Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 242 Condensation into beads

Carefully walked to the side of the white snake. Chu Tianyu tentatively kicked its feet and used a little real qi. The huge body of the white snake was kicked weakly by Chu Tianyu a few times.

"It should be out of breath!" Chu Tianyu turned around and smiled at Mo Yan, then walked to the big head of the white snake and reached for the thick nostrils. At this moment, the white snake had no breathed at all.

Chu Tianyu was just relieved. How profound is the cultivation of the big snake in the dragon period? If it hadn't taken advantage of its cultivation to be reduced, coupled with mysterious skills, it would not have been its opponent at all.

After a moment of secretly celebrating, he turned around and said to Mo Yan, "Xiaoqi, what kind of white snake does this belong to? Look at the useful place of its flesh and flesh!"

Mo Yan also smiled and said, "I don't know what the effect of its body is. It's not easy to kill it, so don't... Ah-be careful-"

Before Mo Yan finished speaking, he only saw the white snake's copper bell-like eyes suddenly open. At the same time, his big mouth swallowed Chu Tianyu quickly!

Because Chu Tianyu turned his back to the white snake, he thought that the white snake had died, so there was no reaction at all. He only felt that after a fishy smell, he lost his light.

"Bad boy--" Mo Yan rushed forward. The mother's soul-chasing needle had already taken out of her hand and took the white snake's head. At the same time, he shouted delicately, "Beast, let him out!"

The white snake saw Mo Yan flying towards him quickly. At this moment, his physical injury was serious. Although Mo Yan's cultivation was not high, he could not cope with it at this time. Immediately, the huge tail waved, and his huge body suddenly rose into the air and fled to the distance!

"Damn--" Mo Yan took back the useless mother's soul-chasing needle, used the magic formula, and chased in the direction of the white snake flying away!

The speed of the white snake was extremely fast, and it was no less than Chu Tianyu's sword flight in its heyday. At this moment, although it was seriously injured, it was still much faster than Mo Yan. In a moment, the huge figure had disappeared from Mo Yan's sight.

Mo Yan was worried about the safety of Chu Tianyu. Although Chu Tianyu was swallowed into his abdomen by the white snake, he would be fine in a short time, so he must find the white snake quickly.

Thinking of this, Mo Yan couldn't help calm down. Thinking of what Chu Tianyu said about the pool when he met the white snake, his eyes suddenly lit up. All animals are extremely important to their territory. No matter at any moment, they are unwilling to abandon their territory, especially their nest, which is even more useful. Something to protect.

At this moment, Mo Yan also concluded that the white snake must have returned to the cave by the pool where he had met Chu Tianyu before. At this thought, his figure flew up and flew in the direction Chu Tianyu had left when he was looking for food!

However, it was said that the white snake flew back to its cave with Chu Tianyu, as Mo Yan guessed.

The cave of the white snake is extremely spacious, and its huge body is also easy to coil in. At this moment, the white snake looks extremely weak, and its big head is weak on the ground.

forcibly swallowed Chu Tianyu into his abdomen and fled so far away. The white snake was obviously a little out of strength, and the Hualong period seemed to be delayed for a long time.

Thinking of this, the white snake secretly hated Chu Tianyu, but his strength has not recovered yet. Even if the boy has the ability to communicate with heaven, he will never be lucky under the powerful corrosion in his belly.

After living for a long time, the white snake has been psychic, and its intelligence is absolutely not lower than that of human beings. The relationship between the woman and this boy is obviously not shallow. The space for the moon is not large, and it will soon find itself. You must seize the time to restore its strength.

At this thought, the white snake narrowed its eyes slightly, and a faint white light appeared on Zhou's body. The blood from the wound also stopped flowing, and the injury was gradually recovering.

However, Chu Tianyu, who was swallowed into his abdomen by the white snake, only felt black in front of his eyes and knew what had happened in an instant. In a hurry, he grabbed a raised sarcoma between the huge throat of the white snake with one hand, and his body also hung there with the strength of this sarcoma.

The rapid escape of the white snake before made Chu Tianyu extremely uncomfortable, and his fingers were also deeply embedded in the sarcoma before he could maintain his figure.

Below, a fishy breath kept coming. Chu Tianyu almost vomited, but he endured it. It was not until the white snake escaped into the cave and fell into a state of cultivation that Chu Tianyu recovered.

Chu Tianyu also knows that the white snake must have found a quiet place at this moment before it can stabilize. With a flash of mind, it is also thinking about a way out.

It's just that the big mouth of the white snake was closed at this time, and it was impossible to get out of here, and Chu Tianyu also knew the strong defense of the white snake. Even if he could break through with the sharp edge of the purple and blue sword, he might not be able to escape.

Because he is still not clear about the environment the white snake is in at this moment. If it is okay in an empty place, he can escape by virtue of his body, but if he is in its cave, with the huge body of the white snake, he can't escape safely.

"This beast is also cunning!" Chu Tianyu scolded in his heart and continued to look at the abdomen of the white snake below, and his eyes couldn't help but be certain.

Chu Tianyu was surprised to find that there was a faint white light shining not far ahead, and he couldn't help but be surprised: What was shining?

Thinking of this, Chu Tianyu carefully slid down the esophagus of the white snake. There were many highly corrosive venoms in the abdomen of the white snake, and Chu Tianyu had to keep avoiding it. Such poison, if it was stained with a star, would be enough to kill himself, so he was extremely careful.

However, occasionally a few drops of venom still burned his clothes with many holes, but it was lucky that he did not touch the skin.

The white light is getting closer and closer, and Chu Tianyu is also looking forward to it. This guy has lived too long, and he may have a strange treasure left in his body in ancient times.

Chu Tianyu kept sliding down. With the white light, the internal organs of the white snake were also clearly visible. The huge internal organs seemed a little messy, and a trace of blood oozed in many places.

Chu Tianyu knew that the white snake's internal organs were also seriously injured by his own bombardment, but he didn't know whether he would still be alive if he disturbed the animal's internal organs from here.

Although he thinks so, Chu Tianyu did not dare to try it easily. He didn't know where the venom in the white snake's abdomen came from. In case his poison bag was broken, or when the white snake was struggling, the venom touched him, he would never be spared.

Thinking of this, Chu Tianyu also gave up the idea of attacking the white snake and continued to look for it in the direction of the white light!

The internal organs of the white snake are very dense, and Chu Tianyu is extremely careful, so it took a long time to find the source of the white light.

It is a white bead the size of a fist. At this moment, it is wrapped in its liver leaf, revealing only half of it, and the surface of the beads is constantly emitting a white glow.

At first sight, he knew that it was extraordinary. There were several small blood veins on the beads, which connected the beads with the liver leaves. Seeing this scene, Chu Tianyu also said to himself, "This guy actually grows such beads in his body!"

The beads constantly emit powerful spiritual power and integrate into the internal organs and flesh of the white snake, and the injuries around the beads are also recovering little by little.

"This should be the source of the power of the white snake. Is it the legendary Dragon Ball? Can snakes grow dragon balls when they reach the realm of dragons? This dragon ball is really amazing. It can heal wounds. I don't know if it's good to get it outside!" Chu Tianyu thought to himself.

Chu Tianyu's guess is correct. This bead is the dragon ball. When snakes or other animals reach the dragon period, the true qi will slowly condense into the dragon ball.

As long as the dragon ball is completed, they will truly turn into dragons and soar between heaven and earth, and the true qi will also turn into dragon balls, becoming their most powerful source of power, just like the Dantian of human beings at the same time.

Dragon balls can be said to be the lifelong cultivation of dragons, so the importance of dragon balls to them can be imagined, and the white snake has also reached the realm of dragons, so the true qi will condense into dragon balls, so the cultivation will decline.

However, the white snake that closed its eyes and healed at this moment did not expect that Chu Tianyu, who was swallowed into his stomach and thought he would die, actually had the idea of his own dragon ball.