpool!